Anne Lamott, in her book 'Help, Thanks, Wow' has a great take on a conversation between Job and God. Job asks God (in so many words), "Why did you do all this to me? I don't understand...." God responds, "Any snappy little explanation you might come up with will be horseshit; you just wouldn't understand." Job was a really rich guy, didn't really share his wealth outside of his ne'er-do-well kids (they were drinking and partying when the wind crushed them in their fancy tent) and probably got what he deserved. So, I guess the moral of the story is... any snappy explanation of 'voodoo economics' or whatever you want to call it is... Horseshit!

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Great reporting and writing. So, the rich right wingers have been looting us longer than I thought, but it figures. 1896 I didn't know about, 1929 everyone knows about it, but they don't call it the early trickle down. Throw in love of free trade and immigration and offshore banking and capitalist healthcare and unfunded wars and bank bailouts and interest on the national debt and much more also. Well over a hundred trillion has been taken from the American middle class in my opinion the last 125 years.

This group of greedy lying ungrateful insane regressive parasitic sadists (GLUIRPS), is why democracy in America and all over the world could end. The current GOP wants to give them even more money, which is totally obscene. No wonder so many truth seeking young people are depressed.

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Horse Manure Economic 's ( HME )...

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The ‘Horses’ ( asses) in Congress don’t get it and the worst, they don’t care.

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The study of Reaganomics from the London School of Economics needs to be publicized anytime the Republicans want a tax cut for the wealthy. Thanks for shedding light on this, as always.

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The question is how to educate and motivate the citizen, especially when you have 109 cowardly Representatives voting to condemn socialism.? The Media isn't and won't help, because the shareholders, boards, and CEO's would be "cutting their own throats" and that includes progressives like Joy Reid, Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, Al Sharpton. You certainly won't here anything from that selfish pig Bill Maher or any other "comedian" who slops from the media trough.

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Absolutely right, sometimes the nyt and wapo mix a little journalism into the spectacle they focus on. Was especially concerned lately about the gross spectacle of the video clips of tyre - wapo really just loved displying videos and focused on the voyeurism, with less and less concern about things like how all of the officers involved immediately lied .... including about tyre he ended up in hospital. There seems to be a large business opportunity for any media outlets that can distract and detract from peoples' ability to see and understand the many crises we face. If the head of the UN jumps up and down and screams about how the US is negatively impacting the other countries of the world, or if germans engage in civil disobedience over climate policies, that's the kind of thing covered on democracy now! but maybe not on any other regular news outlet.

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Cnbc did carry a report on 9/13/22: "UN warns world is entering 'uncharted territories of destruction' from climate crisis." During prime time this morning cnbc interviewed an energy company executive with a heading fixed on the screen summarizing his message: "There is no climate crisis."

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Sometime back, two senators (Republicans) were asked about their egacy, their reply was, in essence, they don't care. There is a logic in that thinking, and it is the same logic of the 1% the editors of APO, NYT, Board of Directors of contortions, CEO's, shareholders (an BTW the sharehoders of media companyies and these large corporation are other corporations, one has to do a deep dive and have a lot of resources to prise out the names of actual individuals.

there logic is that they won't be around to suffer the consequences, and despite any claims to the contrary, they really don't care what happens to their progeny, because they will be dead and buried

Also, they believe that he wealth that they have accumulated will inure them from their disastrous decisions or lack of decision., as they sequester themselves away in a safe place.

That which they apparently don't take into account is that the world is now highly independent, and the very bread they eat, the clothes they wear, the oil needed to run their generators, helicopters, vehicles, are dependent on millions of little serfs and wage slaves like you and I, doing our thing either creating or transporting the things that they want or need.

Preppers who hunker down, if the proverbial shite hits the fan, are only buying time, until they run out of supplies., then they are at the mercy of,or become one of the many, roving band of hungry survivors.

These apocalyptic scii fi ,movies and series like Walking Dead and the Last of Us are prophetic about the human condition.

The three laws of physics apply. You can't win, you can't break even and you can't get out of the game.

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"You see men sailing on their ego trip, blast off on their spaceship, 1,000,000 miles from reality, no care for you no care about me.... so much trouble in the world."


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The only thing that "trickles down" from the rich is brown stuff. Ruthie B

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President Biden mentioned the growth of the number of billionaires and indicated that it is not good. There are dedicated "capitalist" Democrats, but all Dems know what's sucking the life out of the middle-class while creating the working poor and homeless people. It serves no purpose to criticize them as some of the commenters do. The vast majority of the population know about tax disparity. The message has broken through about secretaries and teachers paying a higher percentage than corporations and billionaires. Republicans have lost that battle.

Now is the time to hammer home a message about the real job-creators. It's us, the answer is always us---folks who that buy the products and services and do the work to produce them. Everything functions just fine without the ultra-rich. We would be so much better off as a society without billionaires that are fools, cheap-skates, and psychos. The money to them is just a means of keeping score. Time for some game-changers.

Good Report on some bad business, tax policies, and Republicans that are full of crap!

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Talking of ego trips. Musk is on one. There is no way that mankind can colonize Mars, or even live on the planet, much less the moon, for a number of reasons, 1/6th earth gravity, radiation, inability of Mars or the Moon to hold light gases to it's surface ( the only reason we have an atmosphere and water is because of the earths gravity. Also lesser gravity means less bone mass, smaller muscles and tendons, and children born in that environment would be cripples on earth and need a powered exoskeleton and what Martian sunlight would do to the eyes is unknown, and then there is real problem of growing vegetables on Mars

So Musk is scamming us and NASA IS going along with it, because it means jobs, status, positions, prestige.

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