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While I back 100% Thom's suggestion that we create an "Elections USA" agency like Canada's,

I'm not going to hold my breath with Repugs holding 50% of the Senate. However, I see a problem that I don't see anyone addressing....and is being glossed over and even misconstrued in the press: The Constitution giving state legislatures the power to select the electors sent to our antiquated, dysfunctional Electoral College--no matter the actual popular vote in any given state. On the one hand, Repug-controlled state legislatures can legally override the will of the majority of voters in their states by choosing to send electors who will vote for the "losing" presidential candidate in their states. Entirely legit per the Constitution--our sacred document....right? Some are calling this an "attempted coup." But the actual problem with the "alternate slate of Electors" that several states (7) sent to Congress was simply that they were not "certified" as the Electors from those states. What if they had been so "certified" by their state legislators despite the majority of voters in each state voting for the other party's candidate? It would have been legal....yes? This is what we are concerned about happening in 2024. However, there is another side to this picture....and that is the movement afoot to bypass the Electoral College by enough states (for an Electoral College victory) agreeing to send Electors to vote for the presidential candidate who received the majority of votes nationwide...despite the vote tallies in those different states.....yes? So this would amount to sending Electors contrary to the will of the majority of voters in any of these states that have agreed to this national majority approach to bypassing the complications of the Electoral College. What a mess we have !! We need that neutral, non-partisan Elections Agency !!

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