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I will be kind, Obama was a novice, a fish out of water, when it comes to money, finance, economics he was a blank slate, that and thanks to the likes of Rahm Emanuel, now in Bidens cabinet and a real scum bag, along with Larry Summers,He was at the beck and call of AHIP, Association of Health Insurance Providers).

They had access to the White house during the construction of the ACA,but single payor advocates like Bernie were excluded.

The result if a 600 page bill, that doesn't solve the problem, has issues, but is beloved by AHIP because it enriches.

All congress had to do was change a few words in the Medicare enabling legislation from"eligibility starts at age 65" to eligibility starts at Birth, but that would have inflamed AHIP and they would declare war on the DNC.

And of course the corrupt Rahm Emanuel who slops at the trough of the elect (privatized education in Chicago, a major agenda item of Betsy DeVoss, would have no part of it, and called progressives "fucking retards" Fuck face Rahm is Biden's ambassador to Japan.

The enemies of democracy are even embedded into the Biden administration.

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Thank Mr. Farrar, I have been wondering what happened to Rahm Emmanuel der Wunderkind. Bacteria on the bottom of shallow lakes eat away at the flesh of human corpses dropped there by criminals. This produces gas which bloats the corpse and eventually causes it to float to the surface. Expect Mr. Rahm Emanuel to float up again in the future.

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