Will the GOP Embrace White Supremacy & Fascism, or Go Back to Being the Party of the Rich?
If the GOP doubles down on fascism & racism, Lincoln’s “last, best hope for Earth” will rest in the hands of the European Union and America will become unrecognizable

The Democratic Party hit its crossroads moment in 2021 when President Biden embraced a progressive vision for America, breaking with Clinton’s and Obama’s neoliberal centrism.
Even if Senators Sinema and Manchin prevented him from putting them into effect, Biden’s hearty support for Bernie Sanders’ $3 trillion Build Back Better plan and John Sarbanes’ For The People legislation that ends gerrymandering and big money in politics showed his newfound commitment and progressive credentials.
The GOP is hitting their crossroads moment with the election this year and their preparations for the 2024 presidential election. Will they continue to embrace white supremacy, misogyny, and fascism, or go back to just being the party of the rich?
The fate and future of American democracy may hang on the decision they make.
Prior to the late 1960s, the Republican Party under Presidents Harding, Coolidge, Hoover and Eisenhower had been the party of big business and the rich. It was southern Democrats back then who mostly carried the banner of the Confederacy, of racial and sectarian hatred, of paranoid conspiracy.
But in 1954 the Supreme Court overturned its own 1896 Plessy v Ferguson “separate but equal” decision and ruled that racially segregated schools were unconstitutional and, thus, illegal. Out of that ruling came an explosion of rightwing white supremacist groups, particularly the John Birch Society, funded in part by morbidly rich oligarchs like Fred Koch.
The Birchers erected billboards across the nation demanding the impeachment of Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, as whites-only private schools — most operating as “Christian schools” — popped up across America.
By 1960, Joe McCarthy’s heirs and the Birchers had been firmly embraced by the Republican Party. Barry Goldwater famously said, as he accepted the GOP nomination for president that year:
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
Five years later, as President Johnson completed JFK’s promise to end racial discrimination in public accommodations, business, and voting, the southern racists deserted the Democratic Party en masse and joined the Birchers in the Republican Party.
President Kennedy, seeing the direction things were going, warned the nation about them in a speech to Democrats on November 18, 1961:
“In the most critical periods of our Nation’s history,” he said, “there have always been those on the fringes of our society who have sought to escape their own responsibility by finding a simple solution, an appealing slogan or a convenient scapegoat.”
Referring to groups like the Klan and the Birchers, he noted that:
“[T]he discordant voices of extremism are once again heard in the land. Men who are unwilling to face up to the danger from without are convinced that the real danger is from within. They look suspiciously at their neighbors and their leaders. They call for ‘a man on horseback’ because they do not trust the people.”
Kennedy pointed to the demagogues within the Republican Party — Senator Joe McCarthy was probably the most famous of them at the time — saying:
“They equate the Democratic Party with the welfare state, the welfare state with socialism, socialism with communism.”
Kennedy’s advice to both the GOP and the American people was straightforward:
“So let us not heed these counsels of fear and suspicion. … Let us…devote less energy to organizing armed bands of civilian guerrillas that are more likely to supply local vigilantes than national vigilance. Let our patriotism be reflected in the creation of confidence in one another, rather than in crusades of suspicion.”
The GOP, in one of the great and tragic mistakes of history, ignored him.
They doubled down on racial hatred and promoting suspicion of Americans against each other, culminating with Richard Nixon’s infamous “Southern Strategy” of 1968 and his subsequent War on Drugs that focused on anti-war protestors and Black activists.
White supremacist preachers like Jerry Falwell became a force in the GOP, an anti-woman faction went public with Limbaugh’s proclamation of “Feminazis in the Democrat Party,” and a plethora of conspiracy groups formed, most recently the Qanon cult.
We’ve now seen where the use of fear and hate as a political tool by Republicans has led America:
*Mass shootings stalk the land but Republicans refuse to remove from our streets the weapons of war beloved by their white supremacist militias.
*Republican politicians purge Black voters en masse from voting rolls with the 2018 blessing of five Republicans on the Supreme Court.
*The Supreme Court and Republican politicians from coast-to-coast are hell-bent on inserting themselves between women and their doctors.
*A Republican president assembled a small army to storm the US Capitol to assassinate the Vice President and Speaker of the House so he could retain power, despite losing the 2020 election by 7 million votes.
*Armed vigilantes are now the number one terror threat in the United States; of all the politically motivated murders that happened here last year, 91% were committed by people affiliated with rightwing extremism; only 3% could be traced to Islamic extremism and 6% to “left wing” extremism including anarchists and Black nationalists.
Now, as the January 6th Committee’s revelations continue to expose the criminality and treason committed by Donald Trump and those close to him, the Republican Party faces a stark choice:
Do they go back to being the party of the corporate and the rich as they were before Nixon, or do they double down on racial hate, misogyny, and violence as their main strategy for holding white voters to their side?
Mitt Romney, Tim Scott, and Liz Cheney probably best represent the Republicans who are willing to set aside bigotry, misogyny, and hate and just go back to shilling for the morbidly rich. Southerners Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, and Ted Cruz lead the hate and fear crowd.
America’s best chance to step back from the precipice of fascism is for the GOP to repudiate misogyny and white supremacy and return to the pre-Nixon values of the Party: shilling for rich people and big corporations, fighting unions and protective regulations, cutting taxes and creating tax loopholes for the morbidly rich.
Doing so would require rejecting Trump and Trumpism, although that may be a lot easier after the January 6th Committee has finished their work. At least then Republicans would present an anti-fascist but conservative party so voters can decide which vision of our country they want.
If, instead, Republicans double down on fascism, misogyny, and racism — like Reagan and Trump did — America may quickly become something that few other democratic nations in the world recognize, and Lincoln’s “last, best hope for Earth” will rest in the hands of the European Union.
RE: "Do they go back to being the party of the corporate and the rich as they were before Nixon, or do they double down on racial hate, misogyny, and violence as their main strategy for holding white voters to their side?"
The GQP is both - two sides of the same coin. The Party of the Oligarchs (leaders) needs the Party of the Bigots (followers) and vice versa.
In Dean's Conservatives Without Conscience, he documents this merger. The party is lead by authoritarian "social dominators" and "double highs" and they control all their authoritarian followers via a massive messaging machine that has been funded and fine-tuned since The 1971 Powell Memo by subsequent SCOTUS rulings.
“Probably about 20 to 25 percent of the adult American population is so right-wing authoritarian, so scared, so self-righteous, so ill-informed, and so dogmatic that nothing you can say or do will change their minds. … And they are so submissive to their leaders that they will believe and do virtually anything they are told. They are not going to let up and they are not going away.” — John Dean, Conservatives Without Conscience, https://www.c-span.org/video/?194148-1/conservatives-conscience
“And even if Trump accepts the will of the majority and the Electoral College and leaves the White House, his backers will remain a very powerful force, ready to give undying loyalty to him for as long as he wants, and then to the next dictator-in-waiting. And the next one will almost certainly be smarter than Donald Trump. You can be sure someone is watching Trump closely, planning to step into his place. Thus, if you want to remain free, you will probably have to outvote today’s ardent Trump followers , not only in November 2020 but for some time in future elections. You may have heard that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” -- John Dean, Authoritarian Nightmare: Donald Trump and His Followers, https://www.mhpbooks.com/books/authoritarian-nightmare/.
In addition, the GQP is funded by authoritarian captialists who control our authoritarian economic system. They have the billions necessary to maintain control of the GQP and continue the takeover and destruction of our democratic political system.
"The development of US capitalism, especially since the 1970s, has produced extreme economic inequality, the second major crisis in the last seventy-five years, and a political system in which money trumps democracy." -- Richard Wolff
It's not about the morphing of the GOP into the GQP Cult. It's about whether a large portion of the 80,656,679 registered voters, who DIDN'T VOTE in 2020, will vote in 2022 and 2024.
I read your report while watching the 2nd hearing of Jan 6 committee. And the fact we are still stewing over this completely illegitimate and criminal president - this whole “experiment” seems already DONE. I’m so tired of hearing about these completely criminal acts, I can barely stand to even think of continuing to live here. FIRST no one is addressing our climate CRISIS. It is happening. Go ahead, pay attention to the rich as always. I’m NOT needed here. There are other countries where I have felt “at home.” Yes I’m a senior and have few resources. But I have my mind, and I’m expanding the ways I see life. And WANT to see life. The US is clearly headed to a Very Bad Place to Live. I have no hope left