I can't help myself from wondering why the qanonsense corporation has been so silent on protecting these children.

Does their charter extend exclusively to the wellbeing of children targeted by the face-eating, blood-guzzling, bad-touch "Left"? Seems a narrow scope.

Anyways, about a year ago I asked a client when they thought people would begin to take Covid seriously. Their answer? When children start to die.

I want to believe that's true (repugnant as it is to need for that to happen) but I've learned a lot over the past six years about the current state of our collective moral boundaries.

There are none - so it seems.

Reminds me of Thom's reading from "They Thought They were Free" (I think that's the title) in which the people of Germany in the 1930's never noticed the transformation of their society into an authoritarian death machine because there was never one single moment; one catalyzing event to wake them from their slumber. I see this here too - frogs being slowly brought to a boil.

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It's all fascinating - I think the frogs are starting to realize how hot the water is. The question is if they can still jump out...

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Didn't want to laugh about your first 2 lines....couldn't help it. I think it was the "narrow scope".

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I just can't stand this. It's infuriating. I suspect that a lot of mothers and grandmothers especially will feel the same and it will hurt them in the midterms. It had better or I suspect American democracy won't last and as other democracies fail and the climate war is lost, human beings will end up as small bands of hunter gatherers in a few isolated places in the world. Maybe that's all for the best. Maybe we should step aside and give the dolphins a chance. I don't want to live in a world that sacrifices the vulnerable for the sake of greed, anyway.

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But will GOP voters rebel, or re-elect them? Is there any limit to the stupidity or the resilience of the bubble in which they live?

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Not the hard core QAnons and terrorists, but I think a lot of the others may when kids at their kids school die, when their own do, they can't find teachers to work or they go back to remote learning in frustration. I think that may have an impact.

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The Republican Party has become the Party of the Loonies. The smart ones are now the minority. DeStuidest is no dummy. Law degree from Harvard, served in the military as a JD. Has been a Congressman. As Bill Maher would say "wears a tie and a smile". He is not a Lauren Boebert. As I said the other day, Covid provides another meaning for political suicide. He seems to think that he will beat it. But if Delta (should be called the Republican Variant) does not kill us, it will morph into another variant. The only way to slow the spread is Vaccinations, masks, Hygiene and social distancing. We all ready know that Republicans have poor hygiene. So if they do not get vaccinated, wear masks and attend Super Spreader events they will slowly eliminate themselves.

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Are DeSantis & Abbott trying to turn their state Blue?

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Ron - that's a great question, and 2022 is going to be fascinating in the south - UNLESS they can bend this infection curve quickly...

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Just as the GQP Cult abuses BIPOC by suppressing their vote with new state laws, they will eliminate BIPOC by spreading COVID with new state laws. As long as BIPOC are the main target of state laws, they will get away with it.

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This country has gone bat shit (virus) crazy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUCUOZnmfls

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4 teachers die in last 24 hours in Broward County (Fort Lauderdale) from covid. https://www.yahoo.com/news/4-teachers-died-covid-within-072029730.html

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What do DeSantis and Abbott have in common with the virus? They are all unstable. The more the virus changes, the crazier these governors act. What is the payoff for a contrarian? Are they trying to show they are superior? It sure as hell is not working!

DeSantis and Abbott, just like Covid, are sucking the life out of Florida and Texas. We see who they are---we won't forget.

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I have been complaining about the Wildfires in Western USA. Did not know that they are minor compared to what is going on in Siberia, Russia. https://www.yahoo.com/news/world-biggest-fires-may-reach-230025092.html

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China is taking Delta seriously. I knew, originally, this was going to be bad when they shutdown Disneyland in Shanghai. At the time I thought that we would never do that. Now a major shipping port is shutdown. This could have a major effect on the delivery of goods that we purchase from China. Which is a lot. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/massive-china-port-shutdown-raises-210441619.html

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Texas and Florida account for 40% of new Covid Hospitalizations. It will get worse. So you do not trust a vaccine for a deadly virus, but you will go to a hospital (and trust them) when you get the virus? Would it not be easier and a whole lot cheaper to have gotten the vaccine? https://www.yahoo.com/news/florida-texas-account-for-nearly-40-of-new-coronavirus-hospitalizations-183033703.html

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Aug 12, 2021
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