Aug 1, 2022Liked by Thom Hartmann

Ayn Rand was an amoral psychopath. Society will destroy itself pursuing unchecked capitalism. There is a reason that greed is one of the seven deadly sins. Paul Ryan fell into the trap of Rand’s immature thinking. Ayn Rand evidently got stuck in that moment when the state seized her father’s business. She was mentally unstable and certainly no model of behavior or political thought. Her “objectivism” is not objective at all; it’s just gobbledygook.

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...And there's only 99 days left to accomplish those herculean tasks and save what's left of American democracy from the clutches of American fascism.

The tell on the right is a desperate attempt to change the subject and distract voters from paying attention to all the bad news leading into their fast-approaching moment of truth this fall. The Party of Liars wants you to think that Biden and the year 2024 -- an eternity in politics for a fickle electorate -- is the big one to focus on rather than on arguably the most consequential midterm in history looming on the immediate horizon. The prelude to disaster, setting the stage for the final coup d'etat in 2024, is upon us NOW in 2022!

Hard reality slaps you upside the head in the ongoing present, not in some future scenario spun up by partisan illusionists. Get involved intimately with the midterm election process in your state right now today, as hard as that may be, and take your vote and your neighbors' votes deadly seriously. Change the course of history while you still can.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Thom Hartmann

Thank you for writing this! I know a few devout Libertarians and they literally post "Go Koch Brothers!" on social media and they rail against all social programs but are the first to take advantage of family and government programs when in need.

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This shows how a "little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough". As Jenn said in her comment, this is a psychopath - a psychopath whose ideas are very attractive to other psychopaths (Trump for one). Just like monkeypox, it begins with a simple case in a distant place, and with today's globalism and travel, it's now affecting many people close to home. Now I see why Rand's books had no appeal when I was young. Thank you for this good Report; helps me understand the sickness affecting American society.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Thom Hartmann

It's not just a sickness affecting American society; Radical rightwing Christo-fascism -- indeed, religious/political extremism of all stripes and the egocentric authoritarian mindset at the heart of it all -- is infecting the minds of the susceptible across the globe, even in relatively stable democracies like Canada. Deadly thought viruses don't stop at borders.

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Thank you for another much appreciated "feast of wisdom and truth"!

With swift ease my mind has "connected the dots" from the truths laid out by Thom to the joy filled cruelty of Cruz/Hawley fist-pumping their "victory" in destroying health care for Veterans suffering from burn pit gases.

BTW, it's interesting that Hickman calling himself "The Fox" - lines up fittingly with the name of the propaganda arm of the GOP.

And as for the "new party" created in the 40s, I prefer to call it "Liber-tyranny", as it is more revealing of what they stand for, IMHO.

Also, I can't help but feel sad and heartbroken for the loss of Marion Parker and the pain suffered by her family.

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I know quite a few libertarians. Not one is impressive. Back in college, my wife and I visited friends with 20 acres of land outside town. They had set it up to be self sufficient and showed us around.

To make a long story short, almost everything on the place was stolen from the military, and they lived on a number of government assistance programs. Both worked part time in town, back then the NaziRepublican Party hadn't destroyed health care so even working two evenings a week was enough.

They sat there telling me how all taxes should be ended and everyone should be free to do what they wanted. We asked how they would survive in a world with no taxes.

Sure enough, they said they did fine, and never paid taxes anyway.

Right, makes sense to me. I usually ask libertarians questions to get them to admit what they want is a lawless land where bullies put together armies and rule, monarchy. Then they are always confused.

Just ask them what if your neighbors exercise their right to not meet fire codes or pay for fire service and set their house on fire. Their house will burn, BECAUSE of their libertarianism. They never have a reply.

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Lyndon Johnson summed it up when he said “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better off than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

We have a nation of white racist idiots who vote against unions and vote against their own interests by electing rich whte people who enjoy exploiting them in every way possible. We have men and women who enlist in the military and truely believe that they are fighting the good fight when nothing could be further from the truth. Small wonder that the elites want to do away with universal education and have to deal with an enlightened electorate.

As the Nazi head of propagnda Joseph Goebbels put it “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

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What makes someone human: a capacity to feel joy, love, sadness, care about others, make mistakes and apologize, or feel guilty? Psychopaths are literally not equipped to do any of this. It is damn near impossible to explain crazy people to folks that are being told exactly what they want to hear from a psychopath or sociopath.

We have to talk to those that are listening. Urge them to study this subject, as well as the fact libertarian policies have failed them. Because in truth, the only reason my life is tolerable is because Democrats have fought for workers, voters, women's and civil rights, Social Security, and Medicare. Without the basics, life is torture when it should be a gift.

Once again, Thom has presented a through-line that should be unbelievable, but it is so true. It comes under the heading "sh*t you can't make-up"!

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"I asked a man in prison once how he happened to be there and he said he had stolen a pair of shoes. I told him if he had stolen a railroad he would be a United States Senator". - Mother Jones (Mary Harris Jones), schoolteacher, dressmaker, organizer, and activist (1 Aug 1837-1930)

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I've known Rand was a sociopath for a long time and I've mocked the people who think The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged are "excellent" alleged "novels" as opposed to trashy didactic screeds populated with cartoon figures. I thought of her as monstrous enough in her ideology (mislabeled a "philosophy" by too many allegedly educated people) but had no idea she worshipped a child murderer.

Death cult is almost too anodyne a word for the modern GOP. They are all quite literally gleeful murderers of children and adults.

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