This will bring about a food scarcity that we have never known as well as hurt so many amazing immigrants who keep our economic engines running while simply trying to provide for their families. It’s an evil plan that the inhumane MAGA wanted all along. I wonder what they will think when the grocery shelves are empty. No fresh produce. No meat. No dairy. Restaurants will close. Economic collapse ensues.

THIS is what they voted for.


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Only a small minority of Americans voted for Trump's style of fascism (21.5% of the population; 29.5% of the electorate). But the oligarchs pulling the strings could care less how many people suffer, as long as the suffering doesn't affect them and adds to their already obscene wealth and power, which it does in spades.

As Thom has pointed out many times, when the economy collapses, the morbidly rich swoop in and buy up everything at bargain-basement prices and then start another boom cycle. The extremely greedy profit on the way up and on the way down in our boom and bust economy.

Suffering is for the little people.

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Actually, they voted against us. In a nutshell, but for Russian intervention, we wudda won bigly.

Most Trump votes came from fear of "the other" not because they liked his policies, appearance, and demeanor.

Starvation. Meanwhile Trump is an expert on temporary visas. In Trumpworld, this is a huge business opportunity. Watch the H-2A program, which allows employers or U.S. agents who meet specific regulatory requirements to bring foreign nationals to the United States to fill temporary agricultural jobs. A U.S. employer, a U.S. agent as described in the regulations, or an association of U.S. agricultural producers named as a joint employer must file Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, on a prospective worker’s behalf.

By rights employers who hired illegals should be fined into oblivion... Trump was the poster boy for hiring Polish workers on his jobsites. Had to pay a $2 Mil fine and make restitution. The Employer Sanctions Act, also known as the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986, prohibits employers from hiring, recruiting, or referring unauthorized aliens to work in the United States. I don't know this as a fact but most are MAGATs.

Here in Baghdad By the Se, we have 2 growing systems, and the farmers are forever fighting foreign imports.... Even here, most of the produce we can buy comes from outside the US.

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Nobody will be able to say « we did not know ». They voted for it! Fuck maga and gop. So many intellectually poor cultist morons will run and kill to do trump bidding and rather enthusiastically so, knowing that their devil will protect them. Bunch of degenerated suckers. Insane!

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It takes sociopathic thugs to run such a terrorist government program. They "Stone Soup" their way up the ladder of humanity, starting with the hardest to love, and eventually encompass everyone in barbed wire, because, at base, they hate everyone.

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This is not a direct response to this article’s subject matter but rather “how did we get here ?” response. I am so angry at fellow Dem voters who for whatever objection caused them to protest and vote for the orange menace or not vote at all due to “reasons!” In any other election I could maybe understand but this one never in a million years would I have not voted for sanity, integrity and democracy. WTF !!! How could so many not see the flashing red lights going off since the first tRumper’s terrible term and want corruption, chaos and destruction of support for the people not millionaires or billionaires?? F$ off to the 1% who will be over the top and feel little pain during the tRump regime. This is truly the second age of the robber barons’ control of our country. It didn’t go well the first time either.

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40% of eligible voters didn't bother voting in this election. Evidently they don't care about democracy and/or are okay with plutocracy/autocracy, just like the 30% who voted for their favorite strongman oligarch.

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There should be more attention paid to the likely future that federal law and regulatory enforcement will be a transactionally politicized protection racket. Support liberal democracy and you will be scrutinized in all ways. For example, the workplace immigration raids already being publicized by Trumps designated lead Tom Homan comes with the acknowledgement that they will have to selective in whom they target given reality of limited resources (just as Obama did, which they condemned; but whatever). Therefore it is obvious that employers that show any support for democracy or Democrats will be the first to be targeted. And employers that bend the knee and support Trump/Repuglicans in all other ways, will be given protection and bypassed. Workplace raids will be another Trump/Repuglican protection racket.

As will everything government... Support liberal democracy democrats and have regulatory oversite enforced on your means of earning money and expect extra IRS audits.  Organizations that support any unapproved opinion or group (directly or even just their right to free speech) will lose their tax exempt status, being prosecuted as an enemy within, for terrorism etc. And their supporters should expect IRS audits, TSA checks etc. 


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I agree w/ Thom's recommendation for Hispanic folks to carry their proof of citizenship @ all times, since ICE plans to round up them @ places of employment and everywhere else.

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Sometimes America's middle class and political parties have to enroll in Hardnocks University in order to get woke to the fact that their petty hatreds and biased views can have unpleasant consequences for themselves.

While most Americans will not experience the conversion of the National Guard and US Army to Stormtrumpers, they will experience the coming recession that the billionaire MAGA supporters crave as a means to expand their empires and put the workers back into subservience where they belong - as Elon Musk has not only warned but gloated.

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You nailed it!

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This is going to be so bad,Thom ?! To be honest, I don't know how they'll accomplish Everything you've laid out here because of the absorbent Costs and Manpower. You've definitely opened my eyes to an Ugly next administration. Thank You for your article this morning ☕ and will reStack ASAP 💯👍

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Costs and manpower. The taxpayers will pay the freight.

As usual, watch but don't bet.

I expect Trump to cash in -- do his best to steal the national treasury. IMHO he wants to maximize incarceration. I wrote about it the other day. Some say that Trump looks forward to benefit the private jail industry. Whether he gets a piece of the action is within the realm of possibilities. Before he would deport illegals he'll "concentrate" them. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/11/11/private-prison-stocks-jump-on-trump-appointment-of-immigration-hardliner-tom-homan.html Reminds me of internal exile, gulags.....

Similarly, re homelessness Republican leaders in Congress would equate homelessness with vagrancy and would prosecute and incarcerate them to eliminate the problem.

Meanwhile, Batista had a concept, BANDES. El Presidente got a cut of everything, to systematically profit from the exploitation of Cuba's commercial interests, by negotiating lucrative relationships both with the American Mafia, who controlled the drug, gambling, and prostitution businesses in Havana, and with large U.S.-based multinational companies who were awarded lucrative contracts. Trump is contemplating Little Marco Rubio, Batistiano, Uno, as Secretary of State. With Musk, I expect lots of deals.....

As I said yesterday, I expect a lot of privatization, and the displacement of the government to Trump loyalists and donors. The cost savings will go to the top 1% who Trump expects will become business partners, in the nature of Batista's BANDES.

As for me, I'm still playing the lottery.....

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The privatization of prisons was a cautionary sign that should have been confronted when it began several years ago. It was a re-initiation of enforced slavery, period, escaping the label by ludicrous pennies per day. The heavy fall of that corporate iron heel will be followed by less hidden realities once Trump begins his purge. No longer will people be able to just change the channel.

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For a moment I was thinking that trump will play out the part of the Greek tragic hero and be laid low by his hubris. But on reflection, he is not the tragic hero nor any other kind of hero, because after you've stripped away the hubris, all that remains is a petty, hollow shell of a man.

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“Fair is foul, and foul is fair.”

Aristotle sad that the 6th act of tragedy is comedy. Some pundits expect he will be martyred to the benefit of Vance the Terrible. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown"

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Homan who is not human and is not Holman.

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There are things in this post that make me angry & sad at the very same time. Rounding up immigrants, it is infuriating! It is also sad that there will be people that will follow those orders, some with absolute joy, some reluctantly. We saw it in Nazi Germany. There were Nazi soldiers that were delighted to be hauing off Jews. (Speaking of Jews, those assaults on Jewish soccer fans in Amsterdam is more than distressing!) And here in the USA, the "home of the free & the brave" there will be those that can't wait to start breaking down doors.

~~~~~ I still say that while the shows on MSNBC & CNN can still be on the air they should have sociologists, psychologists & psychiatrists as panel members. This is not totally a political problem, this is a sociatal problem that goes very deep into the human psyche. Hate is on the rise around the world & we need to figure out if we can dial that back. Politicians aren't adept at that no matter how noble.

~~~~~ It will be hard times indeed. The Senate is already bowing to trump's desire for political appointees & laws by fiat rather than advise & consent. He WILL dissolve the legislative branch & he will turn the justice department on citizen he just doesn't like. And many of those citizens will be loyal Magats that won't know what hit them when they too get rounded up along with the rest of us.

~~~~~ Aah, yes, the undereducated, trump loves the undereducated & let's see what he has for them?

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"I was only following orders."

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Poem found at the Boston Holocaust Memorial:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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"History doesn't repeat itself, but sometimes it rhymes."

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““With a new Trump administration weeks away from inauguration—a government openly committed to targeting its enemies with every tool available and hunting many of the country’s most vulnerable people—that someday may be sooner than you think.”

https://www.wired.com/story/the-wired-guide-to-protecting-yourself-from-government-surveillance/ https://www.wired.com/story/the-wired-guide-to-protecting-yourself-from-government-surveillance/

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l need some clarification. First, some background and then my question. The Republican Party is the party of US business interests. US business encourages illegal immigration because it tends to keep wages low and working conditions dangerous. Illegals can't complain because they will be deported. Republicans yell and scream and pretend they hate illegals, but it is only a ruse so they can blame the Democrats for encouraging it. That is why, when legislation comes up that would actually reduce illegal immigration, they always kill the bill. So, here is my question: How is it that Trump would be planning for such a massive deportation when the business community which he depends on for support would not want it? Does he now think he is in a position to defy them? .

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In this brave new world we are entering, one must think like an autocrat, where normal rules and conventional wisdom don't apply. Much like Trump's plan for tariffs, which will offer exemptions for businesses that play along with his agenda of consolidating his political power, he'll create a system for implementing a policy of deporting workers from businesses that he chooses, issuing special work visas for employees of businesses he favors. Dictators like Putin control the conditions under which subservient oligarchs operate their businesses. It's all about swearing fealty to the strongman.

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Wow, at last someone using their mind to think like a sociopath so we can learn to anticipate and fight--eliminate all input from ethics or empathy and just see power relationships. Thank you, Deepspace. I am so sick of people not realizing how low Trump will go until after he has gone there.

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For those that think I am doom and gloom, a tad bit Hobbsian, Get back to me in January.

We are beyond blaming, though if the Muslims of Wi,MI, and PA had not been so determined to flip the Democrats the bird, Trump would not have won those states, and thus the electoral college.

For them the bill will come due. Trump is no friend of Muslims and even though Imams endorsed him, he has said he will deport them, you know the vermin infecting the blood of the nation, so not just Hispanics and Haitians.

And then there is the trans, the queers, the women, the non Christians who don't want to live in a theocracy, tough shit.

Peace at any price crowd (aka Putinists) can celebrate, but the Palestinians can't as Bibi is given license to do what he wants to do,including bombing Iran and not just military installations.

Iran has been building tunnels and caverns under Tehran in anticipation of an Israel nuclear attack.

Israel does have nukes, but won't use them except in Operation Sampson, when total annihilation by the forces of Islam is inevitable.

America is demoralized, weakened by isolationism, the Sino Russian empires expand and are strengthened

And civil rights, diversity, equity and inclusion in America disappear into the fog of theocratic racist misogynistic, fascism.

Executive orders are written, probably signed or will be, just waiting to be dated. Lists are drawn up of civil servants to be fired after Trump re installs Schedule F.

Cabinet members will be told to resign or be fired and that includes the Joint Chief of Staff, and selected cronies, we know the names of most,will be appoint as acting secretaries and heads until they are ratified by the senate, and if Trump is really successful even that charade will be dispensed with

Acting cabinet members have 270 days. Biden could have brevetted those 300 generals that Tuberville thwarted. Biden could do a lot of things, Biden can do a lot of things, he has the same power that SCOTUS gave Trump.

Bidens presidential authority and immunity are the Bulwark, the last line of defense against the fascist revolution, but there he sits like a stone wall, doing nothing.

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I'm going to accompany an immigrant friend to an ICE check-in next week and I plan to try and ask the ICE guys what they think about the coming changes, and if it means that someone coming in to check in is going to be detained. They probably won't talk to me, but it's worth a try. In order to complete Trump's plan, ICE is going to have to ramp up to the point where they are the biggest law enforcement agency in the country (this is per the American Immigration Council's report on what mass deportation would look like)

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