Thank you, Bernie! This is the message we need to spread to the red states.

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Dear Louise, this song is so Perfect for Bernie and his cause. I hope you sent him a copy?! Thank You, for sharing and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍🇺🇸💙

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Here's what I wrote in my Substack: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/to-getting-organized

Where are you billionaires who have the power to reshape things? How can you behave so indifferently? It’s not even altruism that needs to be top of your list; it can be self-preservation. Serve yourselves and you lose your playing field. Instead, create a world where all you’d encounter would be loveliness.

Stratospherically rich people would start with thinking together. The subject is saving our species. Be the leaders we don’t have. You can do anything. Why aren’t you taking charge of our survival? You have ultimate power. You just filled humanity’s biggest job. Why are you silent now? How can you not preserve Earth? You have children. How about doing the most good as a new category to excel in? Go down in history as humanity’s saviors.

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Citizens United marked the tipping point in our downfall. Congress didn't do anything. The Supreme Court allowed it. The public didn't do anything. The politicians, being human, took the money. The media took the money. We decided that MONEY was our supreme value and discarded VIRTUE. This is the result. The American Dream was just another false god!

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What a hoot! Gonna be on Town Meeting on line with Bernie and Becca and Peter today…

Check Becca Balint on Facebook…

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How can I join you?

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Love this song! And love Bernie.

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Leave it to Bernie, Thom and Louise! You are a three-person defense against U.S. fascism! Will listen to the interview tonight on my night run.

Thank you all three for your hard work.

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Went for the night run and listened to Thom’s interview with Bernie, you’re both doing amazing, courageous work (together with music by Louise).

P.S. Washed running shoes after run, noted a lot of bird poop on running route which had not noticed before, thanks to Thom’s warning about bird flu.

Hope you enjoy that vacation coming up too!

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God Bless Bernie! 🙏🎶

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Now that's fun!

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Here is copy of a letter you can use --- as a template --- to send to your representatives. Please don't copy and paste it. That will defeat the purpose.

Thank you Senator …for your response.

I have always appreciated you and voted for you. I do appreciate what you are trying to do. I also know that the net result of trying is “having tried.” I need you to do MORE.

We are beyond a constitutional crisis. We are in a coup. A dictator and the richest man in the world have taken over (almost) the US government. This is a major crisis.

I don't want to feel about you and other congressmen and senators the way I do about the members of the American Neo fascist party. That you all stood by while our country is taken over by a dictator and an oligarch. Passing bills that these criminals, cons and grifters will ignore does no good. Depending on laws this Mafia will ignore will do no good.

I know you have tried but now I need you to step up and DO. The net result of DOING is having done. I need you to declare this administration as traitors to the United States of America and call out whoever you need to take them out of office. Yes, a counter coup to take back our country is in order.

I have had my share of encounters with bullies and I know appeasement has never worked. What one needs to do is to find a 10-foot-high fence and when the bully comes around jump off that fence and beat the you know what out of him or them. That works.

Hitler, took over Germany within 2 months after he became chancellor. tRump and Apartheid Musk are following the same trajectory.

You and I will be eliminated once this coup is over anyway so why not do everything you can to make this country whole and democratic again? Why not do the right thing.

Or you can side with Putin like some of your other colleagues.

Remember this Senator …. They came for the Homosexuals and I did not act because I was not homosexual. Then they came for the gypsies and I did not act because I was not a gypsy. Then they came…Then they came for you and me … and there was no-one left to speak up.


Your name

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I've got another song to add to the mix, James McMurtry's song "We Can't Make It Here." Check it out on YouTube. He speaks the truth. It's fabulous!! You will dig it. Check it out.

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Let's di it. We women all over the Country k ow how to Mobilize.

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Thom, I’ll catch up with you later, I have an early appointment. Have to accompany someone to the hospital for a procedure. I should be done in time for your program I hope.

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I, really am on board for Bernie’s Tour. Sounds good. Spread the word all around from shore to shore. I, like Bernie’s drive. He has a lot of drive, we need this spread the word indeed.

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Please give out thanks and praise to Bernie Sanders!

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