Ginni-Gin creeps me out the way Squeaky Fromme once did.

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Great recitation of culpable actions. Where's the DOJ when we need it? REALLY NEED IT! While we are bringing truth to justice we should indict Judge Thomas for bribery. Even if the case looses under new SC legal standards it will change the tone in the public square.

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DOJ is Merrick Garland. Garland is either complicit and/or compromised.

Garland is a right winger. He was vetted to Obama by Orrin Hatch, the most right wing senator at the time, and served as moderator for the Federalist Society. He had not prosecuted Matt Gaetz, though the FBI investigated him and has the goods. He hasn't indicted the co conspirators in Congress, especially Boebert who have the go signal for charging the Capitol bldg, he never appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the financial crimes of Trumps kids, but jumped at the chance of a special prosecutor to investigate and charge Hunter.

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Thanks. His background explains a lot. I have been thinking he's complicit, and will be one of the people of stature whose individual actions protected the path to fascism. Any one of them could have stopped Trump's march: Robert Muller, Mitch McConnell, Merrick Garland.

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Yeah and your hero Obama wanted him on the Supreme Court! You would have been calling me Boris for calling him out on his selection of yet another conservative justice.

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Even a broken clock is right twice a day and, you're right Barry.

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Thanks for the acknowledgement but you will note that this is in hindsight. Perhaps if you listened to what I am saying now you wouldn't have to say the same thing after the 2024 election. I was called an Obama hater, a racist, a Republican and so on for acknowledging the truth about Garland, just as I am called a Commie, Boris, Putin bot etc for telling the truth about Ukraine, Gaza, Yemen and so on. I do fully recognize that liberals including Thom Hartmann engage in The International Division of Humanity that their leaders demand so that tribalism often "trumps" reality.

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I wonder what traumatic incident triggered his speech impediment of spasmodic dysphonia?…

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Clarence and Ginni have received hundreds of thousands in cash and gratuties from far-right wing donors that who had business before the Court. Based on reporting there are disclosure ommissions and comissions. How and whether they report their income for tax purposed raises serious concerns.

Attempting to overthrow the US government is a serious crime? Is it legal and/or ethical for a SCOTUS Justice to be aware of their wife's participation in such an illegal conspiracy and not report it to law enforcement? Given the depth of Ginni's active involvment in an illegal scheme isn't Clarence obligated to recuse himself from any cases involving these issues?

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... problem is, the public is...


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I have been very disappointed by Merrick Garland’s lack of urgency at the DOJ in pushing for the resolution of the Trump Messes before it was caught in another election cycle. The Supreme Court is obliviously a mess. Biden could likely have increased the numbers of the court to better balance it after Trump and McConnell filled it with their evangelical Christians, but did NOT. No wonder we all need to be taking meds with dopamine and serotonin to combat the depression from the political cluster €%#k.

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Either she is a dedicated fascist and knows these things are lies, she is a paranoid schizophrenic, or she is so mentally challenged that she is incapable of discerning reality. And it is beyond credulity that given her obsession, that she wasn't constantly discussing this with her husband – who has decided in Trump's favor nearly universally.

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She is just another entitled spoiled rotten white brat. Looking out for her own interests and no one else's.

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Absolutely "beyond credulity." They are both destined for the midden of history.

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I could ask, why hasn't Ginni and the co conspirators been investigated much less charged, but the question would be rhetorical. I know the answer:

Merrick Garland and Christoper Wray

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She also wrote to several groups of fake electors. There may be state charges.


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If the Supreme court will not allow Trump to be in court, we can take those around him to court making everyone know just how Trump was into the conspiracy directly. You can thank DOJ head for a two year delay.

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Thom identified Eastman as Number 2. Although Eastman denied correspondence about issues that might "come before the Court," he refused to produce his document before he was forced to do so. Aa Dec. 4, 2020 email from Ginni Thomas asked him to speak to a gathering she called “Frontliners,” which she described as featuring “grassroots state leaders.” She was listed as an administrator of a Facebook group that goes by a similar name and description: “FrontLiners for Liberty.” The group’s pages were removed from public view after CNBC reached out to Thomas about the organization. Every member is a potential witness. I wonder how many were fake electors?

Was she using official SCOTUS email?

Here's what I said, only yesterday:

1. It's still not too late to file charges against the low hanging fruit -- Navarro, Bannon, Flynn, Scott Perry, Gym Jordan, Giuliani, Paul Gosar, etc. How about Ginny Thomas? None are immune.

2. The immunity defense does not work in civil cases. https://www.theusconstitution.org/litigation/blassingame-v-trump/

Guerilla tactics like attacking bar licenses may be effective.

Clarence Thomas was admitted to the Missouri bar in 1974 and became an Assistant Attorney General of the State of Missouri the same year. https://ballotpedia.org/Watchdog_group_POE_calls_for_disbarment_of_Clarence_Thomas

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You should be a consultant for the DOJ. You have excellent ideas, intelligence, knowledge & common sense. They need more people like you with the overwhelming corruption.

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Thanks but I'm sure there are people at DOJ on top of this stuff. The problem is that they must get approval from the AG to act.

If I were Thom, I'd ask the lawyers in the civil cases a few questions. I think they can get the perps on the record.

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Thom, are you “listening”?

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The list is lengthy. I so want to see speaker Maga Mike and Traitor Tuberville indicted along with your list. Garland should have appointed another special prosecutor by now to rake in the criminals sitting in our congress, along with Ginni and any other person complicent in the coup imho. Sadly, this is another failure on Biden's administration to take strong action for the people.

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I love the "Frontliners" tidbit. There is a legal "civilian" prejudice that "circumstantial" evidence is somehow less probative. In fact, there can be conviction beyond a reasonable doubt based solely on circumstantial evidence. As long as the "circumstances" only point toward guilt. Similar with "hearsay." Many perfectly reasonable, common sense situations allow what somebody says to be legitimate evidence.

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Is being an attorney a qualification to be appointed to the Supreme Court? Trump keeps finding loopholes and weaknesses in the system. Who might he appoint if he gets the chance?

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No law schools, bar exams when the Constitution was written.

Trump relied on the Federalist Society.

Before Trump the American Bar Association evaluated all judicial candidates. I was an officer foe 20+ years. https://www.americanbar.org/groups/committees/federal_judiciary/ratings/supreme-court-evaluation-process/

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Another way to look at this question might be, will Merrick Garland allow Jack Smith to do his job in a timely manner? (Or perhaps more appropriately, will the morbidly rich sociopaths that control Merrick Garland allow him to tell Smith to get the job done properly?)

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Who controls Merrick Garland?

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Self interest and ideology control Garland, Mary. He was a right winger, a Federalist society extremist, when Orrin Hatch vetted him to Obama.

I blame Obama for Garland. Obama knew that there would be resistance from the Senate for any appointee he sent for approval. So he asked the most right wing extremist in the senate, Orrin Hatch, for a name that he thought would pass muster in the Senate. Unconcerned about beliefs or ideology,. Hatch vetted Garland, a moderator for the Federalist Society.

Evidently Obama didn't care about anything, other than a win. Apparently Biden was of the same mind, when he appointed Garland as AG.

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Mary, bIDEN appointed a right wing nut job and has not fired him.

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Thank you. I did not have that piece of the puzzle. Now it makes more sense and he was NOT an appropriate candidate for his current position.

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If his decisions regarding things like slow walking the Jan 6th investigation or releasing the Biden "elderly man" report were his and his alone, I would say he was merely incompetent. But I don't think that is the case. Like William noted, he's in it for his "Self interest and ideology" and to serve his self-interests he must serve the oligarchs in whatever way he can. Even if it is shamelessly in support of Trump.

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I have a slightly different proposition: appeasement, and trying to "split the difference" hoping public opinion would come around to, hey, Obama isn't a crazed Commie America-hating foreigner after all, look, he nominated this "conservative" guy! Like, that was going to happen. But I think Biden stepped into the trap horribly. From the announcement, who didn't figure any action Garland took would be castigated as a revenge hunt for his gruesome snub as nominee? To me, that is the $$$$ question to Biden.

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But IF proven guilty can’t those people appeal to the supreme court of (in)justice? A corrupted court that could without much shame just cancel previous judgment and let them all free. Tks

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“Indicting these six Trump co-conspirators would not only keep the story of their openly criminal (and arguably traitorous) activity in the front of the nation’s consciousness, it would also satisfy the simple demand of justice that criminals — particularly criminals who tried to take down our government — are held to account.”


I am now holding my breath…………..Not.

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Never before in our history has a nominee for President had 91 indictments. Why don’t they make an exception and hold the Presidential election after his court cases? It may seem naive to suggest that, but the citizens have a right to know the outcome of these court cases BEFORE they vote. And he shouldn’t be in the position that he can pardon himself.

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This might seem reasonable to you, and I would like to see it, but there's nothing in the constitution to suggest it might be doable.l

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The fact that he hasn’t been prevented from BEING on the ballot and obviously participated in an insurrection, at the very least by encouraging one, demonstrates they are not following the constitution,

Why don’t we all start writing the media suggesting it? Then he would have to face justice. If there was a big enough movement, maybe they would make it happen,

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An Illinois judge just ordered Trump removed from the ballot. How fast do you bet the Supreme Court deals with that?

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The biggest movement in history, worldwide, came out against the devastation of Iraq for oil and war profiteers. People just don't matter. Truth doesn't matter. The only result was measures to keep truth away from more of the people.

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Yeah, it's true they are dismissing their constitutional responsibilities, but for a broad base of the left to do the same would only justify them doing it more. We can't disregard the constitution and still claim it needs to be respected. What percentage of the country do you imagine would agree to this? Seems to me no Trump fans would. Sincere Republicans that don't like Trump tend to take the constitution seriously, I have trouble thinking you'd get 5% of them. Many swing voters still think maybe there was some election meddling going on and a move like this would likely reinforce that belief, possibly creating more Trump votes. Imagine how right wing media would handle it. Even on the left I doubt 20% would back the idea. Like I said, I would like to see it happen, but I wouldn't get behind it because I don't believe it can happen and the effort to make it happen would do more harm than good.

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This is a great idea Thomm, I hope the DOJ picks up on it and puts their irons in the fire.

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YES!! But do you think her NO SCRUPLES husband, Clarence will RECUSE himself when it goes to the Gods on the Supreme Court? I doubt it.

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The fascist want to steal our national Treasury and make us all into slaves. They are supposed to be our employees not our masters.

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Ridiculously we keep letting these people get off with no jail time. Regan walked away from Iran/Contra and Bush pardoned everybody. W Bush starts 2 illegal wars, crashes the economy, no bankers go to jail, says he's sorry and he and Cheney walk away free. Now Trump seems to be able to skate on everything. Nobody goes to jail, nobody is hanged for treason. And now he could be re-elected. If nobody big is punished then everyone gets off in the future. And the DOJ is nowhere to be found.

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I'm always fascinated by Mr Hartman's articles but lately they are scaring me to death. The article about gop overthrow if they don't win is a doozie!

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Just as I get pushback here for telling the truth about Biden's cognitive decline and warmongering racism, so I got it for calling out Obama for wanting to appoint a conservative judge to placate Republicans. That's why it's important to acknowledge the truth in lieu of hiding it to prop up your political heroes.

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"Placate" is a good word. I agree. Like, did he really think Rush would start extolling him as a "moderate?"

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