This is some really great news! 🌲

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I see the Dust Bowl as a consequence of the slaughtering of Native Americans and Bison, and the invitation of the European immigrants to settle the Dust Bowl area by the seduction of The Homestead Act which allowed settlers to own a farm by settling on land (stolen land, like the Nazis did with the Jews), and last for 5 years, made famous by The Little House on the Prairie series. Still, the reason the Ingalls lived through The Long Winter is because her father knew enough to listen to a Native American Man tell him that there was going to be a long cold winter, which was evidenced by how thick the muskrats were building their homes, and he moved their family into the town. They would have frozen to death on the prairie. Still, the mass slaughter of people who knew how to live in harmony with the prairie environment, and the mass slaughter of a big source of food, which nibbles the grass instead of pulling it up by the roots like cows do, but more shortly crops it so that soil can still be held in place were big reasons that the dust rose. This and the Europeans using their methods of agriculture which were to just strip the soil down and grow tons of wheat--a mono culture which depleted the soil that blew in everyone's faces, eyes, noses, mouths causing respiratory damage and who knows what else, and killing people. It is not as simple as that, but it slants in the direction that I see the Republicans slanting as they do, things out of hatred. They cut off their noses to spite their faces, and drag the rest of us with them. Yes, people in New York were choking from Oklahoma dust on windy days, just as we are choking in New York and Chicago from Canadian wildfires. I am so glad that this program is starting, and I wish not only would it expand in the US, but every nation would do it.

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Prairie grass (not trees). Farmers ploughing up the prairie grass which has roots up to 6 feet deep. The US government opened the land up to homesteaders. This disaster was basically created by the US govt. Ken Burns documentary on same is a must-see.

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At the very least, there's an actual "something we can do about it" moment, albeit a relatively small "something". However, it feels quite uncomfortable not having mentioned President Biden's snub of the UN climate summit yesterday, given the topic. His absence was not the leading of a nation - it was submission to the fossil fuel crime syndicate (or euphemistically, "industry"). And to be absolutely clear, I will unequivocally support and vote for President Joe Biden again in 2024 (assuming he's the nominee), because not doing so would send democracy straight to the gallows.

As always, we cannot continue to destroy the good in a futile pursuit of the perfect. But that doesn't mean we turn a blind eye to the wrong, either. Calling out the shortcomings of our representatives is a vital part of democracy, when done in good-faith.

The CCC is a good thing, to be sure. It is SOMETHING. And it is a thing WE can participate in. It's certainly not enough, and President Biden's AWOL yesterday at the UN climate summit is seemingly inexcusable. But let's not destroy what is good because we didn't get perfect.

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Wiki has a surprisingly modern-looking poster for the CCC that my father would have seen before he joined; he said it was the best job he ever had. Without a doubt, it prepared him to continue to serve during World War II.

This is exactly what we need, a place where people can get paid to try to preserve every precious resource that will be needed for future generations. We have unleashed the weather gods and we have a duty to do this.

Thankfully, it will create opportunities to build a resume while it provides a place for all the climate crisis passion some youth have. This is a chance to DO something meaningful instead of feeling helpless while being caught in a storm.

That poster says "Opportunity for Work, Play, Study, Health". I hope the new CCC does that too. Good-on the President, AOC, Markey and all the hands that help not hurt.

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I hope this isn't just a P.R. exercise for the election. If it's a serious thing, they'll consult with the indigenous tribes, who've questioned the wisdom of our agricultural and technological ways. The return to trees is essential as you mention, Thom. Only problem I see is that big tech won't cooperate, since their 5G and 6G (in the works) signals require the removal of trees so that their signals travel unimpeded. There may be a link between the removal of trees recently for 5G service, and some of the changes we're seeing in the climate.

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Thanks for reminding us about the dust bowl and the govt. action that helped on multiple fronts. Success stories such as these might restore faith in govt. action.

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What Biden does is always smaller than what is recommended, and while of course it's a good start and could offer a decent paying job to a million Americans, I will reserve my enthusiasm until I see the program physically manifest. It is after all election season, and you could write a book on such lofty proposals that never see the light of day (or whose execution is a disappointment). I say this because Biden has broken so many promises, doing the precise opposite of what he promised to do while campaigning, and it takes so much pressure to get him to do the bare minimum of good, that I can only believe what I see.

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80% of Thom's show is Trump speculation, scandal and fearmongering. But Trump is not the problem, he is the symptom of the Democratic Party's failure to establish themselves as good stewards of humanity and the planet, instead making jockeying for position for the next election their sole priority. Thom used to be an honest broker, but he now censors criticism of Democrats as if it's protecting them when it actually enables them to continue their self-destructive path. Thom is selling dog food and placating his listeners so as not to offend them, and if he weren't taking the bait from Trump he wouldn't be talking about him 75% of the time!

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