Can You Help Save the American Dream?
I have a new book coming out in just a few weeks, and could use your help...
Dear beloved reader,
Last Sunday, I shared the introductory chapter with you of my newest book, The Hidden History of the American Dream: The Demise of the Middle Class and How to Rescue Our Future.
I wrote this book mostly to Zoomers, Gen-Xers, and other younger-generation Americans who don’t understand how we got a widespread middle class in the first place (it was FDR’s government intervention in the so-called “free market”) or why it shrank from two-thirds of us when Reagan came into office to a mere 43-47 percent of us today (Reagan’s 1981 mission was to gut the middle class to “preserve stability”).
The book will be released on October 8th, and is available now for pre-order at and along with most other online booksellers, and you can also call or visit your local store to ask them to order it for you.
This book contains vital information that every American should know, particularly as we go to the polls over the next two months. So I’m writing to ask you to help me get it a bit higher visibility than normal.
These two weeks before a book is released are a critical time in the publishing business, so my main purpose of this short note is to ask you to consider ordering the book now if you’re inclined to want to read it or give it as a birthday or holiday gift this year.
This is the moment in a book’s lifespan when the bestseller lists are being tallied up (all pre-sales count as, essentially, “first day” sales and can thus throw a book onto a bestseller list on day one). The buzz we create with these early sales will largely determine how many people end up reading the book.
FYI, American Dream is the tenth and final book in the Hidden History series of what Louise likes to call our “rainy day books”; pocket books small enough to read through on a drizzly Saturday but meaty enough that you’ll find yourself wanting to mark them up and share parts of them with friends. I put a lot of work into these books, and the feedback has been very gratifying: they really do appear to change people’s minds and provide progressives with lots of ammunition to “win the water cooler wars.”
The previous books in this series have covered The Hidden History of:
— Guns and the Second Amendment
— The War on Voting
— The Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America
— Monopolies (with an introduction by Ralph Nader)
— American Oligarchy
— American Healthcare
— Big Brother in America
— Neoliberalism and Reaganism
— American Democracy
Thanks for reading this note and considering picking up a copy of my new book. I really appreciate your sticking with me and this newsletter, and promise to keep doing my best every single day to provide you with thoughtful, carefully researched, and hopefully inspiring news and opinion!
— Thom

Hi Thom. Long time listener. since your Air America days. Looking forward to your new book and will pick up a few more for those rainy Saturdays here in the PNW. Thank you for all you do.
Thom, you got it. I’ll order today. A hit, “make it so”.
Just preordered the book.