Thank you Tom! You always put the subject so perfectly! I'm in at least 40 fb women's democracy groups,and people expect your daily articles! They compliment me for posting them! Thank you sir!

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When I read the title of today's report, I thought Thom was going to point out that Republican economic policies cause women to doubt they will be able to afford to raise children and choose not to have them, especially due to lack of affordable child care. But I learned about more horrible consequences of the incorrectly named, "prolife" movement and abortion bans. Thank you for your informative articles, even when the news is so sad. We need to know.

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Reply to myself: wait until insurance and Medicaid start paying the bills for additional preemies with medical conditions and the women in ERs and critical care after botched abortions. Since insurance/finance pretty much runs the country, they may turn red states' abortion policies around.

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Surely the small print and/or the MAGA judges will protect the insurance companies from paying.

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I believe the GOP chose the pro-life moniker in a flimsy reach for the moral "high ground," implying that to be otherwise is to be pro-death.

How's that working for them, BTW?

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The GOP is running away from the pro life thing, and trying to rebrand themselve.

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Because if they were truly ‘pro-life,’ they would oppose capital punishment.

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Yep, and they wouldn't let kids starve, They would support SNAP, and WIC.

Frank Luntz made an art out of Orwellian language, where words that sound nice, mean the opposite. like family values and pro life. The phrases have nothing to do with life and family values, unless by family values is meant Augustus Caesars law of Pater Familia, in which the father had life and death control over wife and kids.

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William you know better than that. They're trying to lie to make people think that they are other than idiots. They make no sense let's face facts. They, and I mean the entire Republican machinery, are at this point nothing but a bunch of liars just like their boss, I mean mob boss, Donald the rump. Without a doubt I have determined that they ARE the criminal elements in our society.

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You misread my comment S Howard. My comment was in response to


Jul 26

Because if they were truly ‘pro-life,’ they would oppose capital punishment.

William Farrar

Jul 27


edited Jul 27

Yep, and they wouldn't let kids starve, They would support SNAP, and WIC.

They don't they are pro death and letting kids starve, because they oppose SNAP and WIC

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The term pro-life is a lie. The term baby in this case is a lie because they're calling a baby what is really a fetus or even an embryo. Check your dictionary folks baby happens after birth. When a fetus is born it becomes a baby. If they were pro-life they would be pro a woman's life. They would be pro a family's life. They are neither. They are wild-eyed hypocrites and morons who twist language as if it were some kind of sausage. These I'm sorry to say are the Christian vangelicals and the Republican party that supports them.

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What lives in the body of a host and draws its nourishment from the host at the hosts expense.

a. Tapeworm

b. Parasite

c. fetus

d. all of the above.

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I don't think he got around to the fact that America already was far down the "infant mortality" list, perennially, compared even to some of what Trump would call s.... countries.

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It may not be politically correct to call a country a shit hole country, but those countries are countries that don't value women, oppress women, some even force them to submit to female genital mutilation. Then there is the problem of kidnapping children, turning them into child soldiers, and forcing young girls to marry. Granted not government policy, but it happens in the armies of the opposition.

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If you have not seen "On The Brink" with Diane Sawyer and the moms that have been put through this Republican hell, please give it a Google and tell those you know about it too.

The repercussions of the far-right's abortion policies will grow. So will the opposition as doctors and nurses leave communities in fear. They continue to be at risk from covid, and now these bastards think they should risk going to jail while trying to care for vulnerable women.

Abortion is healthcare, so sadly it is no surprise these fools have increased the death toll. They don't think you have the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, MUCH LESS health care.

Kamala does. Thanks Thom, but I am very sorry to hear this.

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Alis they don't care about societal costs, insurance costs, they don't care about life or health, because that is not the purpose of their position, their efforts and expenditure

In Short hand it is the Republic of Gilead and handmaids.

A world in which women are held to the same and treated the same and expected to be the same as women in Saudi Arabia, Palestine, the UAE, Afghanistan, Qata, Kuwait,.Libya.Iran

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Watch that video with your wife, William. Pass it on. The details in it will horrify you.

Part of the difference in their brains is that they don't "do" nuance. Certainly do not get that "this" leads to "that" in this case. Out of darkness of religion, misogyny, and backward ideas we shall go, with 'em or without 'em!

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I know that Kevin Roberts said that the take over of the Dominionists will be bloodless if we will let them. Chilling to the bone. If we resist then the power of the state will be used to exterminate us.

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Of course they have increased the death toll. That's because they want certain children to be dead. A black DOA baby to the white supremacist Republicans is a happy baby. These folks suck and they need to be removed not only from political office but from society and put where they belong -in jail.

We need a landslide vote for democracy in 2024. Not only should we make Kamala Harris president but we should overturn the Senate the Congress and get rid of these sick sick supreme Court justices. All six of you be aware that America is coming to take away your black robes and give you orange jumpsuits.

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Like I say, we really should have let the South secede and gotten rid of them when we had the chance.

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You think that would fix anything? It's better to turn the south to blue from the inside. Not everyone in Texas is a GOP supporter. Like the nation as a whole (if you read the polls), Texas is about 50/50. Ted Cruz only won by 3% of the vote last time.

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I was a little tongue in cheek. You are right, of course. But at least they wouldn't have been able to blame the blue states for all their problems. We will be able to see a huge change as soon as we get Gerrymandering outlawed in all 50 states.

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and voter suppression.

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Don't apologize! Texas is an embarrassment to the "Union!" I call it a third-world colony of Oil! They voluntarily seceded from the interstate power grid, so aid from the Union physically could not help in the Big Freeze. The Freeze (not the first) did not stop at the border, but the power outage did. How shameful is it, that American citizens were fleeing over the border to save their lives? I heard a live interview with a woman who was desperately trying to get a room in Mexico, but all the Mexican hotels were full (and had power!)

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Texas maybe 50/50 but the Republicans control the state, thanks to oil money especially Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks, two fanatic Christians.

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Only crazy effing Republicans would vote for Ted Cruz. He belongs in one of those s****** countries the Rump talks about.

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Meanwhile the GOP has no problem with firearms being the leading cause of death for kids....Anyway, I sometimes feel like that too, Shea. But it would not be a good idea. If you want to see how that could have worked out, Harry Turtledove wrote a series of books on the South winning. We ended up with two countries that hated each other, with the South lining up with its supporters in France and Britain while the North aligned with Germany and became a highly militarized country. When World War 1 began in Europe the fighting quickly spilled over here too.

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Agreed! They would've failed miserably!

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Of course OB/GYN doctors are leaving states with abortion bans. They have families too, and they don’t want to go to prison or pay fines or lose their medical licenses. They also are women or men with wives who don’t want to find themselves pregnant with a fetus with a fatal anomaly. The GOP men making draconian decisions about women are disgraceful. They have no knowledge about women’s health, they just are afraid of losing power to women.

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Who was it that said if men could have babies there would be an abortion center on each street corner?

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Continued: ledgers as “breeders”.

At the same time White women could not vote, most could not own property, most could not divorce, or serve on juries. They had no legal status. With the 13th,14th, and 15th amendments slavery ended, but Black women still could not vote. With the 19th amendment women achieved suffrage, but an Equal Rights Amendment still awaits passage.

How appropriate it now that the fight for democracy, the means by which women have fought for and achieved their present status is being led by a Black WOMAN, “You Go Girl!!

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There is only one more state needed to ratify the ERA and there are at least three that will, however that can only be accomplished if Congress will extend the time period for ratification, and that will take a Democratic Congress,and if we take control of congress I wonder if the Democratic party has the balls to extend the time period and pass a nation wide bill that legalizes abortion.

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You did not exhaust the list of women's nonentity, but pretty good: I merely add that it wasn't just Black women who "still could not vote," it was anybody without a penis. 1920, for heaven's sake. When they said "all MEN are created equal," man, that was the reality. 1920.

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I did not mean to imply that Black women could vote before white women. I assumed that women’s suffrage meant all women.

The disease of white supremacy played a role in Black and white women working together to achieve a common goal. Divide and conquer is the strategy of oppression and often keeps those with common interests apart. The MAGA movement is more than just old white males.

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I actually got that, but couldn't resist clarifying! Anyway, what a point you make now! By coincidence, I happen to have read-only a month before Unjust Kacsmaryk's hate-ruling, an amazing serious scholarly history book about EVERYTHING going on just prior to the Civil War; "Other Powers" by Barbara Goldsmith, which included the whole Anthony Comstock horror show we now revisit. But also includes an account of a classic triumph of "divide and conquer." The suffragettes had been stalwart allies of the abolitionists; Susan B. acquainted with and counted Frederick Douglass a friend. But Congress was poised to pass the franchise for male ex-slaves. Anthony begged Douglass to hold out for the vote for women, as well, but he took half a loaf. Like you say: divide and conquer.

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Sometimes half-a-loaf is better than nothing depending on the issue. The problem is whether the other half is ever acquired and if so how long it takes. When a group consists of disparate groups, eg. men and women, and only one gets the prize, the other can’t help but feel resentment. In such cases where this is a possibility, prior agreement must be established on whether to take an “all or nothing” position or a half-loaf. What proves to be successful becomes clear in hindsight, but is gut wrenching in the present

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Now you remind me of a saying of a college dorm-mate, a nuclear physicist with a Bronx sense of humor: she used to say, "That's so profound it's ob-scyou-ah." (obscure) Definitely the "prior agreement" between the suffragettes and Fred. Douglass was, we are on the same side. The women did not fail. Was it "nothing" that they waited FIFTY YEARS? The more I re-read your post, the less sense it makes. It is a problem to today, with suspended ratification of the ERA,(Only Mormon MEN get the prize. Male centered religion held the fort against the ERA. "From Housewife to Heretic," Sonia Johnson.) What is your idea of what lagging half of the loaf women are to settle for "resentment" now!?

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I don’t think there is a one size fits all answer. It may take only a few women state legislators to provide the margin necessary for passage of the ERA. Remember the 19th amendment was ratified by a single vote cast by a young male legislator at his mother’s behest to “do the right thing”.

Usually a structural change must precede a revolutionary change. Many structural changes are the result of serendipitous events unforeseen until they happened. That’s why life is so unpredictable. Just consider how past week has unfolded.

Not everything comes out as the box already assembled. In reality most things we deal with are not only unassembled, but also lacking instructions. As the Moody Blues sang

“Isn’t life strange?”

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It's interesting that it was rumored early in Trump's presidency, that Rex Tillerson, then Trump's first Secretary of State, had referred to his boss as "dumb as a rock." It seems the inner DT crowd has been projecting that outward ever since.

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You ever notice how the majority of women belonging to the majority-race, consistently vote Trump.

What's up with that?

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This is America 🇺🇸, under the influence of “ Christian Nationalism” where the corrupt flourish and babies die under the ‘ right to life credo’.

Where woman are harassed for being successful . Creepy mentally impaired ex presidents breathe lies, everyday.

Where the Fascists in the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation, fund the Maga fools on their way to establishing an all white (Christian? ) and thoroughly ungodly State.

Where the Supreme Court Justices on the Right, murder the Constitution and make up absurd rulings based on their religious beliefs and their lies, which are to enhance their corrupt power.

Citizens United, Roe v Wade, Trump requested presidential immunity , Chevron decision elimination.

They trash women and our Democracy

ruthlessly .

They take huge bribes from individuals with cases before their Court.

And defend this greedy corruption . They think we’re all fools that cannot see the forest for the corrupt trees.

Not so . We see and our time will come .

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SCOTUS and judges are smarter than taking bribes in cases before the court, they take gifts (bribes) from cases that will wind up in the court(s)

The salary of a supreme court judge is $280,000 a year, that is a lot for folks like you and I, but they live in the most expensive part of the country, have to pay taxes (top bracket), maintain a wardrobe and lifestyle befitting their social status and position, Alito has a summer home, Thomas a quarter of a million dollar RV

All of which informs me that the other justices are also recipients of "gifts" unless they have principles and are willing to live within their means.

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Stockholm Syndrome Sir Okie, just like women forced to wear bee keeper suits in the summer heat, defend their men and religion.

The same reason that people of color join the part of racism and vote for the racist in charge (Trump) the same reason that Tnomas, Scott, Donalds, et al kiss the racist ring. the same reason that Peter Thiel, himself a gay, the Log Cabin Republicans and Andrew Sullivan are conservative, because that is where the money and power is.

Camp followers are one name for them all, Quislings is anoother.

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What the Lady Trumpists fail to realize is that there are beekeeper outfits in their futures, if JD ever ascends.

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You are correct, but you have to understand primal psychology of humans.

The primal drive of all series is reproduction. The female of the species is the vessel by which a species is perpetuated. She is the load bearing wall. And is biologically evolved to be saddled with the responsibility of protecting and raising the offspring until it can take care of itself. Don't get between momma bear and her cubs, or a lioness and her cubs. An aligator will carry her hatchlings to a river in her mouth, let them go, but later if she encounters them, they will be a meal. She did her job.

Human females are the same. The more perceptive, sentient, evolved ones have risen above their biological programming, however the MAGA, Gilead, Bee keep wearing, MTG types have not evolved, they are still at the Cro Magnon stage.

In their mentality, there bread is better buttered by clinging to the tail of the male.

They don't think ahead, they are incapable, in fact humans by and large are incapable of thinking ahead, terrible chess players. They live in the moment and think that tomorrow will be just like today, and he day after, and the day after.

It is the same mentality as the oligarchs, the billionaires, who rape and plunder our world, and our society.

They are the capitalist who lines up to sell the rope In a way we all are. We can't stop what we are doing because we are comfortable today, and want to live and be comfortable today and tomorrow.

Jul 21st was the hottest global day on record since records began in 1940, 17.09 celcius or 62.75 degrees Fahrenheit. That sounds cool, but think of it as the average world wide air temperature. Warm enough to melt arctic and antarctic ice, there are hardly any glaciers left, and the melt of the Greenland glaciers is desalinating the Atlantic gyre that protects the East coast and Europe, and the loss of arctic ice has increased the albedo effect by an order of magnitudes,and that has disrupted the jet Stream, causing arctic storm is in winter in the south. desalinating the Atlantic gyre is increasing the number and ferocity of hurricanes and tornadoes,.

If I owned land in Florida and was younger, I would sell it and move, because it is going to be underwater in 25-50 years, and much of it is already, when there are tidal surges and tropical rains.

And those billionaires with fat wallets are not going to escape the consequences of their rapaciousness, they might temporarily, but as state and region after region is adversely affected by global warming, so will the economy of the nation, and so will stocks. the market, dividends and the games the Wolfs of Wall Street play.

A libertarian has a plan to build a floating city for other billionaires, sounds like a great plan, but it too is subject to hurricanes, and floating cities don't produce enough food to feed it's cities. Needed is soil, fresh water, and lots of it for veggies and fruits,, not to mention animal protein, forget kobi beef.

Another apt analogy is that like sharks they got to keep swimming or they suffocate and die.

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Have you ever noticed the domestic abuse statistics in our country? It is incredibly telling about how many women aren't free to live or vote without fear. Sadly, domestic violence does impact voting and many don't realize it.

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Like, who isn't wondering about J.D.'s wife? Anybody else notice how many of these guys have foreign wives? The only American Trump married didn't last long. Are there reliable studies/statistics that "majority-race" women (I presume you mean native-born white) actually are MAGA? One certainly sees the interviews with the white-lady fanatics at the rallies, but how many do they actually add up to?

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" According to the Pew analysis, Trump won white voters by 12 percentage points, 55 percent to 43 percent, down from 15 points in 2016. Biden narrowed Trump’s margin among white men — from 30 points in 2016, to 17 points in 2020 — but Trump won white women by a larger spread (7 points) than he won them in 2016 (2 points)." (See Link below)

n.b. White women actually voted more for DJT in 2020, AFTER Trump oversaw the COVID massacre of 1.3 million Americans.

LINK: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/30/new-trump-poll-women-hispanic-voters-497199

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It's called stupid.

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It is just not advancing through corporate ranks Thom. My wife is a retired certified building official, ,one of three in my state, and she ran into expectations and stereotypes that no man would have endured, much less tolerated including inside the Association of Building Officials. Proficiency, intelligence, due diligence is threatening to male expectations.

Words and behavior that are expected in a male Building official are considered inappropriate in a female.

The male building inspectors are resentful of having to report to a woman, and do everything they can to backstab and torpedo them, including not following the chain of command, if she was a man and went outside of the chain of command, they would have been quickly disciplined.

My wife is also a certified building inspector as well as a carpenter, electrician and plumber (and dry waller), we have hired men to do jobs that we can't do anymore because of age and condition, and when she supervises them, they get downright disrespectful in a way that they never would to a man.

She wounds there ever so fragile ego's. I can imagine people of color have much the same problem when supervising whites

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Our son was born in 1983 at Bonner General Hospital in Sandpoint. All went well and Jeanne was treated well. But the year before that she had an eptopic pregrancy and was treated at the same hospital. If it was now things would be different and since we didn't have much money or insurance at the time...well, I don't even want to think about what might have happened.

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Yes, I hope every day that there is a "secret" vote of caring men who realize that the process from fertilized ovum to perfect baby is not always "smooth sailing." I hope you share your experience, maybe even with guys who don't want to hear it.

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We are now at the threshold. The MAGA's blitzkrieg attack on women's rights shines real light re their implosive fears of the threat that the strong advancements women have achieved in the last several decades. In America, that is. I measure their draconian drive to bring it all back to zero as a litmus of their gemder-based trepidations of losing their core operating power. They use the sanctified clout of the bible as a unassailable justification, but their bogus attempts to do so only reveal how old and complicit the anti-feminist messaging is from even "holy" Scripture. It should be noted that demanding a return to the old concepts re women is accompanied with equal effort re the return to old-time religion. These two issues are the fangs in their push to retain their unholy power. The two issues are joined at the hip. Women need to realize that their hour has truly come. If enough resolve is demonstrated by women In collective coordination, and if men can recognize that their full support of women is key to besting this fascist menace, the just shall prevail. If not, just another repeating tick on the age-old clock measuring age-old tyrannical control.

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Project 2025 portends an assault on Women''s rights.

Let's not forget that it's the plan for Trump.

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The GOP, the new white male supremacist Christian, criminal, terrorist organization, has no functioning plan except to get elected and steal the national Treasury and mame and mutilate everyone they hate. They call that superiority. This planet is loaded with countries with male superiority that are third world hell holes! Face it they are just a bunch of thugs that wants to steal everything the rational thinkers have built. When that is gone they have nothing, so they must move to another country and try their BS there!

The family unit and religions with unprovable faith, certainly raise a lot of thugs. The capitalists are there to harvest them.

The chance to get rich and become middle class is shrinking. Yet the right wingers still want to bring more babies on board a crowded lifeboat, Earth?

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This Bob, is abumper sticker.

Truth in one sentence: "The family unit and religions with unprovable faith, certainly raise a lot of thugs. The capitalists are there to harvest them"

And countries with male superiority are third world countries, this time I like Trumps wording it is more descriptive (remember a broken clock is right twice a day)

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FLASH: “New polling shows #GEN-Z leaning #Kamala by a ratio of 2/3rds (66%) to 1/3rd (33%).” ~ Ace … “It's a cremation.” ~ Nicky “The Ant”

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If you consider the history of misogyny and racism in America, Black women top the list. Under slavery they were the forced concubines of their enslavers, for Sally Hemings, while some were registered in the I slavers

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Can you image being a black lesbian. Not bad enough being black, then being a woman, but within her own community she is a pariah and punished.

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Sadly, it is native women who currently top the list of suffering in our country, with black sisters close behind.

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How insecure can a man be? I thought that insecurity was a turn off. What is going on with women in the lives of Republican's? Their kids act like other kids in school but then turn into their dad when they become adults with all the fear based hating of minorities. The privileged need to get their act together. There is no way to go back to the past. It is a vain hope and INSECURITY. Get a clue boys.

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Most boys don't have fathers so we need to blame their mothers! And of course the church, get sent to. It is time to stop blaming the victims!

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