We have had ruthless crooks in the White House before Trump. But, Thomas Frank nailed it on Bill Maher's show; he explained Trump was the first one that was also STUPID. So electing a stupid sociopath as president is the real proof of derangement.

"Webster's Dictionary defines a syndrome as a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition."-Google

Republicans need to look in the mirror....they definitely have Trump Derangement Syndrome!

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USA! USA! USA! After 40 years of Reaganism and 4 years of Trumpism, America is #1 alright -- in many things, embarrassing things, far too many to list in any format other than a vast collection of fat encyclopedias. Speaking of derangement, it's an exercise in futility to look for that mythical drop of logic in an endless sea of illogic, to make any sense at all out of wingnut total nonsense, tea out of piss. Arguing in circles with hopeless addicts of Fux News et al. is Einstein's definition of insanity, ALWAYS producing the same result: just more insanity and inanity.

Amanda Marcotte said it best yesterday, dovetailing in nicely with Thom's blog, "Whataboutism is crude and relies on false equivalences or outright lies. Still, it often works, either by tricking liberals into changing the subject or by giving conservatives a thing they can say, no matter how nonsensical, that staves off the demons of self-interrogation. As with other shady rhetoric the right is using to avoid talking about real issues, we can expect to see more of this, as they get more desperate in the face of their own failures." https://www.salon.com/2021/04/30/whataboutism-the-last-refugee-for-republicans-is-on-the-rise/

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India is rated as the current covid capitol of the world. Major headlines. They had around 3200 die from covid yesterday. We had about 800. India is 4x the population of the USA. Do the math!

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Kind of off subject, but this is a good article on American Healthcare System. Republicans constantly try to sell that we are #1 at everything. We are not #1 except in prison incarceration. We are losing ground. We can do a lot better.


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