I had a supervisor some years back who stated "I thought that stuff was all done with?" in response to my sharing the big secret that racism never went away, it just changed shapes.

Evil lives. It is our duty to be vigilant in observing and countering its ever-morphing iterations.

The truth of equality and peace is a living practice, never a destination. A day we anticipate where all things are well and our lives are nothing more than biology-on-autopilot is a day that does not exist.

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This Report made me do an inventory of my own history and how I knew, even in my teens, racism was wrong. I was surrounded by it, most were and still are. I made a conscious choice. Similarly, these days I have to put myself in check from time to time about cultural differences.

I KNEW because I had not just one mentor but millions. It didn't include my parents; eventually I tried to teach them. I learned from the nightly news, books and magazines; they taught me about the hatred and those fighting it. But, the decision to pick a side was mine. Republicans are consciously choosing to divide our nation along racial lines, because they fear the truth and our history. They choose to manipulate to gain power. Cowards.

Seventeen year old "alis" would tell Republicans to grow-up. Teens today are way ahead of any Republican agenda to divide them racially. Clock's ticking, Republicans! Now we have to convince young people politics matters in everything they do, everyday of their lives.

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Most people, both parties and Independents, are tired of hearing about racism. Try another angle please.

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