Diluting the Vote with Gerrymandering
Your weekly excerpt from one of my books. This week: "The Hidden History of the War on Voting"

Diluting the Vote with Gerrymandering
Gerrymandering and money in politics are the two main ways in which the impact of our votes—after they’re cast and counted—is diminished, often to the point of irrelevance. American voters are aware of these, and their persistence and power may well account for why so many people don’t bother to register to vote, and only a fraction of those registered show up on any given election day.
Gerrymandering entails using the process of redrawing congressional districts to provide a substantial political advantage to one party at the expense of others. A gerrymander of state legislative districts in Wisconsin in 2012, for example, produced a map where Republicans lost the statewide vote for the members of the State Assembly by 47 percent to 53 percent, but the GOP nonetheless ended up with 60 seats in the 99-seat legislative body.
In 2017, Emily Bazelon of the New York Times reported the results of a Brennan Center study:
In the 17 states where Republicans drew the maps this decade—for 40 percent of the total House seats in the country—their candidates won about 53 percent of the vote and 72 percent of the seats. In the six states where Democrats drew the lines, for only about 10 percent of the House, their candidates won about 56 percent of the vote and 71 percent of the seats.110
Gerrymandering has been part of American politics since one of the founders, Elbridge Gerry, supervised, as governor, the redrawing of Massachusetts’s congressional maps to benefit his Democratic-Republican Party in the election of 1812. Both parties have done it since that era, although the Supreme Court, in a 1964 ruling, decreed that districts must at least have roughly equivalent population numbers.
On June 27, 2019, the Supreme Court ruled that while “racial” gerrymandering is still unconstitutional, it’s just fine for political parties to do “partisan gerrymandering.”111
Six Democratic-controlled states use nonpartisan commissions to draw congressional lines, a practice that has made elections more competitive and interesting in New Jersey and California. Thirteen states do the same for state legislative districts.
In every case, experience shows that nonpartisan districts produce results that most accurately reflect the makeup of the voter base, but now that five Republicans on the Supreme Court have told the GOP that they can gerrymander to their hearts’ content, it’s a safe bet that they’ll simply use political rather than racial considerations as their justification, and their billionaire friends will be dropping hundreds of millions of dollars into future state elections to ensure GOP control of the state legislatures that redraw district lines.
By going for nonpartisan commissions, the Democrats, assuming that the Supreme Court would limit partisan gerrymandering, essentially unilaterally disarmed. Time will tell whether they adopt Republican policies or if we’ll continue to see more and more states severely gerrymandered by the GOP as they did in North Carolina, for example: in 2018, a state that votes pretty much 50/50 Democratic/Republican sent three Democrats and 10 Republicans to the US House of Representatives.
There are nearly innumerable expletives that could pepper this post but for some reason I am trying to be civil on occasion. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. So for the beginning of my comment, at least, it may take on a civil tone. No Guarantee how the end will look however.
~~~ Gerrymandering has been with us & has been very successful to the detriment to our democracy. And now I wonder if it's too late for the dying lady of liberty & lady justice?? There are days when I have a lot of fight within me to do what I can to save our country but then I see people, corporations, influencers just cave BEFORE that egomaniac takes office. I have raised the question about why we, the little people, are responsible to do all the fighting & saving while those with the means & influence to fight can just open their goddam coffers to trump & his merry band of thieves.
Have we become that venal, that lazy, that traitorous that those who CAN do something just roll over & show their bellies to the BEAST about to gut our coffers of power & influence & goodness?
It really is so hard to take. Every goddam time I watch the news (And I'll be up front, I pretty much only watch some select shows on MSNBC, by the way I stopped recording Morning Joe after they slithered down to Mar A Lago.), to repeat, every time I watch the news I get more & more disgusted, irate, depressed, sickened, furious to the point of practically screaming at the TV.
~~~All the talk of gutting this program & that program & handing more & more wealth to the wealthy. Then there are all the promises of deportations that so many 'Americans' (I use that term very loosely here.) are elated about. Have you seen/heard where, now in Missouri they are planning on legalizing bounty hunting illegal immigrants? They want to to offer $1,000 to anyone that can bring in an illegal immigrant!!!!!!! What the fuck???(See, I told you no guarantees about the expletives.) I live here in California & I am lucky enough to have lovely Hispanic lady, Maria, to do some house cleaning for me every 2 weeks. I don't know her legal status, I don't care about it, she is a friendly woman who does a great job for me. Her English is limited but we can converse pretty well & damn, she makes the absolutley BEST TAMALES! She was generous & kind enough to give me 2 at Thanksgiving, YUMMY. (Pardon my wandering off subject but it's a nice interlude to think of someone kind, hard working & generous.) So, if I lived in Missouri, what would happen to this wonderful woman? I mean surely she would be targeted, she looks Hispanic, speaks broken English so she must be illegal & she's worth a thousand bucks if she gets turned it!!!!! (Typing this just about brought on a spasm of nausea.)
~~~So gerrymander away, US, gerrymander away decency, generosity, morals, kindness, hope, caring, love, go ahead & do it but STOP saying you're Making America Great Again, GROSS,, definitley but GREAT, no way.
Add voter intimidation, voter preclusion and foreign interference, including psy ops.
Biden needs to report on Russian interference ASAP! We are the victims of the Russian war on the USA. An admission is dispositive and is actionalble and constitutes an emergency.