Thanks for sharing the substance of the order and making the connection to the Internet Research Agency disinformation campaign. Until the 5th and 11th Circuits or the Supreme Court start reprimanding or limiting these rogue judges, we will get more of it. We must gain a 54 seat majority in the Senate so that Biden can (at the very least) appoint as many judges as Trump. That would be a small step in the right direction.

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Judge Doughty has been waiting for this chance for quite awhile.

The administration is not allowed to push back against the statement ‘ Donald Trump won the election in 2020’ .

Remove Judge Doughty .

Its clear he has no interest in reality. Therefore he should be unqualified.

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Though panty wetting apologists, and Trump humping lawyers, say it can't be done, there is nothing in the constitution that prohibits the appointing authority (the Senate) to revoke its approval of the appointment, and the House is not involved, as the House does not appoint (or approve) federal judgeships.

It is just a matter of will, and the DNC has none, as it too is dependent on donor (plutocrat) cash.

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I was listening to XM 124 POTIS a few years back. I believe the guy being interviewed was Bohner’s (sp?) ex Chief of Staff (as I remember). When asked about the tax cut induced deficits his response was (roughly), “Well, the American people will some day have to choose between these insurance programs (SS and Medicare) and funding the rest of the federal budget”. My question is , who are these guys, the ones who set the course for the Republican Party, who do so much damage? Who sets the course? We know more about the brain trust of Nazi Germany than we know about our own Nazis, the Republican Party.

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They are fairly well known and the main ones have been revealed, although we really didn't know about the owners of Clarence and Ginni Thomas, until Propublica released their connection to GOP Mega Donor Harlan Crow who is also connected to Lenard Leo. Of course, Charles Koch has set-up his own quasi government, which focuses on all 50 states down to the grade school level, as well as the Halls of Congress and our Judicial system. Most of the R Presidential candidates are beholden to Koch. Robert Mercer and Family has made large donations backing Ted Cruz and then purchased most of Trump. As part of the deal to help Trump financially, they advised him, made recommendations, and appointed Bannon and Conway to be his Presidential Advisors, to give you an idea of how sick they are. Apparently. when you can donate that much money, politicians will jump as high as you command. There are many other wealthy people who don't mind contributing dark money to some Koch named super PAC or getting involved in there State' and Local politics. They enjoy the power too:



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The only way to combat this stuff is to take away the customer. We need to spend a heck of a lot more time getting people who are addicted to this junk off their 'Drug Of Choice.' Like any other addiction, the only way to help people get sober is to get them treated. Start with our children!

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P.S. wouldn't it be great if kids came home from school and said, 'Mom/Dad/Grandma/Granpa, I think you have a media problem.'

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Not on my life those parties are Trump parties as you know GOP finds new diabolical methods to get Trump back into office. Stay away from No Labels And any others that advertise as no labels

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Appeal is pending i hope.

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Fascism makes telling the truth a crime and telling lies a good deed. All liars need to be flogged regardless of party or race or gender or anything else! I want that job, for life!

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It IS telling that the majority of SM items requested for restriction came from conservatives/reactionaries. It shows how many crackpot conspiracies that wing of politics openly embraces; not just at the fringes but presumably the very heart of it.

This decision is the codifying of both-sidesism on the judiciary. The platforms were asked to restrict baseless, unhinged claims being presented as verified facts. Many of those claims emboldened attacks on public officials and law enforcement. If those on the left were pushing dangerously unhinged claims as fact, and it compromised this judge, or some other right-wing person's safety, would he claim that allowing it was proper because of 1A? Doubtful.

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Well ya, you just prevent the DISINFORMATION personnel from INFORMING the citizens of the truth. Simple. It works.

We need to start asking who is paying or courting Judge Doughty. And be sure to keep it at that---just asking. We have the Supreme Court judges to use as an example for asking.

Let's demonstrate on a wide scale basis how disinformation really works. After-all, Judge Doughty wants everyone to be able to disseminate anything without it being flagged and despite the fact that it kills the most vulnerable. I'm asking right now: Did Judge Doughty really believe a world-wide pandemic is not grounds for the government to save lives OR was he being compensated to prevent them from doing just that? Is he a paid operative concerning the up-coming election? Where has he been traveling? What property deals has he had? I'm just asking.

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Thank you for the comment on Eldorado. We watched it last night. The parallels to what is happening now are frightening.

After a few weeks of reading your posts, I have become a paid subscriber.

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How can we get DISHONORABLE Judge Doughty disbarred? He is taking away freedom of speech from the government. In the Unsupreme courts rulings, a company has 1st amendment rights, so the government should too!!

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As the information and disinformation flow increases, more and more individuals and families are simply turning off their television, be it Fox News or NPR. Their lack-of-trust circuit breakers have blown their ability to process any of the infomercials with any degree of rational or emotional certainty. Family members and friends are refusing to discuss or debate any of the many issues that ethically, morally and politically will affect our lives going forward beyond 2024. Our children and our young, coming-of-age generations sense the mix of anger, fear and frustrations. School children know beyond words that despite the heartfelt assurance of their teachers they are not really safe any longer.

Meanwhile the wars, violence and corruption across the globally corporate controlled landscape continues to feed many, many people with fight-or-flight adrenaline; this fear-loaded landscape will be escalated during the next 18 months, and not just in America. Urban residents are facing escalating temperatures and lack of funding to address school funding, child care costs and civic unrest, and the growing bulge of elders transiting from a life of Baby-Boomer Power are entering their last decades with diminished pensions and dramatic decreases in their immune systems' ability to ward off stress and viral exposures in overcrowded cities and understaffed assisted living facilities operated on a corporate funding basis. It looks very much like a Perfect Storm is building, with its epicenter in America and its time line being defined by the challenges of the US Presidential Election 2024. Since America is the largest economic and military geo-political player, this perfect storm has the capacity to radically impact life as we know it across the whole globe.

There are No Wise Men & Women who can help us through this historical phase; it will be up to each of the +160 million US voters to sit tight and collect good notes, pray and reflect on how we all can agree on keeping America and the world a safe place to raise our children and a safe place for our elders as we move forward. There is lots of pertinent research showing that most of the other Western countries have done significantly better than America since the 1980s https://www.commondreams.org/news/iceland-most-peaceful-country. They have reliable healthcare for everyone, their schools appear more peaceful and more successful academically than ours and their young people do not need to fear a future with hundreds of thousands of student loans.

Mr. Hartman's current article may not be as effective as he is hoping, in part because a significant voter block no longer trust the profit-based US healthcare system that Mr. Fauci was a part of https://www.nccih.nih.gov/news/press-releases/americans-spent-302-billion-outofpocket-on-complementary-health-approaches and https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/187543. His focus on the Louisiana Judge is relevant, but the stark scenario of a younger generation of voters being offered no alternative but two 80-year old politicians is not confidence building for the generations following the Baby-Boomers https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/19/politics/2024-primary-election-trump-biden-polls/index.html. Both the democratic and the Republican parties' elite power structures fear a loss of control, but groups such as No Labels https://www.nolabels.org/ and BraverAngels https://braverangels.org/are working hard to have alternative presidential choices for US voters craving a center of common sense, for all of us. Across a landscape of US politicians who have been elected and re-elected too many times, perhaps 2024 is the year a majority of voters simply NOT VOTE FOR ANY INCUMBENT POLITICIAN AT ANY LEVEL TO GET A NEW GENERATION OF LEADERS SERVING https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/reelection-rates .

Mr. Hartman's citations:

After all, Louisiana District Judge Terry Doughty had gone so far as to falsely claim, in that and two other 2021 cases, that vaccines “do not prevent transmission of the disease,” and that, “the virus has achieved an immune escape from COVID-19 vaccines.”

He even agreed with attacks on Dr. Anthony Fauci for saying that Hydroxychloroquine didn’t cure Covid, and cited Fauci’s assertions that the drug didn’t work in one of his legal opinions as evidence that the Biden administration was lying to the American people.

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You were making points until you sponsored No Labels. Assuming good faith on your part, you are unaware that No Labels is a Fraud, it is actually a Republican and billionaire faux non profit whose objective is to ensure Trump's win, and the win of the fascist, corporate right. Yeh it has suckered some right wing Democrats into the fold. They call themselves centrist, but are actually conservative and worse.

I suspect the same for Braver Angels, their real mission is to suck voters away from the Democratic party, and like No Labels, put forth a third party that will suck votes away from Democrats, because by and large they are motivated by diversity and unity, as opposed to Republicans who are motivated by anger, fear, and hate.

I just read Braver Angels mission statement, and it is a joke. America is so divided, and has always been, but without an authoritative voice such as Trump's. A voice that gave them hope

and a license to come out of the closet.

I for one don't trust No Labels and Braver Angels, IMO they are created by plutocrats and ideologues, for the purpose of splitting Democrat votes.

And apparently they are successful because they have one advocate...you.

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Please do not let your frustrations and good intentions be perverted by No Labels and Braver Angels. Those groups, if successful, can only ensure a Trump victory. That cannot be what you want.

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