I suggest people take every word of this article as complete truth . This is what is happening in our world and our country today.

Donald Trump is not only commanding the Maga forces, but also the chicken shit Republicans who are humoring Maga , Trump.

Believe that Donald feels safe in doing this because of his devotion to Putin and Putins promises.

Remember who they both are, Trump and Putin.

They are liars who will promote anything that elevates their power. Call your Congress people and Senators. Tell them to fund Ukraine or loose support.

We have an obligation to Ukraine via the Budapest Treaty. As well a moral obligation to Ukraine and further more ourselves , the people in this country who love America and want it to be true to its founding philosophies.

Trump is lying again when he dares to say he’s protecting Democracy . He is completely wedded to Putins authoritarianism . And wants to be just like him . He has a dark strangled soul and we need to fight his mercenary call.

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Considering the potential we had with the fall of the Soviet Union and the promise of a peace dividend, we have been living in a dystopian nightmare. Wars in the Balkans, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, etc. Here, to a co- dependent Republican Party, Trump is the Orange Antichrist.

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Well said , thank you. Perhaps the Evangelicals cannot see the forest for the trees.

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It is not that Patricia. The Evangelicals aren't looking at the trees. Their heads are full of the fantasies that dance around in them, anticipating the theocracy that they are working to bring to reality. The riddance of LGBT and the Republic of Gilead.

There are black and Hispanic evangelicals who share stage with the whites.

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Please explain your last sentence , it’s not clear to me how race enters into this.

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You see race, I see people. I see Evangelics, white, black , Hispanic, unfortunately when Americans see the word evangelical, their mind flips solely to whites, not realizing that they share the stage with black evangelicals, Hispanic evangelicals (and they are legion), and Indians like Vivek Ramaswamy and Nimrata Randhawa Haley, whom I don't know for sure are Evangelicals, though Viveks mother was Christian

Nimrata's parents were Sikhs, and I didn't realize that the Sikhs were so homophobic and classists, (racism is a subset of classism).

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Alright , but I never thought all Evangelist Christians were white . Though thanks for your input .

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2008 Prop. 8 in California. The observation was that the same black evangelicals who voted for Obama voted gay-hate. It's religion, baby!

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Checking statistics today, over twice as many ukrainians have died than Palestinians. 18, 000 versus 40,000 approximately. Yet, the Israeli war gets almost all of the attention.

I see democracy as he only hope for the human race, because dictatorships have been tried for thousands of years. The Kings and the popes, all claim to Love the other kingdoms thugs, yet they almost always went to war with them. Usually over resources.

With global warming and plastics and overpopulation and much more headed our way, the dictators will be of no use to mankind. Most would sell their own mothers out for a few dollars.

If what lies ahead is rape, torture, starvation and hopelessness, then we have no choice but to bomb the New World order globalist back to the dark ages with nuclear devices. Let's spread all of the suffering around this time! Either they start behaving like civilized humans and serving good or God, or they get fried for being the demons they are! Notice a poor man never gets put in charge of the nuclear weapons, just the rich who have something to live for. There are about five and three quarter billion poor people on earth that are expendable to the New World order.

Where are the public service announcements educating the public about the dangers of dictatorship? It can be done without mentioning any political party. Are we helpless?

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OF course the Palestinians are getting all the attention. Ukraine has been in this war for 1yr and 10 months. Israel's genocide is 2 months old.

How many Palestinians will be dead in 1yr and 10 months?

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Jenny: Genocide is the destruction or attempted destruction of a race, religion or ethnicity

The Arabs are pledged to a genocide of the Jews. It is their religion and the HAMAS covenant.

There is no way that the Jews could even attempt a genocide of Arabs.

Claims like yours do violence to the word genocide.

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Jenny, they are both theocratic dictatorship States. We have more people murdered than that in the United States every year I believe? Trying to get the extremist religious people to think rationally is pretty much a lost cause and will drain all of our resources. I'm not a fan of either religion.

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Yes I do know this Bob.

I have never met a religion that I like however I do NOT agree to the annihilation of prisoners whatever religion or nationality.

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If you were Israel, what would you do to prevent further attacks in the future? Obviously praying to their God doesn't work.

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Israeli "genocide" is an antisemitic tell. Some Palestinians are Hamas, Islamic Jihad and are war criminals. More than 2,000,000 Israeli Arabs, were attacked on October 7 and are "Palestinians" and stand with Israel. Some are Christians and others.

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Zionist genocide on the Palestinian people.

If you wish to call me antisemitic that's your perogative Daniel. I got one word wrong................!

I don't find it easy to 'hate' anyone especially when I don't know them.

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@ Bob Johnson. " They are both theocratic dictatorship States."

Israel is a democracy. Arabs, Christians, atheists, can vote and if elected can be members of the government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Arab_members_of_the_Knesset

Have greater civil rights than in any Moslem country.

So much BS.

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This is true, although Mr. Netanyahu has tried a power grab. His failure and that of Israel’s intelligence caused 1200 Israelis to die, while others are held hostage. I think this will wind up sinking Mr. Netanyahu. It’s reminiscent of the Yom Kippur War and George W. Bush and Dick Cheney’s failure to anticipate 9/11.

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Netanyahu failed to keep control of the Knesset and there is now a coalition government. Democracy is not pretty and by rights Netanyahu and his wife should have to be tried under Israeli law. But this has been an opportunity to repeat old antisemitic tropes. Jews didn't cause the black plague or the world wars or cause global warming. Netanyahu is an a-hole and is stupid and incompetent, but he is the not equivalent of Hitler or for that matter, Hamas or Islamic Jihad.

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Kathy I am convinced Bush knew what was coming, that was why he was in Florida reading My Pet Goat, to kindergartners, that is about the level of his reading ability. What he didn't know were the targets, that the WTT would be coming down, like a lego tower.

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Correct Daniel. The problem is a lack of information or Muslim bullshit that is absorbed as gospel by the corporate media. People should know better than to believe the lies and disinfo of the corporate media, but apparently only do so when they are the target.

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The definition of genocide is contained in the Geneva Conventions. It's not something that each gets to define according to one's one understanding. Here is a link to a letter from many scholars who have spent their academic lives studing this issue, both Jewish and non-Jewish. They have a different opinion than yours, and theirs is based on knowledge:


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Whoa! A call for nuclear holocaust, to enforce 'civilized behavior' on others, gets a "Liked by Thom Hartmann"? That is sickening on so many levels. . .

Now Bob, you are free of course to express your opinions - as I have just done in reply. But Thom's 'Like' here, coupled with the other-worldliness of the 'Dark Ages' article, leaves me distraught that I have supported his work. Specifically the wars that we are party to have control of fossil fuels as subtext (e.g. Gaza's offshore methane). - This while we are at the point that humanity should be focused on eliminating 99% of fossil fuel and all biomass burning. Instead we are mimicking "Don't Look Up"; making fact of parody.

Looking realistically at what MUST be done - and conscious of why none of these things are being done - I arrive at the following:

–- Constitutional Reset 2024 ---

Supreme Court Crushing OUR Rights

Take Back the Court - A3S1:

Judges shall serve on good Behaviour

Ergo, shall be fired on bad Behaviour

Revoke False Precedents

-$s are not Speech nor Corps people-

That rot bred present fascism!

The Fix: Public Funding of Elections

$200 Voter Vouchers - Nothing Else!

DC will work for us & our children:

-Tackle Climate Chaos at Scale-

CO2e Tax $400/ton Funding UBI

-Market Forces Drive Solar/Wind

-Initial UBI ~$1,000/month

WWII Level Funding, Taxes, Effort

-42% GDP = 8T$/yr for 5 years

-95% Max TaxRate over 4M$/yr

-Gift Solar to US & Global South

Why? Gotta Save the Whole World

Make Friends, Not War

DC will pass: iM4A, Union Rights,

$25 Min Wage tied to productivity,

Free pre-K through University,...

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I support progress, but if the tyrants, (dictators) choose world domination that was their choice! It is up to them.

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Pray tell, which psychic did you consult with to determine that Thom liked a post approving thermo nuclear warfare. I think you have your head so far up your ass, that all you see is digest food. Tom Wells.

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I replied directly to the post at the top of this thread which at this hour is labeled

"Bob Johnson 23 hrs ago Liked by Thom Hartmann"

You don't have to stick your head up your ass - use the scroll bar to find it.

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A lot of Americans don't understand the way recent history (from a global perspective) favors the American story. An entire class should be taught about "the American century" and how that impacts us as a democratic world and a potentially undemocratic one. It's unfortunate that we do not have a clear understanding about this reality and the consequences of our lapses in global responsibility.

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"Global responsibility?" Who put the US in charge?

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Responsibility does not invoke or require anyone to be in charge. We all have a global Responsibility.

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I was talking to StewardBeckham above your comment!

I agree.

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I know that, but you asked "Who put the US in charge of global security, and my answer is valid, Global security does not require or anyone to be in charge.

To get close to answering your question though, Europe, even France looks to the US to be a bulwark against aggression, unless like Orban and Slovakia, they decide that they want to be what they perceive is the winniing side.

And that is only because people in western democracies, have their heads up their arse, and are eat up with ideology, which includes religion.

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I take the wannabe dictator at his word. We cannot allow Trump back into office.

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Interesting, nevertheless, that in around 1938-9, Republican Senators and Congressmen were actively supporting Adolph Hitler and some were on his payroll to overthrow our constitutional government.

Those Repugnakunz just don't give up.

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I 100% agree with your analysis. The jeopardy with a Trump victory will go far beyond the United States. Europe alone will never be able to forestall Russian aggression and every would-be dictator in the world will be unrestrained. I just can't believe Republicans are so ignorant of history that they do not see that we are re-experiencing the disastrous descent of the 1930's. And this time who will be left to save the world?

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I don't think the Repubs are ignorant Hickey, they see Putin as a savior of White male Christendom, there is no such thing as political correctness in Russia, and the Russian Orthodox church is an ideological clone of Evangelicals.

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A year ago, I sat at family table with American Orthodox Church family friend who "educated" me that Putin was the Protector of the Faith, and the churches in Ukraine were being looted by apostate brigands of Zelensky. Not less than a week later, Biden was in Ukraine being photographed with Zelinsky surrounded by beaming Orthodox priests, in fully intact cathedral. Relatives filled me in that that the Church friend's wife was notoriously sucking on Putin propaganda. Interesting experience. How sad: the bought/corrupted church. I think this happened with the Nazis. So much for anybody who claims to be on god's side.

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Here is an interesting conundrum

Zelensky is a Jew.

The Observer was owned by Jared Kushner at the time of this article, but no longer has an ownership role, that is not to say that he doesn't have influence via a trust, or an LLC.

Anyway The Aglemeiner, a posh group of rich and powerful jews, feted Putin as a Power Jew


And Putin is aligned with Iran, whose official stance is the obliteration of Israel which is genocide.

So go figure

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Europe en masse can wipe Putin's ass, but not if he takes them on piece meal as he has said he will do First the Baltics, then Poland,he will have to stop and recover after every invasion, but he has unlimited resources, human, oil, iron and a relationship with China, that provides rare earth minerals, chips and electronics, thanks to American Industry, GAAT and Taiwan's Foxconn, who has factories in China.

Now that is a puzzle. the PRC wants Taiwan, it threatens and harasses Taiwan, yet Taiwan Semi Conductor has business in China.

Capitalism has no loyalties, but to themselves and their shareholders. we people are no more than resources to be consumed in production.

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I can't pretend to even guess at how this ends, but I do know that our actions still have an impact.

Even if we are plunged into another hot war between fascism and democracy, we can still resist.

This is still a cold war of sorts. And the outcome is unknown. That is enough to keep me fighting back.

It will cost a great deal to rid this planet of the various forces that menace us. But that can't discourage us.

The root of the word courage is heart. And it is that which drives me and so many others.

I may not have hope, but I have love. And will therefore never still down or shut up.

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Annabel I totally agree with you, however the hot war will be internal, not external and if the forces of democracy lose, then the world will be on fire, literally.

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Yes, bottom line is we need to fund Ukraine!

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Ukraine is our thin blue and yellow line.

The thought of seeing Trump and Putin smiling together in the White House makes my blood boil. Why have the ambassador stop by for all the names and secrets (like he did previously), when you can hand deliver them to the murderer in person?

We need NATO---we do not have enough bodies to fight China. And who has Trump pissed-off the most? CHINA! Thank goodness the Senate put a bi-partisan amendment in the 2024 NDAA that will require 2/3 of the Senate to approve if the President wants to withdraw from NATO. They should nick-name that amendment FU-DJT. Now let us pray it all gets tied-up with a pretty bow and sent to President Biden to sign.

Scary Thom, but thanks. Who needs horror movies?

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The world has already been plunged into darkness by Genocide Joe and the rest of our leaders like George W Bush (Iraq, Afghanistan wars), Obama (Libya. Syria, Yemen, drone wars) and so on. Now you Thom are hawking McCarthyism, imperialism, Zionism and dog food on your show. You've got Democrats calling for the ouster of university heads and condemning women of color in their own party for telling the truth. Thousands have been fired or blacklisted for speaking up for the Palestinian people, and on your own show you claimed what Israel is doing is not genocide and that the Jewish people's suffering is "special" or "different" while that of Muslims is not as much. Many who are suffering have felt little difference under Trump or Biden (that would include migrants seeking asylum--unless they are from Ukraine of course) and all the Trumpaphobia and red scares in the world won't change the feelings of millions regarding Genocide Joe. You can talk about him saying the right things all you want, but he went behind the back of Congress to get weapons to Israel and blocked a UN vote calling for a cease fire. Your defense of Democrats on what they say and their performative politics in general is part and parcel of our loss of our selective democracy.

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Nothing to say about Muslim triumphalism Boris? And how about the genocide of Jews (you are Jewish aren't you?)

The Jews have no intention to commit genocide of Arabs or Muslims, but the Muslims have an intention of genocide of the Jews.

The sacred text of Islam, the haddith of al Bukhari and art 7 HAMAS Covenant

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).

Here is Genocide Boris: From the HAMAS preamble.

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

And Free Palestine from the River to the sea.Is a blatant call to genocide

You know all of this, but ignore it.

Your bias does show Trump humping Putinist.

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Understanding it is human nature to lash out when belief systems are challenged or uprooted, promoting a particular agenda and calling a Jewish person names while your pretense is protecting them just shows how fragile your reality really is. As for genocide....https://jordantimes.com/opinion/ramzy-baroud/%E2%80%98human-animals%E2%80%99-sordid-language-behind-israels-genocide-gaza

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And you quote such an objective source as the Jordan Times. LOL Boris. As regards belief systems, this progressive atheist has none. I don't believe in anything, but I do have opinions, opinions I have arrived at, not acquired. unlike you who obviously have beliefs and acquired opinions..

If you are Jewish, then you are a diehard Marxist, and a self hating Jew.

Too bad that "evil Gorbachev" deconstructed your "workers paradise:"

If there is any fragility here, I suggest a long hard look in the mirror

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Dec 11, 2023
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Another reason why I consider Clinton a self serving traitor of his base and democracy, and for those who think his wife would be different.. think again.

People stay married, because they share values. Don't be fooled. James Carville and his wife Mary Matalin, George and Kelly Anne Conway.

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Barry, the only genocide in conflict between the Jews and the Muslims is the Muslims.

HAMAS Covenant is to obliterate the Jews, the preamble, the obliteration of Jews is not only in the HAMAS Covenant but in their sacred text.

Israel is defending itself from genocide by trying to eliminate the threat.

You would do the same, unless you are suicidal

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You are hereby awarded the Galactic medal for: "The Opposite of Everything is True" comment of the year.

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Is that comment directed at me Mmerose. If so it is cryptic.

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So sorry; I really try to hew to the threads, but that was supposed to be addressed to Barry. Your response to him below less cryptic, for sure!

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Mmerose You read Barry's comment but you responded to me substack can be frustrating and complicated. I respond to a commenter but unless I mention them by name, there is a chance that my response was just one of many responses to a comment. I try to remember, but fail often to mention the persons name in my comment

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Can you please tell me one thing I said that is not true. Israel is not perpetrating genocide? Joe Biden is not sending them white phosphorus (war crime) and going behind the back of Congress to send them ammunition? Thousands have not been fired or censured for speaking in favor of Palestine? Do those is marginalized communities feel any difference whether Trump or Biden is president? Perhaps you need to check your sources and belief systems and try listening to those who are suffering, not those who want you to vote for them.

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Nit wit, White Phosphorous is used in parachute flairs, not as a weapon. In Vietnam you could see them going off all of the time, at times they filled the night sky, but not as a weapon butas a light source.

Ifsomeone has a belief system, then that would be you. Let me guess old school Marxist, Communist, Putinist?

If anyone is suffering then they brought it on themselves, and I feel no pity for people who purposefully hit their head with a hammer.

I have a clear picture of Gazans sitting in front of their TV's on Oct 7, the women ulating, and the kids cheering as HAMAS and Islamic Jihad mow down kids at a festival, rape. ,murder and burn alive, babies, infants children and women.

HAMAS has stopped prisoner and hostage exchanges because all the hostages are dead.. Not because of Israeli bombs but because they killed them.

HAMAS terrorists had orders not to take infants as hostages, those that did were probably punished, the reason is that infants cry, are noisy, and required diaper changes and baby food, and the Muslim have no time or inkling for such demanding activities

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Can’t comprehend why the justice department insists no one is above the law but someone with 91 felonies is not in jail?! So he is above the law!! Honesty helps!

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Yet he whines and wails about his persecution. Just the juxtaposition with Hillary's emails and endless refrain to "Lock her up," vs Trump's pervasive recklessness and even outright collaboration in office is insanity.

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Merrick Garland is complicit, he is a right winger, vetted to Obama by the right wing Sen Orrin Hatch R-UT, and worked as a moderator for the Federalist Society. Obama was naive, and as such a fool and a tool, he wanted a win, so he asked Orrin Hatch for an acceptable candidate fRo SCOTUS.

McConnell was actually happy with Garland, but had to deny Obama his nominee.just to show him who had the real power.

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Merrick Garland is a right winger, vetted to Obama and employed by the Federalist society, he has not done anything about the J6 conspirators that sit in congress, and nothing about Matt Gaetz who violated the man act, and statutory rape, he saw to it that the Documents case was tried in Florida, so he could appoint Aileen Cannon, despite the fact that the crime occurred in DC when Waltine Nauta loaded them on to Trumps plane,

but when a Trump appointee to Justice, David Weiss (and shame on Biden for keeping him over, the fool is responsible for his own and our misery), came begging to be special counsel for Hunter, Garland was all too quick to give him the job.

Biden has been a fool, a consequence of 34 years in the senate, where compromise, comity, and bipartisan ship, regardless of the outcome and how it affected the lives of we the people, were the rule. Not to mention he was mentored by racist Dixiecrats.

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Race and class have nothing to do with democracy and autocrats. This is a conflict between freedom and serfdom.

Rule by one, or rule by the majority. I like majority rule with some caveats. Minorities have rights and can not be discriminated against.

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Race is used to manipulate us and is a subtext of Class.

Class, meaning the rulers, the elite is the driving force behind everything. Communism produced a New Class, a ruling class ( https://www.amazon.com/New-Class-Analysis-Communist-Harvest/dp/015665489X ). The 1789 revolution as did the 1917 and even 1775 revolutions produced a new class of ruling elite. Hitlers revolution, and that is what it was, produce it's own new class.

Hitler came to power and held power, the same way that the Republican party, its donors and Trump did and are doing again, by scapegoating whole classes of people, Trans, gays, socialists, unionist, blacs, communist, Jews and Slavs.

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Biden sure did not help himself by sending so many weapons and money to the dictator Bibi Netntu and when we have our own wanta be dictator trump who Biden is running against. WTF???? If Biden bypassed congress for Bibi why not Ukraine? And is wishy washy climate actions help and hurt. WTF

Sorry, but I've wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks Thom for all you do, I appreciate you and been hearing you since April of 2004.

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I agree about Ukraine, but I read that the Pentagon has found a way to ship munitions to Ukraine, without the need for Congress. I hope it is tue.

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I hope so!

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"...bypassed congress for Bibi why not Ukraine?" Abandoning Ukraine unimaginable, yet are we being asked to imagine it?

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This all seems to boil down to egotistical leaders who lay claim to large areas of real estate or territories, islands, continents, etc., without regard for the populations of either their own nation or on the land mass they wish to control. They are moving pawns on a chessboard on which human beings are just the objects to be used and to produce the material goods, services, and resources the powers that be control and waste.

It appears that the only relief can come from persuading all people everywhere that they are not objects or pawns and that they must take the necessary action to control their leaders and their properties and that leaders must be kept rigorously in check. In other words, democracy must be sold as the only viable option around the globe, not that that has not been observed and articulated innumerable times by innumerable people much smarter than me, and not that it is not much easier said than done.

Education for democracy is the key, initially. Our brand of capitalism is undemocratic. Our brand of politics is undemocratic at present. Our brand of education is undemocratic. We need different models to demonstrate freedom and liberty to the rest of the world, NOW. We could start with our schools and a wholly different education paradigm which promotes autonomy in institutions which are hospitable and organic. Other countries have followed our example and are looking to us for solutions to the problems we have created and not solved. We must stop pretending that what we have now is functional or succeeding on any level.

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I understand your frustration and feelings Robert, but there is one huge obstacle to peace on earth. Identity.

And few identities are compatible.They may temporarily set aside their enmity, because of the enemy of my enemy ..mentality, As happened in, for instance, WWI and WWII,but no sooner is one conflict resolved, then the old conflict erupts again.

The Balkans are populated by Slavs. Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia are all Slavs, the Romans called the area Illyria, and it produced an Emperor who is responsible for most of the human suffering on Earth, Constantine.

Yet they are at each others throats over identity, Bosniaks were Bogomil Christians, converted by Ottoman Turks, Croatians are Roman Catholics because of Roman Catholic occupation and Serbs are Orthodox Cathlics because of Constantine again and his role as Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.

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Very frightening and so true.

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Buried in all the concerning issues is the potential of Ukraine developing and using nukes. The citizens know well the horrors of a full Russian occupation. Desperate times may result in desperate measures.

These are indeed perilous times to tempt fate for more likes on social media!

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Ukraine can't produce nukes, they don't have access to yellow cake, and they don't have the tools, the special centrifuges necessary for developing weapons grade uranium.

And I don't think Russia's nukes will work. America is having problems with their own nukes, maintenance is expensive, and risky, requires well trained specialists, and plutonium pits easily degrade, and since the end of the cold war, America has lost the knowledge how to restart the production of plutonium pits.

Russia is in worse shape, Corruption is rife in Russia, and the Generals and Admirals have been siphoning off money needed for maintenance and repair of missiles and nuclear weapons.

I am sure that our own Intelligence service and Pentagon is on top of this, but can't say anything because it reveals our own weakness.

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To make swathes of Russia uninhabitable it does not take a fully functioning nuke. The Ukrainians have plenty of radio active material from power plants that will do the job. Although Dr. Kahn is no longer personally trading components, I would not be surprised if there is a component market out of that part of the world. Almost everything is for sale in some remote place in that part of the world.

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