An insurrectionist is aiding and abetting our enemy!

Isn’t it ironic that the person who encouraged the January 6th insurrection (and refused to stop the violence for 3 hours), the same person who has 91 indictments, is the SAME person who the House Republicans FEAR for their lives, their families welfare & their jobs, to stand up to him and vote their conscience, and what is best for their constituents and our country?

I find it INCREDIBLE that this corrupt, uneducated LOSER and BULLY (and soon to be FELON), is STRONG-ARMING the withholding of aide to Ukraine, OUR ALLY! and is essentially siding with our ENEMY, Putin, and he isn’t even in office!!

HOW can his actions NOT be considered TREASONOUS?

And aren’t those doing his bidding ACCOMPLICES ? By voting AGAINST what our country stands for - standing with our ALLIES and protecting our country’s democracy - they are putting our country in danger!

An insurrectionist is aiding and abetting our enemy. Isn’t ANYONE going to do anything about it before it’s too late?

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Trump is doing what any crook will do, pushing it as far as he can, and so far there has been no limits despite the 91 indictments and civil suits.

The problem is his ass kissers and the the timid, compromised, corrupt politicians and people who enable him, like Merrick Garland and the Federalist society and their judges.

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Yes, and many are so beyond timid. More like the KGB.

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I honestly don't understand your comment, especially as it pertains to mine.

Could you please elucidate. Who is beyond timid? . More like the KGB.?

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The support Trump gets from the GOP is often very aggressive and the actions of the Heritage Foundation/project 2025 is not timid. There are the silent timid GOP that rubber stamp his actions. House Speaker Johnson is a very timid but effective block in Congress. I see "timid" in both parties.

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And the violence & threats of violence is very KGB, no?

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Feb 21
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And he is paying for it. Nevertheless I have no choice but to vote for Biden, for my sake, the sake of minorities, Slava Ukraini, and to save America from Christian theocracy.

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I want the anti-abortion cultists in SCOTUS and Congress to explain how forcing their menu and revenue-driven interpretation of Christianity on the rest of us is somehow promoting our general welfare and securing the blessings of liberty to us and our posterity. In other words, are they really fulfilling their Constitutional purpose by doing things adverse to our citizens' reproductive rights and our communities’ interests?

And doesn’t it feel like they are stepping on the 1st Amendment a bit as in “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion?” Legislating behavior based in a 1970’s conspiracy (between the GOP and the televangelists using what passed for mass media at the time) smells like just more grifting in the name of the lord. But now with 21st Century knowledge, reach, and speed.

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Thomas and Alito admittedly apply "natural law" before the text of the Constitution. Natural law is Catholic dogma,

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It is not just abortion. It is EVERYTHING. Have you ever said anything online disparaging about Trump? His family? His followers? If Trump is elected, his goons could come after us all. And I know we all think that we are too small a fish to fry. BUT. Have you seen how Trump goes after anyone he perceives as unfriendly to him? Anyone who criticizes him? As Dictator Trump, he will have massive resources at his disposal. Remember those 10s of thousands of people aka “vermin” he said he would round up into internment camps? He said deportation camps. But if he goes after people like us, who are American citizens, there is no place to deport us to. How far is it to instituting a “final solution” for “dissidents in the USA? As well as LGBTQ and people of color? It could be us. We can not be complacent about this threat. It is real.

Support Biden/Harris.

Vote blue up and down the ballot.

Bring your friends and families.

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Stalin killed 20M of his own people, forced them all into hours long speeches and prevented any hint of dissent. The idea that Trump won't do the same is foolish.

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If I have to listen to more than 15 minutes of trump’s rambling word salad lies, I will kill myself and save them the trouble.

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Hitler's first victims were not the jews, it was a purge of "disloyal" members within the Nazi Party. This was step number one, and Trump has already done that within the G.O.P. If re-elected he will install bootlickers within the government willing to do his bidding and commence further purges.

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Correct Stephen, Next were the disabled of body and mind, "useless eaters" that "polluted the blood of the mighty "aryan" race. Nobody ever told the phuckwit, that Germans were not Aryans. Who they were is unknown, best guess is that the Aryans were Asiatics. Haplogroup R1a perhaps R-YP5585

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And we already know when we get Trump we get Project 2025. It the " projects" they are not printing that scares me and I am already terrified by the public info.

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Good comment.

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Meanwhile Musk and others with wealth and power are attempting to stop their private flights being tracked (see ElonJet). Also, Ted Cruz wants the FAA reauthorization bill to include a provision for the private airport screening of major politicians and their families. Apparently poor women (you know it won't be rich ones or men) can be tracked if they commit a "crime" but those with power can live and move anonymously.

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Welcome to Gilead.

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There is eventually going to have to be an Underground Railroad to get women out of these states, as there was to get slaves out of (the same) states. At some point, the Republicans will try to prevent women of child-bearing age from leaving. It's coming, as is a civil war for similar reasons to the first civil war. They wanted to extend slavery to the non-slave states, just as they want to extend anti-choice to the choice states. This time they are doing it through lawsuits and attempts at national bans. They have a corrupt and ideological SCOTUS backing them - just as they did before. Slavers are no longer allowed to enslave black men, but there is nothing in the constitution to prevent them from enslaving women. The ERA was thwarted because they told scared conservatives that "men and women will be forced to use the same bathrooms." These are the exact same states and descendants of the exact same people who tried to force the United States into becoming a total slave country. They are at it again.

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When I think about it, they haven't totally been prevented from enslaving black men. There is a slavery exemption in the Constitution for incarcerated people. "Thirteenth Amendment, Section 1: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." Again, mostly the same states. Per the Wiki: "Most privately run facilities are located in the southern and western portions of the United States and include both state and federal offenders. For example, Pecos, Texas is the site of the largest private prison in the world, the Reeves County Detention Complex, operated by the GEO Group." Here's a partial list of the Fortune 500 companies that use slave labor. There are many others:










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"Longer term, they also want to target women seeking birth control. . ." Indeed, they've explicitly stated that their ultimate goal is to overturn the ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut and in the process also blow away the decision in Loving v. Virginia. Never forget what's at the core of the Republican approach to legislation and adjudication: There is no right to privacy.

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After the christian nationalists take away birth control, will women be forced to report to mandatory impregnation centers? How many times will they be forced to bear children against their will? (And of course the women will have to come up with the money to care for the children-since R's don't want to help support the women, however many children they've been forced to bear.

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Oh, I forgot to include Obergefell, probably next on the Republican chopping block.

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This is simply atrocious, that this level of interference of privacy has been allowed . It’s clearly time to expand the Court to counteract these bought and sold Republican ‘ Justices?’.

This level of interference is absolutely disgusting and totally unacceptable . The fact that its invasion of privacy is pointed to women alone , makes it illegal. It’s discrimination pure and simple . If these jackasses want to know everything private in a persons life let’s turn this law around and have unfettered access to their lives. Every day we become more aware of the consequences of this Nationalist Religion BS

Where is the Constitution?

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Wonder why they aren’t tracking men who buy condoms and prosecuting them because they MIGHT use them. Because if they do, they are preventing those sacred sperm from performing what God clearly intended, that humans increase and multiply, and have sex only for that reason.

Caveat: all these laws and my fantasy above do not apply to the morbidly rich. Laws are for the little people, after all.

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Because Roy, the whole "pro life" gig is not about life or anything, but protecting patriarchal prerogative, which means the subjugation of women. What confounds me, not really, is that among it's diehard advocates are women like Amy Comey Barrett, MTG, Boebert Nimrata Haley, and all of those MAGAt twits. Camp followers one and all, slopping at the patriarch trough.

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I wonder if they will eventually get shot of condoms?

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No, because the apps are feeding real GPS based location data at all times.

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This is the most salient reason not to use a cell phone, except for emergencies, then a flip phone will do.

I know too many people just can't live without their little screen, and keeping on top of every stupid tweet or DM.

I don't own a cell phone, and don't even know how to turn one on, and get by just fine with my landline (home phone to the new breed).

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I work in telecommunications. Unfortunately older technology will be phased out

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You are correct and I fear the end. I do so like my buggy whip. They don't tap land lines anymore, and NSA records (though they deny it) every cell phone conversation.

I don't do anything illegal, or anything I should be ashamed of or want to keep private, but it is the idea of it all. I value my privacy, and only put out that information which is of no


I am completely non plussed, astonished, amazed at the stupidity of people, taken and sending pics of their genitalia, exposing themselves on Tik Tok, Xitter, Social media, it will all come back to bite them in the ass.

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It is quite difficult when one does not have a cell phone.

Many times I want to donate they ask for my 'phone no. I give them my landline but it's not good. It has to e a cell phone. So I guess land lines will be gone soon!

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Hopefully after my corpse has been donated to science.

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I don't have a cell phone either, Have to get a flip phone to let my husband know when I fall over again!

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I lost my balance after the craniotomy and radiation, had to learn to slow down, watch where I am stepping. I even weed whip on uneven rock strewn ground, but go slowly and use the weed whip as a third leg when moving., one step at a time. There is a lot you can accomplish by moving slowly and carefully. I am also emphysemic but I still do a lot of chores, would curl up and die if I couldn't.

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How awful. Believe me I am NOT fast. Trying to maintain balance is not something I have ever been good at and mastering vertigo has been my main challenge.

Decided NOT to do the awful test for brain tumour...........hopefully I will just pop off one day outside walking Diego. He will sit by me and bark his head off until someone notices.

Be safe.

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There is nothing to a test for a brain tumor. Mine was discovered via a CT scan,painless and quick. After treatment I've been getting a CT Scan and MRI at first every quarter, now every six months, again no problem. You are in France, so you say, so there shouldn't be a problem with money.

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There is another test whereby they inject something horrible into the vein. Then you have you lie down for 1/2 hour very still before the scan. Had a normal scan already

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Controlling women seems to be the purpose. However, I think killing women is the focus and desired cruel result which forms of control make possible. They do not desire laws clearly defined and easy to follow and know. They seek a fog of war where nobody knows what will happen if they do something any right winger prosecutor will take as breaking the law where nobody knows where the rules of the law exist. They spread their influence by a lack of knowledge of what would happen if they do anything they are not down with. This maximizes their influence and social control.

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This post made me physically ill.

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I like the way you talk,, blunt and to the point. Bravo.

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“Longer term, they also want to target women seeking birth control who, instead of being in the workplace or college, Republicans believe should be at home barefoot, pregnant, and in full-out tradwife mode.”

The problem with that…Employers have gotten used to paying low wages and existence of few unions that push for higher wages nor do employers want to cut price tags on their products.

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I thought there was separation of Church and State in the Constitution?

Either you have a Law or you don't!

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Feb 21Edited
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There is no law Jenny, Only the 1st Amendment, google and read it, and you won't come across as an ignoramus.

The Founding fathers were a mixed breed from deists (agnostics and atheists) to Christians, what they did not want is the English System of a Church and State as one, that is the Church of England or Anglican, they were not forward thinkers, and could not envision the situation as it is today.

President Madison, refused to sign a bill that would have funded a church's scheme to

take care of the poor. As it would set a precedent for government funding of religion.

That is now out of the window, as Americans are functional zombies, who are pulled by a ring through their nose by religious leaders, be they pastor, priest, rabbi or Imam.


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The other controllers are Faux Snooze et al.

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Goes without saying, known fact like gravity :)

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I am asking..........I do know the 1st Amendment. MY question remains why is it not being followed?

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Because most of the people who control the government, via donations are Christians, and that includes the billionaires. The U.S. is already a partial theocracy. Especially in the courts and the Supreme Court at that.

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