Thank you for recognizing that criminal immunity for Trump, legalizing bribery (it's just a "gratuity"), and gutting federal administrative experts under Loper are all tools in the Supreme Court's fight to implement Project 2025. Project 2025 is financed by Koch Industries; the whole damn thing is written to protect fossil fuel wealth and gaslight voters with culture wars- which means we have almost no chance of addressing climate in time. Hopefully the youth vote will wake up, realize the connection, and turn out en masse in November.

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Hi Sabrina!

That's an excellent summary. I firmly believe young voters are going to show up for democracy in November. I've had many interactions with this generation over the past few years - I can't say enough about them, truly. They are the future, and they will accept nothing less.

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Me too Sabrina and Jon. I found from the BLM, climate crisis, and women's protests these younger people know that the only way to insure their future and that of the generations to come is by acceptance of each other, democracy, and science.

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Hi Jon! But do you think they are engaged enough? If every young person of voting age voted, the climate crisis would almost be solved by now...

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That's the question, and a really difficult one to answer. The climate crisis is so long in the making. The predicted catastrophic consequences of inaction turned tangible every day disasters is still a relatively new phenomenon to the people who can do a thing about it. They've known it intellectually, but living and dying through a real thing is an entirely different motivator. So I think the movement to actually solve the crisis is in its early stages - the solving being the action end of all the research and environmental advocacy to date. Previous generations have laid the groundwork, it's time to take it home.

Are younger folks engaged enough? I believe the answer is yes. I'm reminded that our behavior evolves - and through evolution we approach and interact with challenges in new and novel ways. I believe they are engaged in a way we just may not be able to recognize. We can't see what we don't know.

I believe it is the job of the elders to help younger generations not through do as I say, rather, how can I help? Sometimes we need to make clear we are willing to let go and allow the future through. My only concern is just that: are we allowing the space for a younger generation to be as engaged as possible?

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Bernie Sanders in 2020: "We’re making some progress but historically everybody knows that young people do not vote in the kind of numbers that older people vote," he said. "I think that will change in the general election. But to be honest with you, we have not done as well in bringing young people into the process. It is not easy."

It did not change in the general election. Young people will bear the brunt of climate change; one hopes they realize they are partly to blame- not for carbon emissions of the last 100 years- but for their chronic failure to vote. It's truly a tragedy.

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The young adults I've had the opportunity to listen to - through canvassing for our county Democratic party - are exceedingly motivated. I'm beyond impressed. They have a level of awareness that I haven't seen before. They also have compassion and a resolve to do something. These are only my personal observations, but I'm hopeful - it's their world to lose.

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100%. But we can't forget how enthused they were for Bernie- their fervor suggested a new US was dawning. They were effusive and enthused and showed up to rally after rally, but failed to show up at the voting booth. It was gut wrenching, and a lesson I won't soon forget.

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THANK YOU for calling it the COUP that it is. Article III Sec.1 US CONSTITUTION:

"The (SCOTUS) judges...shall hold their offices DURING GOOD BEHAVIOR."

Everything you highlighted about their coup is NOT GOOD BEHAVIOR.

Time to have them RESTORE everything and RESIGN.


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SCOTUS is compromised by Lenard Leo and the Federalist Society. Cannon and Wray are Federalist Society members.

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And Merrick Garland may be a closet Federalist society cheerleader.

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We went to the same high school in the 60's. I'm embarrassed for him.

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He's another elite who is way past his prime. Garland is the primary reason we have reached this pass

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Everything is in “IF they are re elected”. Damned. This corrupt scotus has really screwed the country. Insane

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Hope everyone understands that if the Republicans control all three branches, they will pass actual laws that match these recent decisions.

There will be legislation passed to remedy things that don't exist, like the lies they told at the convention about migrants being a bunch of murderers and rapists. The NY Times did a fact-check article on that issue today with the real stats and studies.

AOC's House floor speech when she filed the impeachment against Alito and Thomas is online and is worth watching. So is Chuck Schumer's Senate opening talking about the SCOTUS decisions. He indicated something will be done.

Thanks for the run-down Thom. We have work to do.

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Yes lots of work to do . But right now the Senate Democrats are torn between renominating Biden or trying to pick a successor who can beat Trump ( if such a person exists )

- I would hope Dick Durbin could at least indicate if he will open hearings against Thomas & Alito but the Senate isn’t known for its quickness.

In the meantime ( as they say) :

When all is said and done , much more is said than done .

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Thanks for the morning chuckle, Professor.

Wrote before that Senator Durbin is no doubt worried about a loss on this issue. Might be considering what is worse---no charges or a loss due to a few people that claim to be Democrats. AND then there's Sen. Sinema.

It's like everything is forming a giant pimple we must pop, but we know we could make it uglier. There, I hope you are not eating and that I made you smile:)

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The atomic filibuster in the Senate has rendered the institution about as useful

as a screen door installer

on a submarine.

Yet - it’s better under D

leadership than what may be coming.

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yes we do - and we will - and we are. we're going through this, not around it, which gives me hope. onward!

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And as usual, most people likely seem to know very little about most of these things and what they affect. Many people seem to barely pay attention to the presidential election as well. If people realized a lot of what has happened/is happening, we might have a better chance to stop it. I feel so bad for the children that are going to be left with this mess.

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It will take at least 50 years to sort this out - perhaps longer.

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It won't be enough to simply reform the Supreme Court or impeach and remove its most corrupt members. It was, after all, large amounts of private money--some corporate, some individual--that corrupted the court and influenced its reactionary, anti-constitutional decisions. Money is not speech, and it can't be allowed to speak. And corporations are not people; therefore, they have no rights under the Constitution.

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The country was slowly stolen right from under our noses. A frog in a pot of boiling water.

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excellent article Thom, a lot of factsI I need to add all of the above to Biden's failing to incarcerate the gop planners of the insurrection and Donald Trump immediately. Biden should have fired Garland immediately and the Republicans wouldn't have taken control of the Congress! The Democrats could have circled the wagons!

The gop game plan is to tell their sheeple what they want to hear and then do just the opposite and blame it on the liberals with their right wing alternative news organizations and the MSM and social media!

We need to flog liars! They seem to run rampant in unlimited greed and Christian societies. Spreading lies is okay with them as long as they like the LIE, but telling the truth is evil, especially if they don't want to hear it. Sadly, almost all of the media is going along with the liars. Going to church once every 5 years and been forgiven for all their lies they told and sins they have committed, isn't working!

Unlimited greed is Antichrist! But having too low of a maximum wage is also Antichrist! The right wingers cannot deal with moderation, only extremism! That is how they get what they want! A few flogs for lying, will shut them up! 😀

No society can exist where there is so much dishonesty!

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Not too late to charge all the unindicted co-conspirators.

BTW Today is Florida day on FT 6. Textarcade, phonebank.



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The coup already happened; it was 50 years in the making. The Money bought all the major media sources and they are in the tank for Trump and project 2025. Pretty soon the entire country is going to be Alabama.

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I completed Thom''s audio book, "The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America," on my walk this morning. The copyright is 2019, so I have copied today's report to fold and add to the back of my hard copy as an update. The book is a real eye opener about how the court has been used to protect property over people and property over human rights and safety. Biden wants to finish what he started, but though the spirit is willing the flesh is weak and he may not be able to do anything about SCOTUS. Hopefully Harris will have the chance to turn things around.

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If we take Thom’s start date of 1982 as the beginning of the GOP takeover of the courts, we see a well conceived , in plain sight, conspiracy for a bloodless coup. It was not necessary for foreign agents to infiltrate the mechanisms of government in a McCarthyesque fashion. They “kept their eyes on the prize”, it was just a very different prize. They used slight-of-hand and our original sin of white supremacy, to take our eyes off their prize.

Trumpism is just one more convenient tool to further their goal and SCOTUS’s recent rulings as listed in this “Report” shows how complete the takeover has been. It did happen here!

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Once they seize power completely, the right-wing oligarchs will dispense with Trump. They really won't want an idiot running things. First time he steps out of line, he'll be gone - one way or another.

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Great article Thom.

One of the checks on the Supreme Court is supposed to be the Senate confirmation committee. If one thinks of it as a hiring process for a lifetime appointment, it begs the question: Why do they continue to confirm a President's first nominee? I was on five math faculty hiring panels in nine years. We often had more than a hundred applicants for one or two positions. We didn't simply hire the first candidate we saw. We would interview 10 (or more) applicants, then as a committee we would discuss how to choose two. I don't see that playing out in the appointment of Justices.

I can only recall one instance when a candidate appeared before the committee but was rejected. Robert Bork, proposed by Reagan in 1987. Bork was rejected.

There probably are other instance of which I'm unaware, and behind the scenes discussions to which I am not privy.

From my perspective however, the Senate confirmation process doesn't look like a proper hiring panel. Rather, a rubber stamp panel which often devolves into a shouting match (Kavanaugh).

What am I missing?

Edited for content errors, which were deleted. Apologies. 1015 PDT

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Silly us, we used to have faith that these Justices and judges would read the laws, be impartial, and stay in their damn lane. Once upon a time, most of them were confirmed on a bi-partisan basis, because we had some honest Republicans to work with.

Absolutely there is a hiring process by committee, hearings, and Democrats. Shameful Republicans are too lazy to do anything but what The Federalist Society and Trump tell them to do.

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Too lazy and stupid and insane imho. I used to have faith that the military would protect the White House during an insurrection. Silly me. Only if they are communist I guess?

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As a USMC veteran, I have more faith in the NCO's. I spent over half of my 4.5 years of active service as an NCO. with 26 months time-in-grade as a Sgt when I was discharged. I believe in their commitment to the nation, and their dedication to its protection. The NCO's are the backbone of the enlisted corps.

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As a Mustang of 15 enlisted years, the NCO's are the backbone of the service.2nd Lt to Capt is automatic time in grade, Capt (0-3)to Major (O4) is earned, and it is the NCO corps (and politics to be honest) that make Majors. NCO's can sabotage an officer with him never knowing a thing about it, or what he can do, unless the officer had been an NCO himself.

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They did, eventually. Remember the pics of them in Statuary Hall?

What's the next January 6th at our Capitol going to look like? Only Trump and maybe Putin know.

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Billionaires for jingoism and SCOTUS

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The billionaires do not need poor people anymore. Since America is in debt thanks to the trickle down, they can just pack up and leave and live on their yachts and Islands! They have more money than they need and all they need the poor for now is for entertainment. Watching them suffer! That is just one of the unintended consequences of unlimited greed!

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I am reminded of the betrayal on the battlefield at the crucial moment when Wallace turns to see part of his forces retreating with smug smiles on their faces. All this commentary on the betrayals of the SCOTUS' and no commentary on the forces who have done zip to counter their well-greased coup. Biden, whose betraying actions put Clarence Thomas on the Court; Biden, who hired Republican Garland to slow drag all the needed crucial legal responses; Biden, who kept all the righties in their posts; Biden yadda, yadda, yadda who did nothing except enable the coup, throwing the proverbial scraps from Longshank's table as counterfuge accomplishments. And now, with slim but possible chance to prevail against the coup, Biden fights harder than we have ever seen him fight, refusing to fire one crucial betrayer--himself. Staying in the race when the majority now strongly see otherwise, Biden delivers the final enablement to ensure the coup.

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Sadly you are not wrong. But now....it's too late. If the elites dump Biden, which they are determined to do, we will be treated to months of backbiting and infighting because each huge ego will think they should be act the top of the ticket. By the time we get a new nominee, the Republicans will make up all sorts of things about them and there will be no time to counter. Kamala is able, smart and qualified...and a woman of color. This country is misogynist to its core, and just as racist. Put her at the top of the ticket and we lose. The media ripped Hillary apart for her hair, her face, her smile (or lack thereof), her pantsuits, her voice, how she walks, how she talks, her speeches before bankers (though men did them and got no comment from the press)....and on and on. The oligarch-owned media, in the tank for Trump, will do no less to her. They see another tax cut and nothing else.

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It is my opinion Susie that Democrats will line up behind Kamala. At least the more liberal ones anyway. Kamala could bring us the Muslim votes and the black vote and kick some Reagan behind if she is allowed to. Pictures and audio are hard to ignore and the GOP lies, most of them have been caught on camera or microphone. She must start immediately deprogramming the cult! I think she would do a good job of calling Trump a liar if they have any debates. I would like to see the right way to get their ass kicked by a black woman also! Frail Joe has been energyless since he became president when it comes to defending democracy. He did great on the economy in foreign policy. He just does not understand the sadism of the reptilian mind.

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Oh definitely Democrats will line up behind her, but not so sure about swing voters.

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Neither the Democrats nor the Independents will lineup behind Kamala. She’s a female and a woman of color. The Republicans have tapped into and nourished a huge misogynistic streak in American society for the past 3 years. Kamala will NOT win. However, she is the VP. If the Democrats were smart and acted like a successful business they would campaign on a successful “policy”. The Democratic policy is working. Get behind that 100%. It is the opposite of Project 2025. Leave Biden at the helm. If Biden had to step down after he was in office, Kamala steps in per the Constitution. No question. A successful corporation has a good team running it. If the CEO is older then there is a plan. Another is ready to step in and continue those successful policies if the CEO dies or must step down. The Democrats need to fight the Republicans Project 2025 plan that is already being implemented by the Supreme Court because the insurrection never stopped and the Supreme Court is with the insurrectionists. Democrats need to unite and fight for democracy.

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I don't know, at this point what do we have to lose? Hillary was much more of a polarizing figure than Kamala. Hope springs eternal. Recent clip of Kamala.


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I'm curious. Since the Supremes have said that all official acts are immune, why can't President Biden, just pop out an Executive Order to mandate the changes he wants. In fact, why not make it retroactive so that Alito & Thomas could be given their gold watches with a hearty "thank you for your service" & send them on their "much deserved" retirement with Leonard Leo. Hmm? Would he still pick up the tab for them if they are no longer on the court I wonder?

But~~~oh that's right that particular finding only applies to presidents that the Supremes deem as acceptable. Silly me thinking that it would apply to a Democratic administration!

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The Republicans will do what they want in a heartbeat and worry about sorting out later; the Democrats will wring their hands, clutch their pearls and intone, "We can't!"

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The Supreme Court has given Biden the license to kill. why won't he use it? Don't answer, the question was rhetorical.

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I'm sure it was. However we must be careful using that type of statement for a couple of reasons. It can be used against all who participate here. And, while unlikely it could be acted upon by a bad actor using it as an excuse to inflict harm.

I do understand your desire to post this believe me. But this is a dangerous time in our country & we all have to be cautious in what we post & how we do it.

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Are you referring to the phrase license to kill. Isn't that what SCOTUS gave Trump, a license to kill. Trump can now claim that anything he does as president, including having people killed is an official act, because like Nixon said, and Alito/Roberts, Amy, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas just confirmed if the president does it it is not illegal.

My use of license to kill was metaphorical, and anyone with common sense would know that. Geeze.

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Interesting comment. I've been told to also watch what I say. This is how tyranny works. People get scared and shut up, and then the tyrants are free to do what they want. Short of actually inciting violence and threatening harm, speaking one's mind is constitutionally protected. I might say, "The J6 insurrectionists should be tried and if found guilty hung." What I didn't say was "I intend to go hang them" or "Let's get a group together to go hang them." My take is that if I don't have the courage of my convictions, and cower in fear, how can I expect anyone else to have courage? William did say the question was rhetorical. If he had said, "So and so needs to be killed, that might be different, but unless he says, "I will kill so and so, then the speech is protected. At least for now....

MAGA HAVE threatened to kill me and others and nobody bothers to hold any but the most egregious to task.

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My reason for suggesting that we watch what we say is that the first thing the republicans did after the assassination attempt was to use legitimate language said by Democrats as fodder for their accusations against those Democrats for inviting violence. I acknowledged that the statement "license to kill" was rhetorical. I just pointed out that it could be used against people who know how to use language correctly but can be interpreted incorrectly.

Case in point, how my comment has been interpreted.

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Biden does now have the right to arrest all of them and send them to Gitmo as Ginni Thomas wanted to do to him.

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I know, but he is too noble & honest to do it.

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