I had to get some overseas shots, and then I had to drop and give my "drill" 10. He probably thought pushups would work our arm muscle and get that vaccine moving. Or, it could be he was pissed we were getting out of Alabama and he was stuck there. Had chills and fever for 24 hours. Three of fifteen service members had the reaction. Thankfully, the discomfort left as fast as it came on.

Thom's "turn about is fair play" column is clever and nuanced. The usual. Half of why I decided to take the vaccine was out of love for my community, and that's also the reason why I want the vaccine passports. The other half is for my own health; the passports will help me decide who gets my business.

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Reaganomics,Bush Cheney lies and wars. Trump's Narcissism, Lies

Saying . Covid is a hoax, millions dying. But he and Trumpers want people to die. Saving SS Medicare money

.so Greedy Corporations get Trillions in Tax Cuts.. that we will have to pay for

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To get around privacy concerns, what we need is an ID which has no personal information on it but uses biometric data to recognize the bearer, and certifies that the bearer has been vaccinated. If smart phones can use biometrics, so could a card. It might be expensive, but it could help get the economy going again and so be worth it, and mass production would bring the cost down. It could also be used for other applications where personal information is not essential.

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Like Thom, I have had shot cards (proof of vaccination) with my passport for years. I use to live in the 3rd world and you needed it. I see nothing wrong with it. After getting both of my Pfizer Covid Vaccinations I took pictures of the card to store and placed the card in my passport. Now that I am vaccinated I hope to travel soon. If anything, I would like to see the card look more formal. They love lots of rubber stamps in 3rd world countries.

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I think a lot depends on how much you trust the government, and there is a lot of mistrust these days. :(

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It's about saving lives.vaccine is better than getting Covid

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Although I certainly don't wish anyone to die from the Trump virus for refusing to social distance, wear a mask, or get a vaccine, I can't think of any selfish, arrogant, and willfully ignorant assholes more deserving.

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Natures way of getting rid of a bad species, the Republican.

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Unfortunately they would take others down with them.

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