Here's the simplest, absolute truth about MAGA from Thom Hartmann:

"Until then, as we try to debate “issues,” we’re merely engaging in meaningless political theater. Instead, we must identify, ostracize, and politically and legally crush this growing and violent insurrection against America and her traditional ideals."

The Make America Go Away junta is not interested in governance - the mechanism by which all legitimate societies are managed - they're interested in ending it. And in the absence of such a good faith governing body they intend to flood the resulting power vacuum with dictatorship exclusively of, by, and for the immorally rich. Oligarchy.

Take America's worst historical inclinations and shortcomings. Now imagine them as a permanent, rapidly-escalating foreverness. This is MAGA. This is our decision in November.

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I completely agree, and I also think the prospect of armed insurrectionists was on the minds of the "rightest" of the right-wing Supreme Court (And I hesitate to give them the dignity of capitalizing their positions) members - in their absurd bump stock decision.

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Yes, the sinister nature of the bumpstock decision was immediately clear. The machine guns will point in one direction only. I recall a Jan 6 insurrectionist asking, "When can we start shooting liberals?" The answer now is obvious: it is the day that Trump wins the 2024 election or seizes power after he fails to win it. The SCOTUS Six has insured that the fascist forces are well-armed and can mow down the opposition party and anyone else who protests in a matter minutes.

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Yes, the Supreme Court of the U.S. is looking more and more like the Supreme Court of Iran every day.

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I've told you before that when I was in Vietnam, 1967, "confederates" were caught stealing selector switches to convert rifles to machine guns for use in the upcoming race war at home. Back in the states I was in the Army of the Occupation of the South until discharge. Still had "massive resistance" off post in Columbia, South Carolina. Still had segregation.

After discharge, it seemed that the entire country was burning.... Was called up. My brother was at Northwestern School of Law in Chicago when the Democratic Convention was met with a "police riot" indiscriminately beating anyone in sight. That's more than a threat!

Hopefully by this time, the FBI has infiltrated groups like the Oathkeepers and other proto military groups. Hopefully, the military, the National Guard are aware of a threat and will be "at the ready".

IMHO the threat is mostly hype. The Orange Antichrist has called out his cult repeatedly and virtually no one showed up.

An example of his BS occurred over the weekend when he rented a Black church in Detroit. Mostly white MAGATs In the pews. When he flew to Milwaukee, he waives as if he was greeted, but no crowd met him at the airport.

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Daniel I have noticed the same things on multiple occasion. I think the bots and trolls are trying to persuade the Republican voters to vote for him. We need to get the GOP voters to vote for anybody but Trump! We know they won't vote for Biden. Someone like Liz Cheney needs to run as an independent!

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It's a nice idea, but the MAGA crowd would never vote for that traitorous woman, Liz Cheney. She might, however, siphon votes from Biden.

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Judith, Nikki Haley was getting about 20% of the gOP vote. Not all GOP are Trump supporters, in my humble opinion anyway! Let's not insult them for God's sake they might control our future. The GOP always comes up with candidates to take away liberals votes. I think it's time we come up with candidates to take away the right wing Nazi vote!

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I can't argue with your premise and I do wish it would happen!

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The non trumper GOP will go for RFK jr. Let’s hope the democrats are smart enough not to

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Friends, many attribute the root of the problem to polarization and tribalism exacerbated by social media algorithms. Indeed, there is the Mirror Effect, where Republicans view Democrats as an existential threat to America as we know it, and Democrats see exactly the same thing in reverse. However, increased polarization may be an effect, not the cause. The cause could be a well-funded, well-planned right-wing takeover of the GOP, the Supreme Court, state legislatures, and redistricting processes, as well as Congress—with the ultimate goal of establishing rule by, for, and of the wealthy.

This is the Occam’s Razor explanation—the reason democracy is in trouble is that powerful individuals have intentionally orchestrated its decline and executed their plan.

Regardless, it will be challenging, if not extremely difficult, to make progress on issues like climate change, public health, racial injustice, and economic inequality within a democratic framework. It will be impossible in an autocracy. This is especially true as Election Denialism appears to be politically and philosophically allied with Climate Denialism and Racism Denialism, forming the triad of major denialist movements.

I, John Brakey, with over two decades of experience in election integrity work full time, I have observed that each presidential election since 2000 grows in scale but not necessarily in quality, posing a significant risk to our democratic process.

We live in a dangerous world, and it doesn't look like it's getting better. It's lonely out here, fighting for transparency, social justice, and the preservation of our democratic republic.

The 2024 Election looks to be the trigger! Here is my report on what could be done, Open Letter: bit.ly/4eiWtaA

John R. Brakey

Director, AUDIT (Elections) USA

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Exactly. Thank you. The pro fascists have been trying to take control of our government for longer than anyone realizes. McCarthyism was their boldest move, until they found trump to be their standard bearer…which is ironic, since the man has no standards. And they are being backed up by Putin and other anti democracy thugs. Maybe we’ve gotten to the point where Americans are simply too stupid to support a Democratic Republic. Or, maybe the lack of true journalism just keeps them totally uninformed.

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Hi Linda Z, well I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees it. JohnBrakey@gmail.com

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Your writings always send a chill down my spine. I really think these are the last days of America. I do what I can: donating, writing postcards to get out the vote, volunteering for the Dem party, but I have a sinking feeling that it’s all for nought. I am so ANGRY, so FURIOUS that Americans in their craven stupidity and apathy will do this to themselves. As Rick Wilson says, maybe they deserve it.

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They do deserve it, but the majority of Americans do not deserve it!

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Well, at least half of Americans don't deserve it.

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It is the lack of real journalism that has led to this level of public ignorance. And the lack is the result of the slow deliberate murder of newspapers across the country. The death of the Knight Ridder newspapers (during GW Bush years) should have rung a bell of warning like a three alarm fire.

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You concisely go to the heart of the matter, Thom. I expect violence regardless of what happens in November. But far less, and far less likely to destroy our country, if the outcome is a blue victory, definitely for POTUS but for as many other offices as possible everywhere as well. A red victory will likely lead to actions by the returned tfg “Administration” so destructive of our rights, of our representative democracy, of the very soul of our nation, that we somnolent blues will have no alternative but to awaken and fight back by any means necessary, which will get very ugly very fast, and likely very bloody. Our enemies, foreign and domestic, will cheer. The morbidly rich, who have safe havens to which they will go, and no allegiance save to greed and themselves, will likely just profit from it all, as usual.

A blue November will not save us. But it will give us more time to try. That, we desperately need. So does the world.

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If blue wins big in November, Biden needs to cut the head off the snake that has been amplifying division; over in Moscow, by quadrupling aid to Ukraine. At the same time oligarchs have to be reined in with high taxes and, through Congress's overturning of the Citizens United decision with a SCOTUS-proof campaign finance bill. (Too bad Biden doesn't have the power to deport Rupert Murdoch & other treasonous oligarchs as undesirables.) The illegitimate stacking of the Supreme Court by an illegitimate 45th president has to be neutralized by adding 4 new justices, reflecting the number of Court districts. They need to pass a GOP torpedo proof Voting Rights act, similar to Speaker Pelosi's HR1/S1. The only way any of this happens is with a massive victory by Democrats in November. There is still hope for democracy to prevail, with a Herculean effort but, delusional Republicans & greed addicted oligarchs are doing their best to drown what is left of it, with their bribery tainted money.

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godammit Richard! I like the cut of your jib, sir!

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The real issue is: What is wrong with 60% of the White electorate?

When do they unf*ck themselves, and stop looking for some race-based advantage.

They (not our WWI KIA (killed in action) Heroes) are Trump's "real" suckers and losers.

One of the Dem's problems is: They [metaphorically] continue to enter the 2024 fray with bent spoons, whilst the GOP wields a running, 82", blood-encrusted chainsaw.

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In the age of Trump the GOP has demonstrated, graphically, that there is no lie beyond the bounds of their decency, no voter intimidation or system of vote rigging beyond their morality. They are incapable of honesty and decency, it's a party that is no longer capable of functioning in a modern democracy, maybe Russia, with their long history of totalitarian governments would be more to their liking. If so, they should go there.

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Bent spoons? If only! A tray of cupcakes is more like it.

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No. We are fighting back hard. But so late in the game that it’s terrifying. The MSM has been totally bought by the oligarchs. People are so ill informed

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As I have commented many times, the most grievous error this country has made was to allow the existence of the most cohesive symbol of old Confederacy to continue to exist--the confederate flag. In the South, all over the South, it is now the battle flag of the MAGA front. It's great power is comparable to another equally powerful core cohesion--the German swaztika. The difference is that the Occupying military command recognized the imminant danger of its powerful continued existence and obliterated the swaztika from all buildings, houses, etc. They made displaying it illegal, and it was enforced. The old South would be a more scattered, fractured, defeated South if the flag had been obliterated. Is it too late now? Clearly it is.

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Bring back reconstruction.

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Ah, flags in the news. I've been picturing a white one with a fringe of orange and yellow flames, framing: ALITO VERGOGNA.

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Friends, many attribute the root of the problem to polarization and tribalism exacerbated by social media algorithms. Indeed, there is the Mirror Effect, where Republicans view Democrats as an existential threat to America as we know it, and Democrats see exactly the same thing in reverse. However, increased polarization may be an effect, not the cause. The cause could be a well-funded, well-planned right-wing takeover of the GOP, the Supreme Court, state legislatures, and redistricting processes, as well as Congress—with the ultimate goal of establishing rule by, for, and of the wealthy.

This is the Occam’s Razor explanation—the reason democracy is in trouble is that powerful individuals have intentionally orchestrated its decline and executed their plan.

Regardless, it will be challenging, if not extremely difficult, to make progress on issues like climate change, public health, racial injustice, and economic inequality within a democratic framework. It will be impossible in an autocracy. This is especially true as Election Denialism appears to be politically and philosophically allied with Climate Denialism and Racism Denialism, forming the triad of major denialist movements.

I, John Brakey, with over two decades of experience in election integrity work full time, I have observed that each presidential election since 2000 grows in scale but not necessarily in quality, posing a significant risk to our democratic process.

We live in a dangerous world, and it doesn't look like it's getting better. It's lonely out here, fighting for transparency, social justice, and the preservation of our democratic republic.

The 2024 Election looks to be the trigger! Here is my report on what could be done, Open Letter: bit.ly/4eiWtaA

John R. Brakey

Director, AUDIT (Elections) USA

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I think you need to be able to explain to candidates who have lost, and their supporters, why the ABE system absolutely cannot be hacked or rigged in favor of particular candidates.

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Be that a ballot image is married through the election management system to the original hand marked paper ballot, and if necessary, could be retrieved to verify the images are real Redundancy, plus chain of custody is key to transparent verfied elections.

I encourage you to watch this video to see some of ABE’S capabilities in action: YouTube Link: https://bit.ly/4bCo97E

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WOW. When anger, contempt and resolve are channeled through a focused, intelligent mind, the result is precisely what I need to hear and read more of. I gain NOTHING by pretending it's not true. I still need to hear and read this from people in a position of political potential impact, though. Knowing this is crucial. Knowing it....but legitimately worrying that the worst case scenario is the most likely to become reality in just a few short months....because there is no leadership willing to scream it prior to the vote..... is depressingly debilitating.

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Another great article, Thom. Not much difference between Confederacy and feudalism.

If all these facts do not get the peasants to vote for democracy, then it is time to move to a nation full of democracy lovers.

It will take about $40,000 plus medical benefits a year to survive in America if you are single and paying 27% in taxes. While the GOP would like to roll wages back to $7.50 an hour instead of the needed $20 an hour which creates more jobs and consumers. I guess the rich can do like Putin is doing, send their poor off to fight and die in wars, without even a bump stock.

You can't help anyone that won't help themselves! I do not think that the right wingers mind is capable of envisioning the horrors of the dark ages, or the beauty of a world where there is no hunger, racism, religious hatred, crime or suffering. The right wing mind is so totaled, they just want someone to tell them what to do and what to think! They weren't born that way, they were made that way!

The journalists, who seek the truth, and are not paid traitors, will be the first to go. The right wingers must lie to their children and blame the left for the suffering and misery caused by their own parents!

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It’s interesting you note the bond of chattel slavery to Feudalism, because I contend that the ascension of Fascism in Amerika is largely a way-station to Neo-Feudalism, or what Yanis Varafoukis has dubbed TechnoFeudalism.

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I've been conceptualizing the feudalism analogy for decades. The thing is, it's a whole social system that people are born into. I look at the condition of females here, there, anytime or place. If any humans may rise up to help themselves, maybe there is hope of females who have had a whiff, a mere whiff of not being under serfdom. Yet how many have reproduced at the beck and call of Elon Musk? Only a hint away from the Droit du seigneur to the first night of the serf's daughter. Your post is on target about everything.

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I get so many that you's from my groups,for sharing your articles! I share in over 50 fb groups!

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Please add "Trump hates dogs."

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Of course Thom nailed it again. Especially this morning. Before I read this article I had already been wondering why all the hysterical ranting and raving and gaslighting and lying by the right wingers about the dangers of Joe Biden and SOCIALISM!! is so over the top. Why the MSM has failed us, failed to present a clear eyed factual view of reality and prop up “both sides“ distorted uninformed clickbait segments. Why so many Americans have the wool pulled over their eyes and ears and have no filter to spot BS by these malignant Maggot pustules on humanity. It’s all about power and control by the super rich and Christofascist fanatics over the perceived “lesser “ of us- women, POC, LGBTQ and the punishment and cruelty imposed for what ever imagined grievances right wingers have perceived and perpetuated since the Confederacy. Thom is right, the tenets of the Confederacy are a foundation of these anti democracy malevolent forces and Americans are asleep at the wheel. It doesn’t seem to matter to the public that the billionaires have manipulated the industries to price gouge us beyond affordable prices. (I am looking at you Leonard Leo, jacking up rental costs to manipulate the rental market against average Americans). Where is this sort of information on the “legacy media “ and awareness of how this manipulation by corporate entities are affecting our economy and lives. But by all means let’s blame Joe Biden and try to destroy him and his family but support and prop up a felon-traitor -rapist conman to gain a few more millions so he can sign legislation to overturn restrictions and regulations obstructing their god given right to unfettered super power. It’s Opposite Day every day for proponents of tRumpism.

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I can’t say for sure if the old saying ,

“ the south will rise again “ is true or not

- but the south’s notions seems to have

spread to the West - with the rugged individual theme . The new version

of Barry Goldwater is much worse.

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All Republicans are neo Nazis now

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