Implementing an “Opt-out” policy sounds like a reasonable solution to help alleviate organ donor problems. However, I think it’s as likely to happen as getting the tech oligarchs to allow Congress to implement an “Opt-in” policy for our citizens, so they can only gain access to our personal information if we choose to sell it to them.

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I thought opt-out might run-up against religious or age related problems; turns out neither are much of a consideration concerning donation of organs. Most of the UK is opt-out, but they still talk to the families and urge individuals to let their families know their wishes. That sounds logical as well.

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Because my home is far Northern California; the Covid capitol of the State, I just stay mad at Aaron Rodgers, who is revered by these folks: ultimate Home Town Hero out of Chico. Sure, some would have burned their Rodgers posters, but they would have Paid Attention if he'd been on the life-saving side of things, and if Rodgers the Great repented now, somebody amongst his old friends and neighbors might give vacc. and mask a second thought. (p.s.: if he doesn't believe Thom Hartmann, doesn't he know he can safeguard his future family in a bottle?) I am trying so hard to stay out of the way of the Omicron monster at age 68, and Rodgers is cruising the top of the world after pouring gas on the Covid suicide bonfire going on in his Roots: Butte, Tehama, Shasta. Almost Heaven.

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After posting this, came across reporting today from Shasta Co. krcrtv.com that transmission rate is 10X what CDC classes as "high." Local broadcast up here adores you, Aaron. What if just one, just one rethought vacc. and mask because you had a second thought? You got some time off, Aaron. Save a life back home.

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