Good news from a state that abandoned progressiveness.

Kansas Supreme Court overturns laws limiting abortion access.

The high court rejected a pair of state laws Friday, one that created special licensing requirements for abortion providers and another that banned a second-trimester abortion procedure known as dilation and evacuation. The court said the first law exceeded requirements for comparable medical professionals. In rejecting the second law, the court said the state's constitution protects personal autonomy.

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Hey again Captain, just checked junk folder , found the nourishing Hartmann Zoom Saturday.

Yahoo…Freedom baby here we go !

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Hey Captain Thom , atmosphere getting a little dry feeling the thirst of your quenching words of Freedom. Found an empty “canteen “ in Friday email looking for Hartmann Zoom Saturday .

Water my brother, water. The Tree-o-Liberty awaits.

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Biden gets my vote. He remained calm, strong and clear in the face of what was a shockingly relentless one note bulldoze style interview with Stephanopoulos. His only hesitation came from his no doubt not wanting to admit that in order to save his energy for his upcoming talks with foreign leaders he had probably not watched the recording of the debate. And for sure that was the smart thing for him to have done.

I admire President Biden and I am deeply grateful to him for successfully bringing our country out of the treacherous debacles Trump left us in, with the former president’s serious mishandling of Covid, our economy, our Allies and Climate Change, among other things.

And looking forward I value Biden’s breadth and depth of experience, his extensive knowledge of foreign countries and their leadership, and how to get things done in our country. He has good judgement and I value that he is thoughtful, reasonable, good-hearted and wise.

As an artist who has painted many portraits I am used to reading physniominies and during the debate, rather than confusion, his face mostly revealed his incredulousness at the torrent of Trump’s blatant pathological lies and his intent focus in deciding which of them to answer.

I do however feel he needs to bring on board wonderful new talent who are ready to step with him out of the old ways of competition and of threat and counter threat which are proving increasingly unwise and unstable and instead join with him in his ability to see multiple aspects and all sides of the many serious issues we face today in order to arrive at national and multinational innovative and ethical solutions that will help usher in a secure and sustainable, free and fair world that will work for all, one based on organic holistic principles rather than on fragmented ones and on a beyond binary reasoning centered on an in depth and compassionate understanding of our human nature and on the needs of the planet that together we inhabit.

If they can join fully in this vision which also entails the establishment of a viable and sustainable, fair and secure Two State Solution my recommendation for two people I’d like to see step up are Hakeem Jeffries and Gavin Newsom.

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If Biden is too old why can't we name policy mistake. Illegal immigration down, unemployment down, stock market record highs. Ever heard of Warren Buffett? Age 93, How many Berkshire shareholders clamoring for this 93 yr old resignation? Compared to Trump, no comparison. Trump age 78, google Trump + dementia, convicted felon.

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Thanks, Nigel and Thom. Looking forward to the 13th being with me.

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Sorry about that previous email… I was trying to say - most prolific journalists on the damn web. As a columnist for a small town (Greenfield, MA) newspaper, I am many times drawn to his perspectives and leads to other information sources. And great language‼️

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I find Thom one of themostpr

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I pay for a subscription but I don’t see to get all the extras!

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It’s hard to relax when the existential crisis becomes a real manifestation. Looking forward to hearing Thom’s view of Biden’s responsibility to the country’s future and this 2025 treatise the trumper’s are getting together.

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We really need to talk about Project 2025 and Agenda 47. I don't think there is much conversation about in the media and should be.

Maybe there is something to the Hundredth Monkey effect:

The hundredth monkey effect is an esoteric idea claiming that a new behavior or idea is spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea.

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Apparently enough in the media as trump needed to distance himself from the project. His claim of no knowledge is as believable as his claim of not knowing E Jean Carrol.

It really is just before the burning of the Reichstag.

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