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A side note on Reagan which, it seems, also applies to Trump. The two both had fatal weaknesses which led to them being owned by he money powers.

Reagan was an empty suit, he had no ideas, no moral center,he was and died a class B actor.

Without a script he was nothing.

"Where is the rest of me?" Reagan cried out to Gorbachev. According to witnesses, this was the bonding moment between the two world leaders. Thanks to a 40-year-old film, the cold war melted and they agreed to a joint statement.

That was followed by a paperback book. "Here is the Rest of Him". I've tried to google that book, and it has disappeared, but I read it in 1983 or 84.

The author, a former aid, said that Reagan would sit at his desk, face drained of color, lifeless, jowls sagging, until someone shoved a script in front of him, then he perked up blood ran to his face, his jowls tightened and he came alive.. He was in fact a fool and a tool for the powers that be.

Then along came Trump, vacuous, dull, unintelligent, narcissistic and motivated by money, and more than anything fame, to make up for his inferiority complex (the stuff of bullies) .

The money powers are smart or think they are. The Republican party is corrupted, as is some Democrats and they will fellate anyone for money.

They financially, and through their control of the corporate media, have taken full control of Trump, by playing to his insatiable need for publicity and acclaim.

He is the vessel by which to satiate their greed., their addiction.

Looking to history Hitler was subsidized and empowered by Germany's own oligarchs, like Thyssen who admitted such, and they did well under Hitler, the recipients of contracts to build machines of war and chemicals of destruction (Bayer and Zyklon B)

Of course it all came crashing down, in May 1945.

After the war some of the industrialists were captured, tried and imprisoned, but were soon paroled and many wound up in government again, elected or appointed by the conquering powers that be.

You can read about it in the pdf https://archive.org/details/crimepunishmento0000bork or buy the book on line.

There were corporate meetings in Switzerland after DD Day, between corporate America and Corporate Germany, to strategize how to save Germany's corporations.

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Excellent, well done Mr. Farrar, The Junkers backed Hitler because they thought they could control him and limit his most destructive capacities. Huge companies like I G Farben, IBM, Krupp, Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz, and others made lots of money as a result. How wrong they all were. He brought the whole edifice crashing down on everyone, including the Junkers; a caste that never recovered. IBM survived for obvious reasons Farben, Volkswagen , Benz and a few others made it through also.

Ron DeSantis is just like Hitler in this regard, although fortunately for us, he lacks Hitler's guts.

Trump is simply off the scale.

You are correct, of course, about Reagan. He was a B level actor at most, badly educated and empty-headed. As you say"a suit." Please continue your search for that book about him which you spoke of. When you locate it, let us know where.

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