Fox viewers have a very distorted view of the rest of us. In their demon-obsessed minds, WE are the demons and have all sorts of supernatural powers to do unbelievably evil things. They see shadowy cabals around every corner, and of course, they are run by us. They have dehumanized Democrats and amongst themselves call for our extermination. This is not hyperbole. I have heard this from their own mouths. It wish I could be more optimistic, but I fear the die was cast during Reagan's reign. My adult son, who is wise beyond his years, has said, "We are a failed state; we have been for a while."

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Watch Judy Woodruff's 'America at a Crossroads' piece from the Newshour last night. Judy interviewed Republicans from Iowa and one was more brain-washed than the next. We now know that 'screens' are addictive, alter brain chemistry and even the physiology of the brain. These folks were well-meaning but totally, completely brain-washed.

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I watched that segment on the Newshour, and it was chilling to listen to these brainwashed people, who must only watch Fox and/or NewsMax. Listening to them, I realized they must never seek information outside the GOP bubble! Multiple sources, especially articles, newspapers from outside Iowa, could provide them with a completely different perspective.

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I was just reading articles on Raw Story and The Bulwark regarding Republican voters sticking with a seditionist criminal as their party leader. I started shaking my head in disbelief that so many Americans are lost down the rabbit hole. Then I read Thom’s article and now I’m convinced it’s hopeless for a large segment of our country and scary that people don’t have critical thinking skills at all. They can’t see the malevolent values they are supporting- power at all cost, discrimination against people who look different, anti -women, anti -poor, blaming liberals for all that is wrong in their white trash life. And violence is always an option in their Maggot brain. I know I shouldn’t but I hope Murdoch, the Koch’s, Mercers and other right wing fascists rot in hell someday for their insidious damage to our democracy.

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I don't disagree about Fox, but I go back a bit further--to me, it all started with the demise of the Fairness Doctrine and then Rush Limbaugh. Rush and his army of "dittoheads" laid the tracks for the propaganda machine that is Fox News.

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Starting with a 6/13/16 report, Harvard's shorenstein school showed that trump obtained the nomination and presidency only because he was able to command so much valuable free media exposure. Of course, coverage of policy and Democratic Party was spotty and much lighter.

The report shows that during the year 2015, major news outlets covered Donald Trump in a way that was unusual given his low initial polling numbers—a high volume of media coverage preceded Trump’s rise in the polls. Trump’s coverage was positive in tone—he received far more “good press” than “bad press.” The volume and tone of the coverage helped propel Trump to the top of Republican polls.

The Democratic race in 2015 received less than half the coverage of the Republican race.


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Murdoch has inflicted terrible damage to journalism in three countries; Australia, United Kingdom, and the United States. Quite frankly, I don’t know what the answer is to solve this problem.

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Lie down with dogs...fleas. If your friends jumped off a bridge...would you. People will judge you by the company you keep.

If you are lucky enough to get parenting, someone tries to get you to think about what these things mean. Trouble is, not everyone has real parents or mentors. I agree that school is the answer. The one discussion I remember from high school was "Does the ends justify the means?". The teacher did not give us the answer, just a lively discussion to think about.

The algorithm is a feed-back loop---show interest, we'll show you more. You are now confined to your own head-space instead of exploring the vast universe. Boy, can that space get ugly! Zuckerberg is a problem, but he is not THE problem---same with Trump and Murdoch. They are just preachin' to the choir. The "choir" and their hateful ways have always been with us, and they do not want to change.

The rest of us ARE changing the world. Each one teach one. Thanks for the lessons in democracy, Thom.

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Free speech doesn't mean everyone has the right to lie. I suggest we bring back floggings for liars. Right wing or left wing liars. . Floggings could be meeted out as soon as the same day. That would encourage liars to stop lying or to shut up! Of course this current supreme Court has a problem of lying and corruption itself. If there is no proof then it is an opinion, and wrong opinions need to have consequences also. Honest people don't fear flogging but the liars will, that is about all they can comprehend. In my humble opinion, they were probably abused as children.

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Flogging could be a full-time career, with all the lies being told now. I prefer a more natural means, like the way Pinochio's nose grew every time he told a lie.

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Let's start with Armed Forces Network (AFN). Injecting pure propaganda into our military is very dangerous. Make this 'crusade' our version of MOMS FOR LIBERTY. Force defense contractors to 'TRUTH TITHE' for the privilege of government contracts. Senate hearings should begin NOW as a counter narrative to Jordan/Comer. Let discovery from Dominion Voting Systems be the roadmap. The 'Wannabe dictator' chryon on Fox is more than enough to run with.###

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This is where the clock (T__T__)app comes in, why they hate/fear it and want it banned so badly!

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Jun 15, 2023Edited
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I agree. Rather than calling it an outright ban, they could label it a "research project". Legislate the removal of Fox "News", and survey how attitudes change as a result.

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