Kind of freaking out with deja-vu here. Just happen to be reading: "The Yahoos" Mike Newberry, 1964. A tiny sample: "Russell Kirk, a National Review editor....'we injured our political order by adopting universal suffrage, direct primaries, popular election of senators....' " Newberry: "...rejecting the ideas of democracy and equality, Kirk calls these "the most conspicuous features of Hell." (very hard to edit, but p. 56 of the Newberry book.) Some of the quotes of the oh-so-esteemed Wm F. Buckley are breathtaking: "...I, for one, would not be willing to die for 'democracy' " p.27 The Yahoos, from Buckley "Up from Liberalism": "Sometimes the minority cannot prevail except by force...." "Yahoos:" "Buckley averred, if the negroes of the South voted, 'they would vote to abolish segregated schools....Fearing that, a white man is moved...to deny the marginal Negro the vote....So the 'respectable consideration' comes to this - democracy or Force?" (all from Buckley, 1961) So, yeah; democracy itself is the enemy, per the eternal plan.

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I do see what Republicans are modeling. It's a very bad choice, especially anything to do with Hungary. That country has half the population of the New York Metro area. Ancient, homogeneous, and so far behind the times (socially) it's sad. And you're right, that's exactly where Trump's party would love to take us.

We already do not like a lot of what we see in America's rear-view mirror, and we're not going back there. Thank you for the WARNING! This is another good Report to share.

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I would like to see some direct quotes - maybe two - so that the assertions can be verified. If i want o discuss with someone who disagrees

I would like to substantiate my assertion.

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