Womp, womp. Electoral College security patch failed! :-(
An updated fix to an outdated program that’s hard-wired into the system to prevent a fix won’t ever install correctly unless you monkey around with the motherboard. Good luck with that.
Exacerbating this fatal flaw, any workarounds will also likely fail, at least until the nation’s z…
Womp, womp. Electoral College security patch failed! :-(
An updated fix to an outdated program that’s hard-wired into the system to prevent a fix won’t ever install correctly unless you monkey around with the motherboard. Good luck with that.
Exacerbating this fatal flaw, any workarounds will also likely fail, at least until the nation’s zeitgeist no longer demonizes liberal thought. It’s the basic Republican “Rat Rule”: Great idea + DemocRAT = baby-eating, pedophilic, Satanic, wicked agenda. Why, of course. Any sensible solution proffered by anyone with even a whiff of bid-D socialism is the essence of unspeakable evil, by definition, and therefore resisted by a mass mobilization of good Christian soldiers across God’s great white kingdom.
Tyranny! Communist takeover of elections! (Go figure; bubbas in authoritarian red states never consider their own governorships and legislatures “Big Government.”) In their ultimate battle for the soul of Meerkkka — for a theocracy that worships money and power in the name of their gun-totin’ Jesus — (unvaccinated and unmasked) Trumpites are more than willing to ruin their lives, destroy their credibility, and even die for their one true Trumpian God.
Sadly, all that hypocritical faux commitment and overwrought self-righteousness, unchained, is only the blind willingness of little people with no power who submit to the big guys with all the power, the masters of the universe who smugly exercise THEIR free will by interfering in every aspect of other people’s lives — financially, culturally, and socially as well as politically and religiously. It’s just the unchangeable natural order of things in the species’ pecking order. Got a bitch? Take it up with God.
One of the hardest scenarios to visualize for sober and sane citizens who don’t succumb to mass delusion is a future United States where the good-faith representatives of all parties find workable solutions unencumbered by partisan pettiness, who value the good of the country more than the power of a party. And of course, that’s a future without a whiff of the Republican Party of today.
Womp, womp. Electoral College security patch failed! :-(
An updated fix to an outdated program that’s hard-wired into the system to prevent a fix won’t ever install correctly unless you monkey around with the motherboard. Good luck with that.
Exacerbating this fatal flaw, any workarounds will also likely fail, at least until the nation’s zeitgeist no longer demonizes liberal thought. It’s the basic Republican “Rat Rule”: Great idea + DemocRAT = baby-eating, pedophilic, Satanic, wicked agenda. Why, of course. Any sensible solution proffered by anyone with even a whiff of bid-D socialism is the essence of unspeakable evil, by definition, and therefore resisted by a mass mobilization of good Christian soldiers across God’s great white kingdom.
Tyranny! Communist takeover of elections! (Go figure; bubbas in authoritarian red states never consider their own governorships and legislatures “Big Government.”) In their ultimate battle for the soul of Meerkkka — for a theocracy that worships money and power in the name of their gun-totin’ Jesus — (unvaccinated and unmasked) Trumpites are more than willing to ruin their lives, destroy their credibility, and even die for their one true Trumpian God.
Sadly, all that hypocritical faux commitment and overwrought self-righteousness, unchained, is only the blind willingness of little people with no power who submit to the big guys with all the power, the masters of the universe who smugly exercise THEIR free will by interfering in every aspect of other people’s lives — financially, culturally, and socially as well as politically and religiously. It’s just the unchangeable natural order of things in the species’ pecking order. Got a bitch? Take it up with God.
One of the hardest scenarios to visualize for sober and sane citizens who don’t succumb to mass delusion is a future United States where the good-faith representatives of all parties find workable solutions unencumbered by partisan pettiness, who value the good of the country more than the power of a party. And of course, that’s a future without a whiff of the Republican Party of today.
“Ain’t nothin gonna happen.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiKrWUoTq4s