History all Americans should know, but few will care to learn. Personal to me. I sat next to one of those pardoned, Elliott Abrams, in a first year class at Harvard Law School. Always in a suit with Avery thinking tie, I remember vividly his scanning of our class through narrowed eyes as he said quietly to me “There are Communists here, you know.” Maybe there were. But that Elliott was paranoid, not a little sketchy, even a tad scary, was certainly true. Needless to say, we did not become friends.

Every article Thom writes just makes it clearer and clearer. We are on the precipice, and teetering. If we are not to fall, and our country, indeed probably the world, with us, we must do all within our power to maximize the blue vote in November. Because right here, right now, warts and all, the worst blue candidate is better than the best red one. Vote as if your life and those of your partners, children, grandchildren, other relatives and friends depended on it. Because they do.

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"Because right here, right now, warts and all, the worst blue candidate is better than the best red one. Vote as if your life and those of your partners, children, grandchildren, other relatives and friends depended on it. Because they do." Yes, and I and many of my relatives have said the same thing...

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Barr and John Durham held two secret meetings with Italian intelligence agencies as part of an investigation by Trump's administration into the origins of the inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 American election. They found nothing to undermine the Mueller Report, found nothing to implicate Hilary Clinton or the Democrats.

What they did find was the Italian CIA had discovered more evidence to implicate Trump.

They buried that info. "Mr. Barr and Mr. Durham never disclosed that their inquiry expanded in the fall of 2019, based on a tip from Italian officials, to include a criminal investigation into suspicious financial dealings related to Mr. Trump. The specifics of the tip and how they handled the investigation remain unclear, but Mr. Durham brought no charges over it." NYT How Barr’s Quest to Find Flaws in the Russia Inquiry Unraveled. The review by John Durham at one point veered into a criminal investigation related to Donald Trump himself, even as it failed to find wrongdoing in the origins of the Russia inquiry. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/26/us/politics/durham-trump-russia-barr.html

Cover-up. Also makes both of them hostile witnesses in another Trump case.

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Thanks (?), Thom, for another depressing and disheartening piece on the GQP and Barr. My simple understanding of G.H.W.B was that he was, like Cheney, an oilman, as well as his sonny, "W", who appears to have killed a million Iraqi's and totally destabilized their nation for oil. I have been searching the net for research articles teasing out the contributions to global heating from fossil fuel burning, as opposed to solar radiation. Plenty challenging the common narrative of GHGs (CO2, et.al.) having no research to support ANY role at all, but only one "Thermal pollution causes global warming", by the Swede Bo Nordell, 2003.

It is a cover-up of enormous proportions that has hidden the role of, yup, you guessed it, fossil fuel corporations and their henchmen to defraud the American public, yet again. Retired polymath Eliot Jacobson has posited that we are generating the heat equivalent of 12 Hiroshima yield (63 trillion BTUs) nuclear bomb blasts PER SECOND into the already massively overheated global environment, which I make out to be 1, 036,800 PER DAY. The hoopla over CO2 appears to be just another distraction/misdirection from the fossil fuel story: 8 billion tons of coal per year, and 100 million barrels of oil PER DAY. Not too great a leap to trace the whole extinction level global heating nightmare back to the fossil fuel overlords. The greenhouse effect is real, but solar radiation appears to play second fiddle to "thermal pollution" from fossil fuel burning. Thanks, again, for your sincere, thorough investigative journalism!

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As I'm sure you know, W and Cheney (aka "Pinky and the Brain") did far more than that. Nobody seems to want to mention that ISIS wouldn't exist if they hadn't started that invasion based on lies. (And incidentally ones similar to what I heard justifying the Vietnam War.) It's like Americans don't want to remember anything, though invading Iraq made as much sense as if after Pearl Harbor FDR had gone into Peru. All this and far more is too embarrassing and complicated for the public, so Barr and company get lost in the mix.

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"Pinky and the Brain", I would LMAO, if it wasn't so true!

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There were many motivations behind Dubya's war of choice with Iraq.

1. Competition with Daddy. He had to finish what Daddy didn't, and become a war president and get reelected which Daddy didn't. The father son competition is as old as Egypt.

2. Saddam screwed the goose and made himself a threat to the Saudi's, the Arab world, and Israel, when he declared himself Nebuchadnezzar reincarnated, and then a new Salah al din.

Thus posing a threat not only to Arab leadership by the Saudi's but also to the state of Israel

3. Lastly oil, but that was more Dick Cheney that Dubya. Dubya is like Trump, not a deep thinker, but totally transactional. Cheney saw a chance to grab Arab oil, but was foiled in the end. Halliburton was virtually bankrupt when Cheney was tabbed as VP by Bush.

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IMHO, #3, fealty to the military industrial complex, #2, #1. ?

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It is abundantly clear that the GOP has been corrupt since WWII. Not all at once but a slide in that direction and along came Joe McCarthy. With J. Edgar Hoover running the show behind the scenes, they haven't looked back since. J. Edgar may be long dead but his legacy lives on in people like Bill Barr, who will do anything for anyone in power behind the scenes because now they become indispensable and that is were the the real power lies.

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Actually, Eisenhower would have been considered a liberal democrat by today's standards. He was a principled man (with flaws, of course) who cared a lot about this country and its people - the last non-corrupt Republican President. Read the excellent biography of Anna Rosenberg called "The Confidante" by Christopher Gorham.

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The FBI ignored Business caused Medicare fraud til it reached $60 billion then hey acted feebly!

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Release the Mueller report unredacted.

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I do not believe that Robert Mueller was an honest broker. One can conduct a "thorough" investiagation without finding anything significant, just know who not to question, and ignore unwelcome answers.

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He was a Republican. He had the demeanor of someone who has OBS, organic brain syndrome.

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Back to back corrupt attorney generals. It feels like the fix is in. Purge all the Democrats from the voting booths! Don't prosecute the leader of the insurrection or his GOP minions!

Maga would be easy to beat at the poles if they were not backed by the fascist, traitorous, billionaires and their right wing media outlets, who are always rowling up the maga base. mAGAS have a tendency to forget anything with over two syllable words involved.

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Main Stream Media is complicit in 2024 as well as it was in 2016 with both siderism and free publicity for the Orange Menace. And I cannot trust those polls they like to quote. Lots of talk about Dems and GOP but little acknowledgment that a good portion of the voting population is neither and cannot be easily quantified making polls' meaning questionable.

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The polls don't ask the only important question, but asking it will make them irrelevant.

The question is:

Who will you vote for. any other question gives the talking heads an opportunity pedantically bloviate.

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Looks like there is no one , it seems who wants to go after Barr for his unceasing corruption.

It is utterly disturbing to see that the whole Republican machine from the Federalist Society, Supreme Court, the wealthiest Robber Barons ,Trump, backed by Putin and Orban have been seething corruption on every level

Throughout these years.

Let me not forget every Republican

Presidency since Eisenhower has thrown their hat into this ring.

It becomes hard to believe anyone will ever be held accountable.

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This gets right to the heart of the perpetual Republican treasonous and lawless behavior. They have betrayed America economically, environmentally, and politically. Trump is not an anomaly, he is the embodiment.

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Nail them Mr Bragg.

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There are few heroes - except for Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney. Democrats never follow up on Republican corruption. Biden should have ordered the Justice Department to investigate Jan. 6 and report to the American people. He didn't. Even worse he appointed a milquetoast Attorney General who appears to have done nothing until he was forced. We have learned that American Justice is a joke that can only be purchased by the rich and powerful. Numerous Trump collaborators remain in the Congress, and the media have normalized aberrant behavior. We are a disgrace to honesty, integrity and justice. Shame on us.

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Joe, Garland is not milquetoast, he is the fox in the henhouse. He is a Republican and a right wing one at that. I don't know his voter registration, but don't need to. He was vetted to Obama by Sen. Orrin Hatch, who at that time was the most right wing Senator. All Obama wanted was a win, he didn't care who was to take the vacant seat. If Garland had been seated, we would have had a Democrat appointed right winger and unable to say shit, because he was Obama's man. He also worked for the Federalist Society as a moderator, and moderated 10 debates within the Federalist society.

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Wow...love the synopsis!

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I thought why the heck didn’t he get barred? His criminality was so blatant. I’m the president’s attorney general! Traitor and no one in the system did a damn thing!

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Bill Barr is like the evil version of Forrest Gump, cropping up in all the historical legal messes throughout decades. He served as AG less than 2 years in the 90's and just over a year for Trump.

When he returned to DC to join the Trump Administration I read various articles where they discussed why he would do that. Some thought he needed some cash---he has millions but that doesn't mean it's fluid or enough for what he feels wants for his lifestyle. Goodness knows what money he is getting and who is paying him. OR, does Putin have something on him too?

One thing I noticed, Barr is a lousy liar. Watch his interviews. His tell? He's a blinker.

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Is it possible to dig out from the wreckage caused by the long and ongoing career of highest level criminal corruption perpetrated by Bill Barr? He's been the brains and the sustaining pillar of the Bush and Trump crime families, and through his actions has probably done more to destroy what we had of a democracy than any other individual. Is there any way, other that campaigning hard for Democrats this year, to turn the tide?

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Call Biden and tell him to fire Garland and get a attorney general with a spine! The end of this week wouldn't be soon enough!

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Biden is weak, and like all Presidents, is "guided" by his "advisors", official or unofficial.

Americans think that Presidents are gods, all knowing and all powerful, they are mortals just like us, with the same limitations, and their own personal ideologies and world view. Edit I just read my comment and it is not what I meant to say. Trump is

The same is true for Trump, that is why the Heritage Society is putting together Project 2025, to implement the racist, religious , fascist plan that they have for America and all they have to do is enable Trumps thirst for revenge and flatter him

Trump is a doofus, a cretin, and not able to flush a commode on his own, he is perfect puppet material.

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Barr is no hero, and I fault our corporate media for portraying himself as such. The man is, IMO, a rad trad Catholic and knew he could use Trump to advance his religious/culture/personal agenda, but he also knew that Trump's plot to overthrow the Constitution and install himself as dictator would fail, and as a consequence he backed out and reseigned, weeks before the attempted coup fell into place.

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The Church knows lies when they see them so the only way this can continue in society is the willingness for to take stances despite lies. They want these positions rather than stand with Jesus. The lack of truth in the individual highlights the real problem. They are at war with the truth which has become unconscious because they need the cover of false piety to continue in a state of unawareness. They run to the old Adam to blame everyone else for the consequences of their own actions. Lost souls.

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Anybody and everybody can stand with Jesus. The Jesus in the "Gospels" is ambiguous.

There is something for everyone in the Bible. All you need is scissors and glue (cut and paste in the digital age)

God, be it Allah, Yah, Jesus is a convenient sock puppet. The nature of the god that a person worships or hold as an icon, tells you about that person, not about that god.

After all man does create his gods in his own image. Indirect solipsism.

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Release the Mueller report unredacted.

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