A certain forensic psychologist has a favorite question concerning really bad and or illogical behavior. He asks what the payoff is. With evil-doers like Tucker, the answer is he wants to own the libs AND the conservatives. He may work in a covid-free environment, but he is a disease and so is FOX.

The un-vaccinated should ask themselves if their payoff is worth dying for or ruining their health. I know I have asked a friend that very question.

Unless we start testing for anti-bodies EXTENSIVELY, we will never know when we hit 90%.

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"Vaccines for me not for thee."

Ninety percent to reach herd immunity for the Delta variant? Nope, never gonna happen -- not in this lifetime, not in Meerkkka, not in this bizarro world of fools to suffer, whose idea of "owning the libs" is to spread misery and death far and wide, even amongst themselves. Stubbornly and ferociously resisting anything and everything smelling DemocRAT, even at the risk of death to their "loved" ones, is the barely-human scum expected to win Congress back in 2022 and the White House in 2024.

Why, America? Why is this still a strong possibility when by any intelligent rationale it should be laughably remote?

"If Democrats lose conclusively to those people, then they deserve it. That's a dark path, perhaps darker than any of us wants to contemplate. But I think there's no avoiding this date with destiny, for the Democrats or the Trumpers or our entire so-called democratic experiment. If you see another one, light the way." -Andrew O'Hehir: https://www.salon.com/2021/09/22/no-exit-for-democrats-mitch-has-them-trapped-and-the-path-ahead-is-darker-than-ever/

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And then you have the Mu variant which the vaccines don’t work on. God help the stupidity of people on this planet.

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It’s a nasty thing to say but if more republicans die, so be it. It’s their childish and selfish acts that have gotten us to this place. And maybe less to vote for the orange Moron.

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What if the federal government gave everybody who got vaccinated a $100. Of course that won't persuade the ones dead set against it. However, it might be enough to get people running out of money toward the end of the month vaccinated and it might give others an incentive or a reason to justify it with their friends.

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