
While canvassing over the weekend I had the opportunity to ask a trump supporter what their biggest concern for America was. Their answer? Immigration. I asked if they had a personal experience that led to their fear. No. No they did not. But they were sure it was our most pressing threat because of "everything on TV".

Trump and his maga klan are - without doubt - only as powerful in generating unwarranted fear as the media corporation's allow for.

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Besides reminding them that Trump hates dogs and stole from kids with cancer, the public needs to decide whether it would have been OK to hang Mike Pence, beat up 145 cops, shit on Nancy Pelosi's desk, on Jan 6, etc.

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I do canvass as well, but the worst part is the ignorance that exist, no matter what the question is. The second worst is the lack of respect, and discipline in decency towards a fellowman.

Immigration should be the least of anyone's problems. Unless they are Native Americans, they all came from somewhere 500 years ago. People should read " White Trash" The untold story of Class in America! by Nancy Isenberg. Indeed, how the Upper Clash British thought of all those who shipped out on the Mayflower, and other ships!

We are now existing in the 21st century and with all the advancements made in science, medical technology, the current internet/social media, artificial intelligence, and it took 'ONE LOUDMOUTH BAFFOON TO DISCOMBOBULATE PEOPLE'S BRAIN INTO MUSH."

In fact, the buffoon/Felon 45 background only goes back to his grandfather immigrated to the USA, something about Germany not wanting him in their country. So, he comes here during the late 19th century and started his wealth by cheating others, finding ways to abuse others to take whatever possessions, people had. Therefore, Felon 45 is only the second generation American born. How did so many people fell for his CON/DECEIT?

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On your smartphone, you can show them that Trump was the poster boy for employer sanctions -- fined $2mil for hiring illegals on his jobsites. You can show them that he hires workers through B visas - to displace Americans at his properties. That he pardoned Bannon for running a scam selling his wall.

And he killed legislation that would cure everything he complains about.

And 2 of his wives came here on visas and brought their commie parents with them, using laws he tried to kill.

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I think that this phony assassination attempt needs to be explored and addressed by everyone from , especially the corporate media.

I do not believe that the Secret Service saw a guy with a rifle and fired shots. I do not trust the Trump humping secret service detail, they are compromised in fact as far as I am concerned the whole service is compromised.

I see this as just another attempt, before the election to garner sympathy votes. Apparently more to come, and of course the attempts will be unsuccessful.

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Exactly! That's about the first thought that occurred upon hearing of this "assasination" attempt. Trump and his enablers were all over it immediately with everything from renewed appeals for cash to condemnation of the "radical left" for their presumed tendency to stoke violence (which is rich, coming from that crowd). If you think about the timing, the convenient and easily controlled location, the poll swings in Harris' favor, it wouldn't come as a surprise to learn the Trump machine has "created" yet another story.

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Both shooters were apparently disaffected Trump supporters.

Routh remains listed an active unaffiliated voter in North Carolina, according The News & Observer, a McClatchy publication in North Carolina...... Routh, according to the New York Post and archives of his X account, said he voted for Trump in 2016.


Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article292534604.html#storylink=cpy

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Thanks Daniel. I must confess that I have not been watching TV and actually rely on my inbox for news. My wife does watch TV, but turned it off last night,because all channels all night were about the shooting at Mar a Lago (Media must have had an orgasm,something to talk about)

The whole affair still smells like day old fish.

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He says he supported Nikki Haley!

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LOL, at least it wasn't a Democrat.

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Both assassination attempts were full of holes and they should be the focus on media investigation, but notice that immediately the media referred to them as solely as assassination attempts. What is most worrisome is that assassination attempts in number renders to the public as routine. When the attempt is made on Kamala, just another incident by a provided kook decoy to a numbed country. The attempt on Kamala will not be sloppy and contrived--it will be real. Assassination of a political opponent is old hat reality in fascist advancement in history. The faltering apparatus of Trump's backing since the debate plus Trump's continued antics since puts them all now against the political wall. Kamala should discard all risky campaigning and fore-go all public exposure. She can still win the race doing so.

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I'm thinking along the same lines. And how surprising is it that gun-wielding formerly avid Trump supporters who become disaffected might blame Trump for their disaffection? It reminds me of the ex-husbands and ex-boyfriends who shoot and sometimes kill the women who broke up with them.

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So don't play this crazy game with me no longer

'Cause I won't be able to resist my rage

And the gun that's hanging on the kitchen wall, dear

Is like a road sign pointing straight to Satan's cage


Kiss the Children - Graham Parsons

Composer, Lyricist: Rik Grech

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And now suckup Ronnie DeSantis is rushing to gain relevance and favor by announcing that FL investigators will look into the shooting attempt, because the Feds who are persecuting poor DonOld can't be trusted to investigate🙄

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Except Rhonda is trying to preempt Federal Law. For a Harvard educated lawyer he is pretty stupid.

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We can expect the generation of hate to accelerate in the scant few weeks remaining before the election. It is, quite literally, all the fascists have. No policies, no programs, except vengeance for all the slights they imagine they have suffered, and lucre for them, their friends, and their plutocratic supporters. We make November blue or watch our streets turn redder by far than they sadly will to some degree if the forces of light prevail over the ugliest time in American politics I have seen in my 76 years, and I have seen some pretty ugly times.

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I agree, tfg et al are spurring violence against anyone who is not a straight white male. Women, minorities, LGBTQ+, and immigrants are the targets of their hateful rhetoric. It’s past time to put an end to the power of these people who spew hate. If Harris/Walz doesn’t win in November, most of us will be under fire.

Fortunately, I believe we will win, the polls are inaccurate in anything but the way they trend. They are definitely moving in the direction of Kamala and Tim.

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Thom … I wish more GOP electeds would stand up against the Hitler wanna be’s Alas, they are cowards

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Yesterday, I laid out Ohio law. Re Springfield. Trump and Vance, operating on the JP Barnum school of PR, continually repeat hate speech based on lies. The federal statutes defer to state law.

Need to identify who have been spreading the BS and establish that there have been damages. "Armed neo-Nazi members of Blood Tribe – a hardcore white supremacist group, according to the Anti-Defamation League – flew flags bearing swastikas and marched through a prominent downtown street while a jazz and blues festival was taking place nearby in August.

One witness to the march, who declined to be interviewed by the Guardian due to fearing for their family’s safety after being doxed by rightwing extremists online, reported that members of the group pointed guns at cars and told people to “go the fuck back to Africa”.

A Springfield police representative, however, appeared to downplay the scene, telling local media that the hate group’s march was “just a little peaceful protest”.

Several days later, a leading member of Blood Tribe who identified himself as Nathaniel Higgers, but whose real name is Drake Berentz, spoke at a Springfield city commission meeting.

“I’ve come to bring a word of warning. Stop what you’re doing before it’s too late,” Berentz told Springfield’s mayor, Rob Rue. “Crime and savagery will only increase with every Haitian you bring in.”https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/14/neo-nazis-springfield-ohio-haitian-immigrants

Ohio has a law against ethnic intimidation.

(A) No person shall violate section 2903.21, 2903.22, 2909.06, or 2909.07, or division (A)(3), (4), or (5) of section 2917.21 of the Revised Code by reason of the race, color, religion, or national origin of another person or group of persons.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of ethnic intimidation. Ethnic intimidation is an offense of the next higher degree than the offense the commission of which is a necessary element of ethnic intimidation.


The use of terror is less effective when there are consequences. DOJ and Homeland Security have terrorist watchlists. The FBI has a Terrorist Screening Center. https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/ten-years-after-the-fbi-since-9-11/just-the-facts-1/terrorist-screening-center-1

If Trump or Vance directed their BS against an individual, they'd be accountable for defamation, but defamation is not a crime in Ohio.

However as to intimidation, it's not a stretch for Ohio to ask Trump and Vance to cease and desist or suffer criminal consequences under Ohio Code section-2927.12.

Also not a stretch to warn Trump and Vance that they will be labelled as terrorists just like Al Qaeda.

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According to the U. S. Constitution, federal law takes precedence over state law.

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deletedSep 16
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I wish more people Democrats would stand up against the actual Hitlers who are aiding and abetting genocide in real time. https://barryjkaufmando.substack.com/p/the-dnc-was-like-a-nazi-rally

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What Genocide Barry? Oh you mean the genocide of Ukrainians. Now that is a real genocide, Putin has declared that Ukraine is not a real country, a real language, a real nationality and is hell bent to annihilate it, that is the real definition of genocide.

Get a grip Boris. your act is tiresome

By the way I checked your link,not to read your lies and propaganda but to see the comments

and at the top is one by Joel:

Joel Bartels

Sep 5

What a disingenuous rant. I don't remember ever reading as many false equivalent propositions of Nazi propagandists ideology as this piece of shit.

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Barry, those aiding & abetting genocide in real time currently occupy the White House. If orange monster is elected all the Palestinians will be exterminated. Very Hitleresque

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It's almost certainly just a coincidence that the Trump/Vance race-baiting of Haitians coincided, along with Sunday's assassination attempt, with Trump's post on his Truth Social proclaiming (in capitals, as usual): I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT. This message alone should prompt Swift's handlers to double or treble their security arrangements.

On the other hand, this may be yet another instance of Trump shooting himself in the foot. If only a tiny fraction of one percent of Swift's 300 million followers - many of them based in the US - turn out to vote, the result could be a landslide in Harris's favour.

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Trump is a sick person.

But his electorate are even sicker.

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And yesterday, out of nowhere, trump posts: "I hate Taylor Swift!". She's already had to cancel some shows due to threats of violence. I'm guessing, I emphasize the word guessing, that she is now on many someones' lists!!!

Of course trump would hate someone like her. She's intelligent, a fantastic business person, a billionaire, she has millions of followers who she encouraged to "do your own research" & vote & then attached a link so that anyone interested could register to vote, & 3 to 400,000 have clicked on the link. She didn't tell them who to vote for she just gave information on how to register to vote.

My guess about trump's outburst is because she a strong, young, successful woman with millions of followers & he can't stand that kind of competition. But it makes me wonder & worry: will she be on some gun-toting, irrational, misogynist's list?

The Magats won't be happy until people start dying. They want to use those guns. And what better way to show what big, tough people they are than by mowing down a bunch of unarmed kids in school, at people at the movies, or at a concert, it in church, or shopping! Oh, so "brave" to do that. Pathetic, cowardly, duped & conned individuals. Like in the fairy tale Snow White these people must have a "mirror, mirror on the wall whose the bravest of them all? Why it's you brave sycophant, you're the bravest of them all!"

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Tomorrow is National Voter Registration Day. FT 6 is still working on the blue tsunami.

As a resident of Baghdad by the Sea, here is the link for 7 pm Florida phone bank https://www.mobilize.us/2024flvictory/event/690324/

Other states may have different times.

Thursdays are FL and PA phone bank days for FT 6. https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/

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Trump and Vance know exactly what they're doing. Hatred affects dopamine receptor binding, creates motivational bias, and is just as addictive as cocaine.

Unlike cocaine, however, a shared addiction to hatred forms a strong social bond, because listening to someone else spew hatred triggers the same chemical hit that feels so gratifying, whereas, watching someone else snort cocaine does not. Hatred also operates in the same parts of the brain, the cortex and subcortex, that manages aggression; the path between hateful rhetoric and violence is obvious.

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I just learned something that has puzzled me for years. About hate acting like cocaine but tying a group together with mutual enjoyment of it

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"If ever there was a time for patriotic Americans — particularly in the media — to be calling out hate as a political tool, this is it."

Yeah go look at NYT or WaPo. It's not happening.

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HATE, I've decided to make another post regarding hate, I mean there is SO MUCH to go around.

I've been thinking about the town of Springfield. There were bomb threats against schools & municipal buildings last week, then those threats spread to 2 hospitals & 2 universities in the area cut back on their activities.

What "courage" it takes to threaten innocent, unarmed individuals, children in school, learning, growing, expanding their minds. Municipal workers doing their jobs, keeping local government working, you know issuing permits, maybe conducting weddings, readying the community for elections & voting, helping citizens with any number of concerns. Hospitals where sick & perhaps patients fighting a life threatening condition lay in beds, hospital workers doing their jobs in HELPING as many of those people as possible, employees from the doctors & nurses to the kitchen workers, janitors keeping the hospital clean, all those people threatened with a bomb scare! Then having university administrations cut back on campus activities out of an abundance of caution for their students.

Several statements come to mind:


What is wrong with these people?

This has got to stop NOW!

But will it stop? Hell, no! Not with trump & vance spreading these lies, doubling, tripling down on them. Power & money are that important to these men & their deluded followers that they are willing to have people killed, injured & threatened all to achieve THEIR selfish goals.

ENOUGH, ENOUGH, ENOUGH already, we see you as the cowards & hucksters that you are. Alll your threatening makes you weaker & smaller & more pathetic than you already are so stop for your own good but more importantly stop for the good of the country!!!!

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Von trump and co are stirring up things to divide and create chaos, plunging the country into a civil war. They must be locked up pdq, if not already too late!

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Merrick Garland must be replaced, pronto! Let Kamala choose the next attorney general! The votes must be secured!

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Let's break this down, perhaps one or two steps ahead. Trump has clearly stated he plans to round up and mass deport somewhere between 10 and 12 million undocumented workers (estimated) if he regains power. Much of the country will support him in this, because they have been conditioned to hate immigrants in general and undocumented ones specifically. While ginning up hate helps the campaign, that's not the ultimate goal. To effect these mass deportations, Trump will have to put together and equip a huge armed force, separate from the US Military (or co-opt the military into doing it - unlikely). That's 200,000 undocumented immigrants to round up per state, though the numbers will be higher in urban centers and lower in rural settings. Hence, a greater percentage of this armed force in the blue cities. There will be resistance and civil unrest. Some states might fight back, resulting in martial law and likely a suspension of the Constitution and rule of law. Easy enough for him with the SCOTUS giving him carte blanche to do anything he wants as long as it's "official." They knew what they were doing with their decision.

And now we get to the terrifying part and the ultimate goal. So what does he (and his co-conspirators) do with that armed force once the immigrants are gone? Is it disbanded? No - such organizations are never disbanded. It becomes his SS, his Stassi. That's its real purpose - to quell any civilian resistance to his dictatorship, with a heavy emphasis on blue ares where there is diversity....and, conveniently, resistance to his dictatorship.

It would be really nice if citizens were taught about how the Nazis rose to power in Germany. Those who lived through it are almost gone. I fear for my country.

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He'll need a war. People won't want to attack Canada, at least at first; they're white up there, except for the indigenous. So, he's already talked about bombing Mexico; I don't believe it is just his bullshitting. He'll say it is in defense of the USA against the drug traffic and flow of undocumented workers.

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Susie the New World order globalist s are not racist. They love cheap labor. The criminal immigrants and the unhealthy immigrants and the old immigrants will be sent back possibly or just rounded up and put into concentration camps with the white citizens who are old and fat and disabled and criminals and political prisoners. The fascists are not one to throw away cheap labor, just those that need a government check to survive and don't agree with them. If you can't produce and make them money you will be on there get rid of list. It isn't about race it's about money!

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Slave labor, however, is the best for them, and that's easiest to do to the "out groups." So, that's where they will start. I don't think they will go after the whites, at least not at first - except of course those who won't play along, are LGBTQ, or other "unsuitable.

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I think they will get around to it eventually but they don't want to bite off more than they can chew. What is that old saying, first they came for the Jews, then the gypsies... You get my point hear my point.

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Yes, I certainly do.

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Trump is sinking like the Titanic and I don't believe ANYTHING the media says. We know these "attempts" were staged. Any legit attempt would involve a sniper and rifle: 'A portable shoulder-fired rifle with a telescopic sight and a high-ballistic performance centerfire cartridge. Modern sniper rifles can be either bolt-action or semi-automatic.' Not two azz monkeys around the corner having a pissing contest. How the hell do you miss a target that large? Just saying....

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Extreme self-righteousness, whether factual or illusionary, is the bedrock of fascism. Hate is the smokescreen used to divert attention from one's overzealous use of self-promotion. Lies are the promotional means of trying to convince one's self that one's behavior is righteous. The Lakota Medicine Man, Black Elk, taught that one must become a "Hollow Bone" to channel the energies of the Creator. In Christian language, this equates to allowing God's Grace to enter into one's consciousness and then outward towards others. This is the mainstream of Christian Love. Self-righteousness shuts down this portal of energy and demeans the human spirit. The consequences of these self-inflicted measures bring forth immense levels of suffering to all humans. These are called Life Lessons.

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When guys like these are truly serious people truly die, such as Kennedy and the other guy. Since there have been two unsuccessful attempts on Trump’s life, I can't help wondering if these have been staged.

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This closes with a plea for disaffected republicans vote democrat. My understanding is that it’s about 20-25% of the “old GOP” who are disaffected with MAGA.

Either they’re going to vote MAGA anyway - or they’re quietly planning their own private ambushes. If they were admitting they’re going to defect from voting MAGA, it seems like the polls would be picking it up. If the polls were picking up on the idea that 20% of the GOP was NOT going to show up and vote MAGA - if the polls were picking up on that vibe - this thing wouldn’t even be close.

This is why I’ve advocated courting the disaffected GOP WAY BEFORE NOW. I’ve been thinking they’re the group this thing hinges on.

And constantly demonizing anything and everyone they’ve ever been about — that’s just not good courtship behavior.

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We cannot lose sight of the increase in voter registrations. A large majority are women and young people, who are more likely to vote blue due to Dobbs and climate change. The pollsters are not including these newly registered folks in their sampling, so it’s looking good for us.

That is not an excuse to stop fighting and working to get out the vote. We must keep the pedal to the metal all the way to November 5. “When we fight, we win!”

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