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"The Holy Kaaba [Saudi land] is an honour to die and defend. So this is our aim — to liberate the lands of Islam from the sinners.”" First, a minor correction: It seems from the parenthetical insertion of "Saudi land" after "The Holy Kaaba" is defining the Kaaba as Saudi land. The Kaaba is the sacred House in Mecca, which Muslims believe was originally constructed by Abraham and his son Ishmael, to which all Muslims turn in prayer. It is called "Masjid all Haram," and is the most sacred site in all of Islam.

America needs to learn the story of this shameful war in Afghanistan and the subsequent one in Iraq. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice et. al should be tried for war crimes. Haliburton, Black Water and the other war profiteers that milked the US Treasury and soullessly destroyed two innocent nations should have their assets confiscated and the proceeds should be dedicated to reconstructing Afghanistan and Iraq and paying reparations to all who lost land and loved ones in those criminal wars. And perhaps a portion of that money could go to reparations for the service people or their families who were killed or maimed through being used as equally-deceived puppets of this Great Lie.

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Thanks, John - I'll fix the article. Appreciate your sharp eye! :)

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