Many jobs require that the applicant take the MMPI. A psychological evaluation test that many shrinks swear by. Because most of these mass murderers do not have a criminal background, but would fail a psychological evaluation test, I suggest that taking the MMPI be a requirement for owning a gun. I have taken this test and passed. I personally think that it is good to know where you stand psychological. The crazy one is usually last to know.

Trouble with a comment such as J Barrer is every Republican shoots down every idea to stop this carnage until the subject is dropped. Then the next mass murder happens and the cycle starts again. His comment has an easy solution. Make it a law that all guns must be registered and enforce it. Someone with a non registered gun is breaking the law and can have gun rights taken away among fines and jail time etc.



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Thom: " ... and how deeply buried guns are in rightwing identity politics and the sense of manhood among insecure or poorly-endowed men ... "

Speaking of whom, here are Lindsey Graham's deep thoughts on the subject: "I own an AR-15. If there's a natural disaster in South Carolina where the cops can't protect my neighborhood, my house will be the last ones that the gangs will come to because I can defend myself." (Today on Fux "News" with Chris Wallace.)

Okay, first, it's just hilarious, in a sad way, trying to picture a pasty-faced Graham holding principles and standing his ground anywhere on anything let alone holding off hordes of gangbangers (in South Carolina?) overrunning his plantation in some post-apocalyptic dystopia -- gangs, by the way, thanks to our idiotic gun laws, who would also be carrying lots of AR-15 types of semi-automatic weapons, which can be easily converted to fully automatic. So, good luck with that whole Rambo thing, white boy. Don't piss yourself.

And second, someone who's served over 33 years in the military (7 years active) as an officer, lawyer, and judge knows full well he's blowing smoke up the dumb asses of Trumped-out, gunned-up nutjobs, hooked on shoot-em-up flicks, for his own political good rather than for the good of the nation. But that's Lindsey in a nutshell ...or more fittingly, a wingnut in a .223 shell.

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I wrote my right wing Congressman and asked what were the rights of the 10 victims in Boulder CO. This is the form letter that he sent back:

"Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns about gun control. Your thoughts on this important issue are valuable to me.

As a strong supporter of gun ownership, it is my firm belief that Americans should always hold and defend the Constitutional right of an individual to keep arms for the purpose of self-defense and protection.

There is no doubt that we are all shocked when an evil person commits a violent crime. Following the senseless tragedies in Texas and Ohio, some have advocated for red flag laws, a national gun registry, limits on the purchase of magazines and ammunition, and a reinstatement of the ban on sales of semi-automatic weapons. While these issues will undoubtedly continue to be debated in the months to come, it is important to remember that these horrible crimes were committed by a violent and disturbed individual.

Unfortunately, I do not see a clear cut solution to completely eliminating violence by disturbed individuals. However, it is clear that we must work to enforce the laws that are already on the books and more appropriately identify individuals struggling with mental illness.

Like you, I believe that we have an obligation to protect our children. The right to bear arms is a unique and fundamental aspect of American liberty because it makes our families safer. I am committed to defending the Constitution of this great nation and I will continue to oppose any federal legislation that would further proscribe Americans' freedoms under the Second Amendment.

While I realize we may disagree on this issue; I will always be straightforward regarding my policy positions. I know we both share a love of Colorado and I am confident that there will be many issues that we agree on. I appreciate the time you have taken to share your concerns and I invite you to stay in touch with me on any issues where I may be of assistance. It is truly an honor to serve as your United States Representative.


Rep. Ken Buck

Member of Congress"

Does anybody read a solution into this. What were the rights of the 10 victims in Boulder CO? The murderer had known Anger Management issues, including arrest, conviction and parole. He purchased the gun 6 days prior to the murders. The bullets were $0.85 each. The gun was only designed to kill humans and would be illegal for hunting. The next mass murder is soon. What are we going to do to protect the rights of the victims?


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