The R's are now operating on so many levels to tailor the vote in their direction. It's a bit like being nibbled to death by ducks. Important that we call out every little thing they are doing to suppress a Democrat vote.

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Aug 8Edited

"Important that we call out every little thing they are doing to suppress a Democrat vote."

YES! Thom is great at making us aware of these serious issues (on his radio show, his Substack, and sometimes through other medias), but how do we spread the word? Everyone needs to know (many of his daily topics)! Social Media may kill it. The corporate media doesn't make mention of these issues. I have to assume that my legislators know about these things (I should reach out to them anyway) but don't make a stink about it. Should Harris/Walz be talking about these issues?

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If Harris/Walz talked about voting issues explicitly, more affected citizens would know how to plan (hoping they don't get too discouraged to even try...).

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Republicans are working as hard as they do to disenfranchise Democratic voters because they clearly understand how unpopular they are with the majority. No wonder Peter Thiel is disenchanted with democracy. If you can't beat it, buy it out and close it down, just like any vulture capitalist would.

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Right. Easier, I suppose, than crafting policy that speaks to your voters. They’re just so mean-spirited and un-American.

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Buy it out and close it down. Remember when Elon Musk overpaid for Twitter, and everybody was laughing at him?

Who's laughing now.

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Musk is now the most dangerous man in America, with his global mis- and disinformation machine, currently in use to manipulate those voters who haven't been stricken from the rolls. This is no laughing matter!

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The most dangerous man in America?

How about the most dangerous man in the World, as US politics affects beyond our borders.

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This seems like just cause for a class action lawsuit.

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How can anybody have any respect at all for a political party that can only win by keeping people from voting?

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They don't want respect. They want money and the power to gain more.

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Check your voter status now! If you discover that you have been suspended or removed, reregister. Two can play this game. Keep doing this, tell your friends to check their voter status. You can take actions now to assure that they can’t toss your ballot.

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Republicans throw the voter fraud red herring on table to explain their justification for such laws when they are the perpetrators of the real voter fraud. If you can’t win elections by the appeal of your policies, handicap the ability of those most likely to oppose them with bogus voting laws.

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"The Democrats are Rigging the Election," say the GOP while rigging the election.

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So despicable and infuriating. Not sure how people can look themselves in the mirror when their ends and their means are so unfair and harmful to so many. The spirit of slavery, in which one group is superior to another and indeed hates the other, is alive and well. The John Lewis Voting Rights Act is a ray of justice if we can get there.

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Vampires do not see themselves in any mirror! Therefore they even do not mind trying to look. A bunch of true gangsters. Out with them!

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I live in Texas, born in Texas, vote in Texas. In the last election I had my ballot suspended because of some small something on the mail-in envelope. I had to drive thirty minutes to the county voting headquarters and show I.D. to make my vote valid. Republicans don't like mail-in ballots. How many people just like me say "screw-it!"

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We say all the time these various ‘backed by corrupt Republicans laws’

Are “like a third world country”.

The truth is the US has been made into a third world country by Republicans over the years.

Education , Maternal Child ratings at the bottom of the barrel.

The largest homeless rate proportionally . The gun Crisis. More American Children die by gunshot ( automatic weapons) than anywhere else in the world .

The attack on LGBTQ individuals. The attacks on Black Americans and Native Americans still forced in most cases to live in abject poverty on Reservations. Private entities benefitting from prison ownership where their abusive corrosive treatment of inmates is not legal but allowed.

The Voting situations in Red states where these mercenary leaders kill the legal rights of citizens who are not Maga voters.

The corruption of higher education and exorbitant penalty interest rates, another gift by Republicans .

In fact the whole 2025 project is put together by warped Republicans , sponsored by the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society, who think of themselves as the true patriots and rulers of Americans. The Supreme Court “awful six” also sponsored by these ‘misguided by wealth’. Individuals .

Their money makes them powerfully ‘ Right ‘ in this country.

Those of us, who, by their virtue of living in “democracy “ believe they have rights .

Well not necessarily true .

And if any of us are not allowed our freedoms , none are .

The homeless , how can it ever be right to allow millions to live in the outdoors or inadequate shelters for a few .

And now the courts are allowing the razing of their belongings and their “ homes” . The companies who are happy to bulldoze everything these people have are another twist on profit over everything .

Thousands and millions of people die on the streets , the elderly as well as young people and children .

Which is really ok because at least no one has to be inconvenienced by Theo presence anymore .

We have become a society of haters , disgusted with the poorest , the immigrants , the indigent , anyone who doesn’t live up to the ‘ standards ‘ of our terrorizing ideals.

We are required by morality to have compassion and want to help the people.

What’s it going to take ?

Listen to Donald Trump- it’s not him.

Listen to Vice President Harris and Governor Walz.

They can help in articulating these problems and involving all of us in solving them together.

Yeah I know , too’ good to be real’.

We better make it real .

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We are not quite a shithole country, yet, but if Republicans win in November we will be within a year.

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Well said, Patricia.

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Can an organization like the league if women voters request a list of suspended voters? If do get the list and contact those on the list, and help them get rerehistered.

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Seems logical, but the League has backed-off registration drives in some cases. Red states have new fines and rules about them. Be interesting if someone from TX responds to this.

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A good news fact that was not widely reported is this: In May, a Federal judge permanently struck down the new law that made it a crime to help someone register or vote.

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"We're gonna suspend your voting privileges due to an erroneous factoid we made up, but if you try to help someone fix theirs, we're gonna throw you in jail."

Here in Florida, they slap FELONY charges onto this type of activity.

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Coward Republicans there too. So afraid of a free and fair election.

Thanks for the info, David.

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As usual everything is bigger in Texas. WOW---18 million voters screwed. These Republicans must be so proud of themselves.

I did watch a short piece with the Brazos County Clerk explaining that there are still a couple of months to check your registration at the Secretary of State's website. Texans can re-register and get off the "suspense" list when they check their status.

She even mentioned that some of this is from challenges. Seems Texas allows challenges concerning voting, abortion, etc.. Republicans are going to bully enough people that eventually they will be the ones facing the challenge. It will consist of a big Blue voting block, one that has checked their registration. Horrors!

The Red part of Texas really is big.....big on cowardice. They don't believe in a fair fight.

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It's been obvious for years now. If the republicans can't win legally and on merit, they just cheat. They feel they're entitled to do it. And with the un-supreme court they will continue to do it.

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The GOPee has made voter suppression an art form. All we can do is GOTV this year.

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Blue tsunami can drown them.


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Hopefully there will be a blue Tsunami the deep red states like Indiana, Missouri, and the issue is abortion.

The Republicans haven't bothered to pay attention to what they believe are safe states.

I hope that the Harris/Wlaz campaign keeps pressing the freedom issue, the freedom of people to make choices.

The Republican party is anti freedom, Project 2025 and Agenda 47 is all about depriving us of our freedom to make choices.

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I donate to Blue Missouri, Blue Ohio, Forgotten Democrats and other organizations, including the DNCC.

IMHO our best chance for stealth is N. Dakota, Katrina Christiansen, senate candidate. Cruz, Hawley, Rick Scott have tremendous negatives.

25% of the electorate are Gen Z who can swamp all other demographics and trend about 70% Democratic. Check this out. https://actionnetwork.org/events/swifties-for-kamala-kickoff-call

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But will Gen Z get off their arse and vote? That is do they see the danger of a Trump and Project 2025 Dictatorship. I hope the DNCC and PACS are targeting that demographic with the reality of what they are doing if they don't vote, just like the Muslim and Black communities are slitting their own throars by not voting or voting third party out of pique

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When people register, they vote.

Here's the House candidate from my old home district. https://www.prestonforpa.com/

That Moslem and Black BS is just that. BS. Democrats have Moslem candidates. Republicans have zero (0.00.) Stats show 90% of Blacks support Democrats. IMHO the Republicans have run a psy ops disinformation campaign on both groups. I discount virtually everything the focus groups presented on MSNBC are depicting. When you make calls, you find out.

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I do hope that you are correct. MSNBC had three Muslim Hosts/Commentators

Ali Yeshi, Ayman Moheyldin, and Mehdi Hassan.

Ali is of Iranian extraction and not conspicuously, part of the Ummah hive mind, progressive but not obsessed with Israel/Palestine like Ayman is. Ayman is Egyptian extraction, progressive except when it comes to the American culture war, but part of the Ummah Hive mind. (I personally like and respect Al BTW),

Mehdi Hassan is so much a part of the Ummah hive mind, that he couldn't stay with MSNBC and obsessed with Israel/Gaza he left and now has his own substack (I am a subscriber).

Even Christiane Armapour's bias seeps through, She has her own program on BBC, carried in the states on PBS, Amanpour and Co. A British mother and an Iranian father. I don't know what religion she adheres to if any, but there is a reason that Islamic law,permits a man to marry a kufr (kaffir or unbeliever woman) with her conversion but a kufr man must become Muslim before she can marry. It is because theybelieve that the child will be influenced and raised Muslim, because the male is dominant.

It just isn't focus groups on MSNBC Daniel

Here is a article from NBC


The Hill: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4356645-arab-muslim-americans-could-abandon-biden-democrats-warn-advocates/

ABC https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4356645-arab-muslim-americans-could-abandon-biden-democrats-warn-advocates/

From Reuters: Some American blacks lose faith in Biden


My take is that they are spleenal reactive idiots, because they are fools if they think that they are going to get a better deal, recognition or help from Trump

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Like I said this is psy-ops bullshit. The candidate for Congress from my home area is a Moslem. Many local candidates nationally. None Republican.

The Trump administration did absolutely nothing for minorities.

I was in data group meetings today. They measure issues for persuasion. https://growprogress.ai/insights/introducing-persuasion-sandbox/ Despite the folklore, virtually all Blacks were screwed by SCOTUS, by Trump personally and register Democratic. If we have a problem it's with Hispanics, but if you speak to them, they can be persuaded.

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You are 100% correct, the Republicans, much less Trump administration have done nothing for minorities, by the younger demographic takes for granted all that has been achieved by the Democrats.. That is the problem with people, no historical memory..

As regards Muslims, there is a hive mind, unlike anything you can find in Judaism or Christianity.

If they succeed in throwing the election to Trump they will regret their attitude and action (or inaction). Trump is Bib's brother from another mother, and the MAGAt, to the extent that they are evangelicals, are antisemitic evangelicals, who support Israel because they see that support a precondition for the end times the rapture, just like Islam sees the extermination of the Jews, as a pre condition for the Day of Judgement, as fortold in verse 1295/1296, Book 56, hadith 139 al Bukhari and para 7 of the HAMAS covenant.

Sure people's minds can be changed, if you can interface with them one on one, But you have Hispanics like Mayra Flores, R Texas 18th) Herself a naturalized citizen, who is as MAGAt as can be, and supports the MAGAt immigration.

Flores was born in Burgos, Tamaulipas, Mexico; her family moved to the United States when she was six years old before she gained citizenship at age 14. She graduated from San Benito High School and South Texas College. Before her congressional campaign,

She is not alone either, the Hispanics are Catholic, Evangelicals and Pentecostals and are naturally conservative allies of the MAGAts and Project 2025.

Arpaio, Fuentes, Tarrio, Cuellar come to mind.

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Please Correct the Newsletter! Texas precinct chair and alternate judge for voting ... When you register to vote, they send you a voter registration card. They send it every year thereafter. IF THE POST OFFICE RETURNS THE CARD AS UNDELIVERABLE, you go on a suspension list. IF you are on that list, YOU CAN STILL VOTE NORMALLY... (not provisional!) you just have to fill out an address change card, then you go to the normal machine and vote. (THERE IS NO CARD TO RETURN TO VERIFY THAT YOU ARE A VOTER.)

They ARE purging in TX, but NOT for this.

I say this because I don't want folks to think there's no point in showing up to vote if they find out too late (less than 30 days before election day) to change their address or somehow get off the suspension list... SHOW UP AND VOTE!!!

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People need to be educated that if they move, they need to re register.

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**CORRECTION: There IS a card that has to be returned... If your voter registration card was returned undeliverable, you would be sent a card to return to verify your address. If you've done a forwarding with the post office, it should be forwarded to your new address. If not, you'll be put on the suspension list. BUT! You'll still be able to vote normal after filling out the change of address card, UNLESS you have changed counties! THEN you have to vote provisionally. Which pretty much means your vote won't be counted.

BOTTOM LINE is - check your voter registration NOW! Make any changes or REREGISTER if you've been purged! This election is too important to take any chances!

You can check your voter registration status at Vote.org! (and in TX you can ONLY change your voter registration online... you canNOT register online!)

Anyone wonder why Texas is one of the lowest voter turnout states in the Union? We've got some work to do!

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It's obvious that in a fair election Republicans would get spanked, not even close to having a majority. We need to reform the Supreme Court now!

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If they can by subterfuge remove our right to vote, but do everything to encourage us to own and carry guns, at some point those of us who are disenfranchised will put two and two together. It will be a real blast then. Except it won’t be. But that’s what the fascists are setting up. They may well learn to their great horror that the disenfranchised will not easily yield to their perfidious machinations. A lesson they will richly deserve, terrible as it will be for all of us.

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Roy, I don't think the capitalist billionaires give a hoot if they starve every American to death! The capitalists have been enabled by idiots for centuries in America! The idea of having no maximum wage!

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Roy ,

I hope the pen is mightier than the sword.

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