History does not repeat, but there are parallels. Classical Greece committed suicide when Athens turned its democratic government into a brutal empire, tore itself apart in a long war with Sparta, wasted its army on a pointless invasion of Sicily and collapsed into class warfare. While the US is a far different country we seem to be self-destructing too with imperial overreach, lost wars based on lies, and whipping up groups against each other. There really is no reason why we have to go down the same path to marginalization. But it takes popular knowledge and the will to act to get something better than what we have. Most people seem content to cheer for a hollow empire and to sing an anthem about being "brave" and "free." And that is exactly the way the Republicans want it.

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Everyone of these colluders of badness that Thom has written about were perfectly described in James Madison's definition of factions. As he noted in Federalist 10, factions (especially the big ones) have conspired to do things adverse to human rights and/or our communities' interests for as long as there have been sociopathic greedy bastards. Alexander Hamilton explained that our government's purpose is "...to abolish factions and unite for the general welfare." Unfortunately, as long as our government is controlled by the big factions, their statuses will stay quo'd.

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Mean people suck! They are not ours to rescue.

It's unfortunate so many nice folks insist we NEED the Republican Party. No we do not. There are plenty of diverse opinions among the left's factions and the unaffiliated. That's roughly 67% of voters. We choose democracy and inclusion. They choose the crooks at the top and rigged systems.

America is going to create a better future with or without them. Even mean people deserve the truth, equal opportunity, clear legal guidelines, and a chance to thrive. If those pearls are cast their way, will they keep choosing THE SWINE?!

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