Some of us retirees put out a daily news summary to friends, journalists, and colleagues allovertheplace. The Hartmann report gets cited and linked almost daily. I/we do not need compensation so fear not that you are likely getting lots of reads - maybe even a new subscriber now and then without any official referral for brownie points :-)

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The best

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Oops. I especially appreciate your coverages regarding unions and their struggles; there seems to be a promising upswing in union gains, though MSM I predict will favor management--it always has. My experience in street-level discussions regarding unions usually has been met with a glazed look, blank comeback, and often the word 'communist' offered in bland retort. Such is the success of MSM's long-game, periodic reinforcements. In the early sixties, I worked in Gary, Indiana, interviewing people about people seeking special employment. One day I interviewed a man who was on vacation. After business, I asked "On vacation, huh. What, one week, two weeks . . . ?". He relied "seventeen". He explained that the steel company he worked for gave a weeks paid vacation for each year one worked for them, he worked for them for senteen years, he got seventeen weeks of paid vacation. There were seven steel mills in the apron stretching across the bottom of Lake Michigan. In those days, Gary was full of unionized workers, and Gary was a thriving,bustling town, though admittedly not Tom Hanks' wholesome. Today, just a crime-ridden rustbucket, hopeless and hollow. Steel is still being made, with admirable profits, but now in countries world-wide by cruelly enforced labor methods. All those same and better profits now going to a top sliver of the whole.

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I especially appreciate your

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I appreciate all you do especially since I was an hourly worker at the Oldsmobile plant in Lansing for more than 10 years, but I lived in Lansing for about 25 years. I retired from the GM Proving Ground in 2006.

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Yea, Lansing! 😊

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