"Freedom of the Press" becomes meaningless in the face of the corporatization / financialization of the news business. When truth and profit are at cross-purposes, as they most often are, expecting truth is a sucker bet. Compare the equally corrosive effect on the business of so-called health care.

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I'm still a news junkie. When I was working I spent a large part of my income on newspapers and books. I donated my library when I retired and relocated. People don't want printed material and I didn't want to break up my Cuban collection.

If it means anything, I fired NYT, WAPO after subscribing to them most of my life. I dumped my hometown newspaper after they refused to publish my letter to the editor entitled "Don't Slit Your Own Throat" on the pretext that they only publish letters from locals. I dumped WSJ and other financial papers many years ago. I hope they get the idea.

Many people do not want the news, they want a monologue. When I lived in DC, I could tell who was a whacko nutsy koo koo right wing ideologue from the fact that they had Sun Ming Moon;'s Washington Times expose them on their driveways.

Besides Thom, I subsidize to a number of other Substacks. I do not charge for mine. I am not now nor have I ever been a journalist, although I have been a dilletante historian, novelist, essayist besides my legal writing. I view the Substack as an in kind political contribution to fight Fascism.

This morning, Robert Hubbell provided many guarantees to readers of his newsletter:

*Joe Biden will grow older each day, and so will we all.

*Joe Biden will continue his lifelong habit of making gaffes and misspeaking.

*Joe Biden will continue to have a stutter.

*Joe Biden will continue to have a stiff gait, as his annual medical reports have disclosed.

*Joe Biden will continue to be a good and decent man.

*Joe Biden will seek to represent all Americans.

*Joe Biden will seek to uphold the Constitution.

*Joe Biden will continue to be the most accomplished president of the last 75 years.

*Donald Trump will lie with every word out of his mouth.

*Donald Trump will continue to put himself above all else.

*Donald Trump will remain a convicted felon.

*Donald Trump will remain an adjudicated sexual abuser.

*Donald Trump will remain the only candidate in the race who frequently associated with Jeffrey Epstein.

*Donald Trump will remain the only president to attempt a coup and incite an insurrection.

Donald Trump will remain the only former president indicted for unlawfully retaining defense secrets.

*Donald Trump will remain the only candidate who enlisted the assistance of “Russia” to obtain stolen emails from the DNC.

*Donald Trump will remain the only former president who sought to use American tax dollars to bribe Ukraine to fabricate negative stories about his opponent.

*Donald Trump will be the only candidate for president in 2024 who admits that he aspires to be a dictator.

Besides all the points Hubbell makes, they support a guy who stole from kids with cancer. Hates dogs. Calls veterans suckers or losers. All this stuff should be repeated daily above the fold in any paper that holds itself out to present "news."

I keep repeatin' that Republicans want to screw the lumpen proletariat. As president, Trump tried and failed to cut benefits drastically. Some Republicans wanted to replace the entire SSI and disability system. See. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Trump, House Republican Cuts to SSI Would Harm Children With Disabilities, Sept. 18, 2017, Kathleen Romig and Guillermo Herrera. https://www.cbpp.org/research/social-security/trump-house-republican-cuts-to-ssi-would-harm-children-with-disabilities

“The Trump proposal would cut SSI by more than $8 billion over the next decade, shrinking benefits for roughly a quarter of a million children with disabilities by between 38 and 66 percent. It would also increase SSI’s administrative costs and improper payments”.

That's why we should be telling MAGATs "don't slit your own throat" by supporting any Republican.

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Robert is great. So is Thom.

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LOL, I also get Robert Hubbell's newsletterhttps://roberthubbell.substack.com/ as well as Simon Rosenberg's Hopium.


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Here's a bit of truth: a free press is essential to democracy, as democracy is essential to a free press. Joe Kahn of the New York Times couldn't care less, and he just came straight out and said it - which is ironic because his statement itself is huge news. It's not the substance of his belief that protecting democracy isn't the job of a free press which is so much newsworthy - it's the fact that he laid it out in plain language. That's the story. And now we know for sure what we already knew for sure..

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Perhaps the NYT should think of what an avowed "originalist" might do. Because there was no electronic media in the late 1700's the protections could be extended to only a printed paper. Then we would see regulation of the press and its content if it were electronic.

Sounds bizzare but just read several of the Supreme Court decisions this term and it may be possible.

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If The NY Times is so objective why have they chosen to highlight Bidens perceived problems , but ignored Trumps criminal activity and his current attacks of hatred and fascism.

If that’s not newsworthy , they should get rid of the Times and sell hot dogs or slushies or some ‘ objective ‘ items.

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Your main point is the reason I stopped reading the NYT and unsubsidized it. However, their recent editorial about "Trump is unfit to lead," shows promise, finally. Still, the jury is out until they demonstrate the consistency that Hartmann's post addressed.

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I agree. I also read "Trump is unfit to lead". Not sure what they're up to over there at NYT, and I'm not sure they know either.

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Mr. Notabot, You seem to be saying that Kahn was against a free press. Kahn did not say he was against a free press. He said he thinks journalists should not take sides. He says the public should do that based upon what is written. He is mouthing the message of the relatively new departments of "Journalism" in American universities. I do not know anything about Kahn's education. I am simply saying he is repeating their claim. Their claim is "objectivity". Journalists should be politically neutral, their version of "objectivity" is neutrality.

However; as the late C. Wright Mills pointed out: " By failing to speak out with a position on an issue; one is taking a position." Failure to speak about an important civic issue is taking a position. Failure to speak is itself a position.

Edmund Burke said "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one." This is often interpreted or mis-interpreted as: "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to remain silent." Burke never said this, neither did C. Wright Mills. But there is some important messaging here. If we do not speak against evil, we give it an advantage. At the least, journalists should report all that is substantively important. Unfortunately, they do not. They claim they are being "objective." They are not.

In the early years of this country's existence journalists were not formally educated in college departments of "Journalism." Consequently they were free of this pretension about objectivity. They injected their own political beliefs into their writing. The Founding Fathers knew this, understood this, and accepted it for what it was: Politics, the quest for power.

The idea that Journalists should be "objective," neutral; is a chid of modern education's attempt to achieve a kind of respectability. An attempt to rise above the fray and be neutral [therefore, respectable; but in fact pretentious] chroniclers of American life.

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I do believe in freedom of the press, but I think the founders didn't give full consideration to press owned by foreign and / or malicious actors. It seems like we need more "checks" in this area.

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Since 1969 when I worked for the Rockford Register Republic Newspaper as a lowly proof and copy girl, I experienced first hand that because of advertising income for the newspaper, that was a conflict between the business community and wage earning citizens. At that time, that newspaper already monopolized the he news in Winnebago County, Illinois. Not only was I fired when they took the side of the son of their biggest ad account when I asked not to have to deliver proof and pick up copy at their place of business, (I was physically prevented from leaving the store until I agreed to a date), but they refused to print the facts about issues that would have prevented, or at least slowed the decline of our community. I blame that newspaper for the not revealing the crooked political/insurance, and real estate interests that economically drained our community and victimized citizens, like myself, who tried to resist until now, we have few democratic candidates on the ballot.

Thank you Thom Hartman for this history lesson. Do you know when advertisers became so influential in determining what news the public was allowed to know about from the press?

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Gloria, times your account by almost every community paper in the country and you will find a similar story.

In the south and in rural America tis the press and the pulpit that tell people what to think, and what to believe.

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I believe you, but I have only been a witness to the irresponsible reporting and lack of reporting what the public needed to know in this community. BTW this was a paper owned by Gannet. I still read the digital newspaper but haven't bought a hard copy for decades because it's worthless. Actually it's worse than worthless because it misleads.

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Gloria; I enjoyed your story. I remember watching the movie Electric Horseman staring Jane Fonda and Robert Redford. There was a part in the movie where the owners of the horse Redford ran away with wanted to know where Fonda-a reporter- was so they could find Redford. One of the owners advisors suggested they call the news department and find out where Fondas was. The owner said no. We spend thousands of dollars to advertise in their paper. Call the advertising department and tell them to ask the news department where the hell she is. So your point is spot on.

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Thank you.

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This piece details how we have been in a class war since the beginning of the republic--really, since the beginning of civilization. If we are to have a government of the people, it will need to have a natural bias in favor of the working class and poor. In that light, the role of the media, in order to confirm and protect democratic values, is to lean in favor of the working class, their party, and their candidates.

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As a U of IL journalism student in the early 1960s, I was taught the "sacred responsibility" of The Fourth Estate to defend American Democracy. At the age of 81, that constitutional truth manages my thoughts.

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MrEd, my daughter graduated from ASU’s Cronkite 2 years ago. She told me once that her professors really emphasized checking sources, telling accurate information. She is in the business now working for Tegna, which, at least,

is not Sinclair. It’s so frustrating to be dealing with lying right wing media and spotty, unbalanced reporting from supposed objective news outlets. I’ve come to rely on my Substack reports.

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Thank you for this history. I had no idea that John Adams was such a jerk! I knew he had a temper but, wow. I have sworn off all corporate “news.” It’s just too frustrating that they are not grasping their intended role at such a pivotal time in our history.

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We are taught Ben Franklin and Tom Paine but should be taught the Hearst/Murdoch of the era, James Calender. "Yellow" does not describe him. Sometimes he had the kernel of truth, but was a hired gun, defamed our founders for the highest bidder. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_T._Callender

I have to admit that a lot of US history that I know came through fiction. E.G. Gore Vidal. Vidal's characters repeated the claims Calender made about the founders, humanized them. A child prodigy, a grandson of blind Senator Thomas Gore, as a child accompanied grandpa to the Senate, Vidal was born into an upper-class political family. As a political commentator and essayist, Vidal's "primary focus was the history and society of the United States, especially how a militaristic foreign policy reduced the country to a decadent empire." Before the play and movie Hamilton, there was "Burr." Vidal was heavily involved in politics, and unsuccessfully sought office twice as a Democratic Party candidate, first in 1960 to the United States House of Representatives (for New York), and later in 1982 to the United States Senate (for California).

Callender was supposed to provide testimony for a New York trial, The People v. Croswell, which involved libel charges against a publisher, Harry Croswell, who had reprinted claims that Thomas Jefferson paid Callender to defame George Washington. Croswell's lawyer was Alexander Hamilton.[22] Jefferson, wary of the controversy generated by the Adams administration's sedition prosecutions, had begun a selective campaign against individual newspaper critics. But he died, and the truth never was revealed.

My dad introduced Vernon L Parrington, Main Currents in American Thought to my brother and me at a young age.

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If a fascist president were to take an "originalist" view of this, just think of the havoc that could come. There was no electronic media at the time of the founding of the country. So, this media could be handled Orban style.

Those thinking there will be freedom of expression in the future may with to think again. In Russia even "liking" a social media post can land you in jail.

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Think Pravsda. In Cuba, Granma.

Consider the MAGAT Batistianos here in Baghdad By the Sea where 99% of the Hispanic media already seconds Trump's serial BS.

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A couple of years ago I had a project in Tajikistan. There was no English or German media on the TV so I watched Russia 1 and 24 for a while. It's Fox News!

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When the post shed light on Watergate and consequently brought Nixon to resignation, it must be remembered that no other media at that time investigated what probably many knew much or at least some of, including the staff of the Post itself. Two young reporters--a young Republican yet to be seasoned about the risks of idealistic bravado and a democrat more well-worn and still idealistically stubborn, brought to the editor Ben Bradley the option to morally defend true free press or cave to, at that time, the media's expanding compliant look-away controlled by invisible Big Money. A single editor. At that point in time, only one newsie had not been had. It points to one reality--the game to controll the press has been the "long game", the big "who knew"? Certainly most savvy politicians and the cowarded led-a-longs in the press ranks knew. The long game. Today, with no shame, the long game has become too ripe to remain hidden.

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Good morning Thom. An excelent essay. Sorely needed. I had to forward it to Joe Kahn thusly :

Ransom Rideout

8:49 AM (0 minutes ago)

to joe.kahn

Dear Sir,

In case you are having trouble understanding your obligation to defend our First Amendment, as well as the whole Constitution itself, I would ask you to study Thom Hartmann's essay carefully. Our lives, as well as yours depend upon defending our Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND domestic.

The threat we face today in that regard IS NEWS!! It is your obligation to report it as such. PERIOD. End of discussion.

Who's side are you on?

Ransom Rideout

Altadena, CA

A PAID subscriber

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I was sitting at my computer and my wife came up and said. "Another reason to subscribe to the NYT, to cancel their subscription and tell them why".

She had just canceled her subscription and (saved us $20 a month) after they started running right wing editorials. If she want that shit, there are plenty of MAGAt sources.

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I'm not quite there yet. I'm working on an effective (good luck with that) letter.

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Good for you. Something tells me that they don't give a shit, but no harm in trying.

Letters should be short and sweet. Best if two or three short paragraphs. They don't read manifesto's

Start off with "praise" end with a bang.

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I remember well as a kid the 4th estate the media was proud to promote making getting bribes to do articles a fraud that no self respecting newsman would tempt. Now, the printing of articles made by special interests is common especially pre-made videos for tv. How far we have come away from being proud. Politicians would sweat during interviews. A different world when accountability could bite you.

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The New York times being a capitalist newspaper, I'm sure would like to pay less in taxes. That is all it is concerned with and not about the plight of America itself. Once America turns into a third world failed nation it will almost be impossible to resurrect. The corporations that supported the fascists will lose money and that's all that really matters. The environment, the standard of living can all be damned!

Everything we do and that we do not do is either right or wrong moral or immoral good or evil. By not challenging any of Trump's lies, the press is condoning criminal behavior! It is always cheaper to serve good and God than it is to serve evil and Satan!

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We could tell the NYT but, according to your previous article, the CEO is a Trump-lover. No, We The People, need to tell each other!

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The press does not have to “defend democracy “ but they have an obligation to try to tell the truth. That means they have to label lies as lies and threats as threats. In this case it seems the NYT and others have become the sharks excited by Biden’s blood in the water. Very little critical coverage of Trump. Because lies are only printed as things Republicans say, the media becomes worthless.

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You are right! So what! You're too late! The press in America displaced Thomas Jefferson long ago. They have chosen a new god, Mammon! The abstract has been traded for the real. The language of the press has been changed and taught to its readers. Words no longer have a meaning! Read Masha Gessen's, The Future is History. What's happening here has already happened in Russia. We need only to read, to be aware. A Free media would be telling us such!

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