Many people who need reputable news can't afford to pay for it and substitute the garbage they find on social media. Yellow journalism has always been appealing to those seeking distractions. Public schools should emphasize the importance of reputable sources and how to identify them. It also takes time to sort through the news to find what is relevant, or at least what is relevant to you. Most working people even lack enough time to spend with their families.
In Finland information literacy is now taught from elementary school onwards. During my last trip to the country we had an interesting conversation about an age divide in reactions to social media. The dividing line is currently around 25 and reflects when critical thinking about information sources came into school curriculum.
Some school curriculum such as Expeditionary Learning, IB, and Montessori have elements of this. My concern is that the over emphasis on STEM as the be all and end all will not adequately focus on critical thinking.
I think Gloria is correct that too many people prefer to get their news from Twitter, and other dubious social media sources. However, I question that the choice of news sources is due to financial limits. The PBS NewsHour is free on TV and YouTube every day, and it is a reliable source of headline news that is often openly questioned - often challenged with contrary facts.
There are over 50 wealthy sponsors for PBS NewsHours and none of them to my knowledge dictate the news coming from the NewsHour or NPR. I have for many decades found their stories to be fact-based and timely - far more reliable than Twitter posts. They are also usually more in-depth than 20-minute ABC, NBC, or CBS news due to having an entire hour. Fox and MSNBC just fill the entire day with stories which are full of opinionated drivel like Twitter.
I KNOW some of the people who were let go. My office was across the street when it happened. One of the producers was the daughter of one of my colleagues. Same with NPR.
Thanks for this Thom: "Thus, if you could invent a drug that would cause people to be fearful — and thus stimulate the rage that comes from fear — you could have incredible control over a population if you could simply tell them where and against whom to direct that fear-induced rage."
It validates what I have been saying, that this election was not about the economy of inflation, maybe as a secondary or tertiary concern, but overwhelming it was fear created by the relentless culture war created by the right wing:
I'm wondering you could crowd source billboards that said, "800 of the richest families own more than half of American wealth" or "The filthy rich are drunk on wealth and power. Let's stage an intervention." Two can play at directing hate. We just got to get it going in the right direction.
I'm not sure such billboards would have any effect. Most Americans suffer under the Horatio Alger delusion, that they are temporarily disadvantaged billionaires, so if they cripple them they cripple themselves.
There’s also an unvetted algorithm in NarxCare- which spits out a number telling your doctor & pharmacist whether you are “good enough” to be ALLOWED prescription pain medication. Most people don’t have a clue about this until it’s too late- also most states allow this info to DEA & law enforcement for physician drug busts…including an 83 year old physician who was just released recently due to severe health issues…
Yup. Algorithms- PROPRIETARY algorithms IMHO are incredibly damaging.
In an alternate universe I’d be a white hat hacker and expose them all- broken down and explained so everyone could understand. There is NO unbiased algorithm. Period.
NarxCare is a product of Bamboo Health, with 10 medical doctors on its leadership team. Oh excuse me, I meant ONE doctor. Maybe they should change their name to Bamboozled Health
Exactly- and I still can’t figure out the protest RE: reproductive healthcare as if THAT is the only medical thing regulated (restricted) by government.
Those of us in the chronic pain community have been living this nightmare for almost a decade now. And the overwhelming majority of us can’t take to the streets to protest.
I’d love some healthy people outrage over the government dictating what medicine I can take and how much. Every single doctor’s appointment I get lectured about reducing the amount of meds I’m still able to get- that they keep reducing (why? As I age, it *might* be risky??).
Just imagine if any other meds were treated this way:
Heart medication
Diabetes medication
Antidepressants (which also cause severe withdrawal)
Obesity medication
And on. And on. This is the ONLY medication restricted this way-by our government.
Not to wish this on ANYONE, but:
All of you are one accident or incurable painful illness away from living like me…
I feel your pain, Ellyn, both figuratively and, up until recently, quite literally.
I suffered for 30 years from degenerative disc disease, which led to scoliosis and a 7-level (T11-S1) fusion in 2006. At the peak, I was on 240mg morphine per day plus a 100mcg/hr fentanyl patch. This allowed me to keep working and be productive. The DDD ran its course and I was able to get off all pain meds in 2022. Good timing too, as my pain doc and the nearby pharmacy disappeared shortly thereafter. Without the pain meds, I would have been bedridden. The DEA went from turning a blind eye to pill-mill clinics to practically not allowing anything, and chronic pain sufferers can just go fuck themselves. And not just pain; I had RSV in Feb and coughed so hard that I tore a muscle in my chest cuz they scared my doctor to the point that I couldn't get any effective cough suppressant. Nice.
I don't think there is anything wrong with the instinct for self-preservation. We just need a movement to educate people about where the real threat is coming from--income inequality and the immorally rich's corruption of our government using the money they stole and are still stealing from us to buy off politicians.
Because what you’re saying is correct, the counterbalance - a solid education - is essential. However, the fact that self-serving power mongers hijacked our schools seems to be ignored when you should be shouting about it as it was the antidote to people becoming prey. You can hear teacher whistleblowers at who are the few who aren’t afraid to expose the intellectual version of Harvey Weinstein we’ve been dealing with as teachers - forcing us to go along with stupidity. Or read their stories at They’ve all but buried learning.
Most significantly, the teachers’ unions cower to this. THIS is why our country is a mess. It’s not just social media. It’s dealing with it entirely unprepared by our schools in a nation that has no respect for its teachers because they’re forced to go along to get along.
When these mobsters silenced the called to teach teachers, they sent democracy packing! YET, none of the intellectual leaders are talking about this mostly because these power mongers succeeded at getting them not to respect the people who know how learning happens. This is what must change for democracy to have a chance.
Then, once people understand the theft of our schools, they can run for school boards on a save democracy platform and do just that.
A way to prepare students for life with the issues of constant social media bombardment is through social and emotional learning or SEL. As a concept, this is not new, but its level of implementation varies. The sell to parents is that their kids do demonstrably better on grades and achievement tests.
Often the STEM movement butts up against SEL and crowds it out. The result over time will be to produce a bunch of graduates capable of jobs that AI will take over but who are unable to function in society and challenging interpersonal situations. The default behavior then becomes fantasy football or horse racing and treating elections as entertainment.
Until people get that dysfunctional schools are intentional - so that people who are clueless about learning can maintain lucrative administrative positions - we will continue our downward spiral. Most people think it’s impossible to reform education. The truth is: those running our schools make sure no one can reform education as they’d be out of a job if it happened! And the teachers’ unions go along to get along cowering in fear because the media won’t investigate this. We must question why the media wont investigate this!
I would like to offer some additional food for thought on the points Thom is making here. When it comes to politics, I think the late Hunter Thompson nailed the process Thom talks about. Thompson pointed out that lying instills "fear & loathing." Fear & loathing has been a mainstay of Republican methodology used to scare and enrage voters to reject their Democratic Party opponents' programs and platforms.
Trump has successfully used fears such as the radical liberal Democrats are passing laws to "groom" your children in school to be queer or to surgically change their gender. They might stoke fear that you will lose your job to somebody you consider racially inferior to yourself, or fear that the Democrats will raise your taxes to fight some stupid war far-far away that has nothing to do with you. Then Trump turns that fear into loathing through rambling amplifying rants about fictional events like immigrants eating your pet cat or dog.
Hitler's head of Nazi propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, pointed out that repetition triggers confusion that, in turn, triggers rationalization to resolve the discomfort that confusion generates in our brains. For too many, the illogic of repeated lies is resolved by pseudo-logic. One might think: "Trump would not lie repeatedly, he is richer than me and therefore smarter than me, so it must be true." Or, they might think that, "If it was a lie, by now somebody would have called him on it. However, the only people calling it a lie are Democrats offering no proof and they are motivated to beat him in the election." By the time the mainstream media finally does disprove a lie, it is so deeply embedded in the minds of believers that the proverbial tie goes to the liar.
Ezra's poetry was overly obscure, intentionally, I think, to garner a profundity typical of fascist self-branding. Some lit professors I saw too were cautious in their coverage, thinking his poetry must be great because they were included in top ranked categories, but with little actual interpretation. They covered him and quickly moved on, leaving little time for class discustion.
In effect, the social media companies just follow the dictates of the marketplace to just give the people what they want--or think they want. So if the Sacklers can deal out deadly drugs under false pretenses, so can social media deal out deadly disinformation.
The process may be a bit different than introducing opiates into the body. It's part of our design. Dan Goleman does an excellent job of outlining what is called the "Amygdala Hijack".
Essentially, the chemicals set off by the amygdala (cortisol and adrenalin) overpower the thinking part of the brain. The chemicals last quite a while and fog out the reasoning centers for up to several minutes.
What Fox, Russia 1, Russia 24, and social media (especially with video) do very well is keep the hijack going over time. When on a trip a couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to watch Russia 1 and 24 for extended periods. My Russian is rather limited so watching took on a more non-linguistic characteristic. What I noticed is that the pace of the programming is to interject emotional shock about every 3 minutes. That is similar to Fox and the way social media works.
Good to see this provision of awareness brought to the concentrated and rampant deluge of daily fed psyops. The media is rightly identified as a major player. The media has long employed salacious manipulation to ring in readers, usually the majority of which were the cheapseat media players, until they degenerated upward to the hucksterism that culminated into the king of mental drug dealers--Fox. I see the morally decrepid, uber-ambitious financial gatherers of massive wealth as the true mainline instigators. One psychological study group discovered that a very large percentage of CEOs are sociopathic. Comes with the territory. Note the cold veins of todays billionaire class. Note the cold disregard, driven boundaryless triumphant ME ME! prancing of Elon, whose is most proud of his meanness, who is gleeful in his schiedenfruede, any genuine morality zero, his personal philosophy feral. Goes hand in hand, that these filthy rich, final evolvers of savagely selfish, metasticized capitalism ended up on top of the food $ chain. Besides the media, one can also see how a large percentage of the loudest voices of American religions, once the voice of morallity, now abandoning commonly recognized morallity, have contributed to the beast by adding an llth commandment--greed is good is godly. Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war.
Finally, someone writing about something that should be so obvious to everyone, and, yet, not.
Thank you for your astute observations and wording them so well.
We as humans are so easily manipulated and herded that’s it’s scary. I watch us go in one direction then another and it affects all of us whether we are part of the moving herd or not. And if you don’t agree with the direction you see or hear the herd moving and talk about it to people who are convinced the herd is collectively correct, you could get crushed by the backlash.
So, not only is humanity fearful but they can be vindictive and are often convinced that retribution makes things all better. This is what starts most wars really going strong and causes them to last much longer, which armament contractors love. Follow the money and power—
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Putin would attempt to help Trump. Russian election interference globally has been designed to advance the far right and boost candidates friendly to Russia’s authoritarian leader Vladimir Putin.
Putin has been doling out money to boost and buy the allegiance of far right candidates across Europe, focusing especially on getting Europe to abandon Ukraine, which Russia invaded in 2022. His interference in Romania’s recent election on behalf of far right candidate Calin Georgescu was so egregious that the Romanian Constitutional Court invalidated the election results.
Putin, says he does it because we did it to destroy the Soviet Union. We use obvious propaganda outlets like Radio Free Europe
Putin is thereby admitting, Daniel, that he is a Soviet.. Of course he was, the KGB actually were a privileged class in the USSR, then it all went away.
Reminds me of Art Bell’s Coast to Coast radio broadcast nightly from midnight until 3am with over 1 million listeners, decades ago. He did an experiment to help reduce the wildfires in Florida by encouraging his listeners to meditate and focus creating rain over the areas. I watched the weather which didn’t forecast any rain but then during this time of collective focus clouds formed and gentle rain came and made a huge difference. The weather reporters had no idea of how this happened. Art Bell encouraged another time with a storm in the Gulf that had similar positive results, so much so he decided not to continue the exercise because he didn’t know the power of the collective minds nor the side effects.
The basis of this theory, I believe, goes back to the 100th Monkey Theory of 1957 ( This group motivation observation forms the basis of all propaganda messaging by those seeking power and glory for personal and / or collective gain. No doubt this observation was known prior to this date, but this is the first science-based observation and recorded event. As the U. S. and other countries have continued to buy into the theory that one's personal value is determined solely by physical observation, versus spiritual observation, the flood of influencing information has centered on this particular target. Spiritual awareness doesn't always translate into profit, but does provide substantive alternatives to being simply focused on physical existence and profit generating self-value observations of the mammon addicted information techies. Apparently the churches and the religious houses have dropped the ball in this regard and refused to openly challenge this social media addiction. Probably something about don't bite the hand that feeds you. "Money changers" comes to my mind.
Uboob is my social media conduit. It's where I found Thom Hartman, Meidas Touch, and other voices of sanity. But recently I disabled the "Watch History", the algorithm that determines what videos are "suggested". I do searches and peruse my subscriptions daily to find content. The single caveat is music. I toggle the watch history on when I want to listen to a mix of my preferred musical genres and artists.
Many people who need reputable news can't afford to pay for it and substitute the garbage they find on social media. Yellow journalism has always been appealing to those seeking distractions. Public schools should emphasize the importance of reputable sources and how to identify them. It also takes time to sort through the news to find what is relevant, or at least what is relevant to you. Most working people even lack enough time to spend with their families.
In Finland information literacy is now taught from elementary school onwards. During my last trip to the country we had an interesting conversation about an age divide in reactions to social media. The dividing line is currently around 25 and reflects when critical thinking about information sources came into school curriculum.
Some school curriculum such as Expeditionary Learning, IB, and Montessori have elements of this. My concern is that the over emphasis on STEM as the be all and end all will not adequately focus on critical thinking.
I think Gloria is correct that too many people prefer to get their news from Twitter, and other dubious social media sources. However, I question that the choice of news sources is due to financial limits. The PBS NewsHour is free on TV and YouTube every day, and it is a reliable source of headline news that is often openly questioned - often challenged with contrary facts.
PBS sold out to Koch money years ago.
There are over 50 wealthy sponsors for PBS NewsHours and none of them to my knowledge dictate the news coming from the NewsHour or NPR. I have for many decades found their stories to be fact-based and timely - far more reliable than Twitter posts. They are also usually more in-depth than 20-minute ABC, NBC, or CBS news due to having an entire hour. Fox and MSNBC just fill the entire day with stories which are full of opinionated drivel like Twitter.
I KNOW some of the people who were let go. My office was across the street when it happened. One of the producers was the daughter of one of my colleagues. Same with NPR.
Thanks for this Thom: "Thus, if you could invent a drug that would cause people to be fearful — and thus stimulate the rage that comes from fear — you could have incredible control over a population if you could simply tell them where and against whom to direct that fear-induced rage."
It validates what I have been saying, that this election was not about the economy of inflation, maybe as a secondary or tertiary concern, but overwhelming it was fear created by the relentless culture war created by the right wing:
I'm wondering you could crowd source billboards that said, "800 of the richest families own more than half of American wealth" or "The filthy rich are drunk on wealth and power. Let's stage an intervention." Two can play at directing hate. We just got to get it going in the right direction.
I'm not sure such billboards would have any effect. Most Americans suffer under the Horatio Alger delusion, that they are temporarily disadvantaged billionaires, so if they cripple them they cripple themselves.
Or "Russians have taken control of your brain?"
There’s also an unvetted algorithm in NarxCare- which spits out a number telling your doctor & pharmacist whether you are “good enough” to be ALLOWED prescription pain medication. Most people don’t have a clue about this until it’s too late- also most states allow this info to DEA & law enforcement for physician drug busts…including an 83 year old physician who was just released recently due to severe health issues…
Yup. Algorithms- PROPRIETARY algorithms IMHO are incredibly damaging.
In an alternate universe I’d be a white hat hacker and expose them all- broken down and explained so everyone could understand. There is NO unbiased algorithm. Period.
NarxCare is a product of Bamboo Health, with 10 medical doctors on its leadership team. Oh excuse me, I meant ONE doctor. Maybe they should change their name to Bamboozled Health
Exactly- and I still can’t figure out the protest RE: reproductive healthcare as if THAT is the only medical thing regulated (restricted) by government.
Those of us in the chronic pain community have been living this nightmare for almost a decade now. And the overwhelming majority of us can’t take to the streets to protest.
I’d love some healthy people outrage over the government dictating what medicine I can take and how much. Every single doctor’s appointment I get lectured about reducing the amount of meds I’m still able to get- that they keep reducing (why? As I age, it *might* be risky??).
Just imagine if any other meds were treated this way:
Heart medication
Diabetes medication
Antidepressants (which also cause severe withdrawal)
Obesity medication
And on. And on. This is the ONLY medication restricted this way-by our government.
Not to wish this on ANYONE, but:
All of you are one accident or incurable painful illness away from living like me…
Thanks for listening if you’ve gotten this far. 💕
I feel your pain, Ellyn, both figuratively and, up until recently, quite literally.
I suffered for 30 years from degenerative disc disease, which led to scoliosis and a 7-level (T11-S1) fusion in 2006. At the peak, I was on 240mg morphine per day plus a 100mcg/hr fentanyl patch. This allowed me to keep working and be productive. The DDD ran its course and I was able to get off all pain meds in 2022. Good timing too, as my pain doc and the nearby pharmacy disappeared shortly thereafter. Without the pain meds, I would have been bedridden. The DEA went from turning a blind eye to pill-mill clinics to practically not allowing anything, and chronic pain sufferers can just go fuck themselves. And not just pain; I had RSV in Feb and coughed so hard that I tore a muscle in my chest cuz they scared my doctor to the point that I couldn't get any effective cough suppressant. Nice.
I don't think there is anything wrong with the instinct for self-preservation. We just need a movement to educate people about where the real threat is coming from--income inequality and the immorally rich's corruption of our government using the money they stole and are still stealing from us to buy off politicians.
Because what you’re saying is correct, the counterbalance - a solid education - is essential. However, the fact that self-serving power mongers hijacked our schools seems to be ignored when you should be shouting about it as it was the antidote to people becoming prey. You can hear teacher whistleblowers at who are the few who aren’t afraid to expose the intellectual version of Harvey Weinstein we’ve been dealing with as teachers - forcing us to go along with stupidity. Or read their stories at They’ve all but buried learning.
Most significantly, the teachers’ unions cower to this. THIS is why our country is a mess. It’s not just social media. It’s dealing with it entirely unprepared by our schools in a nation that has no respect for its teachers because they’re forced to go along to get along.
When these mobsters silenced the called to teach teachers, they sent democracy packing! YET, none of the intellectual leaders are talking about this mostly because these power mongers succeeded at getting them not to respect the people who know how learning happens. This is what must change for democracy to have a chance.
Then, once people understand the theft of our schools, they can run for school boards on a save democracy platform and do just that.
A way to prepare students for life with the issues of constant social media bombardment is through social and emotional learning or SEL. As a concept, this is not new, but its level of implementation varies. The sell to parents is that their kids do demonstrably better on grades and achievement tests.
Often the STEM movement butts up against SEL and crowds it out. The result over time will be to produce a bunch of graduates capable of jobs that AI will take over but who are unable to function in society and challenging interpersonal situations. The default behavior then becomes fantasy football or horse racing and treating elections as entertainment.
How kids do demonstrably better on grades and achievement tests --- IEP for all.
Until people get that dysfunctional schools are intentional - so that people who are clueless about learning can maintain lucrative administrative positions - we will continue our downward spiral. Most people think it’s impossible to reform education. The truth is: those running our schools make sure no one can reform education as they’d be out of a job if it happened! And the teachers’ unions go along to get along cowering in fear because the media won’t investigate this. We must question why the media wont investigate this!
I would like to offer some additional food for thought on the points Thom is making here. When it comes to politics, I think the late Hunter Thompson nailed the process Thom talks about. Thompson pointed out that lying instills "fear & loathing." Fear & loathing has been a mainstay of Republican methodology used to scare and enrage voters to reject their Democratic Party opponents' programs and platforms.
Trump has successfully used fears such as the radical liberal Democrats are passing laws to "groom" your children in school to be queer or to surgically change their gender. They might stoke fear that you will lose your job to somebody you consider racially inferior to yourself, or fear that the Democrats will raise your taxes to fight some stupid war far-far away that has nothing to do with you. Then Trump turns that fear into loathing through rambling amplifying rants about fictional events like immigrants eating your pet cat or dog.
Hitler's head of Nazi propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, pointed out that repetition triggers confusion that, in turn, triggers rationalization to resolve the discomfort that confusion generates in our brains. For too many, the illogic of repeated lies is resolved by pseudo-logic. One might think: "Trump would not lie repeatedly, he is richer than me and therefore smarter than me, so it must be true." Or, they might think that, "If it was a lie, by now somebody would have called him on it. However, the only people calling it a lie are Democrats offering no proof and they are motivated to beat him in the election." By the time the mainstream media finally does disprove a lie, it is so deeply embedded in the minds of believers that the proverbial tie goes to the liar.
Ezra's poetry was overly obscure, intentionally, I think, to garner a profundity typical of fascist self-branding. Some lit professors I saw too were cautious in their coverage, thinking his poetry must be great because they were included in top ranked categories, but with little actual interpretation. They covered him and quickly moved on, leaving little time for class discustion.
In effect, the social media companies just follow the dictates of the marketplace to just give the people what they want--or think they want. So if the Sacklers can deal out deadly drugs under false pretenses, so can social media deal out deadly disinformation.
They got us.
Russian psy ops. Reprise.
The process may be a bit different than introducing opiates into the body. It's part of our design. Dan Goleman does an excellent job of outlining what is called the "Amygdala Hijack".
Essentially, the chemicals set off by the amygdala (cortisol and adrenalin) overpower the thinking part of the brain. The chemicals last quite a while and fog out the reasoning centers for up to several minutes.
What Fox, Russia 1, Russia 24, and social media (especially with video) do very well is keep the hijack going over time. When on a trip a couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to watch Russia 1 and 24 for extended periods. My Russian is rather limited so watching took on a more non-linguistic characteristic. What I noticed is that the pace of the programming is to interject emotional shock about every 3 minutes. That is similar to Fox and the way social media works.
Good to see this provision of awareness brought to the concentrated and rampant deluge of daily fed psyops. The media is rightly identified as a major player. The media has long employed salacious manipulation to ring in readers, usually the majority of which were the cheapseat media players, until they degenerated upward to the hucksterism that culminated into the king of mental drug dealers--Fox. I see the morally decrepid, uber-ambitious financial gatherers of massive wealth as the true mainline instigators. One psychological study group discovered that a very large percentage of CEOs are sociopathic. Comes with the territory. Note the cold veins of todays billionaire class. Note the cold disregard, driven boundaryless triumphant ME ME! prancing of Elon, whose is most proud of his meanness, who is gleeful in his schiedenfruede, any genuine morality zero, his personal philosophy feral. Goes hand in hand, that these filthy rich, final evolvers of savagely selfish, metasticized capitalism ended up on top of the food $ chain. Besides the media, one can also see how a large percentage of the loudest voices of American religions, once the voice of morallity, now abandoning commonly recognized morallity, have contributed to the beast by adding an llth commandment--greed is good is godly. Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war.
Finally, someone writing about something that should be so obvious to everyone, and, yet, not.
Thank you for your astute observations and wording them so well.
We as humans are so easily manipulated and herded that’s it’s scary. I watch us go in one direction then another and it affects all of us whether we are part of the moving herd or not. And if you don’t agree with the direction you see or hear the herd moving and talk about it to people who are convinced the herd is collectively correct, you could get crushed by the backlash.
So, not only is humanity fearful but they can be vindictive and are often convinced that retribution makes things all better. This is what starts most wars really going strong and causes them to last much longer, which armament contractors love. Follow the money and power—
Here is an excellent link
Russia helps Trump because Trump helps Russia
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Putin would attempt to help Trump. Russian election interference globally has been designed to advance the far right and boost candidates friendly to Russia’s authoritarian leader Vladimir Putin.
Putin has been doling out money to boost and buy the allegiance of far right candidates across Europe, focusing especially on getting Europe to abandon Ukraine, which Russia invaded in 2022. His interference in Romania’s recent election on behalf of far right candidate Calin Georgescu was so egregious that the Romanian Constitutional Court invalidated the election results.
Tulsi Gabbard and Trump's Scheme to gut our intelligence agenices:
From Anti anti Putin to openly pro Putin:
Russia;s Useful idiots: (There is at least one, maybe two or three regular commenters here). I won't name them but by their fruits you shall now them.
Putin, says he does it because we did it to destroy the Soviet Union. We use obvious propaganda outlets like Radio Free Europe
1989 paper.
Here is a West Point Course:
Putin is thereby admitting, Daniel, that he is a Soviet.. Of course he was, the KGB actually were a privileged class in the USSR, then it all went away.
Reminds me of Art Bell’s Coast to Coast radio broadcast nightly from midnight until 3am with over 1 million listeners, decades ago. He did an experiment to help reduce the wildfires in Florida by encouraging his listeners to meditate and focus creating rain over the areas. I watched the weather which didn’t forecast any rain but then during this time of collective focus clouds formed and gentle rain came and made a huge difference. The weather reporters had no idea of how this happened. Art Bell encouraged another time with a storm in the Gulf that had similar positive results, so much so he decided not to continue the exercise because he didn’t know the power of the collective minds nor the side effects.
The basis of this theory, I believe, goes back to the 100th Monkey Theory of 1957 ( This group motivation observation forms the basis of all propaganda messaging by those seeking power and glory for personal and / or collective gain. No doubt this observation was known prior to this date, but this is the first science-based observation and recorded event. As the U. S. and other countries have continued to buy into the theory that one's personal value is determined solely by physical observation, versus spiritual observation, the flood of influencing information has centered on this particular target. Spiritual awareness doesn't always translate into profit, but does provide substantive alternatives to being simply focused on physical existence and profit generating self-value observations of the mammon addicted information techies. Apparently the churches and the religious houses have dropped the ball in this regard and refused to openly challenge this social media addiction. Probably something about don't bite the hand that feeds you. "Money changers" comes to my mind.
We did it in WW II. So did the enemy: Axis Sally radio, Tokyo Rose. Ezra Pound was involved in a Mussolini operation aimed at US troops.,_1941%E2%80%931945#:~:text=The%20expatriate%20American%20poet%20Ezra,expressed%20support%20for%20Adolf%20Hitler.
Uboob is my social media conduit. It's where I found Thom Hartman, Meidas Touch, and other voices of sanity. But recently I disabled the "Watch History", the algorithm that determines what videos are "suggested". I do searches and peruse my subscriptions daily to find content. The single caveat is music. I toggle the watch history on when I want to listen to a mix of my preferred musical genres and artists.
What is Uboob. I did a google search and it shows up as a category or something under Youtube, but it's offerings were rather inane, and vanilla.
I was being euphemistic. It's you tube. Sorry for the confusion.