Thom's most recent Hidden History book is now available with Audiobooks,now. The "Hidden History of the American Dream: The Demise of the Middle Class--And How to Rescue Our Future." I have the hard copy for a reference and enjoy going through it again as I exercise.

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All this was known,and more, yet the DNC sat on it's hands.

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Add Russian psy ops.

Down here in Baghdad By the Sea, besides voter preclusion, intimidation, parsing of the rolls, Republicans control the election process.

Pay day is Jan 20. Proud Boys have infiltrated the Republican Party and they and their allies are waiting for Trump to release their bretheren from jail and will act like vigillantes, rounding up their enemies --

Trump just named a Proud Boy as ambassador to Panama.

“I am pleased to announce that Kevin Marino Cabrera will serve as the United States Ambassador to the Republic of Panama, a Country that is ripping us off on the Panama Canal, far beyond their wildest dreams,” Trump posted.

Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article297463273.html#storylink=cpy

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As I look back at the Putin trolls that accused Biden of being a war monger, and that Trump would bring peace, it was obvious then as it is now that Trump's peace is that of a surrender monkey to Putin, Un and Xi, but he has his own imperialistic designs, and it is to the shame of the corporate media, pundits and Democratic so called Party, that he isn't taken seriously.

He does intend to take Greenland, we already have troops stationed there, and a huge Airbase, Thule AFB, What can Denmark do to oppose him? Nothing. This spells the end of NATO. When a NATO country invades another NATO country, there is no NATO and Putin has creamed his jeans.

Panama does not have a traditional military. Instead, Panama has a public security force that includes the Panama National Police, the National Border Service, and small air and maritime forces.

They could air drop a Special Tactics unit on what was Howard AFB, airland and/or airdrop the 173rd Airborne Brigade and take over Panama, it is that easy. That's on the west side of the canal on the east side ia the old Albrook AFB now

Marcos a Gelabert, International Airport, Panamaian defenses are no match.


I don't know how he can be stopped, except from within, he and the Christian right can carve up the world between Putin, Trump and Xi

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We were moving on Panama while the Noriega case was pending. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_invasion_of_Panama#:~:text=Noriega%20eluded%20capture%20for%20several,to%2040%20years%20in%20prison.

In 1997, SOUTHCOM moved from Panama to Baghdad By the Sea, as part of the Panama Treaty Implementation Plan of 1977. When the Cold War ended, the command entered a period of counter-drug operations, expanded its area of geographic focus to include the Caribbean, and enhanced its capacity for humanitarian missions. we used to have our jungle warfare school there.

I used to know a number of people who grew up in the canal zone and in retirement live there.

The locals here are also hoping Trump'll authorize actions against Cuba, Venzuela, etc. We used to have a cottage industry based on CIA expenditures on fake export/ import companies, and other local contractors... Some of those companies have grown into major businesses...I don't know whether they are still government subsidized. Lots of locals are still members of groups tha have been planning operations, especially in Cuba.

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I was amazed that the world did not erupt when George H W Bush invaded a sovereign country. But then realized Panama is not a sovereign country.

I lived in Panama, I met Gen Omar Torrijos Herrera, he was from Santiago de Veraguas, where my ex wife was from. I also met Col Manuel Noriega,when he was head of the Department of Transporyation.

Panama is not a Sovereign Country, because the Bank of P)anama is an off shore branch of Citigroup.

In 1919 Congress passed, and the president signed the Edge Act, This act authorized banks to set up offshore branches. City Bank of NY set up the Bank of Panama.

Panama uses the American dollar as it's curency, it's coins are minted in the Philadelphia mint of the same stock, size, weight, as U.S. coins, they differ only in designs on obverse and reverse.

Noriega was a ruthles pychopath, a murdering mother fucker, and I noticed when I met him in his office, that his underlings reeked of fear and deference

He was useful to the CIA and thus the government, as drug money was funneled through and washed in Panama. He was instrumental in washing cocaine cash during Operation Snowfall aka the Iran Contra affair.

But he fucked up royally when he made the mistake that bagmen make, and this is dipping his hand in the bag, and for that George H.W. Bush used Special Operations Command (JSOC) to arrest him.

One might take notice that no details of his trial have ever been made public, nor the actual charges, and the corporate and complicit media have conspicuously remained silent, no evidence of their "vaunted" curiosity.

And the Panama Canal Treaty, which returned sovereignty of the canal to Panama, was a class act con job.

The canal was becoming expensive to maintain, the locks needed repair, the "donkey's" were wearing out, the workers wages were rising, becuase the workers were Zonians, Canal Zone citizens, with American citizenship, though most were born in the canal zone

Handing the canal back to Panama, resulted in an immediate reduction in labor costs, and pushed the maintenance costs onto Panama. As did the subsequent project of enlarging the canal

The new locks allow ships that are 366 meters long and 49 meters wide to pass through, which is larger than the 294 meter long and 32.2 meter wide ships that could pass through the original locks.

The project was paid for by tolls and About 40% of the expansion was funded by development finance institutions, including the International Finance Corporation.

If the canal had stayed in control of America, the tax payer would have been on the hook, and Congress would have had to approve the project and debt.

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As VP Bush was simultaneously head of the Task Force Aganst Crime, that operated in the Carribbean like gunboat diplomacy was still US policy.

He was the CIA "money man" for the Bay of Pigs fiasco-- thus his close relationship with the gangs I mentioned above. Goes back to when he owned Zapata oil that had leases with Batistiano Cuba. From CIA. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP99-01448R000401570001-1.pdf

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No one remembers the hundreds of ordinary Panamanian civilians we killed to get Noriega.

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Point, but they were not hundreds of ordinary civilians. What our troops killed were members of the Guardia Civil. Panama did not have an army (ejercito) it still doesn't. It had a Guardia Civil, that wore either blue uniforms or brown uniforms, but yes civilians did get killed to arrest one bagman.

My own personal take is that Omar Torrijos was as good a Presidente as you can find in Latin America. He did assissinate his way into office, but the guy he killed was a killer, a grifter and an undicted criminal.

As Presidente though he put Panamanians first and was unccorruptible, and for that he had to go, the CIA had a bomb put on his helicopter at the last minute it exploded and they got a more pliable and corruptible Manuel Noriega.

In time to be bagman for Iran Contra.

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Good point.

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The DNC has a lot of work to do.

And Trumps parade sends chaos over all. Democrats can and must get a better plan and communicate it to Democrats.

We’ve sat around with our mouths falling open at the pranks of Republicans. A Distraction from our duties to protect and keep our Democracy.

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Biden has 8 days to stand up. Trump is illigitimate and our country was attacked by Russian psyops. We just lost the cold war. It's an emergency

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It appears to me that most social and political conflict in the United States is a result of lies and deception. Those who promote conflict are driven by a desire for power, motivated by a sense of competition. Is that not the opposite of what Jesus asks of us? Jesus preached cooperation!

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Well, Captain my Captain of history and all things true about it, well yeah no people double vote they just told the lie to make it seem that way even though we all know Captain my Captain of history and it’s truth that they lie, lie, lie, anyway. We can not ever let lies become the truth. I thank you again Captain for always steering us in the right direction of only the truth and facts as they truly are. With a brain like yours Thom, I think all of the solutions you really have for these problems. To bad for our country we can’t utilize your wisdom on this history Thom. Thank you.

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When did ERIC come into play as a voter clean up throughout the states that opt in ( Texas ..of course opted out this past year )?

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