It must have been in mainstream media somewhere because I remember the outrage that ‘blue states’ couldn’t get ventilators or PPE in the same way ‘red states’ received it. The governors of blue states had to do some type of favor for tfg if they wanted supplies to keep people alive. It was worse every day for people like me (seniors) to go out in public. I spent all day, every day in my 350 square foot apartment. It seemed that seniors were considered expendable by the administration.

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Trump should be tried for crimes against humanity. He and his cohorts are mass murderers.

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Policies kill. This was a most egregious case and Thom, brilliantly explained here. The racism is fundamental:” Good! Let them die!” I lost a friend who was one of the most staunch and spiritual fellow mothers I’ve ever known. She was an El Salvadorean refugee from American covert war in her country. Of course she encountered only poor food to feed her large family here, but she managed. She never lost faith, though she often felt depressed. The children all went to college. The youngest, whom she almost lost to poor prenatal care, got a Master’s degree. She died of Covid in her home, tended by her eldest daughter and recovered alcoholic husband. How much harder do we have to make peoples lives, due to collective judgement and punishment, and racial hatred? America, wake up. The Trumps are leading us to hell because of their willful blindness. They have taken over the Republican Party. This year, for your immortal soul’s sake, as well as human history’s, vote Democrat.

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The Tuskegee Experiment strikes again.....

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Mar 14Liked by Thom Hartmann

Also the WH Taskforce acted as a Homicidal Criminal Syndicate: Instead of boosting supply of equipment and supplies and to triage where limited to where need was greatest and impact could be maximized, Trump/Jared led White House Covid response taskforce had specific policy to pit states and communities against each other to bid up the prices and maximize profit of for-profit suppliers. Used the power of the White House to deliberately increase costs and decrease access to taxpayers, states, local jurisdictions and American people for the benefit of corporate friends.

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Worked in an ER throughout the pandemic and was one of the few who didn't contract the virus after repeated exposures because we masked and never let the murderous right-wing propaganda stop our blue state precautions. After even blue states were pressured to give up mandatory masks, I got it 9/23,( tho I still masked, most jumped on the " it's over, we're vaxed " train even where we knew better.)

Masks work, vaccines and hand washing work. The unforgivable part of this is that Trump and his minions politicized this and made caring for and protecting ourselves and our communities, a bad thing. Exposing these selfish, stupid people has to continue until everyone is aware. Thanks for a great article.

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Typical fine granular reporting by our Thom, but missing the Trump campaign against masking and vaxxing that took 1,000,000+ American lives unnecessarily and is still reverberating today in the idiotic anti-vax community of know nothings like RFK, Jr. and Aaron Rodgers. I am a retired physician and contracted the first of 4 COVID-19 infections in Dec., 2019, while living in a hi-rise apt. bldg. in Madison, WI, which had a large population of Chinese grad students travelling back and forth to their homeland, China. First infection much like a mild flu, but 3 mo's. alter LONG COVID set-in and very nearly killed me when it infected my heart, and was only nearly totally eradicated by 2 Pfizer vaxs in 3-4/2021. Needless to say, I got the heck out Madison and that apt. bldg., moving back to a small city in my native Ohio. The two COVID episodes this now 78yo man has endured, with continued boosters, have been mild, as well as the RSV episode. Down here folks pretty much ignore masking/social distancing, so I lay low when a wave goes through. The 18% vax rate is a direct indicator of the hell that Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald has unleashed on America, ALL of us, not just the poor and people of color. Thanks for your ongoing expose's!

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Mar 14Liked by Thom Hartmann

This post and the intentional genocide for electoral benefit is really at the outer edge of what any educated and decent western mind can readily comprehend.

There has to be equivalent accountability for Kushner, his cohort, and Trump.

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Billionaires for jingoism and citizens united. Billionaires love SCOTUS and Trump.

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Wow, I don't want to believe it, but you make such a compelling case. I can't put anything past the prior administration. Jim Gaffigan had said something along the lines of COVID having brought out the CRAZY in people. It was a CRAZY time and is still CRAZY. I could just never understand how protecting each other became so political. This helps explain it even more.

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Mar 14Liked by Thom Hartmann

Everyone should send Thom Hartmann’s newsletter to the media.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

Careful what you wish for Trump/Kushner. You downplayed Covid, causing MAGA to rail against Fauci, masks and vaccinations.

Then when cases dropped in the Blue States due to masks and vax, deaths INCREASED in Red States, affecting your base.

Too late to try to fix it, you'd already built a base that hated Covid precautions.

Vote BLUE.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

Race-wise, the Trump/Kushner Plan Backfired on all Whites (see below), according to the CDC.

So, Jared/Donald's history of boneheaded failure (at pretty much everything, everywhere), continues apace, except a massive success at cadging a boatload of US monies; some 2 Billion worth, from the gruesome sheik himself: Mo' Bone Saw. So, their jackhole history lumbers forth, knocking over priceless antiquities as it goes.

Wait !!! . . . Is that a Ming vase Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber are lurching toward?!!

No. It's only democracy itself.:


Deaths by Race/Ethnicity:

Data from 1,169,615 deaths occurring between January 1, 2020 through January 31, 2024

Race/Ethnicity Percentage of deaths Count of deaths

Hispanic 14.8% 173088

Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native 1.05% 12300

Non-Hispanic Asian 3.14% 36716

Non-Hispanic Black 13.66% 159760

Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.2% 2342

Non-Hispanic White 67.15% 785409

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Trump and Kushner should both be prosecuted for their evil roles in “letting

COVID kill Black and Hispanic people “.

They have manipulated situations to allow COVID to kill the most susceptible population.

A massacre in the numbers they were working hard to set up for people of color to die.

Just like Trumps mentor Putin he also watches people and conspires to let people die.

The Evil common to these two is incomprehensible to most people . Trump must be stopped .

I’d feel better if they were charged for their murders.

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Great column Thom Hartmann. Your synopsis of where we were four years ago decimates the GOP talking point. It also nearly writes its own referral fr prosecutions of these crimes against American citizens.

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A thought on accountability. Could the Kush - and his Ivy “colleagues” - be the focus of a class action lawsuit. Yes, Kushy and DJT may be insulated, but his amigos certainly aren’t. The information that would spill out of the case would be memorable, and could lead to further actions against Kushy & Friends. E.g., were any of that posse involved in the Saudi Benefits Scheme? The peeps want to know.

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