Let them keep talking. The hole is getting deeper.

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The hitman for the campaign. Think Spiro Agnew. Not just women. Trump wants to play the victim of unrestrained targeted prosecutions and Harris was a lifetime prosecutor.

I heard Black Lung cases for 20 years mostly in Appalachia and grew up with that Wheeling Feeling, exposed to the culture. Fire in the hole! If he checks out who the Reagan Democrats in Macomb County Michigan, were, most of their antecedents took that Hillbilly Highway to get work in Detroit city. Same for every industrial area in the Midwest.

To a hillbilly, Vance ain't no hillbilly. "He is playing into the stereotype of the lazy, violent mountaineer who can't quite be trusted to take care of themselves." https://www.npr.org/2024/07/20/nx-s1-5043772/appalachian-writer-revisits-j-d-vances-hillbilly-elegy J.D. Vance Never Was and Never Will Be the Voice of Appalachiahttps://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/story/jd-vance-never-was-and-never-will-be-the-voice-of-appalachia. The voice of Appalachia these days is Governor Andrew Graham Beshear, who just last year flipped counties that went 70%-30 for Trump twice. He speaks the language. Her's a lay Decuples of Christ preacher who know the lyrics of all the hymns and Bill Monroe songs and knows what it takes to make burgoo.

Vance is a guy who married an Indian, gave his kids Indian names. His opponent is also partly Indian. I bet they eat the same food and it ain't burgoo. I bet he doesn't put syrup on his samosas and pakoras. On his naam bread. I bet he doesn't eat Martha White biscuits and chew Mail Pouch.

This is also a guy who has been, as I have written previously, the spokesman for the Putin position in Ukraine, despite the fact that 70,000 Ukrainians live in Ohio, not to mention folks interested in preserving democracy in Baltic and other European countries threatened by Russia.

BTW Vance lost the Republican childless cat woman vote. Trump hates dogs. Vance hates cat women, be they Democrat or Republican.

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We can simplify to "Vance hates women." Cats not necessary.

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Also, Daniel, I really appreciate your first-hand knowledge and insight. Thank you for that.

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Hillbilly Highway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BxFfAxJYvw

We risk entering modern dark ages. Many of us could lose our civil rights. The right to vote. Some of us could face physical; harm. Millions of unregistered folk trend heavily Democratic. FT6 has a database containing 9 million unregistered likely Democrats in swing states. FT6 uses every outreach method there is: email, text, phone, geofencing, direct mail, targeted ads, social media storms, postcards, and live voter drives. Register Democrats -- save the world.



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Thank you, Thom

The Republicans just keep doubling down on the misogyny. They just can't respect ANY of us. It worked against Hillary, but we are on to them now. They alienate woman after woman and then will claim the election was rigged after they lose.

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It worked on Hilary because they vilified her for over 30 years!

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Yep. Ever since 1992:

"I suppose I could have stayed home, baked cookies, and had teas." The remark outraged the right, who saw it as a dig at stay-at-home wives and moms. The full quote was not reported. After the comment, she went on to say, "The work that I have done as a professional, a public advocate, has been aimed . . . to assure that women can make the choices whether it's full-time career, full-time motherhood, or some combination." As bad as the sexism is now, it was ironclad in the 90's. Hillary was swimming outside what Republicans considered her lane.

That's your "free press" right there. Same as it ever was...

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Thanks for the full quote. I'd forgotten the rest of it. I also got an advanced degree and worked while being married and having children, so the backlash at the time disgusted me. I guess Vance's educated wife holds the same beliefs as he does about marriage...

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From Salon today: https://www.salon.com/2024/07/23/the-simple-reason-why-kamala-harris-has-donald-running-scared/

" Trump and his team aren't hiding their full-blown panic that Biden dropped out. They're scared for many reasons. Their entire campaign could be boiled down to "Biden is too old," and now it's Trump who is the old and incoherent guy in the race. But I suspect it's also because Harris could blow up their strategy to turn out young male voters. The campaign obviously hoped they could send misogynist signals to certain kinds of young men, without female swing voters noticing. And it probably would have worked with Biden at the top of the ticket, unable to draw attention to what Trump is doing. Harris won't have that problem. She can do one interview and speech after another where she reminds female voters that Trump is a sexual predator and that he and his team would ban abortions, even for rape victims. With her background, she may be in a better position to push this issue than any other potential Democratic nominee could have been. "

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A feeling of real satisfaction I realize I have is seeing just how discombobulated the MAGAistas have become with the Biden removal. Shows how much they were depending on his staying in. Looser lazy. Now Trump is shitting profusely at the prospect of debating Harris, and is scrambling for an excuse to end that threat. Cowardice is hard to hide. Across the board, they all seem to be dizzied and a bit too frantic. Their reactions thus ring hollow. Shows how positive a little fight back can so easily rock their boat.

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I am feeling the same way Gerald, the MAGAts. Trump, the Putinists are going ape shit.

Now they want to take Biden or the Democratic party to court. Of course they have no standing, they are desperate Mo Fo's. It couldn't be better than if Biden planned it this way.

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I wonder if deep in their id they get that just being female isn't enough to write her off anymore? Something "Zeitgeist" going on, says my id.

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Vance just said that Harris is "not a serious person." By that he means "She's female." So, their well-fortified id hasn't yet got the memo.

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Gold stars for "well-fortified id!!!" One interesting thing I'm hearing is that it is on the polling radar that more people than you'd expect are on to Vance. It's sad that Ohio has such a "well-fortified id."

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What a bunch of Neanderthals. With Vance leading the way. And they are so quick to care about the life of the baby before it’s born but couldn’t care less about the baby once it’s born by cutting back on social programs to support those children. But Big Oil and the farmers still get their supports. What a despicable bunch of politicians

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Big oil and big farmers get their supports. Make sure you clarify that statement. Small, diversified, family farms that actually care about soil health and sustainability were never supported by the Trump administration. Covid supports ended up in the hands of the big farmers who bought up farmland previously owned by generations.

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Your clarification noted. I agree that small, family farms are doing a lot of the good things in regards to the spoil and sustainability. But corporate farms are still getting their handouts from Congress

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Yet, those small family farmers support Trump with a passion.

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Yeah, what with that? 30 years of Limbaugh and hysterical junk mail about "godless" libs? Hook, line and sinker for the "big spender/big deficit" Dems, apparently reality unable to penetrate some force field that would put Starship Voyager to shame? I remember when ADM sued the family farmer neighbor because some of their genetically-engineered pollen had drifted across the line. (How did that guy come out?) Never mind. I know from my own family that reality is treated as the enemy.

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Their way of life is dying and they are bitter about it. The Republicans and their big ag monopolies killed it and blamed it on those "godless libs." These are the people who I used to watch empty their pockets at the faith-healer revival tents.

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I must comment again. Not all small farmers are MAGA, although rural areas are often lumped into one group. Don't discount the many rural Dems trying to do good things who keep informed and vote for liberals who care about the planet and the future./

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I hear what you are saying, but the rural folks ARE overwhelmingly Republican, AND Christian nationalists. They have voted reliably for Trump. Like I said, I grew up with it and saw the underbelly. Again, appreciative of those who are trying to do better, but if you are honest, you will admit that is a small minority.

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A fetus is not a baby. Which makes their fetus fetish even weirder.

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Jul 23Liked by Thom Hartmann

They think they are going to win with a laser focus on our genitals.

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While it's been proven again and again in states like Kansas and Ohio that the opposite is true. Definition of insanity much? I think of the wives who nod in agreement with their trumpie hubbies then vote for Kamala.

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They are pro-fetus not pro-life!

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They aren't even pro-fetus. They want no assistance for pregnant women, no matter their financial situation or the circumstance of their pregnancy.

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Yes, in the abstract - when it's politically useful for them.

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I think it's even deeper than politics. There is a deep down hatred of all things feminine in the Republican/MAGA/Confederacy. Oh, they want to control us; only we can produce children and they need us for sex. But this need makes them hateful and angry. They deeply resent our ability to produce another human being and therefore lust after controlling that ability. Vance just came out and said Harris "is not a serious person." By that he means, "She's female."

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I agree with you but I think that we ignore political manipulation at our peril. There is political power in keying into people's resentments. In addition to many men's frustration/anger at lacking our ability to reproduce, men in so many hierarchical societies love being higher on the social power ladder than women, and act to protect that position. Seeing women as "less than" is one such self-serving ploy. In politics, putting women down speaks to the men who benefit in their views from influential backup - and to the women (alas!) who agree with the hierarchy.

The same power dynamics operate in racism as sexism; native born vs. immigrant and so on.

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Given our focus on free speech, which seems now to mean freedom without responsibility, what would you suggest we do?

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Love the "fetus fetish"

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Vance's rhetoric only works on those who were going to vote Trump anyway. There's a certain amount of "fire up the base," but the base was already fired up to control women's reproduction. His schtick will not get any more votes then they already have. But it WILL alienate votes they might have had. I don't see how the can fix this problem. Court sane people and the insane people leave the fold. Court insane people and sane people won' have anything to do with them. Painted into a corner, they are, with misogyny their only "strategy." Look forward to vile AI porn featuring Harris. I've already seen it on X.

Edited to correct endless typos. I really need to get a new keyboard that doesn't have the feel of a 1960's typewriter.

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SuZie, I think they're plan b is to rig the voting anyway they can and plan c is to stage a coup before the election possibly?

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Could happen. But their foot soldier are lame morons, many of whom are now in jail for their last attempt. More likely, they will use their packed, corrupt judicial system to throw constant, frivolous lawsuits to disrupt the election and Democratic candidates.

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Plan B absolutely; already running with that. Don't get "coup" idea.

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You are using the same propaganda word as fascists like tTump use from they're anti women's rights book. We need to remember that these people are not pro-life if they were they would be pro the life of the woman. Also one big item. There is no baby before birth. Check your dictionary please. These people are liars and you are using the propaganda words that they use in order to do the lies. A "fetus" becomes a baby at birth. Before that it is a fetus . Please don't use the words of the anti-woman's rights people the un-Christian evangelicals or the Catholic Church. Babies are babies when the fetus is born.

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Major religions only count the born baby, which is where the "Christian" (heavy on the quotes, as in "self-styled-Christian!") tyranny comes in. Historically, early infancy has been so touch-and-go (including here in America pre-vaccines, for one factor) that many cultures only put on a big party for the baby at first birthday. It just adds to the tragedy, that now that medicine has such resources to improve outcomes, a segment of citizenry want to deny it. Is some of the insanity a false sense of security, that one generation too many have no memory of nearly whole kindergarten classes wiped out by diphtheria, or hundreds of babies across a county killed by scarlet fever? They don't visit the cemeteries full of babies? They have no family history of their great grandmother who had 12 babies, and three made it to adulthood? One cannot but reflect, of course, that the privileged men who want to impose the old horror-show on others will access the ultimate care for the females in their thrall.

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Please don't impugn the Neanderthals! They're very close, intermixed relatives of ours who survived for a couple of hundred thousand years before we came on the scene. No, these guys are a different breed altogether! Hardly human at all...

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Great points from Thom as usual. I’ve always respected Kamala Harris and her rise in California politics and voted for her each election. Also along the way, I’ve read all the hits against her that the deplorables threw out during her career. As usual the racism and misogyny is coming from the right wing cockroaches and out of the woodwork. I will be honest that this boomer was all in for Joe Biden and resented the public calls for him to step down. I felt there was abandonment unwarranted because of his underperforming at the debate. It was definitely a shock when the announcement came that he was stepping down. I was feeling loss and worry that something awful (healthwise) as well as fury that the power brokers were short sighted in pushing him out. But he then passed the torch to Harris and in a heartwarming press conference expressed his love and faith in her abilities to move forward. So like a lot of Americans , we will recognize Biden as one of the great presidents and give our whole hearted support to Kamala Harris.

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Bette Midler

" Time to ban Viagra, because if pregnancy is 'God's will', then so is your limp d*ck".

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The Comstock Act didn't just forbid birth control. Comstock was a pervert obsessed with anything that might stimulate the male libido. His Act was passed after he unpacked his suitcase full of, ahem, "choice objects" for edification of Congress. One assumes that the ubiquitous ads for "male enhancement," featuring images of hair standing on end and rockets going off and the other one with the delectable assortment of cleavages might come under scrutiny. You'd think.....

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I forgot to put in "all male" Congress. Women couldn't vote or testify in court, and any pay they earned was the property of their nearest male relative, as the baby she bore was the property of her husband.

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Great perspective that I haven’t found anywhere else. Demographically, I am an older white male. But my heart is with women who have been up and beaten down by entitled white men who think the world revolves around them. I got emotional watching Kamala Harris accept the passing of the torch from Joe Biden yesterday. I hope she picks a woman as her VP (c’mon Gretchen, you’re term limited in Michigan). How great would it be to have two women at the pinnacle of power. It’s long past time.

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I am positively thrilled that it is now Kamala. The MAGAts, the Republicans are beside themselves, they had this game plan, and spent all of this money, not they have to start all over again. It is brilliant, Joe pulled a Lucy to the Trumpian Charlie Brown. She didn't even ask for it, Kamala Harris' campaign says it raised more than $100 million since launching after Biden dropped out. Washington — Vice President Harris' presidential campaign raked in more than $100 million between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening, the campaign said early Tuesday. Trump couldn't match that by selling out the counry to billionaires .

Kamala has nailed down the women's vote, (except for the Handmaids of Gilead in the Republican party), the black vote, and she has backed off on the anti Biden vote by Muslims, by refusing to Chair the joint sesssion of congress when Netanyahu speaks at the Republican invitation.

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Don’t give Trump any ideas!

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Know what this woman is grateful for? I'm grateful that the misogynist, racist, generally despicable Republicans are so stuck in their own bubble that they have no idea how the rest of us are hearing this stuff. It does, however, occur to me that maybe they're just that confident that right-wing control of so many state governments, plus mass media, plus the Supreme Court will enable them to win even after they've laid their cards on the table. We've got, what, three and a half months to prove just how wrong they are. Let's do it!

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Wonder whether the Harris team are preparing for voter suppression in all its forms? Are they preparing for an insurrection 2.0? And most importantly, are they making sure Kamala is heavily protected by every branch of law enforcement 24/7?

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Voter suppression has been ongoing in red states for years. It's not going to stop. Fortunately, efforts to expose and stop it are also ongoing. Check out, for instance, the work of Marc Elias and Democracy Docket: https://www.democracydocket.com/. The law enforcement angle does worry me, and not just because of the huge Secret Service fail at Trump's recent rally in PA. In many places (including blue cities in blue states), police forces lean Republican and lean racist. Given her own background as a prosecutor and California AG, VP Harris is very well aware of this.

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Just wanted to second your concern about voter suppression. It is scary when one Republican Attorney General can just delete many tens of thousands of registrations where only ten thousand votes make the day. And so many other dirty tricks! I am not even worried about "insurrection." I am worried about stuff like now you need a witness to mail-vote, or your drop-box is locked in a closed building, or your polling-place got moved an hour away. Chip, chip, chip away.....

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Surgically dissect that hypocritical misogynist.

Either he’s not getting much, they have a fertility problem OR. THEY. USE.BIRTH. CONTROL.

JD Vance.

Married 2014.

3 kids.

Born 2017/2020/2021.

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good point!

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I actually went in a different direction concerning his comment that she isn't grateful for America. I think it is a subtle type of birtherism. Her parents are immigrants, in some quarters of Republican back rooms that implies that she is not American herself. I'm surprised they haven't raised the birth certificate demand, though maybe that's the next thing they'll roll out!

As usual the Republicans are afraid. Afraid that there really is a growing number of Americans who see through their lies about how they will Make America Great Again! I wonder, do they mean like they made it great on the world stage when trump pulled us out of the Paris Accords, the WHO? Threatened to pull us out of NATO. That "great" America? Don't think that sells quite as well as it used to.

And hatred, does that really make any place or anyone great! Asking for 330 million citizens of the US!

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Disgraced MAGA insurrectionist lawyer John Eastman has already started the birtherism crap.

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Don't doubt it!

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If only they could love women a tenth as much as they love their illusion of women.

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What Vance said is quite typical of the incessant insults we hear as Black People in the United States. It is a variation of "that's out of place" (translation: stay in your place). Or expecting Black People in the United States to feel the same way about white supremacist "forefathers" the way you do. Or say the pledge of allegiance. Or fight in your wars. Or stand for the flag or tell us who our enemies are (most of us know) and expect us to hate China, Iran or anybody else while loving Israel. It really is both sickening and exhausting and, yes, they are the same shit just a different smell.

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I didn't even learn about the Tulsa white on black riot until my later adult life! So I thought race riot meant the protests against police that I first saw as a kid in the sixties, rather than the rampages by whites through black neighborhoods which were the original race riots. That kind of ignorance is probably part of why you think average whites don't care about the burdens of blacks until extremists threaten to burden us all, like now, with the rise of the MAGA cult.

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Not sure you know what I "think." The fact of the matter is, Mr. Monett, virtually everything in the United States points to an apartheid system in which "people of color" particularly those of Alkebulanian descent (and I ancestrally come from the two most brutalized and marginalized groups in U.S. History-Alkebulanian and Original American). I don't think, I know. Because, you see, IF European-Americans did not want such a system it would cease to exist. Take, for instance, the third verse of your hallowed "Star Spangled Banner."

You always are respectful and direct intellectually honest queries and I, very much, appreciate you for that.


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Good Article. MAGA Vance has cemented the new Republican cult with his by the book religious extremism. I don’t think he is going to help Trump win the election. He is talking to a base that is already brainwashed and that base is not growing.

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J. D. Vance should know that having a baby doesn't make one "invested" in America. By that standard, no man except those with wombs is properly invested. Go away, J. D., and don't come back until you've given birth.

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If all people have children, who is going to pay for them? The childless are already taxed more than the billionaires per $1,000.

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By “invested” he means “providing taxpayers” or “providing exploitable consumers”

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Vance, and his sidekick Dumbf, are merely shills for Big Oil corporations — foreign (Russia and Saudi) and domestic.

Next the ass-sinine (sic) Republican ticket will be shilling hard for US Gov't, weekly, female inspection stations, sponsored by "U" by Kotex, Clean & Secure, Ultra Thin Pads, Heavy Absorbency.

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You write: Republicans like Vance believe a woman’s place is in the bedroom, the kitchen, and nowhere else. This is so reminiscent to the Nazis' "Kinder, Küche und Kirche" - children, kitchen and church. If they get into power, will they set up breeding camps with lovely blond blue eyed maidens bearing children to Aryan fathers? Does anyone remember Jean Simmons' wonderful line from the film Elmer Gantry: "I was only 16 when he took me behind the altar and rammed the fear of God into me." So much for the power of evangelical pastors!

Despite all this, this has been a morning of optimism and renewal. If the women of America wake up, Kamala will be a shoo in. My body, not the state's!

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