What actually goes on at those high levels is so far beyond what any ordinary working person understands in their busy lives of kids, job, home tasks & any outside clubs or churches that it all seems totally alien behavior. Yet all that manipulating of huge sums of money & properties & corporations is where trump's brain resides - that is what of it that actually functions with a smidge of intelligence. He is steeped in that stuff & has no inkling of any other life. It IS another world to the rest of us ! However the crimes he commits daily need to be nipped in the bud, the rules are written for a reason, regardless what he thinks of them !

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This is just a guess, but I'd imagine that as he looks out on his supporters at those rallies, in his mind he's saying "Suckers!". He loves the "illiterate", as long as they contribute to his campaign.

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Well, yeah...he is every bit the malignant narcissistic sociopath that many esteemed doctors have said he is. The proof includes his enjoyment of others in pain and his utter lack of any empathy. Someone show me one instance where has shown any empathy, ever.

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Agree totally with comments by vcragain. (Hi, recognize your name from Palmer Report who I read faithfully). Just this weekend I attended an anniversary party for close friends hosted at one of our local pubs and somehow the conversation swung toward “Biden is too old” BS then one of the attendees stated something something about “Biden taking millions from China” etc. I responded that they were repeating Russian infused disinformation and that the Republicans believe and deploy all the dirty politics they can to lie, cheat and steal their way into power. They looked confused and disbelieving that I would rebuke the lies about Biden being spewed out there. Americans just don’t get it- lack of critical thinking and dumbing down our MSM sources have left the electorate vulnerable to evil dirty tricksters all for the benefit of super wealthy authoritarian donors who believe democracy is inconvenient.

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Fox media, There it is the source. There wouldn't be an antidemocratic, racist, misogynistic right without Rupert Murdoch.

And he is only in operation because of successful propaganda by the media about the 1st Amendment.

Free speech is a myth, employed by everyone for their own use, But read the Bill of Rights, it says nothing about Free Speech, only that Congress shall pass no law abridging the right of speech and peaceful assembly.

BLM and anti fascists were persecuted, set up and arrested by local and federal goons, and the insurrectionists tried to blame them for storming the Capitol.

Yet outside of evicting them from the Capitol, the Capitol Police did nothing, and all arrests were after the fact.

Worse yet the FBI, Trumps DOJ and Secret Service were all part of the scheme, and yet DOJ is still staffed and dominated by right wingers and Trump humpers like Garland and Weiss. Weiss begged Garland to appoint him special counsel.

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Exactly. We'll put.

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Have always thought so, and the pieces of bread crumbs trails back to before 2015, i.e. Manafort/Clinton hit job. Trump has always been able to be bought. And the real estate "empire" made both susceptible to these two nation states.

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The Comey-Manafort/Clinton hit job, is Hillary's excuse, but it was unlikeable HIllary that cost her the election. The email fiasco only reared it's head in the week before the election, not enough time to change minds.

As regards Julian Assange and the emails. Hillary brought it on herself, by appeasing the national security (GESTAPO) State by persisting in her efforts to extradite Assange.

For those typical Americans who have no memory, or who dull their memory because of race, gender, or whatever.

When Assange (wikieleaks) first busted the NSA, and PATRIOT act, as a KGB/Gestapo enabling legislation, he was roundly applauded by liberals and progressives as a true patriot for exposing the national security state.

Then Bush put out a "hit" on him, accusing him of treason or some such, even though he is not an American Citizen.

Bush was unable to secure Assange,, and Hillary as Secretary of State, made it her major effort to extradite Assange, to gain favor with the CFR, the foreign affairs obsessed members of the donor class. (International free trade is the source of their wealth and power) Hillary has only one prime directive- Hillary.

I personally voted to keep Trump out of office, he told us who he was on the "golden escalator", I had no choice, I but I would not have voted for Trump or any of his ilk.

There is no such thing as a moderate Republican, it is time worn myth, perpetuated by the right wing 4th Estate, aka corporate media.

If there was one, a person who is truly democratic, not a right wing, racist, misogynist, religious culture warrior, who was not bought out by the oligarchs. I would have voted for them.

But such a species is extinct, if it ever existed.

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I didn't mean to imply that the email issue cost her the election. Rather (and I said this in 2015) the only person running who could go toe to toe with Putin was Clinton, and Putin would do whatever he could to keep that from happening. No one running on the Republican side had the backbone....and we now see those running can't even stand up to Trump.

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Understood and I agree, to some degree. I would agree totally if Biden showed some backbone and called Putin's bluff, So far Biden has given Putin a sanctuary, just like American presidents gave Bach Viet a sanctuary, excluding the bombing of Hanoi.

Bach Viet is how the Vietnamese called North Vietnam and they called South Vietnam, Nam Viet. Vietnam is an Americanism.

Biden has opened America to blackmail from every tin pot dictator, Kim Jon Un is waving around his nuclear penis, Nigeria is threatening to kill the president they ousted with a coup, if America or the west interferes, and so is goes, we are a paper target.

And America is wasting time and money trying to repatriate a criminal that fled to N. Korea to escape courts martial.

As regards Putin's nukes. I read, a couple of months ago, that America's Nuclear arsenal might not be all that effective. It relies on a man made mineral (can't remember which) but the manufacturer is out of business and the technology is lost

Nuclear weapons degrade, and need constant upgrade and maintenance. The problem is worse in Russia, because the Generals are all corrupt and have been siphoning off money for maintenance, to build Dacha's for themselves and mistresses, as well as hoard money in offshore banks, or buy Trump's properties in America.

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Why isn't all this being laid out in CNN and other mainstream press outlets? A serious investigative program aired a few times in a week could put the Republicans on the defensive. And why isn't the DNC really pushing for investigation of these charges? Even a short soundbite like, "The Trump family is alleged to take money to have taken money from Putin and the Saudis", could stick.

But all one needs to see what the Republicans are like is their constant attack on Hunter Biden. Yes, he may well have committed low level crimes and should answer for them, but to attack his father through his only surviving son...after what this man has been through in family losses, to try and get at him this way isn't hardball politics, it is cruel. Any parent, any decent human being, should see this for what it is, the mean actions of people with no morality at all. Of course they also have claimed that Biden is the head of a "crime family" (a general with one soldier?) and a Marxist, which is about as ludicrous as it gets. No morality? No sense, no shame, no vision, no nothing.

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CNN is Fox light, and so is CBS. it is the corporate media who put Trump in office, if the talking heads., news readers ( there is a dearth of journalists, only errand boys and girls,in the corporate media) were they do there job, they would be screamed at in the ear buds, they wear on TV, if they persist they find themselves out of a job, like Keith Olbermann, or Riffany Cross.

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Can't have too much truth per night!

I do miss Obermann or even the simplicity of the recent past.

Trump & his general criminality and lowlife history have been told in numerous biographies but too complicated for the nightly "highlights" of news.

And WHY do they follow the nightly Hunter story or lack there of when we could ask who bought the Jared & Ivanka in & out of the WH? Could it be because big oil doesn't want that in the news the same way we can't talk about the climate crisis? Too costly $$$ or too much info for 30 second to 2 .minute news stories? All of the above, perhaps?

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Bingo. Big oil wants Trump back Check the source of the billionaires who support him, income it is either oil (like Harlan Crowe) or financial like Peter Thiel, even Elon Musk, and Pete Peterson and Goldman Sachs who want to privatize social security so they can get their filthy hands on the Trust fund and the FICA deductions. (By the way it is not a payroll tax, it is an insurance premium, it is in the name Federal Insurance Contribution Act.

I looked it up on line and SSA was been taken over by Trump humpers, becausae they now call it a Federal payroll tax, a name chosen by the right to fool the people into supporting privatization.

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Chilling! How can this level of international crime be ignored? In plain daylight supposed business deals occur, tainted with lies and violence: enormous in scale, endless paybacks with implications for global security.

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My sympathies go to anyone trying to be honest in today's political scene. On the national level, look at what honest people have endured from criminal Trump and his insane followers - death threats, violence, abuse, intimidation. I can only imagine what it'd be like on the international level. Anyone wanting to speak truth on that level must do so in exile, always being ready to move to another location, and having no life or identity. Once they stop moving, they end up like Jamal Khashoggi, dismembered and cut up into pieces.

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The media and the population are corrupted by money. Money showered down by the plutocrats, is eagerly grabbed by the corporate media, and the populace. Which has played on he class differences and aspirations of people. Class is not only social and economic, but race, gender, identity are a subset of class.

Bernie was inept at getting that message out, perhaps who ideologically hidebound, he couldn't get around to conveying that message, or did not know how, so he lost the primary to the ruling class, that were crapping in their pants about the possibility that he would be President. So they, in the form of the DNC, put their thumb on the scale for Hillary, who they knew would not shake up the status quo.

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"So, Hunter Biden gets a special prosecutor and Jared Kushner gets three billion dollars from hostile foreign governments. What’s wrong with this picture?"

Answer is Merrick Garland, a right wing Republican. I may not have access to his voter registration, but I know his history and it is extreme right wing, and I can still judge a person by his actions and inactions

Biden's weaknesses, lack of leadership, and penchant for caving to the extremists on the right, is coming back to bite him. Yeh, I know the IRA and Infrastructure bill, but he has taken steps to ensure the the board of Governors of the USPS is still controlled by the Republicans, because when two seats came open he made sure that one was filled by a Republican (Derek Kan) and there are two vacancies since Dec 2022, that haven't been filled by Biden.

Also he could solve many problems (Trump sure did and will if elected), by using Art II and 14th Amendment powers, like declaring a national emergency and then raising the debt limit by EO, or even signing an EO continuing support of the Government and military.

By the way the only reason that Rhonda Santis, Greg Abbott are getting away with attacks on Democracy and the reason that none of the insurrectionists in Congress have been tried, is because of Merrick Garland dragging his heels, they way he did with appointing Jack Smith. He was shamed into it by the J6 Committee and respected jurists and lawyers

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I agree with some of what you are saying but I am also wondering how many things were left broken in the DoJ. We have, what 125 or so Republicans in Congress willing to support an insurrection? That should be confronted.

In agreement with your position, what would have happened had Garland brought all those looking for a pardon traitors in for an on the record come to Jesus moment of fear and confession? Instead of just going after the people in the streets. I wonder what the result of a bold and decisive move would have been?

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Thanks Thom for the information that should rattle any thoughts, stuck in the pattern of Comer’s,Jordan’s, Gaetz’s

wannabe brains. But wont.

I must admit some of the tech is way over my head, yet the chaos inserted by multiple sinister actors is evident.

As for the Washington Post, they can and should do a whole lot better.

The question of whether I and I assume, many others, continue to trust

their once creditable journalism , hangs in the balance.

It seems though they have the means to divulge very important information , they refuse.

I thought they were the ‘news. ‘ Can’t have it both ways. Its disturbing .

If they cant be clean about topics that are this important, their agenda is truly suspect.

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Christian right hypocrisy on display.

Since the so called Moral Majority of Jerry Falwell. All I heard from the Christians was end times being propelled by the antichrist whose number was 666, There was even a news letter which “exposed” every 666 or anything that gematria could come up with, like adding numbers in a name to come up with 666. Even, laughs, an Abrams tank serial number 666.

Claiming to be “true end times Christians” they totally have ignored Jared Kushner’s, 666 Park Place.

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Go figure.

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I'd say the Russian situation is sinister and the Saudi Arabia one is an in-your-face operation.

Trump openly bragged at a news event about selling the Saudis weapons despite Congress saying no to those sales. The real estate deals were an opportunity he and Jared just could not pass up. It's all out there too, quid pro quo. Investment firms and real estate are the devil's playground, just ask all the people that have been shafted. Real estate has enabled Trump's money laundering and tax-evasion all of his life. In or out of the White House, he never stops doing exactly what he wants. He is a psychopath, and I think it's pretty clear that Jared is one of the anti-social types too. Ivanka, who knows, but an insider I just listened to claims she is a dragon-lady. He said that soft-spoken voice is fake and it's all part of her grift.

Our history and deal making with the Saudis is a disgrace. They are disgusting, and we have watched the Bush and Trump families kiss their asses to get rich. It IS an all-out assault on democracy and an insult to our intelligence.

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The fascist right billionaires gained their influence in the GOP by demonizing democrats. Calling Democrats baby killers, indoctrinating your children to be gay, starting free trade with Clinton and NAFTA. All lies, repeated thousands of times on their many news stations including 1500 am hate radio stations. Now, the GOP are totally brainwashed into a cult that is immune to reality, truth, reason and sanity. We must attempt to deprogram them by exposing them to the truth about what a dictatorship is. That they will lose their gun rights, minimum wage, social security, be made into slaves, be tortured, chopped up in the bathroom, watch foreign billionaires buy up national parks, starve you, get fed and drink poison and much more. The GOP currently believe things will get better with a dictatorship. I know that's totally insane and most of you agree with me, but that is how they feel and they are emotional thinkers and believers not rational. We have to mount an educational campaign that is self supporting and probably have to spend millions of dollars putting out well made but cheap commercials on their television channels, like antenna TV Western channels, country music channels, wrestling, NASCAR. The sooner the better, if we can just reach 10% of them, that could be enough to save democracy for four more years. Spend millions and save trillions. Use the trillions to develop clean energy and help raise the standard of living, the cost of crime is very expensive on the criminal on society. Unless any of you see a better way? You cannot reason with crazy people, all they understand or can comprehend is force and fear. If I'm wrong please enlighten me and please come up with some other ways to deprogram these abused GOP citizens. Before they abuse you and all those you love.

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It is very sinister indeed!

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And if we some how could pull the plug on FOX nightly BS & propaganda and gaslighting nightly "news," shows that would help stop the pollution going into both ears of the Trump base.

Oh, who am I kidding, myself? in thinking there is a chance this group of people could actually wake-up. Just tonight on one of the gasbags' hour of disinformation they had Paul Manafort talking about the "2 levels of justice" in our system!!WHAT??

Please, is that "2 levels" for traitors AND sellouts? Because that is all I can see.

I sure hope we can persevere through a winning & peaceful Ukraine and justice for ourselves through a successful prosecution of Trump and his co-conspirators of sellouts, traitors. Especially his criminal lawyers, like Jeffrey Clark or the Kraken Powell. Or Jenna Ellis? Pathetic, prison for all of them.

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Well, according to the 14th amendment, he can’t run. Instead he should, and hopefully will be locked up. Tick, tock…. I am waiting!!

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