This makes sense. Unless there is some catastrophic event that favors the republicans Trump is going down. The fact that the bookies reflect this is further proof of how the media is desperately trying to keep the horse race going when they know there is no contest anymore.

I appreciate Thom’s straightforward reporting and investigations.

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Bookies can possibly gauge the intention of voters, but what they cannot take into account is the suppression of those intentions in swing states. See Thom's program on Vigilantes, Inc. to curb your enthusiasm.

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Paul, very true. That’s why there are a lot of volunteers in those states and more money being spent there.

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Have that Dec2020 feeling?

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Oh wow! This is the most encouraging thing I’ve read in weeks! Let it be so !

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Easy does it! Ain’t there yet! Kamala and crew need to be careful about being too careful. Springfield presents an opportunity for definitive speech on immigration , a la Obama’s on race in 2008. We need to OWN this issue. Offense!

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Here is what worries me. As Stalin said. It is not the vote that counts, but who counts the votes and we know that the Republicans have put in place people, and laws that suppress the vote, and that MAGAts have run out of office, election officials that are diligent and honest , with threats of violence, and that MAGAts have taken their place.

2024 is threatening to be a repeat of 2020, this time on steroids.

That is what worries me.

That and the Muslims and young black males who have threatened to not vote or, even the males who identify with Vance and Trump, who threaten to vote for Trump.

It ain't over till the fat lady sings. We have to stay vigilant and motivated even after November 5th, even after Jan 20th if Harris/Walz are sworn in.

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This is what worries me too. Exactly.

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After Trump loses the election, all of the Republican collaborators need to be rounded up and held accountable for the havoc and wreckage they enabled…just like Nazi collaborators after WW2.

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He has enough court cases to last till the end of his wretched existence.

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Much as I’d love it, don’t bet on it happening. Consiglieri Mark Meadows needs to go down with Trump, and if the DoJ can find their way to charge Leonard Leo with something, that would satisfy me.

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Yesterday, on hearing this, I checked Ladbrokes betting emporium in London and the Las Vegas betting odds. Both show a blowout coming for Kamala. As you say, there's money on the line.

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You mean he's going to turn back into a pumpkin? Think maybe it's already happening. Last night Kimmel showed all the empty seats at the end of a recent rally. Kamala nailed him with that.

Lest anyone forget, please remember Thom lived in DC quite a long time. He knows people and things the rest of us never will. Even though all this would be a dream come true, pretty sure his close-up of Washington politics involves some nightmares too.

If the aftermath is what Thom has predicted, no doubt the billionaires will finance the re-grouping efforts. Let's see who can suck-up to them the best and promise them their tax relief goodies. They all know there is no time for a food fight, because we are coming for their MONEY.


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We need single-payer universal healthcare! This is the only way we can reverse the war, which is to take back the resources that should be spent on the nation's health. Private equity is currently draining the assets in the healthcare system, and private contractors are being hired by Medicare and insurance companies to deny care, redirecting the money we pay for healthcare through insurance and Medicare into the pockets of greedy businessmen. This is an injustice, as this money should be spent on the life-saving healthcare that is being denied.

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I thought I was signing up for the donut hole supplement insurance for Medicare but ended up on Medicare Advantage instead. Now for the first time they are charging me $250 per specialist ordered tests and I get $860 month Social Security. I'm making payments and cancelled the second follow up test. I can't afford $500 in one month.

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Get a lawyer.

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Are you kidding? Have you ever tried to get a lawyer without money, let alone against an insurance company? You're a good guy Daniel, but you have primarily seen our justice system from the bench. The system rarely works the way it is supposed to for anybody who isn't rich.

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Not true at all. You can google thousands of lawyers who take Medicare fraud cases. Qui tam. Usually contingency fees.

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Google forever but it doesn't mean they will take the case. Even on contingency, they want filing fees and expenses up front.

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Moon Cat, if you do want out (of Advantage) or to fight back, in some cities and counties they have a Senior and Disabled Services. Their advice or lawyer services might assist. Google: Senior insurance fraud+the name of your state. The Dept of Health and Human Services, an insurance fraud hotline, and others popped-up. All had toll free numbers to call.

You are certainly not alone in getting misdirected to an Advantage program, and people are trying to stop that crap from happening.

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

In answer to the opinion that President Obama shot down the "option", here is the fact on that: His only path to get something done on health care depended on the Senate and the filibuster. The culprit was Senator Lieberman. This is from his WIKI page, and I distinctly remember hating him a little: "During debate on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), as the crucial 60th vote needed to pass the legislation, his opposition to the public health insurance option was critical to its removal from the resulting bill signed by President Barack Obama."

A way we might get there state by state until the Red States cave. It's from a Google search:

"Colorado and Washington State have begun enrolling individuals, whereas Nevada and Minnesota plan to launch their own public option plans in 2026 and 2027, respectively. In both Colorado and Washington, private insurers offer and operate public option plans.-Mar 28, 2024"

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A perfect paragraph on the problem, Gloria!

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Yes Ms. Maloney, and you might add that the Affordable Care act is nothing more than a gift to the insurance industry. It was an effective way Obama to betray the public on his campaign promise of a "public option" while winning the approval of the huge, lucrative, wealthy, influential insurance industry.

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“ Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, after exhausting all the other possibilities “

Little will be accomplished on our goals with a GOP controlled House and a non filibuster proof Senate. Nevertheless, let the rats abandon the

Trump ship .

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A filibuster proof Senate is nowhere in sight ever again. Whichever party wins the House, Senate and the Presidency will kill the filibuster on a simple majority vote and legislate their agenda. I sure hope it’s us!

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Hoping with you, Lewis.

It's our only path to decent health care. We almost got there and then Lieberman shot down the 60th vote on the public option.

Folks just don't understand that Senators crowned themselves little kings. The filibuster is the gift that keeps on giving to them.....and screwing us.

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Respectfully, I have a difficult time believing in the betting markets. What data are they are basing their bets on? That seems a mystery. I also heard Larry Sabato say on "11th Hour" that the margins of error are actually double what's reported so the polls are very, very rough numbers. I say all this to reinforce: the only poll that counts is the one on election day.

Everyone: Register to vote. Vote in November.

Despite my skepticism I hope you're right, Thom. After four years of Trump, I never want to go through that again. I also never want to go through another ugly and dangerous Trump campaign.

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Historically they have as valid a batting average as any group. The polls were wrong in 2020 and 2022.

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Paul, is it really youse? How goes it up by da Soo, eh? Is Frank's still open for business?

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Sounds perfect! I'll do my best to keep this in the forefront even when I'm going crazy over the latest vile thing coming out of the Republican party. It's a shame that more of the Magats won't go to prison since they are so instrumental in what we are going through right now.

While Vegas may find the winning numbers for Kamala I still worry about the violence that will occur. So many of the Maga followers/cultists are just itching to use their guns or to start fights or plow their cars into people marching in the streets.

It's definitely heartening to read these "odds" but I can't get the vision of Proud Boys, KKK, Blood Tribe Nazis marching & threatening everyday citizens. It really is hard to stand up to a bully with an AR-15. They are cowards to be sure, just like all the mass shooters but still they are heavily armed cowards within a substantial group of heavily armed cowards. (My writing this makes me think that is why so many Jews ran to the pits where they were going to be massacred. Did their brains just fail to conceive that other humans could be so vicious?)

Here's hoping trump gets trounced in the polls & his minions wake up rather than crawl back under the rocks from which they emerged when trump raised his truly ugly vestage on the stage.

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Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron As The ANTICHRIST On 9-11-24

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Recently the media focus has been on the 'age issue' and the question of the mental competency of an octogenarian during President Biden's second term. So let's compare his mental competency with Donald Trump's starting with his most recent gaffow followed by a list of what he said and his cabinet members said about him during his first term. (A short list of my faves:)

Did Biden call Nancy Pelosi Nicky Haley when recently talking about the 1-6-21 assault on the capital?

Did he claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

I saved the above collection of quotes that was originally posted on a Facebook page dedicated to insuring Joe Biden's second term last year. That was before that Republican special prosecutor in his VP document's case harped on the age issue and Joe's forgetfulness of details when the guy interviewed him. I was going to submit the above to the Daily Kos before reading the two following articles updating Trump's mental problems amidst the failure of a media focus on the orange moron at the president's expense while he's trying to run this country as the GOP is fixed on trying to tear it apart.

I just read their lead article titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia, cataloging his further mental decline. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a new site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison to every response. Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Trump has obviously been both a low IQ moron and a fascist all his life, his first attorney was Roy Cohen Christ's sake. For here's precisely how he became the Perfect GOP Candidate: A supreme Narcissist who first builds Hotels with his last Name plastered all over the top of each with a Will To Power Fixation that drives him to become a TV Star where the whole game was to have the contestants kiss his ass to see who was His most 'competent' Apprentice, Firing all the Losers before finally picking the Winner, Like Me. Which sets him up to run for President, Wrapping Himself In MAGA Flag to Beat all those Loser Politicians in the Primary and Lock Her Up Hillary in the 2016 Electoral College. Rejoice, rejoice an absolute field day for all the fascists, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, plutocrat billionaires, corporatists, corporate media, evangelical preachers and six Supreme Court Justices all Backing a Moronic and now progressively Demented Fuhrer for the MAGA Masses Who Worship Him Like A God, Further Feeding Its Insatiable Sociopathic Narcissism!!!

Turns out I also hadn't read the whole issue with A.J. Pennyfarthing's 10 stunning moments from Trump's late-night speech to religious broadcasters. You ain't going to be changing any preacher's or MAGA's minds about how unhinged DT is with any raft of articles cause that is the Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron's Lowest Common Denominator Appeal To The Wrap Yourself In MAGA Flag And $60 Bible Masses!

So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?


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Four days before I met Kevin Coffey and heard the story about his vision of 9-11-01 in 1971 with GOD Speaking To Him the next day making him “throw atheism out the window” I wrote 9-11-01 -> 9-11-23 -> 9-11-24. As we were on Facebook it didn't matter that GOD Shut Down 241's Abilities to Make and Send Attachments so this was the first paper I gave him. The following is its first paragraph:

The number 11 has special significance to many different things. For example, the square root of 11 is the last Transcendental Number for one thing, an infinite series of identical numbers that repeats itself upon inversion. First thing in my life is the publication of my 1988 Projective Geometry textbook with the 2D Pascal section of 11 Dimensions on its cover. Then after 12 years of corresponding with my late partner A.J. Meyer, he told me his model of the universe came from his vision of Revelation 21, whereby on 10-11-00 the Monolith Number answered the #1 question posed at the Strings 2000 physics conference. Knowing that our Anti de Sitter Universe was 11 Dimensional and that God gave A.J. Rev 21, in early 2001 I found out that he and I were the two “witnesses” of Revelation 11. Then 11 months to the day after the Monolith Number was born, the 9-11-01 hijacked jetliner attack on the NY Trade Center and Pentagon happened, reigniting the Mideast Religious Wars against various Muslim governments and terrorist groups. Fast forward 21 years to “Revelation Day” 11-21-22, the most significant day in my life Confirming My Destiny.

So here are the last paragraphs: So one year later on 9-11-24 I'll read the above, where I will then reveal the following: Now most folks don't know it but 1-6-2021 was the Second Fascist Coup Attempt, this time in Support of a sitting president who'd Lost an election. The 2022 movie Amsterdam featured Robert De Nero as the fictional General which the credits identify as Smedley Butler, who was chosen to lead the 1933 Fascist Coup Attempt against FDR. When I first learned about this story George W. Bush was president so noticed an odd oversight in regard to the absence of reporting even in the progressive media of some well-established facts concerning W's granddad, or George Senior's father, Prescott, who somehow became a U.S. senator after WWII. I say "somehow" in a similar sense that though I was aware of Prescott's seat as a senator, I was unaware of the fact that before that he was the director, together with the politically well-connected Harriman brothers, of New York's Union Banking Corporation. Which had all of its assets seized by the FDR administration in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act - basically because the bank's other board members were Nazis whose business was financing Hitler's national-socialist, or rather, corporate-military, state! That was After his bank funneled the corporate money that financed the 1933 coup attempt! So two days after the 2020 election I found out the sitting GOP president was this guy:


So the first thing I found on 11-5-20 was Benjamin L Corey's 35 pages of Antichrist Prophesies, posted it on my Facebook page, clicked on the link and read them. Which clearly identified that sitting president as Revelation 11:7's “beast whom arises from the bottomless pit” to eventually Kill Rev 11's witnesses! A.J. Meyer died on 12-8-11, while the first two lines of Revelation 11 is the first quote on 241's homepage and thus concludes our Chapter 11 Biography at the last lines of My religious history and intention of uniting God's religions. (Update: Joe Biden met Ben Corey and his dad in mid summer 2020 and am pretty sure he scheduled the second 'debate' for 9-10 as I finally got a hold of two folks running his campaign having the e-address @joebiden.com in the last 11 days of April.) After this press conference read I'll ask for someone to take over 241's book business before I'm murdered by one of the bottomless pit beast's multitude of fascist sociopaths.

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Return to normalcy, yes, "their brains just fail(ed) to see that other human beings could be so vicious?" Hitler put 6 million of his people into the death camps, Stalin directly or indirectly killed 9 million of his people, Sukarno imprisoned 20 million of his people about 3 million died, Mao directly or indirectly killed 80 million of his people, 4 million people were slaves when Lincoln's proclamation freed them, King Leopold killed 9 million in the Congo, nobody knows how many million "Amer-Indians" were slaughtered by Whites. Who could imagine it? You can't make up this stuff. Who would believe it?

And this does not include modern war; how many killed by American and British bombing of civilians in Germany...2 million? How many killed by General Curtis LeMay's carpet bombing of civilians in Japanese cities? How about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? The German army killed 19 million civilian Russians in WWll.

Can one imagine this?

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I hope Thom’s prediction is correct. However, it is important to keep in mind that the forces that have metastasized into the Trump/MAGA movement did not suddenly emerge out of thin air. Like the Shingles virus, they lie dormant in the body politic until the political immune system becomes weakened only to become virulent and visibly active once again.

We know that keeping the immune system strong and healthy takes a conscious effort. So too with the body politic. When we take our health for granted and fail to make the choices necessary to sustain it we make ourselves vulnerable to disease.

Democracy requires a steady diet of civic engagement and civility of behavior “with charity for all and malice towards none.”

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Of course just reading this makes me happy . However I hope people don’t get the impression that Kamala is going to win by such margins that it doesn’t really matter if they vote or not. Every vote for MVP Kamala Harris counts . So settle down and no matter what , vote Blue.

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Don't forget how surprised we were when Hillary lost.

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I'll never forget. I was depressed for more than a year after she lost.

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House arrest, Mar-A-Lago, Secret Service monitored (plus ankle monitor), no Internet, no public speaking, no media interviews.

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And no golf…

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Nah, forget the secret service too many of them are in the amoral chump’s pocket! Think of Anthony Ornato was Secret Service then on WH payroll where he sucked up to chump and violated his oath of service!

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I'd prefer he be shipped off to Guantanamo! Would be poetic justice!

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I sure hope this plays out to the betterment of the GOP and the health of our two party system. However, as someone who lived in Jersey, went to Rutgers like Gandolfini, and still practices medicine in Jersey - Tony Soprano had many redeeming qualities along with antisocial personality traits… so which characters would I consider the most vile and analogous? Ralph Cifaretto, Richie Aprile, Phil Leotardo. The worst.

The list of bad casting in the GOP is much longer.

It will be hard to rise from the ashes on this one.

Decent people like Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, and Adam Kinzinger have been thoroughly abused and banished from the tribe.

And yet a GOP hoping to rebuild itself if they do indeed lose this election, and we make it through the shenanigans and obstructions, would be wise to build a coalition around these 10 Republicans with integrity who voted yes on the first impeachment:


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I don’t see this reformation of the GOP happening. It’s more likely that the principled never-Trumpers and Lincoln Project folks will re-enter politics as Independents, some maybe caucusing with the Democrats, like Angus King and Bernie Sanders. The racist theocratic coalition will remain as it has been since the Tea Party began, but will continue to lose national elections for the foreseeable future.

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Now that is what I would call a rosy future. Though it left out the part where all the armed to the teeth MAGAts do not go quietly into the night, crawling back under their rocks in a cave under a bridge down by the river.

And still, it is just based on placing bets. It is gambling, based on what a bunch of people with money to risk think will happen. It is not a crystal ball. The DeLorean did not pull into their driveways to whisk them back to the future. There is no TARDIS in their living room.

So give ourselves 10-15 minutes to imagine how it would feel if Harris/Walz won with 400 EC votes and the majority of the RFP (Republican Fascist Party) abandon trump like rats leaving a sinking ship. Go ahead. Close your eyes. Feel the albatross departing.

And now, get back to work. I personally have 500 postcards to write and send out this weekend. I personally pray every day for a Harris/Walz victory AND a peaceful transfer of power. I personally visualize the victory whenever the dark thoughts start to take hold.

Onward and upward through the fog.

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This is how I've been seeing the situation for many months. But there is always the possibility of some unimagined "October surprise" and those billions of dollars in ads and outreach from the dark money pacs and elsewhere that Thom has been warning about are just starting to show up. The other good news that wasn't mentioned is that Judge Chutkin is going to be pressing on with hearings bringing more witnesses and criminality to light and there will hopefully be other activity and information relative to the other cases which has the potential to move public perceptions and opinion. Also, the Heritage crackpots are not going away and there is no effective plan or organization in place to stop the privatization of public schooling because educators and others have been denying reality and refusing to do what needs to be done to make schools hospitable and democratic. This will set the next generation up for more reactionary politics and mayhem.

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Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron As The ANTICHRIST On 9-11-24

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Recently the media focus has been on the 'age issue' and the question of the mental competency of an octogenarian during President Biden's second term. So let's compare his mental competency with Donald Trump's starting with his most recent gaffow followed by a list of what he said and his cabinet members said about him during his first term. (A short list of my faves:)

Did Biden call Nancy Pelosi Nicky Haley when recently talking about the 1-6-21 assault on the capital?

Did he claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

I saved the above collection of quotes that was originally posted on a Facebook page dedicated to insuring Joe Biden's second term last year. That was before that Republican special prosecutor in his VP document's case harped on the age issue and Joe's forgetfulness of details when the guy interviewed him. I was going to submit the above to the Daily Kos before reading the two following articles updating Trump's mental problems amidst the failure of a media focus on the orange moron at the president's expense while he's trying to run this country as the GOP is fixed on trying to tear it apart.

I just read their lead article titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia, cataloging his further mental decline. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a new site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison to every response. Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Trump has obviously been both a low IQ moron and a fascist all his life, his first attorney was Roy Cohen Christ's sake. For here's precisely how he became the Perfect GOP Candidate: A supreme Narcissist who first builds Hotels with his last Name plastered all over the top of each with a Will To Power Fixation that drives him to become a TV Star where the whole game was to have the contestants kiss his ass to see who was His most 'competent' Apprentice, Firing all the Losers before finally picking the Winner, Like Me. Which sets him up to run for President, Wrapping Himself In MAGA Flag to Beat all those Loser Politicians in the Primary and Lock Her Up Hillary in the 2016 Electoral College. Rejoice, rejoice an absolute field day for all the fascists, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, plutocrat billionaires, corporatists, corporate media, evangelical preachers and six Supreme Court Justices all Backing a Moronic and now progressively Demented Fuhrer for the MAGA Masses Who Worship Him Like A God, Further Feeding Its Insatiable Sociopathic Narcissism!!!

Turns out I also hadn't read the whole issue with A.J. Pennyfarthing's 10 stunning moments from Trump's late-night speech to religious broadcasters. You ain't going to be changing any preacher's or MAGA's minds about how unhinged DT is with any raft of articles cause that is the Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron's Lowest Common Denominator Appeal To The Wrap Yourself In MAGA Flag And $60 Bible Masses!

So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?


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Four days before I met Kevin Coffey and heard the story about his vision of 9-11-01 in 1971 with GOD Speaking To Him the next day making him “throw atheism out the window” I wrote 9-11-01 -> 9-11-23 -> 9-11-24. As we were on Facebook it didn't matter that GOD Shut Down 241's Abilities to Make and Send Attachments so this was the first paper I gave him. The following is its first paragraph:

The number 11 has special significance to many different things. For example, the square root of 11 is the last Transcendental Number for one thing, an infinite series of identical numbers that repeats itself upon inversion. First thing in my life is the publication of my 1988 Projective Geometry textbook with the 2D Pascal section of 11 Dimensions on its cover. Then after 12 years of corresponding with my late partner A.J. Meyer, he told me his model of the universe came from his vision of Revelation 21, whereby on 10-11-00 the Monolith Number answered the #1 question posed at the Strings 2000 physics conference. Knowing that our Anti de Sitter Universe was 11 Dimensional and that God gave A.J. Rev 21, in early 2001 I found out that he and I were the two “witnesses” of Revelation 11. Then 11 months to the day after the Monolith Number was born, the 9-11-01 hijacked jetliner attack on the NY Trade Center and Pentagon happened, reigniting the Mideast Religious Wars against various Muslim governments and terrorist groups. Fast forward 21 years to “Revelation Day” 11-21-22, the most significant day in my life Confirming My Destiny.

So here are the last paragraphs: So one year later on 9-11-24 I'll read the above, where I will then reveal the following: Now most folks don't know it but 1-6-2021 was the Second Fascist Coup Attempt, this time in Support of a sitting president who'd Lost an election. The 2022 movie Amsterdam featured Robert De Nero as the fictional General which the credits identify as Smedley Butler, who was chosen to lead the 1933 Fascist Coup Attempt against FDR. When I first learned about this story George W. Bush was president so noticed an odd oversight in regard to the absence of reporting even in the progressive media of some well-established facts concerning W's granddad, or George Senior's father, Prescott, who somehow became a U.S. senator after WWII. I say "somehow" in a similar sense that though I was aware of Prescott's seat as a senator, I was unaware of the fact that before that he was the director, together with the politically well-connected Harriman brothers, of New York's Union Banking Corporation. Which had all of its assets seized by the FDR administration in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act - basically because the bank's other board members were Nazis whose business was financing Hitler's national-socialist, or rather, corporate-military, state! That was After his bank funneled the corporate money that financed the 1933 coup attempt! So two days after the 2020 election I found out the sitting GOP president was this guy:


So the first thing I found on 11-5-20 was Benjamin L Corey's 35 pages of Antichrist Prophesies, posted it on my Facebook page, clicked on the link and read them. Which clearly identified that sitting president as Revelation 11:7's “beast whom arises from the bottomless pit” to eventually Kill Rev 11's witnesses! A.J. Meyer died on 12-8-11, while the first two lines of Revelation 11 is the first quote on 241's homepage and thus concludes our Chapter 11 Biography at the last lines of My religious history and intention of uniting God's religions. (Update: Joe Biden met Ben Corey and his dad in mid summer 2020 and am pretty sure he scheduled the second 'debate' for 9-10 as I finally got a hold of two folks running his campaign having the e-address @joebiden.com in the last 11 days of April.) After this press conference read I'll ask for someone to take over 241's book business before I'm murdered by one of the bottomless pit beast's multitude of fascist sociopaths.

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I think you have covered all the bases and then some. No need to add any more. Thank goodness we can finally sleep little better. Good night.

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9-11-2001 Revisited'

On 8-11 I did a followup mass mailing to all the progressive media (Cc'd to editors at Princeton Press) with the subject line Why Isn't Progressive Media Reporting On Trump's Growing Dementia? On 8-14 I addressed the email to the editors at In These Times when the subject was Breaking News Versus Just Reporting It. The next day an Australian fellow named Ted Irwin responded to a now 3 week old post on Nassim Haramein's Facebook physics site where I posted Proofs Of God 2 through 5 with the following three posts:

Ted Irwin

Sean Sheeter I'll have to read & reread this several times before I grasp it. I had to read Dr Judy Woods book twice to understand what happened to WTC 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 on 9/11. But finally I did get it.

Sean Sheeter Re: 9/11 did you know that as an involuntary medium - telepathically it was communicated to me: Carlton Bartels murdered 9/11 WTC 1. I ignored this first night but second night I got up and Googled. Guess what he was killed for his $60 Trillon patents & software for the Global Climate Change & war game. So YES there is something out there. Same happened re: Extortion 17 - Remember Our Brothers. Michael Strange communicated to me about 2 weeks after - they had been murdered by their own NOT the Taliban. etc. Science can NOT explain this and much much more.

Ted Irwin


So the first thing I did when I saw this the next day after the site wouldn't print Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron was give him the last line ending in Daughter of Two University Professors. I then asked: Can you explain in more detail how you fit into those two murders referred to in RE: 9-11? I have no idea who those guys are. To which the next day he responded: Timeline on the Murder of Carlton Bartels on 9/11 to steal his software & patents as explained - https://www.facebook.com/notes/10221478333102163/

My first response the following day: Don't know how I missed this on first read Ted but when you say "telepathically it was communicated to me”: Carlton Bartels murdered 9/11 WTC" - you actually got Carlton Bartels Name 'Telepathically' then Googled it the next day?!!! Explain 'telepathically', in a dream, on an acid trip or just popped into your mind? What year did this happen? You have got to give me your e-address mate.

First post the next day the 19th: And it's funny that I can't see my reply to you after you gave me that You Tube lecture on 'Essence' in Gurdjieff work after referring to this from My religious history: When one dies your Soul enters GOD'S Heavenly Kingdom in the 5th Dimension, removed from the 4D world. Thereafter you are Nonlocally Reborn with the 'Essence' of your old 'Body of Intuitive Habits' to Guide your new individual destiny as you progressively relearn everything one needs to know as you confront this new 4D world. I've got to tell my friend fellow Gudjieffian Robert DeFord this whole amazing story as he's also a world authority on covert history.

Second post: Just copied your 15 page paper Carlton Bartel’s Stolen Patents 9/11 Timeline but couldn't save it with that title for some reason so saved it as 9-11 Revisited. On 9-9 I want Princeton Press to hold a news conference beginning with a read of PREFACE: FIVE PROOFS OF GOD, the next day A Comparison of Standard Cosmology and Physics with reference to chapters and sections in The Unified 11 Dimensional Field Solution and finally on 9-11 beginning with On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia followed by Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron As The ANTICHRIST On 9-11-24! I wanted In These Times to publish On Media, Exposing The Fascist As A Moron and Thomas Paine On Religions Keeping Mankind Ignorant Of The Creator As Governments Keep Man Ignorant Of His Rights on the 21st but as they are coordinating reporting with another news service for the Democratic National Convention this week I don't think that's going to happen. But I want them and the Daily Kos to print this series of articles on all three days of press conferences breaking the biggest stories the the 21st century after 9-11-01, I think the addition of your article might grab their attention though it's a lot longer and more revolutionary than the same ol' political news.

First 3 lines in Carlton Bartel’s Stolen Patents 9/11 Timeline: On June 4, 2001 a conference was held with Carlton Bartels, Philip Ginsberg, William J. "Bud" Flanagan, Rajendra K Pachauri and Thomas Barnett . Of these 5 men, only Carlton Bartels died on 9/11. All others did not go in to work that day. Carlton Bartels was Chief Executive Officer of CO2e.com (ESPEED), which was formed by Cantor Fitzgerald and PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2001 to serve as the pre-eminent business-to-business online resource for corporations to understand, mitigate, and manage the transition and impact of greenhouse gas emission constraints on corporations globally. Carlton Bartels invented and held the patent on the computer-based system for simulated automated carbon trading.

Ted's Instagram response this morning: Re: e address... too soon. I am very private with contact other than here on FB. Yes telepathically that is the words come in to my head - mostly Yes at night in a relaxed state. The Navy Seal murdered by their own.. I was wide awake looking into the bathroom mirror cleaning my teeth. They had said on the news about 10 day or so before that Seals had been killed in a helicopter shot down. As I said it took years for the entire story to unravel but I was the FIRST to say their own govt. did it because I was told. The words came into my brain as if someone is talking to me because they are not my thoughts.

My reply: Thanks for the reply Ted. First I want to give you the line I added at the end of my second reply to your you tube video that was referred to in my first reply that disappeared (GOD does this to me all the time electronically): I've got to tell my friend fellow Gurdjieffian Robert De Ford this whole amazing story as he's also a world authority on covert history. Now with respect to what you can only refer to as 'telepathy,' actually it's the first Confirmed case of 5D RETROCOGNITION and those voices you heard were GOD'S, much like Kevin Coffey when he “threw atheism out the window” the day after his Precognitive 1971 vision of 9-11-01 when GOD SPOKE TO HIM! Kev was meant to meet me on 3-23-24, as you were meant to read my weeks old post of PROOFS OF GOD 2 to 5 on 8-15, effectively then being the SIXTH PROOF OF GOD that will be Revealed when I read this last on 9-11-24!!!!!! I'm sorry I normally would respect your privacy but you might as well give me your e-address as I'm going to be sending this letter with attachments to all concerned tomorrow on 8-21, one month to the day since Joe Biden handed his campaign over to VP Kamala Harris and 21 days before 9-11!

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I hope this is close to what will happen, and not just a fever dream of all of us who have had it up to HERE with Donald J. Trump!

I want to believe that Thom Hartmann has just drawn a totally accurate picture of what is to come …

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Do you suppose that Trump is having another Maralago built in Venezuela and betting campaign contributions in Vegas that Harris is going to win?

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Put down the hopium. Given GOPee dirty tricks, voter suppression, and intimidation, it will be close. So, GOTV and let's elect Harris!!!

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I worry that we are all together too giddy publicly. Reading comments on Twitter about Robinson for example. It’s all gross but 2 things: will voters care? -,they didn’t about Trump. And I have fear that T wins, is 25th, and we get JD. They ultimately get rid of him and it’s Mike No Bank Account Johnson. Finally, Dems are at risk for exposure. Can’t imagine they are all saints. Thx for your writing.

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