I've just read all 5 comments below. Is there any way to get this article sent to every Democratic representative and their assistants? In huge black print and large font - with a hammer on the top? What the heck will it take to get this turned around. It's down right scary. Thanks Thom - I want to help you, help us before it's too late.

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I would LOVE to put this article

or a Distillation of it -- on every

Comment Board in the USOFA.


HOW can we

get this done?

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You and any other subscribers are more than welcome to reprint/republish this article in any venue you like, so long as there's a link to this article. Go for it!

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Danke shein, Thom.


due to their length

I'd Love to link them

are there any that're free?


& omg THANK YOU!

for your tireless exposing

of the mass Deceptions we're Re-

lentlessly subjected to by the Profiteers


who seek only to Strip-mine

America and to Hell with

the 'bottom' 90%-ish.

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There is fewer and fewer comment boards as my most favorite hold out "Common Dream"

ditched comment section with the many other sources that ditched comment board. Common Dreams is no longer my go to site nor do I contribute to them and Politico and Huffington Post to name a few. I love Thom's report along with Heather Cox Richardsons and TCof LA (I might of gotten that name wrong as he is my newest. Very scary times and my retirement plan did not plan for the demise of democracy.

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I worked with an attorney who was bundling radio stations for sale to Clear Channel and you're right; it worked! To this day, you drive across the country and very quickly you hit nothing but conservative C&W radio. I don't have the time or money to invest in 'techy' podcasts or Sirius to listen to on those drives and I don't think many other 63 year old white women do, either - some but not a lot. As for Mitt Romney's venture capitalist firm? I went up against them in a deal too. Those guys low-bid on 'distressed' companies, bought the firm, Warn Acted everyone and sold off the machinery piecemeal. Total Pr#$ks. Romney is a monster. Anyhow, so, regarding the Hispanic vote? Same thing that was done to African Americans is being done to them; promise them $ and power. Of course, the promises are never kept and that, my friends, is the democrats' problem too.

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This is yet one of those relatively intractable problems that was either caused or exacerbated by the powers of corporate personhood, and those who wield those powers will not willingly relinquish them. Senator Sanders is a bright guy and understands what’s what, so it is sad to read that Bernie decided to not interfere with the “free” market, and instead we should “let the radio industry itself sort it all out.” Of the dozens of times he was on Thom’s radio show, I have no doubt that the concept of “free” markets was discussed and he knows it’s BS, so it makes me wonder why he decided not to pursue a network of progressive news. Since the Democrats (and especially Bernie) don’t seem to understand the existential nature of this problem, it looks like the morbidly rich sociopaths that control our government will continue to build out their network of master propagandists, and soon they will be able to manipulate a critical mass of Hispanics as well. How far can a backsliding democracy fall before it becomes a full-fledged autocracy?

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I must apologize for disparaging Senator Sanders. I misread the text where Thom referenced him and thought he was the senator who said to "let the radio industry itself sort it all out.” I should have known that Bernie wouldn't say something like that. Regardless, whoever in the Senate said that about the free market should know better, especially if they intend to meet their Constitutional purpose. (And it would be interesting to know the name of that senator.)

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So why aren’t democrats going after those votes in a big way? It stands to reason that the demographic would naturally be democrat but they will be lied to by republicans. Everyone needs to educated about the realities so they can vote accordingly rather then fall into the trap of republican lies.

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DO they

Get that Education?

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Finland, who learned how to teach their kids to be good at learning from America.

And our education problems appear to have started with Reagan...

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Finland has a very successfully system and fund education for teachers to the masters level so every teacher is mastered prepared. They also identify individual needs and strengths and educate to those strengths and consequently has educated the smartest kids in the world year after year. They also have shorter school days and no homework. They are def doing something right.

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well then Finland it Is.

That's where we need to send

VP Harris. put that Woman

oni a Mission and just let

her Excell - she's been

cooped up too long

might even Propel

her right into the

White House.

who knows?

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Unfortunately I don’t think it’s happening in a way that will draw people in who need it. Democrats need to spend time and money on it the way republicans have. They are very good at it. Unfortunately it may lead to our demise. Consider how just the forming of the Federalist Society alone has influenced judges. Those are repercussions we will feel for years. Democrats need to think on this level. We have nothing to equate what republicans are doing. It’s no wonder we are neck in neck about everything.

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I jut have never understood the Left's reticence of buying media to message and to counteract all of the crap spewed across our country 24/7. Rupert Murdoch spent millions of his own money to establish his FOX network in order to spread his odious messages and mis-inform people in Australia and then here in the U.S. He knew the value of a saturating wave of propaganda.

Democrats too often are blind to the dire significance of the well thought out, and patiently perpetrated. plans of the oligarchic, racists, misogynistic, and fascistic republicans.

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Thank you Thom for allowing comments as you say you have some of the smartest listeners and commentors just like Common Dreams and others progressive sites that shut down comments.

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It seems obvious to me that the Democrats just don't take politics as seriously as the Republicans and this has been the case since the 1970's.

Ever since Clinton, at least, the Democrats have been more interested in raising money for their consultants and contractors by being the "loyal opposition" instead of actually wanting to govern.

Obama was an aberration who made it because he was a great orator and toed the correct lines. Sadly, once he was elected, he showed his true neoliberal colors. (I voted for him the first time, to my eternal regret.) He supported the banks in the Great Recession and screwed the homeowners who had been screwed already by the mortgage industry.

Until the Democrats get as serious about politics as the Republicans, nothing will change.

BTW, Hispanics are, to a large degree, already conservative in their outlook, especially the Catholics, so it's not a stretch for them to move to the Republicans. Democrats are more interested in the "suburban white housewife" as if there are enough of them to make a difference in elections beyond the local level.

Stay safe, y'all.

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It is frustrating to read that again Democrats are seemingly their own worst enemy.

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From this moment on I'm refusing to donate to any Dem who doesn't work to get a National platform on Radio and T.V. to counter this strategic Republican election edge of controlling the message 24/7, in all 50 states. Part of each donation must go to achieve this goal. Not pursuing a National media platform is clearly mismanagement and a dereliction of duty.

There are so many older Americans who believe the main source of all of their problems is immigration instead of the Republican war on unions and their historical role as a counter-vailing power, which was evidenced by achieving living wages, improved working conditions, job security, health benefits, and a better retirement.

Democrats can no longer cede any more ground to Republicans. We have to put investment into our political infrastructure if we are going to get money out of politics, by having our message resonate in every part of every State and to all 340 million Americans and counting.

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I keep wondering why and where are Democrats when the game of politics is played? Many of them seem to be playing pickle ball, or love ranting about Trump and others who don't have their lofty ideals. But as far as getting their heads and hands into the real workings of it all, which wine they are drinking seems more important.

Don't get me wrong, my CA family votes only Democratic and has for years.

Many/most of the younger Dems are in tech, and use Apple products, Apple also used by those older and seniors. Among all these, they are driving older or newer Lexus, Mercedes and now Tesla cars.

They just don't want to get "down and dirty" except for voting on election day. Perhaps overall more educated, and tending not to follow a "religion," Buddhism, yoga, meditating, and non-dual studies not religions staunchly against abortion.

We could say they have their head in the clouds, tracking the stock market, and sports contests, with no feet in this game of great importance. Maybe I'm over-generalizing.

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I should add that CA has passed many progressive laws regarding gun safety, emissions, etc., but when it comes to playing the election game, it seems we haven't tried to learn how.

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I wish that the relatively more progressive outlets that do exist, like MSNBC, would refrain from the snarky and hyperbolic rhetoric that sometimes makes them sound like Faux News for the Left, and instead get into in depth investigative reporting and clear expositions of the political and economic games that are being played against us. Report on these issues in ways that the average high school graduate can easily understand, but that doesn't sound like Twitter or Facebook sass-back. That's often been my problem with "The Young Turks," for example. They're mostly reporting clear and important facts, and I really like them, but they sound like college kids at a campus rally, and their tone won't work to woo in more conservative people who might otherwise be questioning the right-wing agenda. There needs to be solid, factual reporting without the emotional and sarcastic overlay. I'm thinking Edward R. Murrow-style coverage. Serious journalism. Gravitas. And it should avoid any reference to Marxist thought, as "The Nation" sometimes falls into. Stand for fundamental Civil Rights, justice for all, and diversity, but avoid engaging too stridently in the so-called "Culture War" issues. Focus instead on the realities of how the Republican obsession with cutting taxes is destroying the middle class and driving our exorbitant deficits. How are the huge agricultural conglomerates ruining smaller farming and ranching operations? What are the dynamics of the Powell Memo and Citizens United? How are they destroying democracy? It's also important that it not just be a sounding board for Democratic Party talking points. It needs to be able to challenge and question that side as well, and expose their bad policies and malfeasance as readily as that on the right. In response to a similar article a while back, I offered that it might be an option to develop a publicly owned platform like NPR, of which we could become financially contributing members, perhaps even shareholders, one that would seek out further resources from smaller businesses and operations that are themselves threatened by ever-increasing consolidation and monopolization. Ultimately, this outlet would make its way into the major media markets around the country. I would be willing to donate well above what I normally give to causes and campaigns to support such a project. Of course, I confess to not having Thom's grasp of the nuts-and-bolts aspects of such an undertaking, so it's a nebulous idea at best. It nevertheless seems we can't wait for the Democratic Party or some beneficent progressive billionaire to step in and turn the tide. It may take We the People.

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And I just saw that there seems to be a space limit for posts, so in case the last the above post is cut off, here it is: "It nevertheless seems we can't wait for the Democratic Party or some beneficent progressive billionaire to step in and turn the tide. It may take We the People."

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Hispanics are by and large Catholic and Evangelical, thus by nature culturally conservative, hence patriarchal, anti abortion, anti homosexual. Running through 2nd and 3rd generation Hispanics, and even 1st generation Hispanics, a disgust with undocumented immigrants and even legal immigrants for whom they blame the negative opinion of Hispanics as voiced by Trump and the fascists.

They blame the likes of drug cartels, drug mules, MS-13, Hispanic street gangs for the woes and negative opinion white non Hispanic Americans have for Hispanics.

ICYMI, take note of the number of Hispanics, especially in leadership roles,in the neo fascist movements like Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, Oath Keepers and Militias. Names like Tarrio and Fuentes jump to the fore, and then there is former Maricopa county sheriff Joseph Arpao, who with relish and delight made his bones persecuting Hispanics.

Also the vast majority of the CBP is comprised of Spanish Speaking persons of Hispanic origin, even 2nd generation and I wold not be surprised to find 1st generation border guards.

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Come on , Tom: why not name the Senator who said let them sort it out for themselves. Joe Biden?

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Another great article Tom. As an FDR Democrat and not a Reagan Democrat, I supported zero population growth, and have been opposed to fertile religious and non-religious immigrants. I have watched as my fellow Democrats ignored the fact that most of the immigrants if not almost all, are controlled by a church and they oppose abortion, women's rights, they support unfettered gun access, unlimited greed, no separation between church and state, no social security and a very small minimum wage, and a dictatorship is okay. In my opinion, Biden knows this and he and the Republicans have been allowing them in for cheap labor for the rich. It will be easy for the fascists to manipulate them, like born in America right wingers. Turning America into a third world failed nation has been planned in my opinion since Nixon normalized relations with communist China. Let us hope, all the right wingers will regain their sanity. LOL.

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In my mind, Limbaugh and his hate-radio contemporaries were the ones that started the name calling. He unleashed the crazies, misogynists, and sickos long long before Trump came along.

Thom, thanks for sounding the alarm. We shall pass this on. If enough Congressional staffers get an email over and over, maybe they will eventually read it and give it to their members.

People need to be aware the demographic change coming by 2050 is mostly about the Hispanics; Blacks and Asians are on track to increase percentages too, but not nearly as much. Spanish is the fourth most commonly spoken language---really wish I had studied it.

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I am studying THE POWER WORSHIPPERS by Katherine Stewart, all about RELIGIOUS nationalism, and a major point is regarding their efforts to get the Latino vote. Put these groups together and looks like a landslide, doesn't it? Benson

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