Along with a tremendous list of freak decisions by Republicans to keep this country strictly for Republicans and their billionaire donors there was an element that stood out to me.

You mentioned that Republicans ‘

would ‘ lay their body’s down across railroad tracks ‘ before they’d allow billionaires to be taxed fairly.

I don’t know. Sounds like a fair exchange to me.

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Whooo, whooo: many, many miles of tracks out there!

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After reading your article Thom, I need a drink! And I don't drink. The reason the GOP hates the immigrants, is because they think that they are voting for Democrats because they are poor. When in reality, it is probably about 50/50, when they become legal to vote. Poor people usually don't own their own houses and move around much more than richer people who do. That is why the GOP likes to have voter ID. After transferring about 52 trillion dollars to the rich with Reagan's trickle down theory, and then not taxing billionaires fairly with more IRS agents, the GOP has proven that they are incapable of governing a civilized Nation, because they themselves are not civilized. Nobody can teach what they can't understand themselves. The current GOP is a terrorist organization. These thugs are out to steal everything we have. Including our future and all hope for future generations.

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I recommend vodka. No carbs, no allergens. But seriously, the issue you raise of "uncivilized" and uneducable is trenchant. I have never really coped with being raised in the unkind bosom of a super-authoritarian family by way of my mother, and then you bring up "stealing," and my, my what a reflection that brought on. Piecing together history of one uncle in particular with childhood culture of being entitled to whatever "salvage" was to be snuck.... In micro to macro, it's all about suckers to be taken advantage of. Sound like anybody we know?

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Great!! Cut the IRS even more. Not only will it give the uber rich more if a free ride it will make it extremely difficult for the rest of us to resolve issues. The IRS decided i owed them money. When i tried to contact them to hopefully resolve thevissue i was put on hold....for 1 hour and 20 minutes the first time and 1 hour and 45 minutes the second time. Still haven’t bern able to talk to a teal person to help resolve my issue. Grrrr

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I am unsure what the US is doing.

For sometime now the US has been one of the biggest polluters in the world and yet these morons want to keep using fossil fuels.

Here in France and many countries in Europe have a green agenda. This means electric cars/solar/wind energy/high speed trains some electric and new ones using solar. We are getting subsidies from the Gvt. to help convert.

Presently all short flights will be banned hence the need for more trains.

Why should we Europeans try to make things better while the US carries on it's agenda of polluting the world.

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The Dems do need to campaign on the desire of the Repubs to defund social programs that enrich the middle class and needy in society that too low wages have created. The double speak of the Repubs deal in is something the Dems need to be effective in decoding to society with phrases that open up the lies the double speak is based on. We need radio and social programs to echo the 3 or 4 economic issues the next campaign will be based on while uncovering the lies the Repubs constantly spout.

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I like The Biden Child Tax Credit and Medicare for all.

1. The Biden Tax Credit increased the amount the credit offered and extended eligibility for it to millions of poor families who did not previously earn enough to quality. It kept 3 million children out of poverty, according to research conducted by Columbia University’s Center on Poverty and Social Policy. The poverty rate for children during the final month of expanded child tax credit payments under the American Rescue Plan Act was 12.1 percent, the center reported. The month after it expired, the child poverty rate jumped to 17 percent. It stood at 17.8 percent in November, the last month for which data is available.

2. Medicare for All is supported by 69 percent of registered voters including 87 percent of Democrats, the majority of Independents, and nearly half of Republicans. Additionally, over 50 cities and towns across America have passed resolutions endorsing Medicare for All.

Because the risk would be spread, the cost of Medicare Part B would drop.

I think the biggest beneficiaries would be big business that can lay off fringe expenses to the taxpayers. Shareholders should be it=rate over it.

If the collateral source rule were eliminated, the cost of virtually all types of PI insurance -- workers' comp, disability, medical malpractice ect -- would drop like a rock.

Fewer claimants would apply for SSID, firming up the trust fund.

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Excellent Daniel.

One exception, and this is admittedly disputable. Employers don't want a Single Payor Program or Medicare for All, Because providing benefits is a primary tool by which the employer keeps the employee enslaved in many industries.

I know, and so do you I am sure, people who are resentful resigned to work for an employer only because of the benefits., especially if there is someone in the house with a disability or serious illness.

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Yeah but less so with Obamacare.

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OT Daniel, but I must vent. I just read, on another news letter, that the progressive caucus in the house, has ganged up on Biden because he and Britain have taken the Houti attack on shipping to the Houti's and have struck the source of the attacks, ammo dumps, warehouse missile launch sites.

Many of the caucus are Muslim and have a Muslim agenda, identifying with HAMAS and even Iran, but this time they have broken my heart, Ro Khana, Pramila Jayapal, I voted for her when I lived in her district, and Mark Pocan.

Mark and Ro are regulars on Thom's TV show, Now they are advocates for a Muslim attack on western American, British and European shipping.

Supposedly they are afraid of "widening the war", if war does come, it will be Muslim nations bringing it, at the same time Putin has said that any attack on Russian missile launch sites,by western weapons risks nuclear war.

I guess we must all just lie down, surrender to Putin and his Muslim allies.

America has turned into a country of wooses,

I'd rather die fighting than crawl into a 55 gal drum.

I thought I was a progressive, apparently not, certainly not a right winger, a conservative. Nor am I a (corporate) centrist.

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Social Security and Medicare are not "social programs" they are paid for and paid in insurance programs. You are engaging in what the you say the Republicans do, double speak.

Republicans, i.e. Wall Street slaves, call them entitlements, when in fact they are Federal Insurance Compensation Acts (FICA or Social Security). Medicaid can be defined as a Social program, but the middle class and upper class don't quality And one must qualify for these programs as follows"

Federal Poverty Level thresholds to qualify for Medicaid

The Federal Poverty Level is determined by the size of a family for the lower 48 states and the District of Columbia. In 2023 these limits are: $14,580 for a single adult person, $30,000 for a family of four and $50,560 for a family of eight.

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Why does "liberal" media fail, even in what you might think would be the most favorable markets, if the real deal is profit? I am in San Francisco Bay Area, and have heard the death on car radio of two attempts at (the solitary!) not-fascist stations, last ten years, one only last year. The Al Gore-sponsored TV failed; famous Olbermann piss-off, whatever. "We need radio" but why is it "market" poison?

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Thom's show was proof that liberal media succeeds. In the 70's there was an intentional drive to get rid of black and community radio and TV off the air. I was not paying attention then but they were very successful. The billionaires buy up the best infrastructure which keeps the successful shows from naturally building up. They have managed to keep liberal tv and radio out of DC, New York, Miami, and most other liberal cities by simply owning all the big sticks. It is like the real estate agencies working together to make sure the blacks are kept out of the areas they want to be all white. As soon as there is success they buy the station and it starts as a sports show radio. Profit is to be made in liberal news and talk in all the liberal cities most which have none. They assassinated the most profitable and top progressive radio show host in Denver in the 70's. Blew up his car.

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Did I miss something? You describe how "liberal" media fails, like I decried. So Thom is the supposed vox clamantis? Like, succeeds?

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There is a difference between capacity of having infrastructure that the Repubs have in spades and liberal policies which for many parts of the economy work well. The lack of ownership of communications infrastructure that the Dem Party have grossly neglected like the labor newspapers we use to have in this country. Right wingers have eaten our lunch with kabuki theater while the Dem Party believes the truth is sufficient. It is not for the masses will chose satisfying emotions over intellectual knowledge almost every time. Liberals lack sufficient talkers of liberal policies in the media to counter misinformation by right wingers who have confiscated some of the conservative churches that now have abandoned liberal Jesus for right wing ideology. Even the Pope has become aware and has taken some action in appointing new blood. The truth marches on.

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While we naive "...believe the truth is sufficient." Damn I wish I was 30 years younger! Was a time I could "sell" the goldarn Truth! (had to swat down my bullying spell-check, which substituted "golden." This is not a better world!) Anyhow, How dismaying, to see an interview with some girl in Iowa who absolutely drew a parallel between Trump sacrificing himself (should I put a capital H?) for (h)is followers and Jesus. This is a terrible sickness in the Zeitgeist.

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And nothing new. You should still take up your desire to speak out. Such talent is needed. The need of humans to have a savior who will call themselves such is clearly a danger to human civilization. This is Trumpism.

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Steve are you a paid disruptor for Goldman Sachs and AHIP?

You said Social Security is a scam. What do you propose as an alternative?

Your mother is on a private Medicare Advantage program, she obviously fell for the lies, false advertising on TV. The only connection Medicare Advantage has with Medicare is that Medicare pays it a lump sum, but it is not Medicare. It is a scam.

The diffence between Medicare and so Medicare (dis)Advantage is that many of the programs are HMO, and not portable. you move out of the HMO service area and you are screwed.

And the private health insurance companies, that are Medicare dis(Advantage) can and do deny or limit services.

You are right about one thing. Any time the government announces a COLA cost because of the CPI increase. Every provider of services, every manufacturer raises the price of their product or service.

My local ISP, local serves the county only, raised its rates from $70 to $80 because of the last COLA adjustment. even my local pest control service, (I have them on contract and they spray monthly) raised their rates, along with food and other services the total price increases are, way more than a 4.3% increase, as everyone wants a 4.3% increase if not more.

This comment of yours did it:

"Social security just got a 3% or so increase and mom is waiting for the letter from Blue Cross telling her the premium has gone up because she can "afford" it now, with the SS increase!"

Your mother has no one to blame but herself, for buying into. If she is on Social Security and Blue Cross they she bought into the Medicare Advantage Scam.

Many people receive both SSI and Social Security benefits. Medicaid is linked to receipt of SSI benefits in most States. Medicare is linked to entitlement to Social Security benefits. It is possible to get both Medicare and Medicaid.

BTW Social Security was not created as a retirement program, to fully fund a persons retirement, life style and habits.

It was designed to keep people fed and housed. Medicare and Medicaid came later in 1965, by LBJ.

It was Ronald Reagan, who whacked off Social Security by the knees, what was taken away can be put back by a Democratic Congress and President.

It was George W Bush whosigned the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) which established a new Part C of the Medicare program, known then as the Medicare+Choice (M+C) program, effective January 1999, and huckstered as Medicare "Advantage"

Pitfalls of Medicare Advantage (Part C) https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/010816/pitfalls-medicare-advantage-plans.asp

From your own testimony, you are on Medicaid.

To be eligible for Medicaid

Federal Poverty Level thresholds to qualify for Medicaid you have to be at the Federal Poverty Limit.

The Federal Poverty Level is determined by the size of a family for the lower 48 states and the District of Columbia. In 2023 these limits are: $14,580 for a single adult person, $30,000 for a family of four and $50,560 for a family of eight.

I find it strange that a person at the Federal Poverty Limit, can afford a computer, a cell phone and and ISP, not to mention Cable or Satellite TV services.


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Poverty level is determined by dividing the total household income (before taxes) by the number of persons living on this income. The FPL Household Income is adjusted on an annual basis.

Therefore you are paltering.

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LOL. Fo you feel better after venting your spleen. There are still federal guidelines for qualification., and yes I know that Medicaid is state administered.

Tsk, tsk, shame on you for reaching into the sewer.

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As an addencum to the above comment..

Medicare is not free $164.90 is deducted from my Social Security, I have a secondary, a Calpers Group plan that costs $334, 2/3rds of which is paid for by my previous employer.

It is a platinum Medicare Supplement (because it is out of state) but it covers everything, no questions asked, that Medicare doesn't cover.

I have VA benefits, but the nearest VA hospital is an 8 hr trip I only used it to get hearing aids, the audiologist is local and has a VA contract. It

I also have a tertiary, Tricare for Life, from the Department of Defense as I am retired military. My secondary is even better than Tricare, and I can afford it It kicks in when Medicare doesn't cover it, or demands my physician to fill out justification paper work, like for an Epipen or Glucose Strips.

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That's a good one about term limits. It would take a Constitutional amendment, and these are extremely hard to get through Congress and the state legislatures. (For the same reason an age limit for the presidency cannot simply be legislated.) DeSantis and Haley obviously know that, but it doesn't stop them from stirring up the low information voters who never studied civics. Anyway as I've said elsewhere such things are pretty useless as an office holder's spouse or child can simply run in their place. Oh, and it is interesting what they didn't discuss. No deep look at Israel or what each would do as president with the explosive situation that is building up across the Middle East. During the Cold War candidates used to seriously discuss foreign policy (though it was often, "I'm more anti-Communist than you"). Today it's mostly crickets.

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And speaking of Vice-President, Trump just said he has already picked but isn't telling. Coy? Being an asshole?

Anyway, the money is on Gov. Noem, and she sure wants it. She gave Trump a tchotchke with his face on Mount Rushmore, that probably put her at the top of the list. Then there's the looks thing. People voted for Palin, so he knows that works. Lastly, factor-in that he will be able to compare her to Vice-President Harris. It's going to bad--very, very bad.

My head hurts already, but I am looking forward to Saturday Night Live.

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Democracy requires a strong Middle Class for it to succeed. The rich have no interest in it, and the poor (so far, anyway) don't care because they are in a constant struggle to get by. A middle class is financially stable, and is easy to tax. They have a vested interest in having a government that works for and with them. And this is why the right wingers are desperately shouting that America was NEVER a Democracy ! "It's a Republic" . Conveniently leaving out the 'Democratic Republic' part.

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Divided races cannot share the same planet. Divided religions cannot share the same planet. The ultra rich and the poor cannot share the same planet. The more evolved and the more unevolved cannot share the same planet. The truth seekers and the liars cannot share the same planet. The realists and the delusional cannot share the same planet. The intelligent and the unintelligent cannot share the same planet.

This is why, I am not a racist. To be an extremist is to seal the fate of the human race. The living will envy the Dead. The maga cult are either too stupid or delusional to see this.

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