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The Committee for Public Safety, was first used in Virginia, during the early days of the rebellion. It's purpose was to keep an eye on loyalists, report their behavior, connections and punish them economically, then later tarred and feathered and run out of the community on a rail.
It was so successful, that the French and Bolshevik revo…
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The Committee for Public Safety, was first used in Virginia, during the early days of the rebellion. It's purpose was to keep an eye on loyalists, report their behavior, connections and punish them economically, then later tarred and feathered and run out of the community on a rail.
It was so successful, that the French and Bolshevik revolutions used it and the name, to protect and perpetuate their own revolutions.
Except in France the victims were drug to the guillotine, and in Russia they were savagely butchered in garages or where they stood.
But I can sympathize for some commenter called me an antisemite because I dared speak a fact, with a reliable source link
An eclectic cast of characters gathered inside Broadway’s Gotham Hall on Monday night where The Algemeiner, a conservative-leaning Jewish-American newspaper, unveiled its “Jewish 100” list.
This year’s “Jewish 100” includes the billionaire media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, British Secretary of State for Justice Michael Gove, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ivanka Trump (who is married to the publisher of the Observer). Just mentioning this fact from a Jewish source is considered antisemitic. or right wing, and I am as progressive as can be.
There are anti democratic, racist, homophobic scum in the white, bla ck, brown, Asian community, Christian and Muslim community. So I guess that makes me an androphobe and a gynephobe., a Christophobe and an Islamophobe as well.
Phobe, phobia, means fear. There are rational fears and irrational fears Ratioonal fears are biologically evolved to protect us from harm, like fear of snakes,until you gain knowledge and know that not all snakes can kill you.
Their are angry birds in every segment of society, and there are those that are self assured, self validating and comfortable in their skin.
The KKK and Neo NAZIs are all white, and mostly male.
Does that mean that ll white males are Neo NAZIs and KKK. Hell no.
There are scumbag Muslims, Does that mean all Muslims are scumbags? No.
Same with Christians, Jews, Hindu, Zoroastrians.