Republicans are screaming about cancel culture and boycotts. This is what Trump canceled and boycotted. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/07/politics/fact-check-trump-cancel-culture-boycotts-firings/index.html

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The combination of defunding public education with the tribalism of toxic masculinity, the intellectual sloth of projection, and pervasive voter suppression tactics has created enough Americans that can be fooled all of the time. It doesn't take that much oligarch/billionaire capital to maintain that status quo.

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Cancelling progress is their agenda. Using ethics is not on their agenda; skewing the process is. AG Garland may have something for them, considering they cancelled any fair consideration of his nomination for SCOTUS.

The right started the "cancel" policy all right. They started the name calling as well. They cannot handle it when we fight back. They know damn well what we are fighting for is supported by a big majority of the American people. And that my friends, is who they don't trust to govern or to vote. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

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