My questions: Why are you giving us chapter and verse, as to how the election was stolen now? Why did Kamala Harris fold, while the votes were still being counted? She said otherwise when campaigning. She was aware of what was going on and said she was prepared to fight. Why did Biden accept the results without question, while he was still in office? Why is Palast standing alone in this effort? Where were all the other democratic leaders? Ans. AWOL. For anyone that was watching, we knew the results of the election were fraudulent. Spoonamore, an expert in voter machine irregularities, said the vote tallies didn't add up. Democrats had all the ammunition they needed to challenge the results. They did nothing! Crying over spilled milk now does nothing but instill anxiety and dread for what's to come.
Challenging elections is déclassé, as far as top Democrats like Biden and Harris are concerned. It was the same with Al Gore in 2000. They would rather lose.
I 100% agree. Why are we hearing about this after January 6 when Kaela certified the electoral vote?! How is it that this information is delayed? If we know this then the election is illegitimate and she shouldn’t have certified. This is appalling in many ways because we can’t act on this information., Should not have certified the election based on what you’re presenting here.
Couldn't agree more Martha. Why is Hartmann just bringing this to light. The idiom shut the barn door comes to mind meaning to try to stop something that has already happened or is in the process of happening and cannot be stopped; to make an effort that is futile because the damage has already been done.
Just bringing this to light? I’ve been yelling about this for over 20 years. I wrote a whole damn book about it several years ago, which we are serializing on Sundays right now.
Thom Hartmann, I wouldn't be on this substack, if I didn't admire and appreciate what you have been doing. No, I'm sorry I have not read your book. My comment did not relate to your whole newsletter. It related to what you revealed on voter suppression, particularly in the last election. Spoonamore, Daniel Solomon, and myself commented on Spoonamore's revelation. It appeared to fall on deaf ears. Harris and Biden folded. Why is my question? I expected journalists to fall all over themselves reporting this. Instead, I heard from various quarters that Spoonamore has been saying things like this for years, leaving me to believe his analysis was not well respected. It's a bit late now to let the horse out of the barn.
This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Stephanie, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
LINDA, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Joseph, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Sam, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Mark, Sooz, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Curtis P, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Mark, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Teresa, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Ann, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
I'll tell that aggressive ballot curing can really work. In hotly contested central valley California CA13, Adam Gray, won by only 187 votes (largely working class Hispanics and Asians)because we sent an army of Indivisible, Swing Left, and Sister District volunteers in to correct challenged ballots. One at a time. We would wait until they came home and signed documents showing their correct signature (the biggest error was their signature didn't match signatures on record, like on their DL). We'd keep going back until we got the person-- setting appointments to see when they came back from college,or work etc , always having translators in every language ready to talk to them. Hand carrying the affidavits back to the county clerk. Lots of Big Oil money was poured in that race against us. It was tough! Every day we were down in those neighborhoods. But we flipped the seat from the GOP incumbent to BLUE. We did it! Ballot correction makes a difference.
That’s so great! Why didn’t Dems know more about this? There wasn’t news about it sounds like it’s a major reason we lost! Now we need to do something about those that were thrown off the rolls so we can get them to vote in the next election. somehow there must be a way to challenge these vigilantes, and purges. Next time we need to be there in force to watch these cheater and catch them in the act.
To put it bluntly, Kamala Harris lost because the GOP cheated. I knew something was off with the election results, but I didn’t know voter suppression was as serious an issue as it is.
What can we do to prevent this from happening again?
The 2024 election was unfair AND illegitimate in MANY ways including mass voter suppression but also CHANGED VOTES CAST. Since Thom is unfortunately being sadly and unjustifiably rude and snide here about the also crucial element of Trump’s VERY LIKELY MANIPULATED vote tallies when Thom writes “But if you’re expecting a sexy story about Elon Musk messing with vote-counting software from outer space, sorry, you won’t get that here.”, here’s WHERE you can get some of the crucial nuts and bolts of that absolutely critical information about CAST VOTE MANIPULATION from Smart Elections & Election Truth Alliance on YouTube starting at 16 minutes OR from the beginning: . They also share info about the more than 200 bomb threats starting at 58 minutes! There ARE indeed many smoking guns!
Right.... if all legal ballots were counted, Trump would have lost the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. Vice-President Kamala Harris would have won the Presidency with 286 electoral votes.
Conservatively, hundreds of thousands of potential registered Democratic voters did not vote. This can be established via expert witness testimony. That conduct constitutes crimes -- election intereference under state and federal law.
Moreover, during a rally Trump said that his political ally Elon Musk had an advanced understanding of the voting machines used in Pennsylvania, a critical swing state that was key to Trump's victory in November.
"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers," Trump told the crowd. "And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."
"Did Donald Trump just say that Elon Musk helped him rig the election?" journalist David Leavitt asked. Jasmine Crockett of Texas also took to X to ask if Trump was "confessing to yet another damn crime." Another Democratic congressman, Daniel Goldman of New York, also called for an investigation.
If you are looking for something to do besides saying “OMG: a hundred times a day, we have an early chance to push back on MAGA in Wisconsin. The balance of the Wisconsin Supreme Court is again going to be determined by an election, this one in early April. If the side that favors democracy wins again it could mean getting rid of the extreme gerrymandering in that state. It could flip two US House seats, SUPPORT SUSAN CRAWFORD IN WISCONSIN!!. Look her up, contribute your time and money!
If you took the time to actually read my posts, you would realize I have been posting how this election was rigged, according to Stephen Spoonamore, Greg Palast and Daniel Solomon. Get with the program before you blab nonsense. How much did you contribute physically and financially to Tony Evers?
The only person who can protect my vote is me. I can only protect my neighbor's vote by reminding them of that fact of life so that they take care to ensure their registration is current and their ID or whatever else is needed is also current and valid. Thus, while Greg is likely correct on nearly all points, where were Democrats to ensure - well in advance - that their voter blocks are ready to vote legally? Nobody knocked on my door or mailed me any reminders.
For example, in the 2020 election, my mail-in vote was rejected because the county handwriting expert decided my shakey 73-year-old signature did not match my 65-year-old registration signature. As I voted the day after getting the ballot, as always, I drove down to the county clerk's office, with my letter, and validated my ballot. In 2024, I practiced my signature several times before putting it on the envelope and it flew this time.
People need to be reminded that if they change apartments they need to update their official address on their driver's license AND voter registration. They also need to learn that if they fail to vote in any election, they risk being purged on the assumption of moving or dying. Thus, the only defense against the ruthless Ken Paxtons of America appears to be persistent reminders of such facts by the Democratic party in every district - well before every vote.
It's a good moment to remember that we are fortunate - especially amidst misfortune - to have our lives coincide with the likes of Hartmann, Palast, Haake, Obeidallah, Tiedrich, and so many more, including each other.
I've been thinking of Dr King lately - a lot. We have a profound duty to continue his fight - every day - for the ideal of justice in all interpretations of the term. Racial justice has certainly been the focus of so many in his remembrance, but economic justice was and is truly the fulcrum.
In the words of Peter Tosh, "I don't want no peace, I want equal rights and justice".
We need to have a national Voting Day, where everyone can have the day off to do their Civic Duty and let their voice be heard by marking their ballot. Greg Palast is just the person , along with you,to actually know What Happened in the 2024 election. I'd also like to encourage your readers to pick up a copy of your"Hidden History" book series; The War on Voting ! Excellent Read. Thank You,Thom, great article this morning ☕ and will reStack ASAP 💯👍
That's the future. Are you one of those people willing to accept the 2024 results, Karen? bWe all know what we can do in the future. Let's deal with the past.
Yep, they’ve successfully gone from surgically manipulated gerrymandering to now letting ANYONE whose white challenge whether EVERY vote non-white should be allowed to count. They’re out right cheating & sadly getting away with it.
We knew they were doing this, yet it still got out of hand. This data is stunning! This is maddening and very sad. We need to make this a state by state and national priority. And I guess we start in the swing states ..
This is how authoritarian regimes come to power. How many other countries have suffered this problem and ended up with a dictatorial government? The only way to fix this is to fight for better election integrity and better vetting of election officers, all the way to the state's offices. Until we stand up for a better system, this will only get worse. Maybe to the point of doing away with voting altogether soon?
"The only way to fix this is to fight for better election integrity and better vetting of election officers."
Some folks are already calling for impeachment on the basis of Trump's attack on the Constitution. Jefferson recited other methods including "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Need to have standing. Probably civil damage cases. Palast has brought suts, But IMHO some people were threatened, maybe even injured re elections and have PI cases. State law is not unifolrm. Voting rights lawyers may/ may not see the full value....
Daniel, with all the information that many journalists have revealed, the legal system appears to be our legal system failed us. Lesson learned, if you have enough money, the legal system is your friend. No money, no friend. tRump can now get away with treason. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg must be turning over in their graves.
I'm sorry to report that we have an adversarial system. A lot of the DOJ lawyers turned out to be duds. Garland let the Mueller claims die..... Justice delayed....
The civil cases remain open...could yield punitive damages.....
I still don't understand why DOJ did not ask the SCOTUS justices who are conflicted to recuse and to make a record.......
Maybe the blue states can sue the red states for obstruction of justice, as the national results are corrupted, limiting the validity of the whole. Like rotten apples spoil the 50 state outcome.
Well I think this truth will come out but it won't change anything that we are dealing with right now. And this is difficult to prove without a huge investigation, and who is going to initiate this? I am angry about Harris not winning, just as I am angry about Hillary not winning and that orange pig getting everything handed to him. the old adage "life if not fair" holds true. I am mostly angry about democrats and lazy people who don't vote!! it really aggravates me!!
I couldn’t even finish this article; I was afraid for my blood pressure! All I know is that Republicans are the scum of the earth, and Democrats are going to have to fight back using every method possible, including down in the mud dirty. The ONLY way to ensure one person one vote is to have Democrats in power.
My questions: Why are you giving us chapter and verse, as to how the election was stolen now? Why did Kamala Harris fold, while the votes were still being counted? She said otherwise when campaigning. She was aware of what was going on and said she was prepared to fight. Why did Biden accept the results without question, while he was still in office? Why is Palast standing alone in this effort? Where were all the other democratic leaders? Ans. AWOL. For anyone that was watching, we knew the results of the election were fraudulent. Spoonamore, an expert in voter machine irregularities, said the vote tallies didn't add up. Democrats had all the ammunition they needed to challenge the results. They did nothing! Crying over spilled milk now does nothing but instill anxiety and dread for what's to come.
Everything you have written in your post went through my mind many times. WHY did they fold?
What is to come is why they folded - massive intimidation of citizens who could do something about it. Even Kamala Harris knows why.
That's the elephant in the room, Carol.
Challenging elections is déclassé, as far as top Democrats like Biden and Harris are concerned. It was the same with Al Gore in 2000. They would rather lose.
I 100% agree. Why are we hearing about this after January 6 when Kaela certified the electoral vote?! How is it that this information is delayed? If we know this then the election is illegitimate and she shouldn’t have certified. This is appalling in many ways because we can’t act on this information., Should not have certified the election based on what you’re presenting here.
Couldn't agree more Martha. Why is Hartmann just bringing this to light. The idiom shut the barn door comes to mind meaning to try to stop something that has already happened or is in the process of happening and cannot be stopped; to make an effort that is futile because the damage has already been done.
Just bringing this to light? I’ve been yelling about this for over 20 years. I wrote a whole damn book about it several years ago, which we are serializing on Sundays right now.
Thom Hartmann, I wouldn't be on this substack, if I didn't admire and appreciate what you have been doing. No, I'm sorry I have not read your book. My comment did not relate to your whole newsletter. It related to what you revealed on voter suppression, particularly in the last election. Spoonamore, Daniel Solomon, and myself commented on Spoonamore's revelation. It appeared to fall on deaf ears. Harris and Biden folded. Why is my question? I expected journalists to fall all over themselves reporting this. Instead, I heard from various quarters that Spoonamore has been saying things like this for years, leaving me to believe his analysis was not well respected. It's a bit late now to let the horse out of the barn.
This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Stephanie, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
LINDA, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Joseph, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Sam, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Mark, Sooz, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Curtis P, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Mark, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Teresa, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
Ann, This is my latest post to Thom hartmann. I should have been more specific in my reply to you. It wasn't what you revealed. It was what Greg Palast revealed and you brought to light. Mr. Hartmann, my apologies, in reviewing an earlier report by you, I found you actually warned about voter suppression. Timing is everything, and those with the voices that can make a difference failed us, Again, I support what you're doing and admire your ability to relay it to the rest of us.
I'll tell that aggressive ballot curing can really work. In hotly contested central valley California CA13, Adam Gray, won by only 187 votes (largely working class Hispanics and Asians)because we sent an army of Indivisible, Swing Left, and Sister District volunteers in to correct challenged ballots. One at a time. We would wait until they came home and signed documents showing their correct signature (the biggest error was their signature didn't match signatures on record, like on their DL). We'd keep going back until we got the person-- setting appointments to see when they came back from college,or work etc , always having translators in every language ready to talk to them. Hand carrying the affidavits back to the county clerk. Lots of Big Oil money was poured in that race against us. It was tough! Every day we were down in those neighborhoods. But we flipped the seat from the GOP incumbent to BLUE. We did it! Ballot correction makes a difference.
That’s so great! Why didn’t Dems know more about this? There wasn’t news about it sounds like it’s a major reason we lost! Now we need to do something about those that were thrown off the rolls so we can get them to vote in the next election. somehow there must be a way to challenge these vigilantes, and purges. Next time we need to be there in force to watch these cheater and catch them in the act.
To put it bluntly, Kamala Harris lost because the GOP cheated. I knew something was off with the election results, but I didn’t know voter suppression was as serious an issue as it is.
What can we do to prevent this from happening again?
The 2024 election was unfair AND illegitimate in MANY ways including mass voter suppression but also CHANGED VOTES CAST. Since Thom is unfortunately being sadly and unjustifiably rude and snide here about the also crucial element of Trump’s VERY LIKELY MANIPULATED vote tallies when Thom writes “But if you’re expecting a sexy story about Elon Musk messing with vote-counting software from outer space, sorry, you won’t get that here.”, here’s WHERE you can get some of the crucial nuts and bolts of that absolutely critical information about CAST VOTE MANIPULATION from Smart Elections & Election Truth Alliance on YouTube starting at 16 minutes OR from the beginning: . They also share info about the more than 200 bomb threats starting at 58 minutes! There ARE indeed many smoking guns!
Right.... if all legal ballots were counted, Trump would have lost the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. Vice-President Kamala Harris would have won the Presidency with 286 electoral votes.
This does not include effects from Russian psy ops to intimidate, scare, threaten voters and election officials.'s%20efforts%20represented%20the%20most,society%20and%20foster%20anti%2DAmericanism.
Conservatively, hundreds of thousands of potential registered Democratic voters did not vote. This can be established via expert witness testimony. That conduct constitutes crimes -- election intereference under state and federal law.
Moreover, during a rally Trump said that his political ally Elon Musk had an advanced understanding of the voting machines used in Pennsylvania, a critical swing state that was key to Trump's victory in November.
"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers," Trump told the crowd. "And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."
"Did Donald Trump just say that Elon Musk helped him rig the election?" journalist David Leavitt asked. Jasmine Crockett of Texas also took to X to ask if Trump was "confessing to yet another damn crime." Another Democratic congressman, Daniel Goldman of New York, also called for an investigation.
Trump claimed that the 2020 election was stolen by Democrats. However, he has not made allegations against the results of the 2024 election. Musk openly said it was easy to rig election computers.
Election Truth Alliance (ETA), a self-described nonpartisan nonprofit organization that was founded in December 2024, said its analysis in Clark County, Nevada, produced results "consistent with vote manipulation."
Anyone paying attention knew this months ago. Why has no one spoken up?
Comment from Robert Reich's newsletter.
I Ain't Dead Yet: Oldandinthew…
If you are looking for something to do besides saying “OMG: a hundred times a day, we have an early chance to push back on MAGA in Wisconsin. The balance of the Wisconsin Supreme Court is again going to be determined by an election, this one in early April. If the side that favors democracy wins again it could mean getting rid of the extreme gerrymandering in that state. It could flip two US House seats, SUPPORT SUSAN CRAWFORD IN WISCONSIN!!. Look her up, contribute your time and money!
Oldandinthew…who are you talking to? Where did you see me say OMG? You may need glasses.
If you took the time to actually read my posts, you would realize I have been posting how this election was rigged, according to Stephen Spoonamore, Greg Palast and Daniel Solomon. Get with the program before you blab nonsense. How much did you contribute physically and financially to Tony Evers?
Folks tried to get Biden/Harris to act. Didn't even report the extent of the interference.
The only person who can protect my vote is me. I can only protect my neighbor's vote by reminding them of that fact of life so that they take care to ensure their registration is current and their ID or whatever else is needed is also current and valid. Thus, while Greg is likely correct on nearly all points, where were Democrats to ensure - well in advance - that their voter blocks are ready to vote legally? Nobody knocked on my door or mailed me any reminders.
For example, in the 2020 election, my mail-in vote was rejected because the county handwriting expert decided my shakey 73-year-old signature did not match my 65-year-old registration signature. As I voted the day after getting the ballot, as always, I drove down to the county clerk's office, with my letter, and validated my ballot. In 2024, I practiced my signature several times before putting it on the envelope and it flew this time.
People need to be reminded that if they change apartments they need to update their official address on their driver's license AND voter registration. They also need to learn that if they fail to vote in any election, they risk being purged on the assumption of moving or dying. Thus, the only defense against the ruthless Ken Paxtons of America appears to be persistent reminders of such facts by the Democratic party in every district - well before every vote.
“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
― Joseph Stalin,
Right on Daniel.
Gotta love all things Palast.
It's a good moment to remember that we are fortunate - especially amidst misfortune - to have our lives coincide with the likes of Hartmann, Palast, Haake, Obeidallah, Tiedrich, and so many more, including each other.
I've been thinking of Dr King lately - a lot. We have a profound duty to continue his fight - every day - for the ideal of justice in all interpretations of the term. Racial justice has certainly been the focus of so many in his remembrance, but economic justice was and is truly the fulcrum.
In the words of Peter Tosh, "I don't want no peace, I want equal rights and justice".
Voter suppression works. Not sure what to do about it given recent ruling by the corrupt SCOTUS.
Musk makes a great target defendant. Net worth is 425 bil +. He doesn't have immunity. Was a government contractor.,Sources%20of%20wealth,company%20shares%20since%20late%202021.
How do we as older individuals fight this? We need a very specific game plan!
We need to have a national Voting Day, where everyone can have the day off to do their Civic Duty and let their voice be heard by marking their ballot. Greg Palast is just the person , along with you,to actually know What Happened in the 2024 election. I'd also like to encourage your readers to pick up a copy of your"Hidden History" book series; The War on Voting ! Excellent Read. Thank You,Thom, great article this morning ☕ and will reStack ASAP 💯👍
That's the future. Are you one of those people willing to accept the 2024 results, Karen? bWe all know what we can do in the future. Let's deal with the past.
Yep, they’ve successfully gone from surgically manipulated gerrymandering to now letting ANYONE whose white challenge whether EVERY vote non-white should be allowed to count. They’re out right cheating & sadly getting away with it.
Susan, shoulda coulda woulda!
We knew they were doing this, yet it still got out of hand. This data is stunning! This is maddening and very sad. We need to make this a state by state and national priority. And I guess we start in the swing states ..
This travesty is the result of repeated failures to pass electoral reform.
Aka by the whim and fancy of the traitors, Christan Symena and Joe Manshion, let us not forget why democrats lost the vote.
This is how authoritarian regimes come to power. How many other countries have suffered this problem and ended up with a dictatorial government? The only way to fix this is to fight for better election integrity and better vetting of election officers, all the way to the state's offices. Until we stand up for a better system, this will only get worse. Maybe to the point of doing away with voting altogether soon?
"The only way to fix this is to fight for better election integrity and better vetting of election officers."
Some folks are already calling for impeachment on the basis of Trump's attack on the Constitution. Jefferson recited other methods including "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Daniel, where are the folks willing to do something about what Palast revealed?
Need to have standing. Probably civil damage cases. Palast has brought suts, But IMHO some people were threatened, maybe even injured re elections and have PI cases. State law is not unifolrm. Voting rights lawyers may/ may not see the full value....
Daniel, with all the information that many journalists have revealed, the legal system appears to be our legal system failed us. Lesson learned, if you have enough money, the legal system is your friend. No money, no friend. tRump can now get away with treason. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg must be turning over in their graves.
I'm sorry to report that we have an adversarial system. A lot of the DOJ lawyers turned out to be duds. Garland let the Mueller claims die..... Justice delayed....
The civil cases remain open...could yield punitive damages.....
I still don't understand why DOJ did not ask the SCOTUS justices who are conflicted to recuse and to make a record.......
I forgot to say some of Trump's co defendants still face state criminal exposure.
Maybe the blue states can sue the red states for obstruction of justice, as the national results are corrupted, limiting the validity of the whole. Like rotten apples spoil the 50 state outcome.
Well I think this truth will come out but it won't change anything that we are dealing with right now. And this is difficult to prove without a huge investigation, and who is going to initiate this? I am angry about Harris not winning, just as I am angry about Hillary not winning and that orange pig getting everything handed to him. the old adage "life if not fair" holds true. I am mostly angry about democrats and lazy people who don't vote!! it really aggravates me!!
Why would the swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that have Dem governors and Sec of State allow the purging of qualified voters?
I couldn’t even finish this article; I was afraid for my blood pressure! All I know is that Republicans are the scum of the earth, and Democrats are going to have to fight back using every method possible, including down in the mud dirty. The ONLY way to ensure one person one vote is to have Democrats in power.