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Since they could never get the votes in a free election, they went after the courts. Then, after they won the courts, they went after the news media. Then, after they won the news media, and they controlled the information (the "infotainment"), they went after the Constitution. They were unstoppable, because the highest value in society was the accumulation of wealth, and they were its standard bearers.

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Trump won in 2024 by fewer votes than he obtained in 2020 when he lost. About 12-13 million Democrats who voted in 2020 sat out this election. Apparently selling their soul to endorse a genocide and being shadow governed by Bibi Netanyahu was not a convincing enough "lesser evil" to being overtly governed by a home-grown power-crazed gangster. The Democratic Party operatives proved the reason we did not "get the votes." Trump's base didn't grow. Democrats shrank their own support base. Thank the operatives of the D-party for Donald Trump. Tom's screaming infomercial on Sirius radio that "there is nothing wrong with the Democratic Party!" is about as ridiculous as it gets.

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Same stuff I said the past several days. The margin is about 2% in blue wall states.

But for psyops, we wudda won bigly. THEY target visceral, not rational people. Goes directly to hatred of "the other." No rational person would vote for a criminal, a grifter, would vote against their own economic or physical health.

Many say that they voted ... MBV votes were ditched. Realtively easy to do. Others say the codes to the voting machines were hacked, votes switched. No prrof of this ...yet. Need probable cause to investigate.

According to Greg Palast, 2.7 million provisional ballots were tossed. https://www.gregpalast.com/

"Whose ballots? If you’re Black, Hispanic or Asian-American, the chance you were shunted to one of these provisional ballots is 300% higher than if you’re white."

"How many Black ballots were thrown in the electoral dumpster?"

"As a former professor of statistics, I know there’s still a lot of sleuthing in the numbers I have to do, but I can tell you this: The number of rejected provisional ballots, the number of voters wrongly purged from the rolls, the number of ballots “spoiled” and not counted, has unquestionably skyrocketed."

Those votes in swing states may have been enough to change the outcome. Is Tulsi Gabbard, named to control national security, an agent or just a willing idiot for Putin? Is this a payoff to Putin for "fixing" the election?

More like about 15 million less. It's reasonable to expect some people were scared shitless. For months Russian propganda predicted violence on election day. In some places ballots were burned. My wife worked the polls during early voting. Aqui mismo, Proud Boys showed up. Polling places closed in Democratic areas due to Russian fake bomb threats. In some places ballots were burned. Mailboxes and collection boxes destroyed.

I persaonally think it's the amygdala factor. Many women voted for abortion and for Trump. In Florida, 57% voted for abortion. Trump got 56.1%.

There's a recount in Pa. Roughly 80,000 ballots had not been counted as of Wednesday evening, but they’re primarily provisional ballots and remaining mail ballots that may be rejected. Republicans protest military MBV and foreign absentee ballots.

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All you say is true, but

Here are facts:

It takes 270 Electoral votes. Harris got 226, she need 44

Wisconsin 10, Mich 15, Pennsyltucky 19, total 44

Now Muslims , per James Zogby and others, wanted to flip the Democrats the bird, Iman's endorsed Trump regardless of consequence, now they have to eat their own shit, because Trump is Bibi's BFF and gives him carte blanche

Here is how the votes wash out

Trump won Wisconsin by less than 36,000 votes m there are 68,699 Muslims in Wisconsin say half are voter eligible, there are 2,000 votes needed, and I will adress that later

Trump won Michigan by 80.620 votes there are 241,828 Muslims in Michigan, say half are voters and you have 120,900 votes cast for Trump

Trump won Pennsyltucky by 137, 677 there are 139,561 Mulims in Pennsyltucky say half are voters and you have 68839 votes for Trump

Here is where the black male vote comes in. Gen X, Y and Z males never lived in Jim Crow or dealt with red lining, they live in the present, and all they see is that they aren't getting the respect, jobs, income that they think they deserve (we live in the entitled generation) and have proclaimed loudly that they aren't going to vote for Biden (Democrats)

The Population of Phillie is 47% Black.

And that is why Trump is president. Check my figures.

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I get the Philly/Pgh papers. The word is that Harris lost in Biden's home territory -- Scranton and WilkesBarre. Republicans flipped two longtime Democratic-held U.S. House seats in the Lehigh Valley and Northeast Pennsylvania

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Daniel, I read the link on Aaron Burr https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/duel-burr-conspiracy/#:~:text=Nearly%20200%20years%20later%2C%20the,Alexander%20Hamilton%20in%20a%20duel

Here is what makes me question reality.

The first paragraph

The soldiers from Ft. Stoddert, Louisiana Territory, captured the fugitive Aaron Burr on a February morning in 1807, on a muddy road near the hamlet of Wakefield. Burr's fall from grace seemed total. The former vice president, who had dressed as magnificently as any head of state, wore a battered beaver hat and ragged wool coat. The dandy who had charmed women by the score sported a scruffy crop of whiskers. Aaron Burr had traveled West just six months before to carve out his own empire. Now, he would return East to stand trial for treason.

Here we are 1807, no wireless, no photo imaging, at best a sketch transmitted via courier, and without full distribution. Wakefield La, maybe a cabin or two in the recently acquired Louisiana Purchase. Burr with a beard in basically beggars clothes is identified by probably the only soldiers,or maybe someone who turned him in.

In the 18th and even 19th Century all one had to do to escape the law is relocated to another county,

Criminals were caught only because they opened their mouths to brag or they would not change their ways.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, made a get away, but got caught because they just had to rob one more train, and Butch or sundance just couldn't leave the past behind and had to write one more letter.

Today it is almost impossible to hide, if they want you, they will find you, but not in the 19th Century.

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He had a number of co-conspirators including General James Wilkinson, one of Burr's key partners. The Commanding General of the United States Army at the time, Wilkinson was known for his attempt to separate Kentucky and Tennessee from the union during the 1780s. Burr persuaded President Thomas Jefferson to appoint Wilkinson to the position of Governor of the Louisiana Territory in 1805. Wilkinson would later send a letter to Jefferson that Wilkinson claimed was evidence of Burr's treason.

Filibusters were private citizens who led unauthorized military expeditions into foreign countries, often in Latin America, to support revolutions or secession. The term is most commonly used to describe US citizens who engaged in these activities in the mid-19th century. https://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/feature/the-filibuster-movement/

E.G. Narciso López (1797-1851) and John Quitman (1798-1858), both in Cuba along with William Walker (1824-1860), with the Walker affair in Baja California, Sonora of northern Mexico; along with further south to Costa Rica and lastly Nicaragua in Central America.

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Thanks, So that is the origin of the word filibuster. I wonder how it migrated into the Senate parlance.

I knew about Walker in Nicaragua

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Supposedly Burr coined it as a senator.

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You called it exactly. Trump knew he had it rigged from the start. Does Kamala's conceding make a difference when they find out she won? Shades of 2000 in Florida. Alos what is MBV?

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