I grew up in the 50's as well. America is not going back to that time. Women are not going to give up birth control and go back into the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, as unpaid servants. Not even the most vocal and vicious of the female Republicans (Boebert, MTG, etc) will go back to that, despite their rhetoric. Can you imagine Ingra…
I grew up in the 50's as well. America is not going back to that time. Women are not going to give up birth control and go back into the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, as unpaid servants. Not even the most vocal and vicious of the female Republicans (Boebert, MTG, etc) will go back to that, despite their rhetoric. Can you imagine Ingraham putting on the prairie dress and becoming a good submissive wife? Gays are not going back into the closet; the are done with that. They now have families, children, marriages and a stake in the national identity. Blacks will no longer sit at the back of the bus, as they did when I was a small child. They won't use the back door, drink from separate water fountains or stop protesting police brutality. The hateful 30% can cause sporadic civil unrest and likely kill innocent people, but they can't stop history, no matter how hard they try. Hitler tried. It worked for a while and then fell apart. Many died in his attempt. Perhaps this is a lesson that needs to be relearned every 60 years or so. I hope not. You mentioned the church as being part of the hate-generating dynamic. I posit the evangelical twisting of scripture as the *source* of most of it. Anyone who's spent any time driving across the "heartland," and tuned their radio to the AM right-wing hate broadcasts by grifting "pastors" knows exactly where the sickness originates.
Tucker and his propagandist ilk frighten and enrage our citizens with their usual wedge issues to serve their morbidly rich customers. Murdoch (and his fellow master propagandists) have manipulated the poorly educated into believing that white guys are entitled to a superior status in America and “the others” deserve second-class status. These folks are highly unlikely to understand that they are the marks, and the real enemy is the morbidly rich who pay the propagandists’ salaries. To plagiarize myself from a couple of months ago, “the most damaging frame job in the history of democracies is that the contest to choose who leads our government is some kind of conservative vs liberal fight, where in reality it has always been a competition between our citizens and the morbidly rich, and they almost always control the message. (Especially when it comes to laying low, or as was noted in The Usual Suspects, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.”)”
So not only are we stuck with a critical mass of mal-educated bigots, they are unlikely to ever change their closely held beliefs by virtue of the fact that they learned to be bad at learning and think owning the libs is their purpose on Earth.
You present an interesting speculation about some prominent women. I have heard that Amy C. Barrett is God-oathed to obey her husband. In my time, I haven't noticed women being backward in squashing other women. Would the queen squashers themselves "go back?" I have an idea that the ladies you reference would suddenly hush themselves in board meetings with men, and bitterly punch down on underlings who they thought were seductive or, god forbid, "promiscuous." Given numbers and what's at risk, you'd think women would be our last best hope, but I don't know....
I grew up in the 50's as well. America is not going back to that time. Women are not going to give up birth control and go back into the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, as unpaid servants. Not even the most vocal and vicious of the female Republicans (Boebert, MTG, etc) will go back to that, despite their rhetoric. Can you imagine Ingraham putting on the prairie dress and becoming a good submissive wife? Gays are not going back into the closet; the are done with that. They now have families, children, marriages and a stake in the national identity. Blacks will no longer sit at the back of the bus, as they did when I was a small child. They won't use the back door, drink from separate water fountains or stop protesting police brutality. The hateful 30% can cause sporadic civil unrest and likely kill innocent people, but they can't stop history, no matter how hard they try. Hitler tried. It worked for a while and then fell apart. Many died in his attempt. Perhaps this is a lesson that needs to be relearned every 60 years or so. I hope not. You mentioned the church as being part of the hate-generating dynamic. I posit the evangelical twisting of scripture as the *source* of most of it. Anyone who's spent any time driving across the "heartland," and tuned their radio to the AM right-wing hate broadcasts by grifting "pastors" knows exactly where the sickness originates.
Tucker and his propagandist ilk frighten and enrage our citizens with their usual wedge issues to serve their morbidly rich customers. Murdoch (and his fellow master propagandists) have manipulated the poorly educated into believing that white guys are entitled to a superior status in America and “the others” deserve second-class status. These folks are highly unlikely to understand that they are the marks, and the real enemy is the morbidly rich who pay the propagandists’ salaries. To plagiarize myself from a couple of months ago, “the most damaging frame job in the history of democracies is that the contest to choose who leads our government is some kind of conservative vs liberal fight, where in reality it has always been a competition between our citizens and the morbidly rich, and they almost always control the message. (Especially when it comes to laying low, or as was noted in The Usual Suspects, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.”)”
So not only are we stuck with a critical mass of mal-educated bigots, they are unlikely to ever change their closely held beliefs by virtue of the fact that they learned to be bad at learning and think owning the libs is their purpose on Earth.
You present an interesting speculation about some prominent women. I have heard that Amy C. Barrett is God-oathed to obey her husband. In my time, I haven't noticed women being backward in squashing other women. Would the queen squashers themselves "go back?" I have an idea that the ladies you reference would suddenly hush themselves in board meetings with men, and bitterly punch down on underlings who they thought were seductive or, god forbid, "promiscuous." Given numbers and what's at risk, you'd think women would be our last best hope, but I don't know....