Irony has always been at the heart of dramatic tragedy. The fact that the white supremacists and oligarchs of the Confederacy were Democrats and Lincoln and the authors of abolition and Reconstruction were Republicans; that today's white supremacists and oligarchs are Republicans and the authors of modern civil rights are Democrats is the irony. Will the current unfolding of history be a tragedy is yet to be determined.

Perhaps one further historical irony will be that the descendants of the former slaves, people of color, women, and gender minorities, forming the core of the Democratic coalition, will be the ones to stem the tide that seems to be perilously rising. They, more than anyone, understand that the only thing standing between them and a return to a white supremacist, male dominated, oligarchic culture are the democratic principles that have been furthering human and civil rights, albeit gradually and fitfully, to all citizens.

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Thom, This is all absolutely true. The book HOW THE SOUTH WON THE CIVIL WAR is a great detailed analysis of how,this,has been accomplished since the end of the Civil War. I’m urge anyone who has not read it to put it on their list.

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Indeed. The author of that book is Heather Cox Richardson, also writer of the newsletter “Letters from an American,” the most popular Substack newsletter. Between Drs. Hartmann and Richardson, I stay well-informed - daily.

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Well, at least they are blatant about protecting "white supremacy and the wealth of its oligarchs." What is so curious is why they are supported by the people they oppress. We should talk about that. The better we understand it the better we'll know how to combat it. We are so convoluted now in our sense of identity across the boards in America, with the incredible reactionary support the GOP gets, that it has to reflect some deep disturbance, and best we get to that causal level so that vote Democrat isn't the only intelligent thing we do.

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They oppress everyone. It's just that their supporters are OK with it as long as "those others" suffer too.

Their blind, unquestioning, support of anti-demcratic forces is part of the authoritarian personality disorder. Read John Dean's Authoritarian Nightmare: https://www.mhpbooks.com/books/authoritarian-nightmare/

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The GOP will never change on its own. Their strategies have worked for them for far too long. The ONLY strategy the Democrats need to “steal” from them is how to motivate its member-voters to vote as if their lives depend on it. And this election, WE need that drive more than ever. I will forever NOT understand why Dems don’t regularly show up for every election to vote. Our lives DO depend on it. More than ever. And if we get a Congressional majority , together we can pass a Voting Rights Act.

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Don't forget to sprinkle a large portion of religion on the white supremacy and protection of the rich. Their idea that a god determines everything absolves their responsibility in any situation. It's "His" policies, not theirs. "He" created it all; they conveniently leave out the part about how they use and abuse the people and our Earth that "He" made.

From Google: "The new Confederate Constitution, adopted on February 8, 1861, and ratified on March 11, 1861, officially declared its Christian identity, “invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God.” Southern leaders chose as their national motto Deo Vindice (God will avenge)."

I'm thinking the Confederacy never dissolved nor has it evolved. It does have a brand in 2022, the GOP.

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Some of them actually believe Trump is God's "chosen one"; at one time I think Trump said that.

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Good article. Lots of data, but some good points. I liked this sentence: "Just as those who attend church frequently tend to be Republican, the converse is also true: Those with no religion are far more likely to be Democrats." Describes well where I'm at, as I tend to favor the view of the Democrats - yet I'm very spiritual. I consider myself fortunate to have extricated myself from religion, though. It's impossible to have the kind of clear vision this article offers when one is emotionally attached to any religious group; I can appreciate these views now that I'm an independent.

I found it interesting how differing cultures relate to certain religious groups, such as the Latinos to the Catholics. Again, that emotional attachment can be powerful. Many Latinos say "I grew up with this; all my family are practising Catholics". Doesn't really tell you much about who they are as individuals, just that they're comfortable being a follower instead of a leader.

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Religion fits the GQP since both are run as authoritarian systems. They attract those with the authoritarian personality disorder. Read https://www.mhpbooks.com/books/authoritarian-nightmare/

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“Biden Releases Marijuana Offenders from Prison to Make Room for Trump Administration.”


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RE: "Today’s G[Q]P fights for two things and two things only: white supremacy and the wealth of its oligarchs, just like Robert E. Lee did in his day. "

This reminds me of Heather Richardson's book, How The South Won The Civil War. The oligarchy was not held accountable then or after the Great Depression or after the recent Great Recession and they just keep coming back to reverse constraining regulations end our democractic experiment. The 2024 election and new state laws changing the election process will reveal their next coup attempt.

It also reminds me of the authoritarian personality disorder, that infects the GQP (Read John Dean's Authoritarian Nightmare), and it's core belliefs. They believe in an imaginary social hierarchy with them at the top. The also believe in strong punishment from an early age to rid those not like them of their inherent evil: Spanking children starting at 18 months of age; Bombing nations not like us; Regime change; Ending social benefits for all; Endless wars. A corollary to that punishment belief is to praise/reward/vote for those at the top of the top - the oligarchs regarles of their inherent evil: Tax cuts for billionnaires and corporations; Allowing monopolies; Owning and controlling the Free Press; Organizing domestic coups.

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They'll be tagging crime onto this agenda as well, which you hinted at when you said " Black Democrats, in particular, “chose felons over Georgia families” and sent “$1 billion in stimulus to criminals and illegal immigrants.”

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